12/28/2014 07:05 PM (UTC)
For the record, my post showing an old thread of yours was not to be rude, it was because you stated "Tanya is like Scorpion," which is completely untrue. I recalled that thread because I wanted to show you what happened when one user said that. Little did I know, that user happened to be you who made that. Sooooo my point had to be changed a bit.

Maria_Linda Wrote:
In my opinion. Everything I post : my opinion.

Except, here when you allow your opinions to be out in the open with various strangers who so happen to like the same game you do, you allow your opinions to be open to debates and criticism. More so criticism than debates when it comes to you and your questionable obsession of one character.

You and several other users who I've seen in the past somehow have this problem that once someone disagrees with your opinions, you get butthurt and try to defend yourselves in various ways that are way too defensive when someone simply disagrees. You have to at least accept the fact that there are users on these forums that don't agree with you. No matter how many times you need to say "I'm a Tanya fan and I'm proud of it," Not that many people here likes that character because their reasons are acceptable. Of course, there are some laughable reasons such as, "Their fan base are filled with cancerous idiots." But, you're not Milaana/D'Vorah who, instead of trying to be reasonable and explain WHY you dislike a character, you attack the fan base because one person got under their skin due to their own actions rather than that other person.

I don't see Tanya as an important character, even more so now than before because Edenia isn't free from Outworld. The fate of the Edenians are unknown, which means Tanya's fate is unknown at this time. Tanya's purpose was to get at Kitana. According to what Razor said, she was more so jealous of her. Well, unfortunately her story has to be completely redone since Kitana's dead and Edenia is still not a free realm. I'd rather have Reiko in over her due to this problem. And I don't like Reiko. I don't like neither of these characters as much as some do.

But you don't mention anything about it. You don't mention anything about her story, you just say she's cool and great and other words that you've changed the "c" to a "k." At least TRY to have some sort of discussion as to WHY you want Tanya in rather than getting all out of control when someone happens to call you out over your weird, obsessive posts.

Like literally, try to discuss my reason why I don't see Tanya as an important character to X. Why she should be here instead of not. Oh, but you won't because:

Maria_Linda Wrote:
I will definitely NOT start a discussion. I just wanted to post 1 comment in this new Tanya thread I just found. smile

So, I guess I wasted my time? I get that I was rude to you in the past and since it's almost the new year and want to "better" myself I guess, I'm going to start a new and "try" to reason with you and "try" to have a discussion with you instead of just ignoring your random, obsessed posts.

Maria_Linda Wrote:
I want to make myself klear.

Then I seriously hope you do so. I really want to see you having a discussion with someone who is on the opposite side from you and DON'T want your favorite in. Give reasons. Tell me five reasons that are understandable reasons instead of saying, "She's epic and cool." I want to see that from a person who seems to be the most die hard fan of this character.

Maria_Linda Wrote:
I just wanted to post 1 comment in this new Tanya thread I just found. smile

Well, it's on the front page of the X forum so you really didn't "find" it. It was there from the start. Finding it would mean you hunted down previous pages and saw a thread that you liked and wanted to bump it back for discussion.

Maria_Linda Wrote:
And you will notice, this Tanya thread was not started by me for once. lol

No, no it wasn't. I'm proud of you. *clap clap*

Maria_Linda Wrote:
There are other Tanya fans on the planet Earth! grin grin

Yes, but somehow there's not that much of them despite I thought that there were.
12/28/2014 07:47 PM (UTC)
i like Tanya mainly cause of her MKD design. i thought her outfit gave her an elegant demeanor that was not really found in the other MK girls (not even Sindel).

I also liked her weapon!

as for why others are interested in her, i think its mainly cause she was considered another female ninja.
12/28/2014 10:07 PM (UTC)

DarkKard4 Wrote:
as for what others are interested in her, i think its mainly cause she was considered another female ninja.

No she wasn't, and she is not.

About Me

12/28/2014 11:41 PM (UTC)
OttoVonRuthless Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
Maria_Linda Wrote:

I hate to do this, but I remember this one thread a while back about something of Tanya being a "female Scorpion."

Looky here. This is a very old thread showcasing various users explaining to you how Tanya is NOT Scorpion.

Please, don't start up with that again.

Vintage Maria_Linda

Tempted to run IP check among other things.
12/28/2014 11:47 PM (UTC)
Regarding Tanya, I like her updated design post MK4 (the Deception one) and I like her story. It fleshes out her character and motivations nicely. She doesn't work 24/7 really for anyone as henchgirl per say, she isn't strictly evil for evils sake like rebooted Mileena (which for the record I think works for that character), she's just purely all about herself and I think that's a nice trait for an MK character to have. Also, more Edenians the better. The series is way too packed and over-saturated with denizens of Earthrealm and Outworld.

Regarding Reiko, I have no particular love for the character other than the fact I like that he's a bit of a mystery, I think it works well for his possibly personality. Also his ties to the Brotherhood of Shadow could lead to a lot of promising story potential.
12/29/2014 12:37 AM (UTC)
Becuase people liked them and played them in MK4, and those fans are hoping for a redesign and expanded moveset for them in MKX as well as getting the opportunity to play as them on a 2D plane, and them getting a personality for once. Isn't this obviously the reason?

That said i hope Reiko's killed for good and doesn't ever return.
About Me

We share blood, we are not brothers

12/29/2014 01:22 AM (UTC)
wdm6789 Wrote:

DarkKard4 Wrote:
as for what others are interested in her, i think its mainly cause she was considered another female ninja.

No she wasn't, and she is not.

Although ridiculous, she actually was (at least to some extent). In MKAr, they gave Khameleon one special move from each of these characters: Kitana, Jade, Mileena and TANYA. They should've put Frost as well...
12/29/2014 01:36 AM (UTC)
MK-Noob Wrote:
wdm6789 Wrote:

DarkKard4 Wrote:
as for why others are interested in her, i think its mainly cause she was considered another female ninja.

No she wasn't, and she is not.

Although ridiculous, she actually was (at least to some extent). In MKAr, they gave Khameleon one special move from each of these characters: Kitana, Jade, Mileena and TANYA. They should've put Frost as well...

they probably didn't consider frost as she didn't dress like the other 4 but more like subzero. Khameleon and the others wore dem bathing suit like outfits.

Plus Kitana is already the blue palette swap.
12/29/2014 03:25 AM (UTC)
I've always saw Tanya as that Selfish corrupt woman who never took anything seriously, always manipulative and condescending, and when she was feigning allegiance with the forces of good she didn't get along with much of the protagonists in the first place especially with Sonya, maybe Johnny Cage making advances only for her to be un amused by his flirtatious actions, however seducing Kai to get something she wants from him.

Then we have Reiko, I see him as socially the black sheep in Khan's army possessing a neurotic and eager personality, a strong enough warrior to be granted the rank general, but not really well respected among his peers, maybe he even fantasizing about one day being emperor himself, not to overthrow Khan but just more as a successor. And perhaps Quan Chi mocks him at every turn which causes Reiko shake his fist at him when his back is turned.
12/29/2014 12:15 PM (UTC)
MK-Noob Wrote:
wdm6789 Wrote:

DarkKard4 Wrote:
as for what others are interested in her, i think its mainly cause she was considered another female ninja.

No she wasn't, and she is not.

Although ridiculous, she actually was (at least to some extent). In MKAr, they gave Khameleon one special move from each of these characters: Kitana, Jade, Mileena and TANYA. They should've put Frost as well...

Except Tanya has never been a ninja. Kitana, Mileena, and Jade really were ninjas, even by definition, that weren't just called that. Frost I'm not sure about because I never payed attention to her.

12/29/2014 01:16 PM (UTC)
Anyone who is Lin Kuei are not ninjas.
12/29/2014 03:56 PM (UTC)
wdm6789 Wrote:
MK-Noob Wrote:
wdm6789 Wrote:

DarkKard4 Wrote:
as for what others are interested in her, i think its mainly cause she was considered another female ninja.

No she wasn't, and she is not.

Although ridiculous, she actually was (at least to some extent). In MKAr, they gave Khameleon one special move from each of these characters: Kitana, Jade, Mileena and TANYA. They should've put Frost as well...

Except Tanya has never been a ninja. Kitana, Mileena, and Jade really were ninjas, even by definition, that weren't just called that. Frost I'm not sure about because I never payed attention to her.

How are Kitana or Mileena ninjas? LMAO
12/29/2014 06:30 PM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
wdm6789 Wrote:
MK-Noob Wrote:
wdm6789 Wrote:

DarkKard4 Wrote:
as for what others are interested in her, i think its mainly cause she was considered another female ninja.

No she wasn't, and she is not.

Although ridiculous, she actually was (at least to some extent). In MKAr, they gave Khameleon one special move from each of these characters: Kitana, Jade, Mileena and TANYA. They should've put Frost as well...

Except Tanya has never been a ninja. Kitana, Mileena, and Jade really were ninjas, even by definition, that weren't just called that. Frost I'm not sure about because I never payed attention to her.

How are Kitana or Mileena ninjas? LMAO

Because they were Shao Khan's assassins that were skilled in martial arts and they wore masks, Jade as well. How is that not a ninja? I'd say that in the new timeline Mileena isn't really a ninja anymore, just Kitana and Jade.

12/29/2014 07:08 PM (UTC)
wdm6789 Wrote:Because they were Shao Khan's deadly assassins that were highly skilled and trained in martial arts and they wore masks, Jade as well. How is that not a ninja? I'd say that in the new timeline Mileena isn't really a ninja anymore, just Kitana and Jade.

LOL, that's not how it works, that's not the definition of a ninja. The mask, for once has nothing to do with being a ninja or not. Skarlet's the only one that i could see being a ninja since she actually uses ninja weaponry, and even then we don't know what training she had.
About Me


12/29/2014 09:30 PM (UTC)
Please don't start turning this into another one of those pointless "what is and is not considered a 'ninja' in the MKverse". There is a different thread for that for you to read and consider. Or do i need to get Razor out here on yo' asses? This topic is specifically about Tanya & Reiko. (Although why more Tanya threads are necessary i don't know. I guess it proves even if she may not be as popular as previously expected, she evokes a great deal of strong opinions from fans.)

Also, did everyone just breeze past my 'abusive script' tangent, or are ya'll too stunned into silence? (Yes i'm aware that this sort-of contradicts the first point i was making, but it was a spur-of-the-moment mental image i just felt the need to share.)
12/29/2014 10:07 PM (UTC)
Because Razor is totally who we need in desperate times to figure out left from right.


Google is more reliable to figure things out than a guy who can't use common sense to report a minuscule problem.
12/30/2014 02:22 AM (UTC)

I apologize PickleMendip.

diirecthit Wrote:
wdm6789 Wrote:Because they were Shao Khan's deadly assassins that were highly skilled and trained in martial arts and they wore masks, Jade as well. How is that not a ninja? I'd say that in the new timeline Mileena isn't really a ninja anymore, just Kitana and Jade.

LOL, that's not how it works, that's not the definition of a ninja. The mask, for once has nothing to do with being a ninja or not. Skarlet's the only one that i could see being a ninja since she actually uses ninja weaponry, and even then we don't know what training she had.

Please explain to me how it works then. Are Jade, Kitana, and Mileena not assassins trained in martial arts? If I am wrong, I welcome your correction. What makes Skarlet a ninja? She's kinda like Reiko and Kira and Darrius and Lei Mei and Frost and all the other post MK3ers to Me, I never paid attention to her.

About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

12/30/2014 02:26 AM (UTC)
In MK...

Mask = Ninja.

At least in the 90's. Although it's now much easier to argue since we know a lot more about these characters.

But LITERALLY speaking?

They're NOT ninjas.
12/30/2014 02:52 AM (UTC)
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
In MK...

Mask = Ninja.

At least in the 90's. Although it's now much easier to argue since we know a lot more about these characters.

But LITERALLY speaking?

They're NOT ninjas.

I agree, and even i call them "MK ninjas" (they're not really ninjas but people will call the palette-swapped, masked chars from the 2D games ninjas so i go with the flow) BUT, that one member said something along the lines that Tanya is not a ninja, but Kitana, Mileena and Jade are, even by "definition", which they are NOT. I did not want to turn this thread into another "ninja vs not a ninja" discussion, just wanted to correct that member because by DEFINITION, Kitana, Mileena and Jade are NOT ninjas.
12/30/2014 03:08 AM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
In MK...

Mask = Ninja.

At least in the 90's. Although it's now much easier to argue since we know a lot more about these characters.

But LITERALLY speaking?

They're NOT ninjas.

I agree, and even i call them "MK ninjas" (they're not really ninjas but people will call the palette-swapped, masked chars from the 2D games ninjas so i go with the flow) BUT, that one member said something along the lines that Tanya is not a ninja, but Kitana, Mileena and Jade are, even by "definition", which they are NOT. I did not want to turn this thread into another "ninja vs not a ninja" discussion, just wanted to correct that member because by DEFINITION, Kitana, Mileena and Jade are NOT ninjas.

You still have not corrected me because you have not explained how Mileena, Jade, and Kitana are not ninjas. Please google the definition of a ninja. They all say something along the lines of "a person who is trained in marital arts and is hired for spying or assassination." The only thing that would make them not ninjas is that they're not Japanese. Other than that, they fit the ninja description pretty nicely.

About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

12/30/2014 03:40 AM (UTC)
wdm6789 Wrote:
You still have not corrected me because you have not explained how Mileena, Jade, and Kitana are not ninjas. Please google the definition of a ninja. They all say something along the lines of "a person who is trained in marital arts and is hired for spying or assassination." The only thing that would make them not ninjas is that they're not Japanese. Other than that, they fit the ninja description pretty nicely.

Eh. Yeah, they're trained in martial arts and are used for assassinations and such, but Johnny Cage is also trained in the arts and actually does quite a bit of spying in SM. Not to mention, kind of assassinates Goro...hired or not. And I'm aware SM wasn't canon, but I'm just trying to prove a point.

There's also Dairou, Hotaru, Kano, and others who have had equal parts in spying or assassinations, but are not ninjas.

Kitana, Mileena, Jade, and Tanya all bend to the will of others for the most part. Ninjas do not. Scorpion only does because, ya know, is kind of manipulated and forced into it. (It's obvious in MK9 that Quan Chi has some sort of control over him, hence "Restraint, Scorpion!" and "Fetch your MASTER, Scorpion!")

Also, sorry to further derail. To get back on topic :

The more I think about it, the more Reiko slides onto the backburner for me. There's just so many characters I'd like to see again before him at this point. I'm still hoping for him, but it's fading.
12/30/2014 03:42 AM (UTC)
wdm6789 Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
In MK...

Mask = Ninja.

At least in the 90's. Although it's now much easier to argue since we know a lot more about these characters.

But LITERALLY speaking?

They're NOT ninjas.

I agree, and even i call them "MK ninjas" (they're not really ninjas but people will call the palette-swapped, masked chars from the 2D games ninjas so i go with the flow) BUT, that one member said something along the lines that Tanya is not a ninja, but Kitana, Mileena and Jade are, even by "definition", which they are NOT. I did not want to turn this thread into another "ninja vs not a ninja" discussion, just wanted to correct that member because by DEFINITION, Kitana, Mileena and Jade are NOT ninjas.

You still have not corrected me because you have not explained how Mileena, Jade, and Kitana are not ninjas. Please google the definition of a ninja. They all say something along the lines of "a person who is trained in marital arts and is hired for spying or assassination." The only thing that would make them not ninjas is that they're not Japanese. Other than that, they fit the ninja description pretty nicely.

They've never used ninjutsu techniques in battle, nor has it been stated that they've trained it, not to mention they're not even from earthrealm/Japan, like you said, although you can make a case for that argument since there are ninjas in other countries as well.

Being an assassin and wearing a mask doesn't make you a ninja, just like Tanya could very well be a ninja (by training, though we don't know about that).
12/30/2014 07:10 AM (UTC)
I like Tanya because in my opinion her look is more interesting than a lot of the female characters that came before and after her.
she doesn't rely on slutiness, like most of the females, but she's still very sexy

also I feel like a lot of people, including myself, want her back because there is so much potential behind her story and her gameplay.

she's into dark magic, but we don't really see that in her fighting, maybe just her invisibility and white eyes

plus she has something to do with dragons, which would be something really cool

but to me the most interesting part about her is that she considers herself a survival and thats why she sides with the bad guys

i personally think shinnok, quanchi and tanya are more interesting than
shoa kang, shun sung, and mileena

12/30/2014 12:36 PM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
wdm6789 Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
In MK...

Mask = Ninja.

At least in the 90's. Although it's now much easier to argue since we know a lot more about these characters.

But LITERALLY speaking?

They're NOT ninjas.

I agree, and even i call them "MK ninjas" (they're not really ninjas but people will call the palette-swapped, masked chars from the 2D games ninjas so i go with the flow) BUT, that one member said something along the lines that Tanya is not a ninja, but Kitana, Mileena and Jade are, even by "definition", which they are NOT. I did not want to turn this thread into another "ninja vs not a ninja" discussion, just wanted to correct that member because by DEFINITION, Kitana, Mileena and Jade are NOT ninjas.

You still have not corrected me because you have not explained how Mileena, Jade, and Kitana are not ninjas. Please google the definition of a ninja. They all say something along the lines of "a person who is trained in marital arts and is hired for spying or assassination." The only thing that would make them not ninjas is that they're not Japanese. Other than that, they fit the ninja description pretty nicely.

They've never used ninjutsu techniques in battle, nor has it been stated that they've trained it, not to mention they're not even from earthrealm/Japan, like you said, although you can make a case for that argument since there are ninjas in other countries as well.

Being an assassin and wearing a mask doesn't make you a ninja, just like Tanya could very well be a ninja (by training, though we don't know about that).

You guys are just splitting hairs at this point. From everything I have read from google, they fit the bill as ninjas. So do several other characters. But Kitana, Mileena, Jade's job for Shao Kahn was pretty much to be ninjas. Tanya we know nothing about pre MK4.

12/30/2014 02:03 PM (UTC)
Women can't be Ninjas for sexist reasons.
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