Why are fans so interested in Tanya and Reiko?
posted01/03/2015 05:01 PM (UTC)by
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06/15/2011 08:07 PM (UTC)
I don't mean to sound antagonistic, I honestly want to know. Why are these two so requested, in particular?

I do like Tanya's treacherous nature, her neckbreaking fatality which showed gore isn't always needed in a fatality, her kiss of death which was particularly sadistic, her split kick, and since I have to be really frank here, her being a black woman adds to her appeal. Plus, she can give Jade a more individual purpose as her nemesis. But I don't think she's that amazing, at least not as amazing as people are making her out to be.

Reiko is alright. I liked his MK4 fatalities, his shurikens, and his moveset in general. While there is some mystery regarding his storyline, he's not that exciting as a character.

All I'm wondering is what gives them so much more potential than most of the other 3D era characters and even most of the MK3 ones in so many fans' eyes. Does anyone remember how hugely hated Tanya once was? I don't believe she was hugely requested for MKD, but she came back and fans began liking her, enough to end up as one of the only requested 3D era characters.
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12/24/2014 03:58 PM (UTC)
No idea, I never liked either of them myself especially if you throw Mavado and Li Mei
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12/24/2014 04:15 PM (UTC)
Because I love me some Mulatto skinned women and Tanya is <3
12/24/2014 04:28 PM (UTC)
i care more for ashra than tanya. i guess its an natural effect on MKO
12/24/2014 04:35 PM (UTC)
I'm a fan of both characters, but I agree that both a sort of...lack luster. The main reason that I want to see them in MKX is because I think they each have potential to be great characters, and I want to see them move from their current "roster filler" status, and be something great.

Personally, Tanya is one of my favorite under dog characters. Back when MK4 was released, I honestly thought she was a good natured character who was just in a really crappy situation. When I finally saw her ending, I was honestly surprised at her treachery. She was a character that looked like a good guy, talked like a good guy, and walked like a good guy, but was actually one of the most inherently evil characters in the game. I dunno....that's pretty bad ass in my opinion.

As for Reiko? Well...I just want to see what they actually DO with him. His story is pretty ambiguous at the moment, and with a reboot, I just wonder how they'll color in the lines. They can do so much with him!

While these are two of my top pick for returnees in MKX, I honestly feel like they aren't as much of a lock as people seem to think. If they do return, I have a feeling that Nether Realm won't take the time to flesh them out. Tanya will return as a mega bitch narcissist, and Reiko will be a brainless henchmen. Hopefully I'm wrong, but my hopes aren't too high.
12/24/2014 06:36 PM (UTC)
I don't get Tanya's appeal at all. Maybe because she's a treacherous bitch and fans find it sexy? But even that's been overdone and aside from that she has nothing going for her whatsoever. I don't get how people can stan her to death while calling the 3D characters boring.

Reiko on the other hand is a tough egg to crack. I'm a fan and I mained him like crazy in MK4, but he's got nothing either in terms of backstory, just his Kahn cosplaying fetish and that's it.
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12/24/2014 06:48 PM (UTC)
Both are solid character designs with great movesets. Tanya's one of the best examples of a character loyal only to herself, so she's a bit predictable, but it's always fun to see her scheming. Reiko on the other hand is kind of a blank page, but his time in the brotherhood of shadows plus his dislike of Quan Chi make me want to know more.
12/24/2014 09:27 PM (UTC)
Too bad jaded raven got himself banned, I would've loved to see his response to this.
12/24/2014 09:37 PM (UTC)
Hooky-Fooky Wrote:
Too bad jaded raven got himself banned

Say what? Why was he banned?
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12/24/2014 09:40 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
I don't mean to sound antagonistic, I honestly want to know. Why are these two so requested, in particular?

I do like Tanya's treacherous nature, her neckbreaking fatality which showed gore isn't always needed in a fatality, her kiss of death which was particularly sadistic, her split kick, and since I have to be really frank here, her being a black woman adds to her appeal. Plus, she can give Jade a more individual purpose as her nemesis. But I don't think she's that amazing, at least not as amazing as people are making her out to be.

Reiko is alright. I liked his MK4 fatalities, his shurikens, and his moveset in general. While there is some mystery regarding his storyline, he's not that exciting as a character.

All I'm wondering is what gives them so much more potential than most of the other 3D era characters and even most of the MK3 ones in so many fans' eyes. Does anyone remember how hugely hated Tanya once was? I don't believe she was hugely requested for MKD, but she came back and fans began liking her, enough to end up as one of the only requested 3D era characters.

To be simple here it is the same reason why people like Scorpion and Sub-Zero they are icons.wink
12/24/2014 10:03 PM (UTC)
SwingBatta Wrote:
Hooky-Fooky Wrote:
Too bad jaded raven got himself banned

Say what? Why was he banned?

There's honestly a number of possibilities. If my memory serves me correctly, him and another user got into it, and he's never been back since.
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12/24/2014 10:05 PM (UTC)
I liked Jaded-Raven too. Was one of my favorite users here. Can't say i agree with how he handled himself to lead to this. But yea, I miss him.
12/24/2014 10:26 PM (UTC)
people are interested in tanya because they have really bad taste. but they are allowed to. people are interested in reiko because he was fun to play and has the intrigue around him.
Mileena Stan
12/24/2014 10:45 PM (UTC)
Darkhound74 Wrote:
SwingBatta Wrote:
Hooky-Fooky Wrote:
Too bad jaded raven got himself banned

Say what? Why was he banned?

There's honestly a number of possibilities. If my memory serves me correctly, him and another user got into it, and he's never been back since.

I was wondering where he went...
12/24/2014 11:24 PM (UTC)
Because they'd best fit in the next mortal Kombat which spans MK4 to possibly Deception or Armageddon.

And with Shinnok appearing to be the next big bad in the upcoming Mortal Kombat X, Reiko and Tanya are shoe ins due to their involvement in the story which centered around Shinnok on Mortal Kombat 4.

I think that with more effort they can revive Jarek and can become a great character too, The snarky, brutish, sarcastic type that reluctantly help's the heros or this time around the bad guys due to the timeline change.

12/24/2014 11:32 PM (UTC)
Mileenaownz12345 Wrote:
Darkhound74 Wrote:
SwingBatta Wrote:
Hooky-Fooky Wrote:
Too bad jaded raven got himself banned

Say what? Why was he banned?

There's honestly a number of possibilities. If my memory serves me correctly, him and another user got into it, and he's never been back since.

I was wondering where he went...

Same here lol

Can't he make another account? Or do they ban IP here?
12/24/2014 11:35 PM (UTC)
Ya IMO both lack luster characters. but... that whole Shao Kahn mask thing sort of made Reiko interesting, despite the fact they never did anything with it. Now that Kahns dead I think they could do something with him. However, we could just as easily get some new Kahn super fan which would essentially serve the same purpose... If we even need something like that, Netherrealm studios may just want to move one with Kahn.

Tanya was never interesting to me. The fatalities were cool but they can just be applied to someone else. if it's a an argument for the inclusion of diversity, I'm sure were going to get new darker skinned characters.

To answer your question IMO
Reiko = Kahn Mask
Tanya = Diversity.
12/24/2014 11:48 PM (UTC)
I think its because they have the potential to be amazing characters. I mostly think this about Tanya. If she was fleshed out, she could be amazing. I mean look what they did with Stryker and Sheeva in MK9. My problem with Reiko is he just seems to be there. He does nothing.
12/25/2014 12:12 AM (UTC)

Oh no! I liked Jaded Raven. I hope he comes back, he was one of the staple posters on MKO, at least in my eyes. I must have missed it. I haven't been posting as much due to the lack of reveals. I have just been checking sporadically for updates. Sometimes I'll see if there are any good topics on the threads but I haven't been posting that much. I wish I got to see what happened I enjoy reading people's arguments on here.

Anyway, what is Reiko's story? I have never really payed attention to him.

Tanya is kinda interesting, she has potential.

12/25/2014 12:26 AM (UTC)
wdm6789 Wrote:

Oh no! I liked Jaded Raven. I hope he comes back, he was one of the staple posters on MKO, at least in my eyes. I must have missed it. I haven't been posting as much due to the lack of reveals. I have just been checking sporadically for updates. Sometimes I'll see if there are any good topics on the threads but I haven't been posting that much. I wish I got to see what happened I enjoy reading people's arguments on here.

Anyway, what is Reiko's story? I have never really payed attention to him

Here's his MK4 Bio

"Once a general in Shinnok's armies, Reiko lead the forces of darkness into the battle against the Elder Gods. Once thought killed during that onslaught, he resurfaces and joins the battle against Earth's forces"

Basically he once put on Shao Kahn's helmet, which is the only reason people remember him.
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12/25/2014 12:35 AM (UTC)
Tanya sucks, but Reiko is kool. I kicked a lot of asses with him in MK4. + He is from brotherhood of the shadows!
12/25/2014 01:12 AM (UTC)
I initially took to Tanya in MK4 because she was the only other playable female character besides Sonya. But her ending in that game sealed the deal. "Oh, she's eeeevil. Cool." - When I was 9 years old.

MK:D is where she really blossomed for me, though. Her character design took a more sinister turn, she began to actually look like a cultist that would know a thing or two about dark magics and worship an evil god. I, personally, like such characters and I'd love to see a magical variation for her in MKX. She feels like the closest thing MK has to an evil sorceress.

Reiko......I like his design and I'd like to see him developed further in some way. But I'm not sure if NRS really has a plan for this character. His ending in MK4, his little cameo in Deception's Konquest, his ending in Armageddon.....nearly everything about this character has been "I want that guy's cool helmet!"

And then there's the fact that he has few unique moves. His teleport throw is an identical copy of Noob's (because he was originally supposed to be Noob in MK4). And then they gave Li Mei his flip kick, which wouldn't be a problem as a one-off....but the flip kick is a core part of her moveset (and thus character identity) AND she's had more exposure than Reiko. Feels like that's her move now.

I'd like to see Reiko brought back, but he'd basically need to be reworked in he story department and renovated completely as far as moveset goes. I'm going to assume Kahn is imprisoned/vanquished by the Elder Gods. This is good for Reiko. Explore the Brotherhood of Shadow angle with which he made his debut. Explore his (apparently) difficult relationship with Quan Chi. The guy can't be on Kahn's dick forever. The emperor has pulled out.

12/25/2014 01:58 AM (UTC)
Go to trmk if you want to talk to jaded.

Anyways, neither character is a favorite for me. They're not interesting to me. Of course, any character can basically be when they have the time to be made. I just never found anything to like about these characters.

I actually found Tanya to be quite annoying with her jibberish in the fourth. Screaming "ahh my blood" and what sounds like "yaw my cigarette" when doing her drill move.

I don't see why people like a lot of characters I don't care for like Rain or Tremor but that's their opinion. Not gonna hate them for liking something I dont. I just don't see the appeal as everyone else does with these two.
12/25/2014 04:46 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
I actually found Tanya to be quite annoying with her jibberish in the fourth.

God, yes.

That's why I hated it when anyone played her in MK4, especially if the machine's sound volume was high.
12/25/2014 09:38 AM (UTC)
Hey man

What did i miss about jaded raven? When did that argument happen? I was wondering what happened to him
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