03/18/2015 03:36 PM (UTC)
CISIS Wrote:
How is it not the case, that cheap piece of shit kung lao is on the main roster, so is kitana....Along with the token black guy and his pointless drab daughter, who also has the same robotic arm gimmick, is USA still suffering such liberal white guilt you feel you MUST add worthless black characters in games that have nothing going for them just to show #blacklivesmatter solidarity to avoid another Ferguson or what? :/

I mean...Why not make forrest fox the new black guy...his short appearance was far more interesting than jax has ever been...The roster and story is nothing short of disappointing.

What does race have to do with the MK story??
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03/18/2015 03:41 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
And good guys always, ALWAYS win.

Because otherwise, there would be no fucking story.


sharefrock Wrote:
Deadly Alliance MKDA, lost.

Shujinko Wrote:
It was not by chance that this struggle came to be.

The blame falls squarely upon my shoulders for giving evil the chance it needed and therefore fulfilling an ancient prophecy.

Raiden's Earthrealm champions had failed to stop the Deadly Alliance from fully resurrecting the mummified army of the Dragon King. In the end, only Raiden himself stood between Earthrealm and total destruction. Defying the Elder Gods' wishes, he alone challenged Quan Chi and Shang Tsung in mortal kombat, Earthrealm's last hope for freedom.

Raiden fought well against the two sorcerers, and it seemed as though victory was at hand. But the combined might of Quan Chi and Shang Tsung proved to be overwhelming even for a Thunder God.

Raiden was defeated.

The Deadly Alliance had won.

Shujinko Wrote:
Raiden's Earthrealm champions had failed to stop the Deadly Alliance.

Shujinko Wrote:
The Deadly Alliance had won.

Shujinko Wrote:

Shujinko Wrote:

ayy le fucking mao
03/18/2015 03:47 PM (UTC)
So all of the Earthrealm warriors being killed at the end of Deadly Alliance counts as a victory?

Would hate to see a defeat.
Royal Assassin
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"You Totally Slept With Him Didn't Ya"

03/18/2015 03:50 PM (UTC)
it's funny how people are getting so upset over a storyline in a game
as you can read i wrote game that is exactly what it is a freaking game
getting pissed off over dead people coming back its probably because its a game they can do that, atleast NRS has upgraded their characters for majority everygame.

storymode is just a story being told its that simple. besides thats all be honest if this game actually kept their 'dead' characters dead the games we would know by now wouldn't sell well. you know how many times i've wanted Sub Zero and Scorpion to just be not there? like everytime but they are popular characters. would you buy a game without Sub Zero, Scorpion, Johnny, Sonya, Reptile, Kitana, Mileena etc etc probably would but not right at launch.

the fact that people are getting so upset over the story its simple buy the game and play the challenge tower, the ladder, versus, whatever else that is not the storymode and just enjoy your time with it.
03/18/2015 03:52 PM (UTC)
I'm pretty sure that will be the case. But it's nice to hope.

I don't like the big part the special forces have in this game.

We already have a bunch of shooting/American war games.

I just don't understand why they don't mostly focus in the realms
Like edenia, outworld, netherrealm etc

So many more interesting characters can come out of there

Like error black looks cool, but he does not fit MK at all.
03/18/2015 03:54 PM (UTC)
Joe-Von-Zombie Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:
>It's as simple and uninteresting as a Superman story.

"Red Son" and "What's So Funny About Truth,Justice and the American Way" motherfucker.

Where is Superman now? Yep he is still kicking ass in the name of good, like the boy scout he is.

I just don't find super heroes particularly interesting, but I do not think they are silly and I know their value and impact on people.

MK is exactly the same thing, doesn't matter how dark they turn the game, the story will always be simple and silly, but the story is fun just like the comics, they are fun, but their stories are silly as hell.

I don't respect comic book writers, just like I don't MK writers because they don't respect their own stories, so why should I?

Stories like Death Note and Code geass are amazing examples of great story telling and absolute respect to their characters and setting.

These stories also include super natural things, but they are still consistent, respectful to the characters, have depth and a sense of fear and danger.

Something Superman,MK and all the other super heroes, can't even dream of having.

Super hero stories are sooooo cheap they always resort to "Good guy turning bad" to raise the stakes, which makes them very laughable and in turn makes them fun :).

So,motherfucker, to put it simply to you, No those stories you mentioned are just as bland and uninteresting as the rest of the super hero stories, but they are still quite a lot of fun to read :), and that's all that matters.
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03/18/2015 03:57 PM (UTC)
Really starting to think half the people on the boards these days haven't actually played these games.
03/18/2015 04:00 PM (UTC)
*Sigh* Some people here act like MK is the only fiction where characters don't stay dead. I get that it can make things such as an actual character death less meaningful but I don't think a character dying and staying dead is make or break for a decent story.

Maybe im just used to it since some of my other favorite characters have died and came back more than once ̄\_(ツ)_/ ̄
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03/18/2015 04:02 PM (UTC)
And that 13 year old has to resort to name-calling again.
03/18/2015 04:02 PM (UTC)
T-rex Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:
And good guys always, ALWAYS win.

Because otherwise, there would be no fucking story.


sharefrock Wrote:
Deadly Alliance MKDA, lost.

Shujinko Wrote:
It was not by chance that this struggle came to be.

The blame falls squarely upon my shoulders for giving evil the chance it needed and therefore fulfilling an ancient prophecy.

Raiden's Earthrealm champions had failed to stop the Deadly Alliance from fully resurrecting the mummified army of the Dragon King. In the end, only Raiden himself stood between Earthrealm and total destruction. Defying the Elder Gods' wishes, he alone challenged Quan Chi and Shang Tsung in mortal kombat, Earthrealm's last hope for freedom.

Raiden fought well against the two sorcerers, and it seemed as though victory was at hand. But the combined might of Quan Chi and Shang Tsung proved to be overwhelming even for a Thunder God.

Raiden was defeated.

The Deadly Alliance had won.

Shujinko Wrote:
Raiden's Earthrealm champions had failed to stop the Deadly Alliance.

Shujinko Wrote:
The Deadly Alliance had won.

Shujinko Wrote:

Shujinko Wrote:

ayy le fucking mao

Did they win though? What did they do? Onaga came and kicked their ass then he got his ass kicked by Shujinko, so how did they win?

Just because the writers, write "they won" doesn't mean we shouldn't use our own logic and think about it for two seconds.

They lost to Onaga and Onaga lost to the good guys.

Also saying, there wouldn't be a story if the bad guys when just shows how much our minds have been washed, we have been led to believe good guys always win and should always win.

No, not every story has a happy ending, not every story has the good guys winning, some stories allow for the bad guys to win, some stories show neither side winning.

But that's not the real issue, as long as the story is good, it doesn't matter which side wins, MK is not a very good story, it's fun but not good.

Darkhound74 Wrote:
So all of the Earthrealm warriors being killed at the end of Deadly Alliance counts as a victory?

Would hate to see a defeat.

Did all the Earthream warriors die though?

If I recall correctly.

Subby, alive.
Raiden, alive.
Kenshi, alive.
Shujinko, alive.
Ermac, alive(he was on the good guys side in MKD).
Liu Kang, zombie, but still there.

So please tell me again how "all" the Earthrealm warriors died.

not only that, they ALL were brought back in the bullshit story of MKA.

So yeah, story doesn't matter like I said.

daryui Wrote:
And that 13 year old has to resort to name-calling again.

If this is directed at me, then your intelligence truly worries me.

He called me "motherfucker" and yet when I said it back.

"Oh, is that guy name calling? I have to be like the rest of the sheep and hate on him"

Please use your brain buddy and look before posting.
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03/18/2015 04:11 PM (UTC)

03/18/2015 04:15 PM (UTC)
I'm honestly not worried about the story. I have a feeling it will be good regardless of people bitching about "death is not relevant".
03/18/2015 04:16 PM (UTC)
Joe-Von-Zombie Wrote:
Really starting to think half the people on the boards these days haven't actually played these games.

lol I was just thinking the same
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03/18/2015 04:20 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
Code geass

sharefrock Wrote:
amazing example of great story telling and absolute respect to characters and setting.

Holy fuck, I needed a good laugh today.
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03/18/2015 04:23 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:>Stories like Death Note .

Death Note is you example of great storytelling? The good guys still win in the end and as far as respect to characters go, every episode after L's death is complete trash. They essentially replace L with two proxy characters which is far worse than any of the resurrection abuse in MK

Here's the thing about that bugs me about Anime, people confuse convoluted storytelling for narrative depth.
03/18/2015 04:25 PM (UTC)
T-rex Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:
Code geass

sharefrock Wrote:
amazing example of great story telling and absolute respect to characters and setting.

Holy fuck, I needed a good laugh today.

Of course that's your response, it's everybody's response when they know they lost the argument.

I pointed out the flaws in MK, but you didn't point not single one flaw in Code geass, which means.

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Props to MINION
03/18/2015 04:28 PM (UTC)
PickleMendip Wrote:
Cages_Shades Wrote:
The story doesnt go over 25 years
It starts after mk9 for the netherrealm war.
Then skips to 25 years after mk9, where the srest of the story is.
The comic is what the 25 span story is for.

I thought it was going to visit various points in time inbetween the 25 year span as well (i.e. 5 yrs later, 10 yrs later, 20 yrs later etc).

The majority of the story is after the 25 year mark. There will be some flashback scenes though
03/18/2015 04:31 PM (UTC)
Joe-Von-Zombie Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:>Stories like Death Note .

Death Note is you example of great storytelling? The good guys still win in the end and as far as respect to characters go, every episode after L's death is complete trash. They essentially replace L with two proxy characters which is far worse than any of the resurrection abuse in MK

Here's the thing about that bugs me about Anime, people confuse convoluted storytelling for narrative depth.

I already said in my previous post, the problem is not that the good guys win, it's just what always happens with super heroes.

You can have the good guys win, as long as the story is actually interesting and keeps you on your toes.

I agree that the story didn't get better after L died and actually went down hell, but they respected the character's death and knew it had impact, instead of coming up with some bullshit reason to bring him back they kept going with the original story. Because that's what they had planned originally, they respected their story.

I'm not saying it's a perfect story, no story is perfect, but at least it's consistent, makes you think and is unpredictable.

Death note developed it's characters.

It developed Light from a normal high school student to an insane man who thinks he can be the god of the world.

What did MK do with it's characters?

it lasted for 25 years and instead of continuing with the story, they were pussies and rebooted it.

03/18/2015 04:32 PM (UTC)
Darkhound74 Wrote:
I'm honestly not worried about the story. I have a feeling it will be good regardless of people bitching about "death is not relevant".

No one is saying people shouldn't come back to life. It's a fighting game. What we are saying or at least me is don't act like mk has this amazing story when it doesn't. Death can be a big part of making a games story. People fear for there life's. I want to put a example of a game I'm playing right now but I don't want to spoil anything.
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03/18/2015 04:33 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
I pointed out the flaws in MK, but you didn't point not single one flaw in Code geass

You mean aside from the fact that the plot goes completely pants-on-head retarded in R2? :D

But hey, I gotta give it to Geass tho - one thing I wasn't is bored. It was like watching a trainwreck in slow motion - it's morbid and horrifying, but for some reason, you can't look away.
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

03/18/2015 04:35 PM (UTC)
The "death is irrelevant" case really doesn't bother me that much. My only issue with that is at some fucking point, death has to carry some weight in the story, otherwise it becomes laughable.

However, it's certainly got some weight in MKX. Jade, gold skinned Edenian loyalist jewel of a character with a decent fan base of all people has been confirmed as DEAD...multiple times. And with Kitana "mourning" her, there's some more on death having meaning, and to top it off - even adds more depth on Kitana's behalf.

So at least there's that. And GG T-rex, you on a roll son. You and a few others in here have made my day so far.

But really, don't stop. This thread is a perfect example of why I love the people on this forum.
03/18/2015 04:38 PM (UTC)
Windice Wrote:
Darkhound74 Wrote:
I'm honestly not worried about the story. I have a feeling it will be good regardless of people bitching about "death is not relevant".

No one is saying people shouldn't come back to life. It's a fighting game. What we are saying or at least me is don't act like mk has this amazing story when it doesn't. Death can be a big part of making a games story. People fear for there life's. I want to put a example of a game I'm playing right now but I don't want to spoil anything.

I totally get that. I love the story, but like others have said it's far from perfect.

If NRS is truly wanting to introduce the "Next Generation" then something needs to happen to some of the veterans. My biggest thing is that I've always wanted to see the future of MK after Armageddon, which was promised WAY back when MK:A was in Game Informer.
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Lazio? La prima squadra della Capitale.

03/18/2015 04:43 PM (UTC)
From the Johnny Cage chapter that NRS showed then I do not think the story mode will be bad. It looks a leap above the MK9 story mode and I enjoyed that very much.

At the end of the day I will play story mode and I am 100 percent sure that I will enjoy it. That is all that matters to me. I will take the story mode for what it is not some grand interactive Telltale series.
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03/18/2015 04:44 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
Joe-Von-Zombie Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:>Stories like Death Note .

Death Note is you example of great storytelling? The good guys still win in the end and as far as respect to characters go, every episode after L's death is complete trash. They essentially replace L with two proxy characters which is far worse than any of the resurrection abuse in MK

Here's the thing about that bugs me about Anime, people confuse convoluted storytelling for narrative depth.

I already said in my previous post, the problem is not that the good guys win, it's just what always happens with super heroes.

You can have the good guys win, as long as the story is actually interesting and keeps you on your toes.

I agree that the story didn't get better after L died and actually went down hell, but they respected the character's death and knew it had impact, instead of coming up with some bullshit reason to bring him back they kept going with the original story. Because that's what they had planned originally, they respected their story.

I'm not saying it's a perfect story, no story is perfect, but at least it's consistent, makes you think and is unpredictable.

Death note developed it's characters.

It developed Light from a normal high school student to an insane man who thinks he can be the god of the world.

What did MK do with it's characters?

it lasted for 25 years and instead of continuing with the story, they were pussies and rebooted it.

Replacing his his character with proxies cheapens his death all the same and in my opinion hurts the narrative worse. Death Note was nothing but predictable. I knew exactly how that show was going to end by the end of the first episode given the nature of the subject matter.

I will agree that the reboot was a cop out, but I feel MKA was a far bigger mistake than the reboot. MKD set things up for a completely different sequel that we never got. After Arnageddon they really had nowhere elseto go.
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03/18/2015 04:49 PM (UTC)
Here is the thing:

MK is not written as a story, it is not a novel, it is not a movie, ballad or poem. It is a video game. The story serves as context to justify some people beating the shit out of each other, so in a sense the fighting game story is nothing more than a framing device for a chain of fights that occur. Everything within the game story is to serve one purpose: establish a secondary reason why characters fight and to give some additional depth to the characters.

The story of Liu Kang is not written to explain or present Liu kang as a person, it is written to justify Liu Kang the design/character inside the tournament, war. Personality, relationships, conflict etc. are not the focus unless they play directly into the combat.

So this is why we are not going to get a story about Kuai Liang and his micromanagement struggles with a reformed Lin Kuei because those things are not relevant to the game.

In such a way a video game character will never have the proper depth as seen in character oriented proucts, unless STORY is going to be the main focus of the game (as in interactive narrative fiction) exclusively.

There are those games that can pull it off: egacz of Kain, where there is nothing beside single player and an EXTREMELY story-based narrative (as in the events do not serve just to link A to B, they go on tangents...etc)


Tl, dr: MK is not written as a story primarily, therefore death is meaningless, characters will return due to popularity and economic reasons.

That does not however mean that certain things that befit a story do not apply to MK. Even if it is not the primary objective, it still has narrative, character, definition and dissection, tone and contrast...

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