12/25/2014 09:55 AM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
Hey man

What did i miss about jaded raven? When did that argument happen? I was wondering what happened to him

It happened a while ago. I'm sure his ban has been lifted, but he decided not to return.
About Me

12/25/2014 10:16 AM (UTC)
Tanya is probably popular because she is the first female character that was unambiguously evil for the sake of gain.... well, aside Mileena, but she was a freak. Also the agile special moves somwhat played into it.

I never liked her really, she was basically Kitana made evil. Originally Kitana was to be instead of her, hell, the code and model is still in MK4 and can be accesseb by a bit of cracking.

Tanya got a lot better in MKD. She has knowledge of ancient Edenian stuff, is a survivor. She is someone who is not a fighter, but a middlewoman for Shinnok, Shang and Quan with an agenda. Basically the only female schemer we have.
Though she stole Cammy's corcscrew kick, so minus points for that.

Then we have this clown. Reiko. Hooo boy.....

Basically he has nothing original going for him aside having graying hair, which they removed after MK4. So, has Rain's ninja outfit, with Shao Kahn's gloves, mius the spikes on the wristband part, has no mask, but stole Shang Tsung's eye decoration from MK3.

He basically has no personality and backstory. Wohoho, he was a general in Kahn's army and now serves under Shinnok. OK, what does that tell us about him as a person?

Liu Kang, MK1: strong in his beliefs and despises Shang Tsung. Sub-Zero MK1: kills for fun. We need snippets like this to describe the character, otherwise it is nothing. Also, his ending tells us absolutely nothing.

Important. The original video was him going through the portal. They only added the helmet stuff later. This whole joke fetishism is... not cute. They deliberately made him into a joke. Really? What is funny about it?

Given what we know abut Kahn, I suppose he died because Kahn walked in on him in the morning while dressed only in a towel, and saw him prancing around in his helmet. Hammer to the head.

Reiko has a few ultimate points by which I condemn him:

- female name. Sure, Hotaru is also a Japanese female name, though that at least means firefly, so it is a codename. There are alternatives (-ou) by which they could improve this.

-nothing about him is eyecatching. His looks are not his own. Later on we got a S&M gear, but that again was a throwback to Kahn.

- in MK4 he was a Noob Saibot clone. Again, originally he was to be Noob Saibot. Then he got Kahn moves.... again, not his own.

- the whole point of his Kahn worship WOULD work if he had a personality, a context of his own. If we know WHAT he is before we see WHO he tries to become we could see the A point from which he goes into B. Without the A point his B (Kahn klone) has no real oomph, because we do not know why he does that, we do not know what his motivation is....

There is one thing however I did like. His scene with Taven in Armageddon had character, but we did not get any more out of it, than him being soft spoken and somewhat reasonable and he hates Quan Chi.

Here is the thing: peope mostly like the holow ceramite shell of the Reiko character, which, by all means is not yet a character. He is a skin.

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12/25/2014 10:28 AM (UTC)
Hey if you haven't been banned at least once you're not trolling hard enough!

As for Tanya and Reiko I like both characters. There's those really popular characters like Scorp and Subby and then there's the 2nd tier such as Kano and Jax. There is a third tier(Motaro, Moloch) and a throwaway tier(Mokap, Meat) as well. Please don't argue with it... I know it's a matter of opinion but I'm basing this off popularity. But then there is another tier I like to call the Cult tier where Characters like Rain and Tremor reside. Somebody will throw in a Character like Kai's name and bam all of a sudden a shit load of people come out of the woodwork in favor of his return with minimal haters. Still not highly talked about or sought after but they always seem to gain some steam with people as the months go by regarding Character reveals.

Personally why I like Tanya is because she was the sexiest to me. Her story sucked a big one but she looked good. I thought she looked more Brazilian or dark skinned Latina than black but who really knows. It's not important. Her move set also seemed poorly imagined. But if you put a story to her about being some bad ass dragon queen like Khaleesi maybe you got something there.

Reiko was ok. And it's basically the same shit for him as it was with Tanya. He's a general of Outworld armies and its not like that matters any. Do you ever command any armies in MK? No. He's basically a henchman that put on Shao's mask once. But retcon his story or add to it and you may have something.
12/25/2014 04:04 PM (UTC)
I feel that people are so interested in both Tanya and Reiko because they see potential in these characters. There is an alluring mystery behind both characters in their looks, story, and relationships with other staple characters.

I am interested in Tanya because of her history with Edenia. Not much is known about Edenia except that there was a king named Jerrod who was married to Sindel, and had Kitana with her. Shao Kahn invaded and took Jerrod's life, took Sindel and Kitana as his own and merged that realm with Outworld. The rest of the characters associated with Edenia have a cult following such as Rain, Ermac, Jade, and I feel that Tanya falls into that category. I also like that Tanya sold out her realm, and helped open a portal for Shinnok and Quan Chi to have the forces of the Netherrealm invade Edenia shortly after the entire realm was freed from Shao Kahn after his defeat. In this game, MKX I wouldn't be surprised if I saw Raiden foresee Tanya's betrayal and intervene to further disrupt the canonical timeline that we know of. I for one, would not be opposed to have Tanya as a playable character in the upcoming game.

Reiko is a character that has a cool look, and not much is known about him. That ending with him donning Shao Kahn's mask is what created all the buzz about him, but for me I am more interested in his affiliation with Shinnok and what led him to wage war against the elder gods. Was Reiko an advisor to Shao Kahn but was banished to the Netherrealm? Reiko seems like one of those characters that has lived through a few millenniums and can offer us a better understanding of the bad guys if we actually saw some dimension of the story through his perspective. I feel that through a character like Reiko, we can understand the Brotherhood of Shadow better, how Shinnok's forces are organized, how it is like to fight against the elder gods. Reiko has so much potential to be a complete badass, if what I believe of him is true, a former ally of Shao Kahn who had a falling out with him, and then was recruited by hell itself to fight against the very fabric of reality to bring into power the devil who is Shinnok. Let's see more of that!
12/25/2014 10:08 PM (UTC)
Now come to think of it, I don't think Tanya should be playable in MKX because Edenia does not exist so she has no value for the Netherrealm to take over what has already been merged by Outworld. Plus I don't hear enough about other potentially good female characters such as Sareena and Li Mei to appear in the next game who can contribute to the existing story arc. I also find Reiko to fit the next game given that he could be the one to throw off Kotal Kahn from his throne if Goro fails and help Shinnok's invasion succeed of both Earthrealm and Outworld. Plus I find Reiko's mysterious persona and past very intriguing that should be explored if he is confirmed unlike the loud "I'm evil" bad guys like Shao Kahn or Onaga. Reiko strikes me more of a calm and analytical warrior given that he was a general and a strategist. HOWEVER I can see Tanya making a cameo maybe at the end of MKX, hinting at a possible new female boss in MKXI or she's working with a powerful villain hidden in the shadows or is trying to exploit possibly a Kamidogu.
Jaded-Raven still banned? Yeah, sorry about that. My bad.
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

12/26/2014 04:05 AM (UTC)
It's simply because if they're in the game, MKX will have them redesigned and hopefully, re-imagined story wise with more development.

Basically, this is their shot. Especially Reiko.

Really, same could be said of the other disappointing 3D era characters. If they're included, this is their one and only shot for redemption.
12/26/2014 06:26 PM (UTC)
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
Really, same could be said of the other disappointing 3D era characters. If they're included, this is their one and only shot for redemption.

They won't be included, since we're bringing back all the moldy oldies once again (Kano and Goro's inclusions perfectly exemplify this) for MKX because NRS can't let go of the past as much as the fanbase.

Their best bet is if there's an MKXI.
About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

12/26/2014 07:23 PM (UTC)
Once that German mag spurred JC, Sonya, and Kang rumors, I had hoped that the original cast of MK1 (might as well include Ermac) would be the baseline for returning playable characters. After that, I would of liked them to turn the attention to the MK4-MKD folks.

The more popular "dead" characters like Kitana, Smoke, Kung Lao, and Jade are all better off just sitting on the DLC shelf atm. As for the others, like Kabal, Sindel, Jax, Stryker, and Sheeva, story mode cameo or just simply no inclusion would do it for me.

Nightwolf, Kitana (MAYBE Jade), and Shang Tsung are the only "dead" characters I'd like to see again anyways. At least for the time being...

Overall though, I'm happy we're getting the amount of new characters that we are. And who knows? Maybe a couple of the ones, who have yet to be revealed, are recycled concepts or fusions of the poorly written/designed characters.

If you were told to take the top ten most hated MK characters, and create 3 new ones using them as inspiration, could you do it? Who's to say they didn't take this approach with some of the fresh faces? I believe there's lots of useful odds and ends that could be salvaged.

The literal death of Kobra, Kira, Darrius, Jarek, Dairou, Hsu Hao, and Mavado giving way to better written and designed characters? Yeah I'll take that win-win. That is, IF they've learned from their mistakes...which we'll discover in time.

Note : Some of those characters I actually enjoyed, well I should say their roles. Spanish assassin? Rebel mercenary? Street fighter? Yeah I dig those, but the characters themselves were just so uninspiring and bland.
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Check out my MK vids on my Youtube Channel


Find me on XBL GT: Icy X PSN: IcyX_88

Want to make me a sig? Something simple with Reptile elbowing in mk9 would be great :)

12/26/2014 07:29 PM (UTC)
Well heres how i feel about the two.....

I skipped mk4 but am familiar with it thanks to the net, but anyways i didnt ever play with either til mkd and mka.

Tanya... I think i do recall hate on her for being some what kitana rip off, but she really isnt.... Idk i guess in mk4 she does basically seem like an evil kitana.... Anyways Tanya is actually my fav female mk char since mkd. I like her character, they just need her story to improve. I like her look, and i like her moves. Yeah fire not original but suits her and i love her cannon drill move. Ive wanted her back for years now since mk9 and she wasnt dlc. I think her in 2d plane could kickass and be fun to play with in mkx. I mainly just see high gameplay potential in her and yeah she is a top ten fav of mine..... A lof of ppl want to see her back though mainly because she is most popular female not in mk9 and there just is a trend of fans always showing high support for chars that wearnt in the last game.

Reiko.... I dont really care about him.... Not bad look, not bad moves, but he seems more of a joke than any thing else story and character wise..... With this new timeline maybe he can become a new Noob.... If not, then still rather see Noob than Reiko... I actually dont really get Reikos fanbase..... I dont hate him at all but he is someone i think isnt needed. However yes there is potential they could do sone thing big for his character and story, but what?

So all in all i get the Tanya and Fujin wants, but i dont really get why theres demand for Reiko... It isnt much demand though i dont think....
12/26/2014 07:40 PM (UTC)
Mileenaownz12345 Wrote:
Darkhound74 Wrote:
SwingBatta Wrote:
Hooky-Fooky Wrote:
Too bad jaded raven got himself banned

Say what? Why was he banned?

There's honestly a number of possibilities. If my memory serves me correctly, him and another user got into it, and he's never been back since.

I was wondering where he went...

Sorry i didn't mean to hijack the thread with mentioning JR, I think he got into an argument with a user and it ended up with him being banned, cuz he had been warned previous times before.

As for Tanya and Reiko, I never got their appeal honestly. I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that Tanya's spot in MK4 was gonna be Kitana, but they decided they didn't have enough new characters so they made up a new character to take her spot.

Reiko reminds me of Robin from "Batman and Robin", the so bad/hilariously funny movie from 1997.
About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

12/26/2014 08:22 PM (UTC)
Hooky-Fooky Wrote:
Reiko reminds me of Robin from "Batman and Robin", the so bad/hilariously funny movie from 1997.


I'm still thankful for Tommy and Jim, though. Couldn't of finished it without them.
12/26/2014 10:42 PM (UTC)
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
Hooky-Fooky Wrote:
Reiko reminds me of Robin from "Batman and Robin", the so bad/hilariously funny movie from 1997.


I'm still thankful for Tommy and Jim, though. Couldn't of finished it without them.

You're talking about Batman Forever, which came before Batman and Robin. Not great, but infinitely better than the latter.

The one I'm talking about is the one with Arnold Schwarzenegger as Mr. Freeze and Uma Thurman as Poison Ivy...blech
12/27/2014 12:00 AM (UTC)

Grizzle Wrote:
I feel that people are so interested in both Tanya and Reiko because they see potential in these characters. There is an alluring mystery behind both characters in their looks, story, and relationships with other staple characters.

I am interested in Tanya because of her history with Edenia. Not much is known about Edenia except that there was a king named Jerrod who was married to Sindel, and had Kitana with her. Shao Kahn invaded and took Jerrod's life, took Sindel and Kitana as his own and merged that realm with Outworld. The rest of the characters associated with Edenia have a cult following such as Rain, Ermac, Jade, and I feel that Tanya falls into that category. I also like that Tanya sold out her realm, and helped open a portal for Shinnok and Quan Chi to have the forces of the Netherrealm invade Edenia shortly after the entire realm was freed from Shao Kahn after his defeat. In this game, MKX I wouldn't be surprised if I saw Raiden foresee Tanya's betrayal and intervene to further disrupt the canonical timeline that we know of. I for one, would not be opposed to have Tanya as a playable character in the upcoming game.

Reiko is a character that has a cool look, and not much is known about him. That ending with him donning Shao Kahn's mask is what created all the buzz about him, but for me I am more interested in his affiliation with Shinnok and what led him to wage war against the elder gods. Was Reiko an advisor to Shao Kahn but was banished to the Netherrealm? Reiko seems like one of those characters that has lived through a few millenniums and can offer us a better understanding of the bad guys if we actually saw some dimension of the story through his perspective. I feel that through a character like Reiko, we can understand the Brotherhood of Shadow better, how Shinnok's forces are organized, how it is like to fight against the elder gods. Reiko has so much potential to be a complete badass, if what I believe of him is true, a former ally of Shao Kahn who had a falling out with him, and then was recruited by hell itself to fight against the very fabric of reality to bring into power the devil who is Shinnok. Let's see more of that!

I like these two analysis. This actually made me want to see Reiko in this game. I really did not care about the guy at all until I read your post. I think it would be a great idea to bring him back and give him more story/character development.

krajax Wrote:
Now come to think of it, I don't think Tanya should be playable in MKX because Edenia does not exist so she has no value for the Netherrealm to take over what has already been merged by Outworld. Plus I don't hear enough about other potentially good female characters such as Sareena and Li Mei to appear in the next game who can contribute to the existing story arc. I also find Reiko to fit the next game given that he could be the one to throw off Kotal Kahn from his throne if Goro fails and help Shinnok's invasion succeed of both Earthrealm and Outworld. Plus I find Reiko's mysterious persona and past very intriguing that should be explored if he is confirmed unlike the loud "I'm evil" bad guys like Shao Kahn or Onaga. Reiko strikes me more of a calm and analytical warrior given that he was a general and a strategist.

You're right. Edenia is still part of Outworld at this point in time. I have never cared for Sareena or Lie Mei. I would rather see Tanya back. What was life like for Tanya when Edenia was still part of Outworld? Was Tanya's family loyal to the Edenian resistance or do you think they sold themselves out to keep their aristocratic status like Jade's parents did? What made Tanya such a deceptive character. Why does she always side with the bad guys?

About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

12/27/2014 05:24 AM (UTC)
Hooky-Fooky Wrote:
You're talking about Batman Forever, which came before Batman and Robin. Not great, but infinitely better than the latter.

The one I'm talking about is the one with Arnold Schwarzenegger as Mr. Freeze and Uma Thurman as Poison Ivy...blech

Gotcha. Yeah I only saw that one once, maybe twice. Painful it was. Which is a shame, big Uma fan.
12/27/2014 02:08 PM (UTC)
Warning! opinions ahead. Not to be taken as any sort of fact. If any sort of pain should occur in your glutes and/or around your anus, attempt to relax immediately and do not operate any key-punching device.

I've always hated Tanya. I know that's going to rub a lot of people the wrong way, but it's true. She's just boring! It's as if the team said, "eh evil female is enough." Now, I get it MK4 is the school Mac N Cheese of Mortal Kombat- bland as hell, and makes you feel ill if you think too much about it. Tanya was just sooo not there, though. Even with Kai and Jarek I had sort of something to hang my hat on. Kai was a monk, ok, I get it. Jarek is a black dragon thug, fine, we know they exist, whatever. Tanya though, why is she evil? Did she just welcome Shinnok in and he explained his plot to her and she was like "yeah, ok." Did he threaten her? Did she contact him? Why the hell is the welcome wagon THIS involved?

Then we get the whole Deception "Weellllllllllll she worked for the Deadly Alliance, but she got caught by the Dragon King, so she's with him now."

I get a fighting game is not the place for rich story, but since when the hell did "Welcome to the Neighborhood Muffin Basket Lady" become enough to constitute existing in a fighter?

Reiko is BARELY better, with at least some explanation of him being a general. But then we have the weird Shao Kahn connection - why/how did he switch sides to Kahn? Was he auditioning for a role in Kahn's army?

Honestly, the Kahn story-line seems better, but I think they executed it horribly. When they brought him back in Armageddon they made him Kahn lite, just like they did to Jarek in MK4 with him being Kano-lite, and again to Jarek in Armageddon, being weirdly like Dairou.

Anywho, Reiko, in my mind, has potential, but it's not as a brute. Reiko, again in my opinion, should be the cold, calculating, scheming, adviser-type. Reiko needs to be a Wilhuff Tarkin, not a Kahn fangirl. He should be a character that carries himself with dignity, who serves Kahn and loathes him at the same time. Reiko, apparently, earned himself a war room, but does he really seem like the guy to have planned for one of the greatest conquerors in the Universe? No.

Give the man back his full head of hair, frost his temples, and give him something that doesn't look like it crawled out of Boy George's closet. Reiko, once more in my opinion, should exist as a cruel, cold, calculating character with dignity.

I could easily see him in MKX as the leader of the remnant of what was once Kahn's Empire. Perhaps entering into a tentative alliance with the forces of light to combat a greater threat in Outworld.
12/28/2014 01:39 AM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:Does anyone remember how hugely hated Tanya once was? I don't believe she was hugely requested for MKD, but she came back and fans began liking her, enough to end up as one of the only requested 3D era characters.

Tanya kame back for MKDeception because she is liked by the MK team themselves. I'm glad the MK team ignored the irrelevant hate from silly fans. LOL The MK team's opinion matters more than that of bitter, clueless fans.

ALSO, why would Ed Boon choose the name "Tanya" for a kharakter he didn't like or approve of? Let's not forget "Tanya" is one of Ed Boon's siblings, just like "Sonya".

MY personal reasons why Tanya is epik :

1 - She is yellow
2 - She has fire powers (the more fire in Mortal Kombat, the better and merrier)

So basically Tanya is like the female Scorpion. Am I lying here? No. LOL
In my opinion, Tanya is just as epik and badasss as Scorpion.

Also, Tanya's endings in MK4, MKDeception and MKArmageddon are all extremely hilarious and majestik (canon or not). Tanya is an epik Edenian troll. Her nickname could be "Trollanya". grin

For these reasons alone, Tanya is great. My favorite kharakter in the entire MK franchise. smile
12/28/2014 01:43 AM (UTC)
Maria_Linda Wrote:

I hate to do this, but I remember this one thread a while back about something of Tanya being a "female Scorpion."

Looky here. This is a very old thread showcasing various users explaining to you how Tanya is NOT Scorpion.

Please, don't start up with that again.
12/28/2014 01:52 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Maria_Linda Wrote:

I hate to do this, but I remember this one thread a while back about something of Tanya being a "female Scorpion."

Looky here. This is a very old thread showcasing various users explaining to you how Tanya is NOT Scorpion.

Please, don't start up with that again.

In my opinion.

Everything I post : my opinion.

I want to make myself klear.

I will definitely NOT start a discussion. I just wanted to post 1 comment in this new Tanya thread I just found. smile

I have KFC chicken to go eat.

And you will notice, this Tanya thread was not started by me for once. lol

There are other Tanya fans on the planet Earth! grin grin
About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

12/28/2014 02:40 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:Looky here. This is a very old thread showcasing various users explaining to you how Tanya is NOT Scorpion.

Thank you for that! First page of that thread topped off my lulz for the day.
12/28/2014 03:37 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Maria_Linda Wrote:

I hate to do this, but I remember this one thread a while back about something of Tanya being a "female Scorpion."

Looky here. This is a very old thread showcasing various users explaining to you how Tanya is NOT Scorpion.

Please, don't start up with that again.

Holy shit that's from 06'.

I really haven't been here long
12/28/2014 06:59 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Maria_Linda Wrote:

I hate to do this, but I remember this one thread a while back about something of Tanya being a "female Scorpion."

Looky here. This is a very old thread showcasing various users explaining to you how Tanya is NOT Scorpion.

Please, don't start up with that again.

Vintage Maria_Linda
12/28/2014 10:06 AM (UTC)
OttoVonRuthless Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
Maria_Linda Wrote:

I hate to do this, but I remember this one thread a while back about something of Tanya being a "female Scorpion."

Looky here. This is a very old thread showcasing various users explaining to you how Tanya is NOT Scorpion.

Please, don't start up with that again.

Vintage Maria_Linda

She's been here this long? Why have I never noticed her until recently?
About Me

Love and equality

12/28/2014 11:39 AM (UTC)
Tanya has been my fave since mk 4. I personally love her, i was a beast with her in mk deception and Armageddon online. Great look and I'm hoping to see her in mk x. There's many fighters i personally find boring, but they are popular. Just personal taste. Reiko i think with a makeover, could be great. I like the under dog fighters
About Me


12/28/2014 02:15 PM (UTC)
Hooky-Fooky Wrote:Reiko reminds me of Robin from "Batman and Robin", the so bad/hilariously funny movie from 1997.

But, but... Chris O'Donnell is such a sweetie. It's not his fault he was abused by a bad script (two, actually).

*Suddenly, an image forms in my mind of Chris O'D in the witness stand, testifying against a bad script whispering things to its lawyer, while the defence lawyer holds up a doll and asks, "Now, can you point to where you were abused?"

Anyway, I think the Tanya fanbase mostly stems from MKD. She was a returning character = instantly recognisable and nostalgic. What makes this stand out more, is the roster for new characters were pretty poorly received (Kira, Kobra, Dairou, Darrius etc), and her story was expanded upon to be quite rich, having ties to Onaga, Baraka, DA, and enemy of Jade & Sindel. Above-par weapon style and fairly diverse specials helped boost the popularity rating. Especially in a game where some poor characters like Hotaru had just 2 specials.

Still thinking about that bad script, aren't you?
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