07/31/2014 06:46 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
It is personal for you Icebaby, I don't see you hate toward other posters, who also are trolls, evils, hating on characters like Rain (which you don't care for so You don't mind)

You are just a hypocrit icebaby, and I wouldn't care if you would EVER like me.

I'm not being a hypocrite at all, might as well say you are since you're clearly taking my post seriously enough. If someone started acting like a jerk for absolutely no reason, even in threads of characters I don't care for, I'll speak up and ask them to knock it off, even if it's not towards me. You, however, are just plain rude and find a weird thrill out of it. When you ask that you don't deserve this hate, it's silly to say when your actions on this site clearly say otherwise.
07/31/2014 06:55 PM (UTC)
Ok Icebaby, next time I see a cruel person, a troll or whatever, i'm looking at you taking notes, if you don't, you're a lying hypocrit.

And next time somebody is hateful to Rain, you'll must react as well. Not only about your little frozen baby ninja. Damn that is gonna hurt you, as many MANY people on here are cruel emotion feeders that protect their favorites with agression.
07/31/2014 07:00 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
Ok Icebaby, next time I see a cruel person, a troll or whatever, i'm looking at you taking notes, if you don't, you're a lying hypocrit.

And next time somebody is hateful to Rain, you'll must react as well. Not only about your little frozen baby ninja.

Again, hypocrisy from your side, Dvorah. You're telling Icebaby to do something, yet when is the last time you actually took advise from someone else on this forum who asked you to change your behaviour in order to become a better person and at least a bit tolerable on here?
07/31/2014 07:04 PM (UTC)
I'm just saying i'm far from being the worst, and i'm far from being the only person that likes to flavor his/her posts with some spices now and then.

But icebaby only reacts to me for some strange reason, well probably because she thinks I hate Sub-Zero.
07/31/2014 07:07 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
I'm just saying i'm far from being the worst, and i'm far from being the only person that likes to flavor his/her posts with some spices now and then.

But icebaby only reacts to me for some strange reason, well probably because she thinks I hate Sub-Zero.

You might be in the focus for the time being - well deserved, I might add - but Icebaby has ALWAYS done this. Not just with you, but with many others who deserved a good kick in the ass from time to time.

And you need that.
07/31/2014 07:08 PM (UTC)
Super off topic, I know, but wow...D'Vorah, you and I started here on this site at essentially the same time, and you already have well over 275 visits to my 11. lol

I mean, yeah, I keep the page up on my phone and rarely log out, but seriously, is my visit ticker broken or something? grin

Seriously though, take some advice someone here gave to me (Detox I believe).

"Different strokes for different folks"

Keep that in mind and you'll find yourself less inclined to jump into arguments, make fun of other people's faves, take offense when someone makes fun of your fave/opinion, ect.

Helped me, and I like to think I'm turning around my image here because of it. smile
07/31/2014 07:09 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
Ok Icebaby, next time I see a cruel person, a troll or whatever, i'm looking at you taking notes, if you don't, you're a lying hypocrit.

And next time somebody is hateful to Rain, you'll must react as well. Not only about your little frozen baby ninja. Damn that is gonna hurt you, as many MANY people on here are cruel emotion feeders that protect their favorites with agression.

You're telling me to do something, yet whenever I see someone asking you to stop, you don't. So who's a hypocrite again? Certainly not me. I've seen people, time after time, to ask you to stop attacking people for liking characters you hate. And it's not the character you poke fun at, it's the people you mock. That is why people are getting so defensive around you, because you personally attack people, not just a fictional character. If you really have that big of a problem with me not liking Rain, I dare you to go into any of the active Rain threads and find me where I am being incredibly disrespectful, not to the character, to the fans.

When someone tells you to stop, you don't do it. And again, you wonder why people are disrespecting you and giving you hate. Maybe if you finally stopped being so damn rude for no reason other than personal gain, maybe people on here will stop treating you like a brat. You disliking one character I like has nothing to do with anything. It's your attitude towards people I strongly dislike, and THAT is something I refuse to tolerate on this site. You're not the only person I've tried to reason with to change their behavior with people. So stop thinking you're my oh-so-special one because you're not. It's just tiresome to see you antagonize people for absolutely no reason other than just being plain rude.
07/31/2014 08:12 PM (UTC)
ReptzMK Wrote:
Super off topic, I know, but wow...D'Vorah, you and I started here on this site at essentially the same time, and you already have well over 275 visits to my 11. lol

I mean, yeah, I keep the page up on my phone and rarely log out, but seriously, is my visit ticker broken or something? grin

Seriously though, take some advice someone here gave to me (Detox I believe).

"Different strokes for different folks"

Keep that in mind and you'll find yourself less inclined to jump into arguments, make fun of other people's faves, take offense when someone makes fun of your fave/opinion, ect.

Helped me, and I like to think I'm turning around my image here because of it. smile

But why dear friend. You are a nice person I see that. You have a good soul, that's why I would never be harmful to you again.

Others however, have tainted souls which I don't like, i'm happy if the just ignore me.

And yes, i'm really have spawned this site with visits, but I don't really understand how this visit-stuff works lol.
About Me

Lazio? La prima squadra della Capitale.

07/31/2014 09:50 PM (UTC)
So erm...Johnny Cage?


Taking Sonya to dinner? Maybe a hot coffee?

Anyone? No, okay. Carry on.
07/31/2014 10:11 PM (UTC)
Nah, this issue has grown long enough. I've said my peace, hopefully, when they get off their high horse, (whenever that will be, doubt it'll be any time soon) they'll understand that the rude behavior is the leading cause on why they're getting all the hate.

Anyways, Cage, if returning, I want the nut punch back. But I think seeing how Cassie has her version, he should have his Deadly Alliance version of it. Instead of actually punching in the nuts, you do that, while he does other moves after it. So I guess like a nut punch, uppercut combo.
About Me

When you play the Game of Thrones, you win or you die. There is no middle ground.

07/31/2014 10:36 PM (UTC)
xysion Wrote:
So erm...Johnny Cage?


Taking Sonya to dinner? Maybe a hot coffee?

Anyone? No, okay. Carry on.


Yup. He's been wearing them in MKDA, MKA and MK9. That's three in a row (4 if you add MKSM). So if he returns, keep the glasses

Sonya to dinner? Or hot coffee?

Seeing Cassie being in, I'm sure something hot went down...


Yeah, I consider myself as anyone. Hopefully more people will and some others take their discussion to PM or where ever the right place is for that.
08/01/2014 03:02 AM (UTC)
Zwulle Wrote:
xysion Wrote:
So erm...Johnny Cage?


Taking Sonya to dinner? Maybe a hot coffee?

Anyone? No, okay. Carry on.


Yup. He's been wearing them in MKDA, MKA and MK9. That's three in a row (4 if you add MKSM). So if he returns, keep the glasses

Sonya to dinner? Or hot coffee?

Seeing Cassie being in, I'm sure something hot went down...


Yeah, I consider myself as anyone. Hopefully more people will and some others take their discussion to PM or where ever the right place is for that.
08/01/2014 03:05 AM (UTC)
I think he had glasses in 4 too
08/02/2014 09:14 AM (UTC)
I'm thinking he'll be like Kilik in Soul Calibur 5, but done better. They set up this really cool story for him in the last game, i hope it doesn't just disappear.

He should be there at the beginning of the story, at least in cutscenes, and return years later after fully realizing his god-like powers. He should still have some of his cocky attitude, that's what makes him Johnny, but be a bit more serious and have a bunch of new moves, since his daughter will play like the older Johnny.
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