03/18/2015 04:50 PM (UTC)
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
The "death is irrelevant" case really doesn't bother me that much. My only issue with that is at some fucking point, death has to carry some weight in the story, otherwise it becomes laughable.

However, it's certainly got some weight in MKX. Jade, gold skinned Edenian loyalist jewel of a character with a decent fan base of all people has been confirmed as DEAD...multiple times. And with Kitana "mourning" her, there's more weight on death having some meaning, and to top it off - even adds more depth on Kitana's behalf.

So at least there's that. And GG T-rex, you on a roll son. You and a few others in here have made my day so far.

But really, don't stop. This thread is a perfect example of why I love the people on this forum.

I think raiden should be stripped of being a god. Leave him with his powers still but just not a fully powerful God.
About Me

03/18/2015 04:52 PM (UTC)
"Death means nothing" is never a good thing, specially in a story where lives are constantly at stake. Wining or losing has little bearing when the worst that could happen is momentary re-spawning in other realms, that's really lame.

If death isn't the stake then they need to find another one fast for fans to give a shit about it again. Something needs to carry the weight. I know NRS isn't naive enough to think fans will care as much as they did in MK9 for the story. Simply because, as a reboot, every death could matter since history was being rewritten.

Even with the 25 spawn, is just a new game, for fans losing characters like Kitana or Kung Lao was just a blink of an eye, nothing was lost, we got them back intermediately, unscathed. We didn't even had the time to miss them. It robed all the impact from MK9's story. Specially given how convenient and contrived seems to be the particular character selection that got miraculously revived.

Seriously, the Netherrealm war could have been to save Earthrealm warrior's souls from eternal damnation, not to literally resurrect them.

Are we to assume every time an individual dies in the MK universe they potentially can come back, Raiden must be filled with request to bring back dead relatives, seriously is the same reason DBZ became really silly and boring after every character could be revived indefinitely. Honestly, Goku didn't care about living or dying at end, didn't make any difference to him.

Apparently, the new stake will be the fight for the souls of the pure and what realm gets to keep them. This could work but they need to make the changes last enough time to leave their mark. Or, If they are not willing to leave some characters out for a while, simply do not kill them.

Finally, video game or not, from the the moment you decide to tell a story you are bound to be evaluated for the quality of your writing. Of course, NRS at least tries to have a story, unlike most Fighting games, so definitely gets the points for trying though

03/18/2015 04:54 PM (UTC)
This story mode looks pretty damn good but let the haters hate
03/18/2015 04:56 PM (UTC)
T-rex Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:
I pointed out the flaws in MK, but you didn't point not single one flaw in Code geass

You mean aside from the fact that the plot goes completely pants-on-head retarded in R2? :D

But hey, I gotta give it to Geass tho - one thing I wasn't is bored. It was like watching a trainwreck in slow motion - it's morbid and horrifying, but for some reason, you can't look away.

True, R2 wasn't as good as when the series first started, but it was still consistent and was still a good story that showed the characters develop and struggle with their choices.

You say that R2 was pants-on-head bad but yet you have no problem defending a story that has always been laughably bad.

MK is certainly a TON of fun, but so are a lot of other things, I'm not saying and never said that the MK story sucks, in fact I said it's fun before.

It's just not on par with other good stories including CG,DN.

Not saying those two stories are perfect, but you can tell while watching that the writers have respect for the story, they have respect for the characters and their development.

Look at Superman, over 60 years and what is he still doing? No development, they killed him off and was brought back, sure he became evil 100 times over, and yet always lost, this is a guy who can destroy an entire plant and yet can't beat some dude in a bat suit. It's sooo silly, but still very fun.

But still you just said things with nothing to back them up, what was exactly "retarded" about R2? It had a great story and an amazing ending and closure for Lelouch.
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03/18/2015 05:00 PM (UTC)
Denizen Wrote:

Are we to assume every time an individual dies in the MK universe they potentially can come back,

Yes because they have established their resurrection engine in the form of the Netherrealm. When characters die, they go to the Netherrealm which has been established as entirely escapable in the current timeline and the original.
About Me
03/18/2015 05:07 PM (UTC)
Just because you die, doesn't mean you go to the Netherrealm.
03/18/2015 05:10 PM (UTC)
Joe-Von-Zombie Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:
Joe-Von-Zombie Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:>Stories like Death Note .

Death Note is you example of great storytelling? The good guys still win in the end and as far as respect to characters go, every episode after L's death is complete trash. They essentially replace L with two proxy characters which is far worse than any of the resurrection abuse in MK

Here's the thing about that bugs me about Anime, people confuse convoluted storytelling for narrative depth.

I already said in my previous post, the problem is not that the good guys win, it's just what always happens with super heroes.

You can have the good guys win, as long as the story is actually interesting and keeps you on your toes.

I agree that the story didn't get better after L died and actually went down hell, but they respected the character's death and knew it had impact, instead of coming up with some bullshit reason to bring him back they kept going with the original story. Because that's what they had planned originally, they respected their story.

I'm not saying it's a perfect story, no story is perfect, but at least it's consistent, makes you think and is unpredictable.

Death note developed it's characters.

It developed Light from a normal high school student to an insane man who thinks he can be the god of the world.

What did MK do with it's characters?

it lasted for 25 years and instead of continuing with the story, they were pussies and rebooted it.

Replacing his his character with proxies cheapens his death all the same and in my opinion hurts the narrative worse. Death Note was nothing but predictable. I knew exactly how that show was going to end by the end of the first episode given the nature of the subject matter.

I will agree that the reboot was a cop out, but I feel MKA was a far bigger mistake than the reboot. MKD set things up for a completely different sequel that we never got. After Arnageddon they really had nowhere elseto go.

Sure the second part of Death Note, after L's death, wasn't all that great, shitty in fact, but people always seem to think that after they killed L, they fucked up and just brought two characters to replace him, that's not the case.

Death note was written beginning-middle-end, the writer had a vision in his mind, L's death was not predictable, he was the usual hero of the story and that's why you and others hated the story after his death, you were not used to the heroes dying in the middle of the story and the bad guy winning for the longest while, even thinking he might actually end up winning after L's death.

If L's death was predictable and everybody knew he wasn't the hero of the story, then nobody would have looked at the second part of death note the way they did.

L was never meant to stop Light, but you and other people thought he was meant to.

I also agree with you, after MKA they had no where to go, but they put themselves in that corner, if they had a vision for the story, they wouldn't have done so.
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

03/18/2015 05:10 PM (UTC)
Windice Wrote:
I think raiden should be stripped of being a god. Leave him with his powers still but just not a fully powerful God.

That may be just what Liu Kang intends to do. He needs some form of punishment.

Why exactly did Raiden influence Kitana into seeking the truth in the Flesh Pits? The way I see it, he thought it would somehow help him with his quest to save the realms. Otherwise, I don't understand why he would even bother. Liu Kang was doing a pretty good job already. But once that didn't work out, and Kitana was captured, it was like "Well that was a bust. NEXT!"

mkwhopper Wrote:
This story mode looks pretty damn good but let the haters hate

I'm actually really excited about it as well. But if nothing else, the presentation will be mind-blowing.

We've also got the comics this time around which is ironing out details for the story mode and is setting a very exciting premise. The depth for this game is unreal.
About Me

03/18/2015 05:14 PM (UTC)
Joe-Von-Zombie Wrote:
Denizen Wrote:

Are we to assume every time an individual dies in the MK universe they potentially can come back,

Yes because they have established their resurrection engine in the form of the Netherrealm. When characters die, they go to the Netherrealm which has been established as entirely escapable in the current timeline and the original.

I agree that the souls go to the Netherrealm, that's is canonically indisputable. However, I'm not so convinced about the resurrection part. I intend to make a thread about this point, hopefully we can discuss this further.
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03/18/2015 05:22 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
Joe-Von-Zombie Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:
Joe-Von-Zombie Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:>Stories like Death Note .

Death Note is you example of great storytelling? The good guys still win in the end and as far as respect to characters go, every episode after L's death is complete trash. They essentially replace L with two proxy characters which is far worse than any of the resurrection abuse in MK

Here's the thing about that bugs me about Anime, people confuse convoluted storytelling for narrative depth.

I already said in my previous post, the problem is not that the good guys win, it's just what always happens with super heroes.

You can have the good guys win, as long as the story is actually interesting and keeps you on your toes.

I agree that the story didn't get better after L died and actually went down hell, but they respected the character's death and knew it had impact, instead of coming up with some bullshit reason to bring him back they kept going with the original story. Because that's what they had planned originally, they respected their story.

I'm not saying it's a perfect story, no story is perfect, but at least it's consistent, makes you think and is unpredictable.

Death note developed it's characters.

It developed Light from a normal high school student to an insane man who thinks he can be the god of the world.

What did MK do with it's characters?

it lasted for 25 years and instead of continuing with the story, they were pussies and rebooted it.

Replacing his his character with proxies cheapens his death all the same and in my opinion hurts the narrative worse. Death Note was nothing but predictable. I knew exactly how that show was going to end by the end of the first episode given the nature of the subject matter.

I will agree that the reboot was a cop out, but I feel MKA was a far bigger mistake than the reboot. MKD set things up for a completely different sequel that we never got. After Arnageddon they really had nowhere elseto go.

Sure the second part of Death Note, after L's death, wasn't all that great, shitty in fact, but people always seem to think that after they killed L, they fucked up and just brought two characters to replace him, that's not the case.

Death note was written beginning-middle-end, the writer had a vision in his mind, L's death was not predictable, he was the usual hero of the story and that's why you and others hated the story after his death, you were not used to the heroes dying in the middle of the story and the bad guy winning for the longest while, even thinking he might actually end up winning after L's death.

If L's death was predictable and everybody knew he wasn't the hero of the story, then nobody would have looked at the second part of death note the way they did.

L was never meant to stop Light, but you and other people thought he was meant to.

I also agree with you, after MKA they had no where to go, but they put themselves in that corner, if they had a vision for the story, they wouldn't have done so.

I KNEW L was going to die from the moment they introduced him because L, despite being the "hero" of the story, was not the protagonist of the story. These are classic predictable TV tropes.



Whether or not the story was originally written that way is irrelevant, the writer shat on L's death by introducing two proxie characters. whether it was intentional or not does not change the fact that it was sloppy and half assed.
03/18/2015 05:36 PM (UTC)
Joe-Von-Zombie Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:
Joe-Von-Zombie Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:
Joe-Von-Zombie Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:>Stories like Death Note .

Death Note is you example of great storytelling? The good guys still win in the end and as far as respect to characters go, every episode after L's death is complete trash. They essentially replace L with two proxy characters which is far worse than any of the resurrection abuse in MK

Here's the thing about that bugs me about Anime, people confuse convoluted storytelling for narrative depth.

I already said in my previous post, the problem is not that the good guys win, it's just what always happens with super heroes.

You can have the good guys win, as long as the story is actually interesting and keeps you on your toes.

I agree that the story didn't get better after L died and actually went down hell, but they respected the character's death and knew it had impact, instead of coming up with some bullshit reason to bring him back they kept going with the original story. Because that's what they had planned originally, they respected their story.

I'm not saying it's a perfect story, no story is perfect, but at least it's consistent, makes you think and is unpredictable.

Death note developed it's characters.

It developed Light from a normal high school student to an insane man who thinks he can be the god of the world.

What did MK do with it's characters?

it lasted for 25 years and instead of continuing with the story, they were pussies and rebooted it.

Replacing his his character with proxies cheapens his death all the same and in my opinion hurts the narrative worse. Death Note was nothing but predictable. I knew exactly how that show was going to end by the end of the first episode given the nature of the subject matter.

I will agree that the reboot was a cop out, but I feel MKA was a far bigger mistake than the reboot. MKD set things up for a completely different sequel that we never got. After Arnageddon they really had nowhere elseto go.

Sure the second part of Death Note, after L's death, wasn't all that great, shitty in fact, but people always seem to think that after they killed L, they fucked up and just brought two characters to replace him, that's not the case.

Death note was written beginning-middle-end, the writer had a vision in his mind, L's death was not predictable, he was the usual hero of the story and that's why you and others hated the story after his death, you were not used to the heroes dying in the middle of the story and the bad guy winning for the longest while, even thinking he might actually end up winning after L's death.

If L's death was predictable and everybody knew he wasn't the hero of the story, then nobody would have looked at the second part of death note the way they did.

L was never meant to stop Light, but you and other people thought he was meant to.

I also agree with you, after MKA they had no where to go, but they put themselves in that corner, if they had a vision for the story, they wouldn't have done so.

I KNEW L was going to die from the moment they introduced him because L, despite being the "hero" of the story, was not the protagonist of the story. These are classic predictable TV tropes.



Whether or not the story was originally written that way is irrelevant, the writer shat on L's death by introducing two proxie characters. whether it was intentional or not does not change the fact that it was sloppy and half assed.

Dunno, I usually see things coming from a mile away like almost all the heroes of MK9 dying, Subby turning Cyborg, MKX having the dead characters back and Johnny/Sonya having the first chapter in MKX.

You must be a super genius to know that a character you have only seen for a few seconds is going to die half way through, Comics for you must be boring as hell if you can predict a death from looking at a character for a few seconds.

Whether the idea have been used before or not is irrelevant, It's impossible to know that it's a classic TV trope, at least not until you finished watching the whole series.
03/18/2015 05:58 PM (UTC)
I think MK 9's story mode created two major problems for the MK saga as a whole:
1. Introducing the element of time travel now leaves us confused as to whether or not MK4 through MKA even took place. And if not, where do most of the 3-D era characters fit in with the story? Anytime writers create an alternate timeline it's confusing, and frankly, irritating.

2. Killing off a massive amount of characters in one scene. I highly doubt the wtiters thought about how this scene would effect the story of the next game. It seems like now they're trying to dig themselves out of a hole by using this revenant angle, which as this thread suggests, is pissing off a lot of people. The craziest part is how easily this could have been avoided by just having Sindel knock out a bunch of people and then kill off a few characters like Stryker.

So now the writing staff has decided to clear things up by skipping ahead 25 years, bringing back killed off characters, adding family members, flashing back to right after MK9, and adding a comic series for everything between. So yes, I have my worries too, but as long as it's not like the plot of injustice, I think we'll be safe.
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03/18/2015 06:00 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
Joe-Von-Zombie Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:
Joe-Von-Zombie Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:
Joe-Von-Zombie Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:>Stories like Death Note .

Death Note is you example of great storytelling? The good guys still win in the end and as far as respect to characters go, every episode after L's death is complete trash. They essentially replace L with two proxy characters which is far worse than any of the resurrection abuse in MK

Here's the thing about that bugs me about Anime, people confuse convoluted storytelling for narrative depth.

I already said in my previous post, the problem is not that the good guys win, it's just what always happens with super heroes.

You can have the good guys win, as long as the story is actually interesting and keeps you on your toes.

I agree that the story didn't get better after L died and actually went down hell, but they respected the character's death and knew it had impact, instead of coming up with some bullshit reason to bring him back they kept going with the original story. Because that's what they had planned originally, they respected their story.

I'm not saying it's a perfect story, no story is perfect, but at least it's consistent, makes you think and is unpredictable.

Death note developed it's characters.

It developed Light from a normal high school student to an insane man who thinks he can be the god of the world.

What did MK do with it's characters?

it lasted for 25 years and instead of continuing with the story, they were pussies and rebooted it.

Replacing his his character with proxies cheapens his death all the same and in my opinion hurts the narrative worse. Death Note was nothing but predictable. I knew exactly how that show was going to end by the end of the first episode given the nature of the subject matter.

I will agree that the reboot was a cop out, but I feel MKA was a far bigger mistake than the reboot. MKD set things up for a completely different sequel that we never got. After Arnageddon they really had nowhere elseto go.

Sure the second part of Death Note, after L's death, wasn't all that great, shitty in fact, but people always seem to think that after they killed L, they fucked up and just brought two characters to replace him, that's not the case.

Death note was written beginning-middle-end, the writer had a vision in his mind, L's death was not predictable, he was the usual hero of the story and that's why you and others hated the story after his death, you were not used to the heroes dying in the middle of the story and the bad guy winning for the longest while, even thinking he might actually end up winning after L's death.

If L's death was predictable and everybody knew he wasn't the hero of the story, then nobody would have looked at the second part of death note the way they did.

L was never meant to stop Light, but you and other people thought he was meant to.

I also agree with you, after MKA they had no where to go, but they put themselves in that corner, if they had a vision for the story, they wouldn't have done so.

I KNEW L was going to die from the moment they introduced him because L, despite being the "hero" of the story, was not the protagonist of the story. These are classic predictable TV tropes.



Whether or not the story was originally written that way is irrelevant, the writer shat on L's death by introducing two proxie characters. whether it was intentional or not does not change the fact that it was sloppy and half assed.

Dunno, I usually see things coming from a mile away like almost all the heroes of MK9 dying, Subby turning Cyborg, MKX having the dead characters back and Johnny/Sonya having the first chapter in MKX.

You must be a super genius to know that a character you have only seen for a few seconds is going to die half way through, Comics for you must be boring as hell if you can predict a death from looking at a character for a few seconds.

Whether the idea have been used before or not is irrelevant, It's impossible to know that it's a classic TV trope, at least not until you finished watching the whole series.

I don't think you've ever actually read comics. I think you have an idea what comics are, but you've never actually taken the time to explore the medium. Its not impossible, Based on the subject matter and the execution, these things are easy to spot. There's nothing special about the storytelling in death note, its the standard convoluted anime storytelling aided with the abuse of a Mcguffin.
Death should always mean nothing in Mortal Kombat because it's a massive waste of potential to get rid of an entire character and moveset permanently in a fighting game.
03/18/2015 06:34 PM (UTC)
@Joe-Von-Zombie (Too long to quote, it will probably annoy some people, lel)

At this point, it's obviously a subjective thing, because neither of us is providing the other with proof from what we talking about.

I read comics, I love the Spider-man comics, because they are super fun, but I realize that's what they are, they are made for fun, they are not really on par with Death note, Death note might not be great as you say, but neither are the comics and the comics are definitely not as good as a good and interesting story that has a beginning-middle-end.

Comics keep going therefore they'll always hit a corner.

Death note never had a hiccup, doesn't matter if you like Near or not, he was made from the start to be the hero of the story, so it didn't contradict anything in the story, it was a greatly made story, might not be the best but definitely on par with great stories, if you say it's a bad story then you should back up what you say.

I said Superman comics are not great and I'll back that up now.

-Superman is supposed to be super human who's body is made like steel, he can lift 10 tons or even more, yet he always gets beaten by people like Batman and other stupid humans(Not including the use of kryptonite and Superman holding back).

-Superman died, he came back.

-Superman always has the same shocking turn, Evil, which means it's no longer shocking.

-Superman can't get shit done, cause he keeps fighting the same villains over and over, of course he gets new villains but it all goes in loop.

Those are just some of the stuff that prove, it's made for fun and not a lot of thought goes into the story, that's fine, it really is fun, but compared to a story like Death note, a story which a lot of thought went into, sorry Superman loses.

And that's fine, because they are two different type of stories, Superman is made for fun, Death note is made to get you engaged and feel a sense of danger, which it doesn't matter if you felt it or not, a lot of others did, including me.

I always felt there were stakes in Death note, I never felt there were any stakes when reading comics.

So at the end, I respect your opinion, but MK is no where near Death note and neither are comics.

You saying that Death note has flaws and bland, without pointing actual reasons just makes it seem like you're trying your best to hate on it for no reason.
03/18/2015 06:45 PM (UTC)
"I don't think you've ever actually read comics. I think you have an idea what comics are, but you've never actually taken the time to explore the medium."

About Me

03/18/2015 07:02 PM (UTC)
TigerStyle Wrote:
Death should always mean nothing in Mortal Kombat because it's a massive waste of potential to get rid of an entire character and moveset permanently in a fighting game.

Characters coming back and death meaning nothing are not and should not be the same thing. If it means nothing then why waste time doing it?
03/18/2015 07:11 PM (UTC)
Death Note is a poorly written comic. Code Geass is a poorly written show. They're key examples of how ''amazing'' JP writing can be.

Anyway, MKX won't be much better than MK9.

sharefrock Wrote:

I read comics, I love the Spider-man comics, because they are super fun, but I realize that's what they are, they are made for fun, they are not really on par with Death note, Death note might not be great as you say, but neither are the comics and the comics are definitely not as good as a good and interesting story that has a beginning-middle-end.

Comics keep going therefore they'll always hit a corner.

I get the feeling that you like Spider-Man as a character but haven't actually read any comic books. Continuity doesn't mean a thing. A story arc HAS a definitive beginning and end. I'm not going to pretend comic books are all wonderfully thought provoking, but just because they work in a serial fashion doesn't mean they can't be as engaging as something that doesn't keep going.

Any story arc can do the same thing. The Kid Who Collects Spider-Man is a small extra story at the end of an issue of The Amazing Spider-Man is one of the best stories I've ever read, comic book or otherwise. It's one of the only things I've ever read that almost made me tear up.

sharefrock Wrote:

-Superman is supposed to be super human who's body is made like steel, he can lift 10 tons or even more, yet he always gets beaten by people like Batman and other stupid humans(Not including the use of kryptonite and Superman holding back).

Superman has NEVER lost a battle with Batman in any mainstream DC continuity. That's only halfway debateable in elseworld stories like The Dark Knight Returns, and even there it wasn't a fight. It was Superman shrugging off what Batman threw at him while Batman faked his death.

sharefrock Wrote:

-Superman always has the same shocking turn, Evil, which means it's no longer shocking.

In what? One episode of the Justice League cartoon where they became the Justice Lords and Injustice? A cartoon and a video game with alternate universe versions of Superman that became tyrants under extreme circumstances and were defeated by the version of Superman we know.

Both of which weren't comic books but a cartoon and video game plot. Superman Red Son is not an example of an evil Superman just because he's a communist.

sharefrock Wrote:

-Superman can't get shit done, cause he keeps fighting the same villains over and over, of course he gets new villains but it all goes in loop.

Superman has reformed villains entirely from lives of crime, inspired people to take up journalism, fight for causes that help, better themselves and put some villains away for good in mainline continuities. And that's just in fiction. In real life? People have written tons of letters to authors like Grant Morrison telling them how Superman's character has made them fight off suicidal thoughts or inspired them to help people. There are police and fireman exams that have "Superman" as the answer to a multiple choice question asking what drove you to consider that career path.

Shaferock I like you dude but I really do get the feeling that you're not exactly knowledgeable on the subject.

And again, I'm not pretending they're entirely amazing and perfect, or things to idolize, but still.
03/18/2015 07:42 PM (UTC)
Superman is awesome.
03/18/2015 07:43 PM (UTC)
TigerStyle Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:

I read comics, I love the Spider-man comics, because they are super fun, but I realize that's what they are, they are made for fun, they are not really on par with Death note, Death note might not be great as you say, but neither are the comics and the comics are definitely not as good as a good and interesting story that has a beginning-middle-end.

Comics keep going therefore they'll always hit a corner.

I get the feeling that you like Spider-Man as a character but haven't actually read any comic books. Continuity doesn't mean a thing. A story arc HAS a definitive beginning and end. I'm not going to pretend comic books are all wonderfully thought provoking, but just because they work in a serial fashion doesn't mean they can't be as engaging as something that doesn't keep going.

Any story arc can do the same thing. The Kid Who Collects Spider-Man is a small extra story at the end of an issue of The Amazing Spider-Man is one of the best stories I've ever read, comic book or otherwise. It's one of the only things I've ever read that almost made me tear up.

sharefrock Wrote:

-Superman is supposed to be super human who's body is made like steel, he can lift 10 tons or even more, yet he always gets beaten by people like Batman and other stupid humans(Not including the use of kryptonite and Superman holding back).

Superman has NEVER lost a battle with Batman in any mainstream DC continuity. That's only halfway debateable in elseworld stories like The Dark Knight Returns, and even there it wasn't a fight. It was Superman shrugging off what Batman threw at him while Batman faked his death.

sharefrock Wrote:

-Superman always has the same shocking turn, Evil, which means it's no longer shocking.

In what? One episode of the Justice League cartoon where they became the Justice Lords and Injustice? A cartoon and a video game with alternate universe versions of Superman that became tyrants under extreme circumstances and were defeated by the version of Superman we know.

Both of which weren't comic books but a cartoon and video game plot. Superman Red Son is not an example of an evil Superman just because he's a communist.

sharefrock Wrote:

-Superman can't get shit done, cause he keeps fighting the same villains over and over, of course he gets new villains but it all goes in loop.

Superman has reformed villains entirely from lives of crime, inspired people to take up journalism, fight for causes that help, better themselves and put some villains away for good in mainline continuities. And that's just in fiction. In real life? People have written tons of letters to authors like Grant Morrison telling them how Superman's character has made them fight off suicidal thoughts or inspired them to help people. There are police and fireman exams that have "Superman" as the answer to a multiple choice question asking what drove you to consider that career path.

Shaferock I like you dude but I really do get the feeling that you're not exactly knowledgeable on the subject.

And again, I'm not pretending they're entirely amazing and perfect, or things to idolize, but still.

I understand what you're saying but, Superman turned evil in the old comics before, not just in one game. I think he even once had a story or cover of him being fat in the old comics, because those are all the stories they can create for him to make him interesting or "shock" us.

I said before that I understand the impact comics have on people, I didn't say they suck, because they don't.

I also don't just like Spider-man as a character, I read a lot of his comics or comics he is involved in and I realize they are pretty fun, but they are not an amazing story, far from it in fact.

It always ends the same way, I'm not really saying that comics are bad or they suck, because they are pretty fun to read but not comparable to movies that actually do good stories aka Breaking bad.

So just to sum it up, I like comics, I just don't think they have awfully great stories, they are fun, but not really something to write home about.

I like you too and I'm not trying to be aggressive, I'm just being honest, and I know it's hard for fans of MK or fans of the comics to see/admit the truth, so I won't really argue the point of comics anymore.
The stories you're referring to were Silver Age comics in which the covers of the comics had very little to do with what was actually on the inside of the comic, they were just gag covers to catch people's attention to get them to read it. A ploy that worked well. Silver Age comics were mostly meant to just be fun, quick and dirty stories that just entertained.

For a loooooooong time after that we've had several periods of comics in which they've told actually thought out, engaging storylines. We still get the fun stories, but even the fun ones can be more than just something that's a quick read to be forgotten.

I think you'd change your mind if you read some stories like All-Star Superman, Superman: Peace on Earth, Grant Morrison's run on Action Comics in the New52, The Kid Who Collects Spider-Man, Superior Foes of Spider-Man, some of the earliest Amazing Spider-Man arcs, etc. Stuff from other heroes too, like Batman: War on Crime, Aquaman: The Trench, etc.

It just seems like you're judging them based on a pre-conceived notion rather than reading some of the material and then explaining. It's also hard to say because you don't mention specific comics you've read, just "comics" which is why people say they feel you have a vague idea of them but haven't experienced them.
03/18/2015 08:18 PM (UTC)
Seems like they dont take the story that serious anymore. Like they just make whatever they want as long it connects the story somehow.

Unless they get John tobias back in the team, im kinda worried bout story etc. (fingers crossed) Lets just wait and see, i think the story will be way better than in mk9.
03/18/2015 08:56 PM (UTC)
MK9 story mode set the bar so incredibly, impossibly low ANYTHING the writers do in MKX will be better. The MK9 story mode was MK Annihilation quality with extremely brief moments of coolness. That said, since I assume its the same writers from MK9, I still expect painfully awkward, horribly written dialog and super awkward pacing due to the character chapter system, as well as many characters never getting out of their lacky role. For what its worth tho I was completely blown away by the 7 minutes we got to see of MKX and enjoyed every second of it.
03/19/2015 05:16 AM (UTC)
PaletteSwap40000 Wrote:
I think MK 9's story mode created two major problems for the MK saga as a whole:
1. Introducing the element of time travel now leaves us confused as to whether or not MK4 through MKA even took place. And if not, where do most of the 3-D era characters fit in with the story? Anytime writers create an alternate timeline it's confusing, and frankly, irritating.

2. Killing off a massive amount of characters in one scene. I highly doubt the wtiters thought about how this scene would effect the story of the next game. It seems like now they're trying to dig themselves out of a hole by using this revenant angle, which as this thread suggests, is pissing off a lot of people. The craziest part is how easily this could have been avoided by just having Sindel knock out a bunch of people and then kill off a few characters like Stryker.

So now the writing staff has decided to clear things up by skipping ahead 25 years, bringing back killed off characters, adding family members, flashing back to right after MK9, and adding a comic series for everything between. So yes, I have my worries too, but as long as it's not like the plot of injustice, I think we'll be safe.

I disagree. First of all, time travel and alternate universes only get confusing if you try to blend it with the original timeline. That's what made most of the people who hate MK9's story upset. The story now is going on just the same as before but in a different direction. What people did in the original timeline has little relevance to what's happening now.

That scene where most of the heroes died, lead right to Quan Chi capturing their souls. Setting up the Netherrealm War better than before. The revenant angle was started in MK9. Would it help if instead of saying "killed off" you said "their souls possessed by Quan Chi."

Death becoming a plot point doesn't take away from the story. In fact I would argue it makes MK more unique than those who use death as a final destination. We get to follow these characters existence, not just their life. And as I said before, death is just one of the many things that raises the stakes.

Was it Scorpion's death that made him who he is? No, it was the slaughter of his clan. And with their death not meaning their absolute end, gave him the quest to revive them. The reviving of Sindel did much more for Kitana's story than Sindel's death. The Cyber Initiative plot made Sub-Zero and Smoke much deeper characters, and gave us Cyrax and Sektor to get attached to. Any of them dying and being gone forever wouldn't have done that.
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