07/28/2014 06:45 PM (UTC)
Reptile_896 Wrote:
You have the most garbage opinion in the history of MK fans. I don't even think you're a fan just some lowly scum of the earth smile

Whole heartedly agree. This has got to be one of the most awful posters I have ever seen on a forum.

D'vorah....just stop with your horrible opinions and suggestions.

"God like Johnny Cage".......what the actual fuck does that stupid shit even mean?

Don't even bother explaining it. The less posts from you, the very better.
07/28/2014 06:48 PM (UTC)
I would like to see Johnny Cage with the bulk of his personality still there. That's not to say he shouldn't be humbled by the preceeding events; I mean, you should be able to tell that he takes it all seriously at heart. And that he's come a long way from laughing at Liu Kang and Raiden for their talk about Outworld and Shao Kahn and realms. But he wouldn't be scared to throw in a few jokes now and then to lighten the mood.

As for how much I want him, I think Johnny Cage AND Sonya should come back, one of them shouldn't have to be compromised. If I had to choose though, it would have to be Johnny Cage, sorry Sonya fans. Personally, I used to like Sonya better but Johnny's portrayal in Mortal Kombat 9 skyrocketed him on my list, and I think he had the closest to perfect rendition of any character in the story mode. Sonya, unfortunately, didn't have the same effect on me. I found her role in the story kind of dry. The only benefit having her in over Johnny, to me, is that she's a female character, and it would help even out the roster. But I don't think that's enough of a reason; story and personality come first, and I think Johnny has more of it.

EDIT: Wow, you guys, if you hate this person so much why do you even post on their threads? You're actually encouraging this person to make more threads, and you're giving this thread more attention by bumping it. And if you would just stop insulting each other this could actually be a good place for others to voice their opinions, which regardless of your opinions on their opinions, are still just as much opinions as your opinions are. So just take it easy, you know?
07/28/2014 06:49 PM (UTC)
I've been thinking that both sonya and johnny could return as well as cassie, just a theory. Story mode wise:

Johnny and sonya are there at the end of mk9, they're in that part of the story and both playable in a style similar to their mk9 fighting ways. They get together and cassie is born. Flash forward the 25 years and johnny has been in seido learning another of his other techniques whilst older sonya has more of a defensive style than offensive (there will be another style in between these for both characters.)

Cassie is special forces like her mother, Hollywood like her father, then there's her other style which is original.

Sonya finds the black dragon by herself and gets killed or hospitalised leaving cassie to find her father and take revenge for her mother with him, she finds that he is in the new tournament, as is the black dragon that killed/hospitalised her mother.

All three can be tied to the events and show up at the same time as completely different characters.
07/28/2014 07:17 PM (UTC)
InfiniteAmmo Wrote:
Reptile_896 Wrote:
You have the most garbage opinion in the history of MK fans. I don't even think you're a fan just some lowly scum of the earth smile

Whole heartedly agree. This has got to be one of the most awful posters I have ever seen on a forum.

D'vorah....just stop with your horrible opinions and suggestions.

"God like Johnny Cage".......what the actual fuck does that stupid shit even mean?

Don't even bother explaining it. The less posts from you, the very better.

Now these two posts just make you guys seem like immature pricks. I've seen some crazy and just plain weird suggestions on this site, but D'Vorah/Milaana isn't even the worst of it. If it's that big of an issue for you try ignoring them, or simply keep quiet about it.
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New sig on the way
07/28/2014 07:24 PM (UTC)
I think it would be a lot of fun if Cage actually did have to spend some years in the Order realm. That just sounds littered with antics. I would watch a Cage-Hotaru buddy cop movie.

As for some of the more caustic responses, what's with the mean spirited comments? It just kinda seems left field.
07/28/2014 07:25 PM (UTC)
Darkhound74 Wrote:
InfiniteAmmo Wrote:
Reptile_896 Wrote:
You have the most garbage opinion in the history of MK fans. I don't even think you're a fan just some lowly scum of the earth smile

Whole heartedly agree. This has got to be one of the most awful posters I have ever seen on a forum.

D'vorah....just stop with your horrible opinions and suggestions.

"God like Johnny Cage".......what the actual fuck does that stupid shit even mean?

Don't even bother explaining it. The less posts from you, the very better.

Now these two posts just make you guys seem like immature pricks. I've seen some crazy and just plain weird suggestions on this site, but D'Vorah/Milaana isn't even the worst of it. If it's that big of an issue for you try ignoring them, or simply keep quiet about it.

Nope, I will voice whatever opinions I need to about awful posters like D'vorah.

He's the same tool that suggested Scorpion and SubZero have NO part in the game's story.

His opinions are that of festering, maggot filled shit on a hot New Jersey summer day.
07/28/2014 07:28 PM (UTC)
Johnny Cage isn't just a street fighter. He's been trained before and I believe he's mastered multiple arts so discipline isn't new to him so I'm not quite sure of why people believe he'd be serious in the event that his MK9 ending comes true. I wouldn't think the training itself would make him more serious. Maybe just him getting older would do so, but he'd still retain his personality.

And also his mortality...no God Cage please.
TemperaryUserName Wrote:
I think it would be a lot of fun if Cage actually did have to spend some years in the Order realm. That just sounds littered with antics. I would watch a Cage-Hotaru buddy cop movie.

Oh. My god yes.
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New sig on the way
07/28/2014 07:34 PM (UTC)
InfiniteAmmo Wrote:
Nope, I will voice whatever opinions I need to about awful posters like D'vorah.

If other people's opinions hit you on such a personal level, maybe forums aren't for you. Might wanna start thinking about some new hobbies.
07/28/2014 07:35 PM (UTC)
TemperaryUserName Wrote:
I think it would be a lot of fun if Cage actually did have to spend some years in the Order realm. That just sounds littered with antics. I would watch a Cage-Hotaru buddy cop movie.

As for some of the more caustic responses, what's with the mean spirited comments? It just kinda seems left field.

I agree with this, just because it's another reason to have Hotaru in the game. He's not that bad of a character at all, and it'll serve a good purpose to have Orderrealm make another appearance in the series.

And Cage could make a great member of the order.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

07/28/2014 08:45 PM (UTC)
A more serious version of Cage would be welcome, and lose the sun glasses.
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Thanks to MINION for taking my Siginity!

07/28/2014 09:43 PM (UTC)
If you really dislike a poster just let them self destruct like Hanky did, why be dragged down with them.
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When you play the Game of Thrones, you win or you die. There is no middle ground.

07/28/2014 10:13 PM (UTC)
Come on guys, let's focus on the Cage here...

If one of Cassies parents return I hope it's Johnny. And if he does, the Seido ending from 2011 is something that could happen. It's a likeable theory and makes for a better Cage than he was in the former timeline.

He should keep the glasses tho. He has the damn thing on his head since MK fucking II. Making him more serious is one thing, dropping a trademark a second...
07/28/2014 10:35 PM (UTC)
Zwulle Wrote:
Come on guys, let's focus on the Cage here...

If one of Cassies parents return I hope it's Johnny. And if he does, the Seido ending from 2011 is something that could happen. It's a likeable theory and makes for a better Cage than he was in the former timeline.

He should keep the glasses tho. He has the damn thing on his head since MK fucking II. Making him more serious is one thing, dropping a trademark a second...


The glasses make Johnny. glasses
07/28/2014 10:38 PM (UTC)
Johnny Cage is most-likely going to return and I'm hoping he will have his Seido design for one of his variations.
As it's said in other threads, Cassie's nut-punch is part of her X-ray.

No need for two blonde bitches from the same family, to be in the game.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

07/29/2014 12:25 AM (UTC)
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
No need for two blonde bitches from the same family, to be in the game.

Lmao but I agree 100%
07/29/2014 05:13 AM (UTC)
Quanchi9 Wrote:
Reptile_896 Wrote:
You have the most garbage opinion in the history of MK fans. I don't even think you're a fan just some lowly scum of the earth smile

Well that escalated quickly.

07/29/2014 05:19 AM (UTC)
So I'm the only one here who'd want Cage to stay permanently dead?
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Thanks to MINION for taking my Siginity!

07/29/2014 06:50 AM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
So I'm the only one here who'd want Cage to stay permanently dead?

Cage is Alive after MK9.

I really like the idea of the Seido Realm Cage, his shadow powers have allways had a sort of "Sloppiness" as in shadow matter itself looks gooey, it would be cool after years of training to see him throw smaller, but more dense and precise shadow balls as one of his variations.

Honestly MK9 did wonders for Cages popularity, it propelled him to probably being my favourite character.
07/29/2014 07:06 AM (UTC)
raidenthefridge Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
So I'm the only one here who'd want Cage to stay permanently dead?

Cage is Alive after MK9.

That doesn't change that I want him dead though.
About Me

When you play the Game of Thrones, you win or you die. There is no middle ground.

07/29/2014 07:20 AM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
raidenthefridge Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
So I'm the only one here who'd want Cage to stay permanently dead?

Cage is Alive after MK9.

That doesn't change that I want him dead though.

That doesn't make him dead yet ;)

It's fun to speculate about Cage. Him becoming a more serious character is what a lot of fans want to see. It would be a bit of a bummer having him die without any influence in MKX (besides being Cassies father of course).
07/29/2014 07:22 AM (UTC)
Zwulle Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
raidenthefridge Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
So I'm the only one here who'd want Cage to stay permanently dead?

Cage is Alive after MK9.

That doesn't change that I want him dead though.

That doesn't make him dead yet ;)

No, but that's not the point of this thread. The OP asked how we wanted Cage to be, and that is what I answered.
About Me

When you play the Game of Thrones, you win or you die. There is no middle ground.

07/29/2014 08:12 AM (UTC)
OK, you got me there ;)
Sonya since 92
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07/29/2014 09:35 AM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
Jhonny Wrote:
"Same here. If one of the two returns, it better be Johnny"

If one of the two returns, it better be Sonya.

Why? She's 100% Cassie...

Cassie may look like Sonya but her playstyle reminds me way more of Johnny. I hope Sonya returns playable or otherwise.

But playable.
07/29/2014 12:41 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
Reptile_896 Wrote:
You have the most garbage opinion in the history of MK fans. I don't even think you're a fan just some lowly scum of the earth smile

And you have the most ugly avatar in the history of this forum.

+ you have a very nasty attitude that goes far beyond me. Your a Swamp Troll.

Oh nooooo you think i'm ugly? sleep

Remind me again why I should care what a random internet stranger thinks of my physical appearance?


Do you not understand the concept that certain accessories define characters? Cage without sunglasses? IS NOT CAGE what you suggest is ludicrous everytime never fails you come up with some bizzaro shit. Nothing against you as a person but I just think your ideas are utterly bad everytime.
07/29/2014 12:56 PM (UTC)
SlickRick82 Wrote:
DVorah Wrote:
Jhonny Wrote:
"Same here. If one of the two returns, it better be Johnny"

If one of the two returns, it better be Sonya.

Why? She's 100% Cassie...

Cassie may look like Sonya but her playstyle reminds me way more of Johnny. I hope Sonya returns playable or otherwise.

But playable.

She will be killed off in story-mode by Kano or other grin
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