About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

12/30/2014 06:06 PM (UTC)
wdm6789 Wrote:
But Kitana, Mileena, Jade's job for Shao Kahn were pretty much to be ninjas.

That's kind of my point. Being a ninja is a lifestyle, and once Kahn is out of the picture, NONE of those three would still be doing the same things Kahn MADE them do. Well, except maybe Mileena, because I'm sure she actually enjoys it.

I'd be hypocritical if I said I've never referred to them as ninjas. In fact, I still do sometimes when I'm talking to people who aren't adept in MK lore. The "female ninjas". It's just easier to group them together that way.

coltess Wrote:
Women can't be Ninjas for sexist reasons.

There's also that.

But I think we're fighting a losing battle with this debate though (not to mention - wrong thread), so let's just agree to disagree for the moment. wink

As for Tanya...

I didn't really care for her in MK4 and why folks really dig that Neckbreaker fatality, I'll never know. However, I came around to her in Deception. The primary outfit was fantastic. As for story, even though she's a traitorous coward, she's still very cunning and smart. Her upbringing in Outworld while it and Edenia were still merged could contribute to her lack of affinity with her home realm. She also led Onaga to Edenia where he could find the spells necessary to fuse the Kamidogu. And we all know how she helped Shinnok.

She's no dummy, and she's had important roles that propelled MK4 and MKD's plotline forward. That being said, with MKX spanning 25 years after the events of MK3, you'd think she's definitely going to make an appearance at some point.
12/30/2014 08:09 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
I don't see Tanya as an important character, even more so now than before because Edenia isn't free from Outworld. The fate of the Edenians are unknown, which means Tanya's fate is unknown at this time. Tanya's purpose was to get at Kitana. According to what Razor said, she was more so jealous of her. Well, unfortunately her story has to be completely redone since Kitana's dead and Edenia is still not a free realm. I'd rather have Reiko in over her due to this problem. And I don't like Reiko. I don't like neither of these characters as much as some do.

You're forgetting that Tanya was next in line to become a DLC character in MK9, and that was still pre-Edenia. As a matter of fact, NRS decides which characters are gonna make the cut and then adapt them into the storyline they have/need. NRS doesn't care what characters are important or not to the storyline. I'm sure they'd find a way to fit any character from the 3D era into this game if they wanted to.
12/30/2014 08:28 PM (UTC)
Because Tanya was fun to play in MK4, a decent Kitana replacement, is sexy as hell, an interesting back story, and is 100x cooler than almost all new characters post MK4.

Reiko needs no explanation why he should return. He is popular for a reason.
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12/30/2014 08:30 PM (UTC)
Tanya is my favorite female character.... She barely missed the cut for MK9, so I doubt she'll sit MKX out.
12/30/2014 08:33 PM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
I don't see Tanya as an important character, even more so now than before because Edenia isn't free from Outworld. The fate of the Edenians are unknown, which means Tanya's fate is unknown at this time. Tanya's purpose was to get at Kitana. According to what Razor said, she was more so jealous of her. Well, unfortunately her story has to be completely redone since Kitana's dead and Edenia is still not a free realm. I'd rather have Reiko in over her due to this problem. And I don't like Reiko. I don't like neither of these characters as much as some do.

You're forgetting that Tanya was next in line to become a DLC character in MK9, and that was still pre-Edenia. As a matter of fact, NRS decides which characters are gonna make the cut and then adapt them into the storyline they have/need. NRS doesn't care what characters are important or not to the storyline. I'm sure they'd find a way to fit any character from the 3D era into this game if they wanted to.

I'm not forgetting anything. I know she was going to be a choice for DLC, but like Kenshi and Rain, has no significance to the story at all.

They don't care what characters are important to the story? bahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha oh that's good, that's good. Kay you keep thinking that. Any developer who just plops shit in their game and hopes it makes a good impression isn't going anywhere with their game. For a company that's been around for quite a long time, I doubt they're that dumb to make a move like that. Especially since we already know what it's like when they run out of time.

Of COURSE they can redo her entire story. It's painfully obvious that they have to do so in this matter.
12/30/2014 08:36 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
I don't see Tanya as an important character, even more so now than before because Edenia isn't free from Outworld. The fate of the Edenians are unknown, which means Tanya's fate is unknown at this time. Tanya's purpose was to get at Kitana. According to what Razor said, she was more so jealous of her. Well, unfortunately her story has to be completely redone since Kitana's dead and Edenia is still not a free realm. I'd rather have Reiko in over her due to this problem. And I don't like Reiko. I don't like neither of these characters as much as some do.

You're forgetting that Tanya was next in line to become a DLC character in MK9, and that was still pre-Edenia. As a matter of fact, NRS decides which characters are gonna make the cut and then adapt them into the storyline they have/need. NRS doesn't care what characters are important or not to the storyline. I'm sure they'd find a way to fit any character from the 3D era into this game if they wanted to.

I'm not forgetting anything. I know she was going to be a choice for DLC, but like Kenshi and Rain, has no significance to the story at all.

They don't care what characters are important to the story? bahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha oh that's good, that's good. Kay you keep thinking that. Any developer who just plops shit in their game and hopes it makes a good impression isn't going anywhere with their game. For a company that's been around for quite a long time, I doubt they're that dumb to make a move like that. Especially since we already know what it's like when they run out of time.

Of COURSE they can redo her entire story. It's painfully obvious that they have to do so in this matter.

"I'm not forgetting anything. I know she was going to be a choice for DLC, but like Kenshi and Rain, has no significance to the story at all. "

Yet you're using that excuse as to why you'd rather have Reiko over Tanya.

Ed Boon himself said they decide on the roster first, and then write the story, so YOU keep believing that.
12/30/2014 10:47 PM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
I don't see Tanya as an important character, even more so now than before because Edenia isn't free from Outworld. The fate of the Edenians are unknown, which means Tanya's fate is unknown at this time. Tanya's purpose was to get at Kitana. According to what Razor said, she was more so jealous of her. Well, unfortunately her story has to be completely redone since Kitana's dead and Edenia is still not a free realm. I'd rather have Reiko in over her due to this problem. And I don't like Reiko. I don't like neither of these characters as much as some do.

You're forgetting that Tanya was next in line to become a DLC character in MK9, and that was still pre-Edenia. As a matter of fact, NRS decides which characters are gonna make the cut and then adapt them into the storyline they have/need. NRS doesn't care what characters are important or not to the storyline. I'm sure they'd find a way to fit any character from the 3D era into this game if they wanted to.

I'm not forgetting anything. I know she was going to be a choice for DLC, but like Kenshi and Rain, has no significance to the story at all.

They don't care what characters are important to the story? bahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha oh that's good, that's good. Kay you keep thinking that. Any developer who just plops shit in their game and hopes it makes a good impression isn't going anywhere with their game. For a company that's been around for quite a long time, I doubt they're that dumb to make a move like that. Especially since we already know what it's like when they run out of time.

Of COURSE they can redo her entire story. It's painfully obvious that they have to do so in this matter.

"I'm not forgetting anything. I know she was going to be a choice for DLC, but like Kenshi and Rain, has no significance to the story at all. "

Yet you're using that excuse as to why you'd rather have Reiko over Tanya.

Ed Boon himself said they decide on the roster first, and then write the story, so YOU keep believing that.

Why do you give a shit at all who I want to see in at all? So I'd rather see someone else be chosen over a character that's a highly voted "most wanted," does that bother you that I'm not following a crowd? Does it bother you that I don't like Tanya? I have a feeling you do otherwise you wouldn't make a big fucking deal and say I don't know shit at all when I doubt you do too.

Opinions dude, know the term.

So the team writes stories AFTER they choose what characters, good for them if that's even true. But clearly DLC characters had nothing to do with anything since they were not apart of anything big, thus Tanya would be RIGHT there as useless towards the story.
About Me


12/31/2014 12:32 AM (UTC)
I think Tanya and Reiko need to be in Mkx and may fans love them because of their appealing looks and gameplay yet I am not sure whether they will be in MKX or not.The only thing I know that thanks to their fans high effort along with the other prominent characters like Queen SINDEL and Mileena have a high chance to be in the following game. grin
About Me

12/31/2014 09:27 AM (UTC)
wdm6789 Wrote:

I agree, and even i call them "MK ninjas" (they're not really ninjas but people will call the palette-swapped, masked chars from the 2D games ninjas so i go with the flow) BUT, that one member said something along the lines that Tanya is not a ninja, but Kitana, Mileena and Jade are, even by "definition", which they are NOT. I did not want to turn this thread into another "ninja vs not a ninja" discussion, just wanted to correct that member because by DEFINITION, Kitana, Mileena and Jade are NOT ninjas.

You still have not corrected me because you have not explained how Mileena, Jade, and Kitana are not ninjas. Please google the definition of a ninja. They all say something along the lines of "a person who is trained in marital arts and is hired for spying or assassination." The only thing that would make them not ninjas is that they're not Japanese. Other than that, they fit the ninja description pretty nicely.

They are masked assassins. For the sake of simplicitywe refer to them as Ninjas, because MK works on the ninja-logic of Hollywood. Black pajamas and some fancy martial art acrobatics makes you a ninja.


- mostly commoner- or peasant-stock people, who disguised themselves as commoner/peasants.

- usually lived in a secluded village in Iga or Koga, the two major ninja training provinces.

- adheres to a buddhist philosophy of ninjutsu. Yes. Buddhist, because the whole principle of a ninja was transplanted by Chinese buddhist monks through Okinawa.

-they were mercenaries in their dealings. Otherwise they lived pretty normally. Otherwise they could not efficiently keep up their secrecy.

-female ninjas: kunoichi. Their infiltration method or protocol was called kosa.

Ninjas are like knights. We have a popularized view and idea that has been made so mainstream that the truth actually leaves people numb. When I look at MK ninjas I see cheesy but goofy fun 80s movie ninjas. Not ninjas as they are/were.

About Me

12/31/2014 09:29 AM (UTC)
wdm6789 Wrote:

I agree, and even i call them "MK ninjas" (they're not really ninjas but people will call the palette-swapped, masked chars from the 2D games ninjas so i go with the flow) BUT, that one member said something along the lines that Tanya is not a ninja, but Kitana, Mileena and Jade are, even by "definition", which they are NOT. I did not want to turn this thread into another "ninja vs not a ninja" discussion, just wanted to correct that member because by DEFINITION, Kitana, Mileena and Jade are NOT ninjas.

You still have not corrected me because you have not explained how Mileena, Jade, and Kitana are not ninjas. Please google the definition of a ninja. They all say something along the lines of "a person who is trained in marital arts and is hired for spying or assassination." The only thing that would make them not ninjas is that they're not Japanese. Other than that, they fit the ninja description pretty nicely.

They are masked assassins. For the sake of simplicitywe refer to them as Ninjas, because MK works on the ninja-logic of Hollywood. Black pajamas and some fancy martial art acrobatics makes you a ninja.


- mostly commoner- or peasant-stock people, who disguised themselves as commoner/peasants.

- usually lived in a secluded village in Iga or Koga, the two major ninja training provinces.

- adheres to a buddhist philosophy of ninjutsu. Yes. Buddhist, because the whole principle of a ninja was transplanted by Chinese buddhist monks through Okinawa.

-they were mercenaries in their dealings. Otherwise they lived pretty normally. Otherwise they could not efficiently keep up their secrecy.

-female ninjas: kunoichi. Their infiltration method or protocol was called kosa.

Ninjas are like knights. We have a popularized view and idea that has been made so mainstream that the truth actually leaves people numb. When I look at MK ninjas I see cheesy but goofy fun 80s movie ninjas. Not ninjas as they are/were.
12/31/2014 03:47 PM (UTC)
Funny you should mention this, because just yesterday I was talking with someone about how Western culture has bastardized ninjas.

They looked like ordinary people in order to blend with their surroundings. They didn't dress in all black jumpsuits and wear masks and so on.
12/31/2014 08:29 PM (UTC)

Yes, formally and technically Jade, Mileena, and Kitana are not really ninjas. They're not Japanese or dudes. But I am using the term "ninja" lightly and casually for those three because we're talking about a video game where it makes sense to call them ninjas.

I think Reiko and Tanya both deserve another come back. Especially Reiko, he only got to be in MKA. Tanya got deception, which was a far superior game.

01/01/2015 10:32 PM (UTC)
Hooky-Fooky Wrote:
Too bad jaded raven got himself banned, I would've loved to see his response to this.

Wow, really? I liked him. When I was being discriminated against by Ninja_Arts and OptimusGrime a few months back, Jaded-Raven reached out to me in a private message. I'll miss him. He was a good guy.

In regards to the topic, I never really thought much of Tanya and the only move of hers I liked was where she jumps on your face and breaks your neck with her legs. I think I've seen Xena do that before. As for Reiko, I dismissed him too because he looked like a random guy in a maroon ninja outfit. Not very inspiring. But they got it right in Armageddon and made him more interesting, especially appearance wise. If he makes the cut, I hope his MKA design will be used as a template for how he'll look in the new game.
01/02/2015 05:07 AM (UTC)
As much I know that 90%,(ahem, 99% I believe) of the whole MK Universe hates Tanya, and I am like the VERY minority who LOVES her, and proudly call her as my best/favorite kharacter. I for one would really love the game if she finally returns. I was desperately waiting for her to return as DLC in MK9, but, when it was announced that Rain was in instead(only DLC I haven't wasted my money on, well, as far as the kharacter goes, since I hate Rain so much), I just stopped draining my money on DLC.

The reason I like Tanya is simple. Her playability. How easy it is to learn and master, her kombo damage and overal design of her specials. I know, she DID BORROW the Cannon Drill from Cammy, and her specials aren't really breaking any new ground, but they are easy to use and easy to spam it up. Though, I am one of the minority who prefers her old self in MK4, with real eyes, and her hair-do that is not over-done. Also, I don't give swat to a story in a fighting game. Only thing I care in a fighting game is a fighting game itself. NO STORYLINE, NOR the LOOK of the character. All I look for in a character in a fighting game is his/her power, ease of use, and play style. Tanya just fit my play style. She just debuted at a wrong game(the garbage called MK4), at the wrong time, gaining all kinds of hatred from EVERYONE.

As for Reiko, if done right, he really has a potential. One of the only favorite of mine along with Tanya in MK4, even more so than Quan Chi(whom I can care less), and I strongly feel he can be great if done right.

You can flame me, attack me what ever, but that's how I see on these 2 kharacters, and Nobody will take away the number 1 spot of favorite than Tanya, and I am happy to be among one of the tiny percentage of the fans that she has.
01/02/2015 05:17 AM (UTC)
OnlyTanyaFan Wrote:
As much I know that 90%,(ahem, 99% I believe) of the whole MK Universe hates Tanya, and I am like the VERY minority who LOVES her, and proudly call her as my best/favorite kharacter. I for one would really love the game if she finally returns. I was desperately waiting for her to return as DLC in MK9, but, when it was announced that Rain was in instead(only DLC I haven't wasted my money on, well, as far as the kharacter goes, since I hate Rain so much), I just stopped draining my money on DLC.

The reason I like Tanya is simple. Her playability. How easy it is to learn and master, her kombo damage and overal design of her specials. I know, she DID BORROW the Cannon Drill from Cammy, and her specials aren't really breaking any new ground, but they are easy to use and easy to spam it up. Though, I am one of the minority who prefers her old self in MK4, with real eyes, and her hair-do that is not over-done. Also, I don't give swat to a story in a fighting game. Only thing I care in a fighting game is a fighting game itself. NO STORYLINE, NOR the LOOK of the character. All I look for in a character in a fighting game is his/her power, ease of use, and play style. Tanya just fit my play style. She just debuted at a wrong game(the garbage called MK4), at the wrong time, gaining all kinds of hatred from EVERYONE.

As for Reiko, if done right, he really has a potential. One of the only favorite of mine along with Tanya in MK4, even more so than Quan Chi(whom I can care less), and I strongly feel he can be great if done right.

You can flame me, attack me what ever, but that's how I see on these 2 kharacters, and Nobody will take away the number 1 spot of favorite than Tanya, and I am happy to be among one of the tiny percentage of the fans that she has.

Are you Grandam from the gamefaqs board? Anyways you are not the only Tanya fan!!!! Tanya is highly requested for MKX. I love her also.
01/02/2015 05:33 AM (UTC)
That's me. I left Gamefaqs.com a weeks ago, if you remember... :)
About Me

Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.

Lovely signature by MINION

01/02/2015 05:39 AM (UTC)
OnlyTanyaFan Wrote:
That's me. I left Gamefaqs.com a weeks ago, if you remember... :)

Are you onlytanyafan from midway forums?
01/02/2015 05:40 AM (UTC)
Sindel798 Wrote:
Are you Grandam from the gamefaqs board? Anyways you are not the only Tanya fan!!!! Tanya is highly requested for MKX. I love her also.

I also would like to see Tanya. MK needs a good traitorous bitch and we need more Edenians as well, way too many characters from Earthrealm and Outworld outweighing the bunch.
01/02/2015 05:52 AM (UTC)
This is rather going off-topic, but yeah, I used to post in Midway forum as well, but I left when it was switching to a new site. I currently posts on 3 of my own sites, here, TRMK, and IGN.

To go back on topic, I am one of the few who wants Tanya in. Reiko, if he also gets included, he will be a biggest bonus for me. Since there is no chance that my second favorite Daegon will be in anytime soon.
About Me

Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.

Lovely signature by MINION

01/02/2015 05:57 AM (UTC)
I remembered your name from midway forums.

I was under the same name too, I used to always post the

<3 after each message LOL

On topic: there are not few that want Tanya in. There are plenty. More so than not.
About Me


01/02/2015 06:15 PM (UTC)
Sindel798 Wrote:
OnlyTanyaFan Wrote:
As much I know that 90%,(ahem, 99% I believe) of the whole MK Universe hates Tanya, and I am like the VERY minority who LOVES her, and proudly call her as my best/favorite kharacter.

Anyways you are not the only Tanya fan!!!! Tanya is highly requested for MKX. I love her also.

Yeah dude, no freaking way is Tanya an unpopular character amongst the fanbase in general. Her appearance in the koliseum only proves that the NRS team also regard her highly enough to make her a blatant inclusion (and the most visible of all the background characters).
01/03/2015 02:22 AM (UTC)
I'm sure Reiko will be the next reveal with his 3 variations: "Why?" "No, seriously, why?" and "OMG.....WHY???!!!"
01/03/2015 06:12 AM (UTC)
From-ear-to-ear Wrote:
I'm sure Reiko will be the next reveal with his 3 variations: "Why?" "No, seriously, why?" and "OMG.....WHY???!!!"

Was that supposed to be humorous, or something?
About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

01/03/2015 05:01 PM (UTC)
SwingBatta Wrote:
From-ear-to-ear Wrote:
I'm sure Reiko will be the next reveal with his 3 variations: "Why?" "No, seriously, why?" and "OMG.....WHY???!!!"

Was that supposed to be humorous, or something?

"And now, here comes the sixty-four thousand dollar question..."

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