07/14/2008 06:03 PM (UTC)
I'd want MK8(9) to start with showing that everyone died at the end of Armageddon. The next MK needs to have a completely clean state, with the exception of two characters. The only two characters I think should stay around is Scorpion and Shang Tsung. And not because they're "my favorite" but because their characters have abilities and story that fit the best for continuing. I would want them completely new in style and moves. Actually I would want Shang to literally be a new character that you wouldn't know was Shang till his ending. Scorpion should stay only for the fact that he's already dead, and he's too much a damn fan favorite to remove. It'd hurt the series too much. I'd want him to have the dragon medallion too, so Sub fans don't riot. Combining MK 2 most popular characters into one. (original reptile) So yea, for the most part get rid of everyone. Only keeping the 2 in name only.
About Me

"I will not hide my tastes or aversions...If you are true, but not in the same truth with me, cleave to your companions; I will seek my own." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

07/14/2008 10:36 PM (UTC)
quan chi. cause he needs to stay dead.
About Me

Long Live Johnny Cage!!

07/27/2008 03:59 AM (UTC)
I dont think killing off everyone would hurt the franchise really.
Thats to shallow if you ask me. If the story is fresh and the characters
are fun and the game has new moves new fatals and new mechanics
with alot of eye candy it would sell. Sounds crazy and I know people
in general dont like change but all good things come to a end. But the
end brings new growth and new ideas. As long as the time and energy
is spent in the right direction it will be probably bigger than MK 1 was.
Thats what they need anyway. The next big title. The next MK should break
barriers and knocked down walls just like MK1 did for most of us.
In the end I have said before every now and then do a throwback
version to include the ol skool cats in the VS mode for everyone to enjoy.
Even if they have to make them unlockables or something.
07/27/2008 06:00 AM (UTC)
insidious_t Wrote:
quan chi. cause he needs to stay dead.

That works too. Him and Shinnok were crap side characters used for the spin off that should never have entered MK continuity.
07/27/2008 06:36 AM (UTC)
Sonya Stryker Cage Kano Jax Jerek Mokap Meat... Yada yada, you get the jist of it, mainly want to see a new generation.
07/28/2008 07:09 AM (UTC)
Hopfully Jade's Deception ending holds true and that bitch Tanya is dead. I like Tanya's design, but I'm not too into traitors. And that's pretty much all she's been doing since her MK4 introduction. She's served her purpose and back stabbed just about everyone she's come in contact with, so yeah. DIE TANYA.

I hate to say it, but I am hoping Shao Kahn perishes as well. His purpose as a villain has too been fulfilled and I don't see much else they can do with him story wise besides the same BS conquering the realms story or seeking revenge against Kitana. He's played out as a villain. Let Kitana decapitate him.

Please for the love of god kill Chameleon, he sucks and serves no purpose.

Obliterate Meat! Destroy Mokap! Uppercut Kira into a vat of acid!
About Me

"I will not hide my tastes or aversions...If you are true, but not in the same truth with me, cleave to your companions; I will seek my own." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

08/10/2008 06:36 AM (UTC)
yeah tanya too. she's kind of a yeast infection.
08/12/2008 12:24 AM (UTC)
Cage. They can just say that he wants to focus on his career or some shit.
08/12/2008 12:30 PM (UTC)
My aunt.
About Me

"I will not hide my tastes or aversions...If you are true, but not in the same truth with me, cleave to your companions; I will seek my own." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

08/18/2008 11:46 PM (UTC)
Nightcrow Wrote:
My aunt.

08/20/2008 01:58 AM (UTC)
Kung Lao
A lot of people here like him, but he has always felt like a second rate hero to me. He was always Liu Kang's back-up, and when he did get a chance it shine in Deadly Alliance, it was in place of Kai, and he pretty much fucked it up in the story by getting killed. Hell, I think he was originally meant to be killed in MK3 by Shao Kahn, anyway.

I've seen a lot of support for Kung Lao becoming the main Earthrealm protagonist for the next chronological game, but to be honest, I think the Lao character needs to be retired.

The only reason to like this character, is because he has massive blades on his hands. It's a cool stylistic element to the games, but there is no reason you cannot move the blades onto a character with more depth. For example: A serial killer who attaches the blades as an homage to the brutal Tarkatan race. Easy. More of a background to this guy than there ever was Baraka. Can we get rid of him, please?

Quan Chi
Scorpion needs to brutally murder him, and Chi needs to stay dead. He's another popular character, and he did grow on me, but I think it is time he was sacrificed to return Scorpion to a state of bad-ass, seeing as we know the ninja spectre will be back.

He's a popular character and all, but that's the only reason he came back. Hell, in his Deception story, it was pretty much revealed that he failed to do anything worthwhile in MK3 but get trashed. No reason for him to return.

Another character I see on return wish lists. Didn't he become The Dragon King? That's retiring the character right there. It was full development for Reptile. After years of being the servant, he became the master. Bye bye, Reptile.

I'm not as passionate about this one, because I actually like Ermac. I think he sort of stepped on Kenshi's toes, though. The idea behind his character has always been interesting, and although he amounted to a lot more in Deception, I still don't think the MK Team capitalized on him enough. The idea behind him that is actually captivating is already being used up by Shang Tsung (having the souls of many warriors within you). Kenshi is the Mortal Kombat telekinetic with a more distinct look, plus Kenny has the sword thing going.
08/20/2008 02:05 AM (UTC)
I always assumed Shinnok killed her when he took over Edenia in MK4. It's time for Kitana to become Queen, pure and simple. The power of flight and the sonic powers have room to be re-used on a new character down the line.

I was an instant fan of Mavado. I loved his look, and the suave style behind the character. But his character got raped for MK: Deception. He really should have stayed in place of Kabal, and continued his prospective feud with Sub-Zero and Kenshi. That would have been hot. But alas, it seems too late now for Mavado.

Everyone seems to want Raiden back as a villain in the next game. I can't have been the only one to see the "Dark Raiden" emergence as what it probably really was: A desperate attempt to re-fill the well that was the dried out Raiden character? Raiden should be destroyed in Armageddon, or sentenced to the Netherealm for his dark turn. Fujin gets promoted to Elder God status, and Liu Kang becomes Earthrealm's protector. Or something like that. It's time to bump off The Thunder God.
09/18/2008 02:03 AM (UTC)
You-Know-Who Wrote:
I always assumed Shinnok killed her when he took over Edenia in MK4. It's time for Kitana to become Queen, pure and simple. The power of flight and the sonic powers have room to be re-used on a new character down the line.

I was an instant fan of Mavado. I loved his look, and the suave style behind the character. But his character got raped for MK: Deception. He really should have stayed in place of Kabal, and continued his prospective feud with Sub-Zero and Kenshi. That would have been hot. But alas, it seems too late now for Mavado.

Everyone seems to want Raiden back as a villain in the next game. I can't have been the only one to see the "Dark Raiden" emergence as what it probably really was: A desperate attempt to re-fill the well that was the dried out Raiden character? Raiden should be destroyed in Armageddon, or sentenced to the Netherealm for his dark turn. Fujin gets promoted to Elder God status, and Liu Kang becomes Earthrealm's protector. Or something like that. It's time to bump off The Thunder God.

I've already posted a list on this thread saying who I'd like to get rid of in future MKs, but I just had to say I liked your lists, You-Know-Who. It wasn't your characters so much as your arguments for their removal. Some of them I'm even thinking removing them might be a good idea, like Reptile and Kung Lao! And I think you're right about Lao, I think they were thinking of offing him. I say that because in MK3, he was the one character who never got a bio. Now why was that? Did he only return because of the Daniel Pesina/Bloodstorm incident? Now THAT would have been interesting. Another thing I heard I wanted to mention here: there was a rumour going around that Fujin was originally supposed to be in Deception (as Raiden had destroyed himself) and that HE was the one responsible for resurrecting Liu Kang. But apparently Midway (or the MK team) thought that people would be either disappointed or mad that Raiden wasn't in it, so they changed the story to be that his energies' reformed. I think I like what they did better since it allows for Fujin and Kung Lao to team up and go against their friends/mentors in Armageddon. What are your thoughts on that? I'm curious! smile
About Me

When some wild-eyed, eight-foot-tall maniac grabs your neck, taps the back of your favorite head up against the barroom wall, and he looks you crooked in the eye and he asks you if ya paid your dues, you just stare that big sucker right back in the eye, and you remember what ol' Jack Burton always says at a time like that: "Have ya paid your dues, Jack?" "Yes sir, the check is in the mail."

09/23/2008 04:59 AM (UTC)
MK12345678? Wrote:
You-Know-Who Wrote:
I always assumed Shinnok killed her when he took over Edenia in MK4. It's time for Kitana to become Queen, pure and simple. The power of flight and the sonic powers have room to be re-used on a new character down the line.

I was an instant fan of Mavado. I loved his look, and the suave style behind the character. But his character got raped for MK: Deception. He really should have stayed in place of Kabal, and continued his prospective feud with Sub-Zero and Kenshi. That would have been hot. But alas, it seems too late now for Mavado.

Everyone seems to want Raiden back as a villain in the next game. I can't have been the only one to see the "Dark Raiden" emergence as what it probably really was: A desperate attempt to re-fill the well that was the dried out Raiden character? Raiden should be destroyed in Armageddon, or sentenced to the Netherealm for his dark turn. Fujin gets promoted to Elder God status, and Liu Kang becomes Earthrealm's protector. Or something like that. It's time to bump off The Thunder God.

I've already posted a list on this thread saying who I'd like to get rid of in future MKs, but I just had to say I liked your lists, You-Know-Who. It wasn't your characters so much as your arguments for their removal. Some of them I'm even thinking removing them might be a good idea, like Reptile and Kung Lao! And I think you're right about Lao, I think they were thinking of offing him. I say that because in MK3, he was the one character who never got a bio. Now why was that? Did he only return because of the Daniel Pesina/Bloodstorm incident? Now THAT would have been interesting. Another thing I heard I wanted to mention here: there was a rumour going around that Fujin was originally supposed to be in Deception (as Raiden had destroyed himself) and that HE was the one responsible for resurrecting Liu Kang. But apparently Midway (or the MK team) thought that people would be either disappointed or mad that Raiden wasn't in it, so they changed the story to be that his energies' reformed. I think I like what they did better since it allows for Fujin and Kung Lao to team up and go against their friends/mentors in Armageddon. What are your thoughts on that? I'm curious! smile

Jack Burton can vouch for the whole Fujin/MKD rumor.

I actually heard the opening FMV was supposed to explain why Raiden wasn't going to be in that game. However, Raiden fans the world over got upset and MK had to substitiute Fujin out for Raiden. Don't ask me for info sources, because I frankly can't remember where I read that back in 2004.

As for characters to axe, I'd say that everyone except for Scorpion, Sub-Zero, and Raiden have reason to be axed...okay, maybe Fujin as well. It would be hard to justify getting rid of immortal characters or undead characters, because like herpes you can never truly get rid of them...or get rid of them and have it make sense. I know Sub-Zero doesn't meet these two conditions, but I threw his name out there because he's rather iconic among MK fans.

I can see why some would be brave enough to suggest Raiden be axed from MK...his character hasn't really changed much over the course of the franchise, but when you have before you an eternal being whose duty it is to protect Earthrealm and serve as an understanding mentor figure for Earth's MK fighters, I would argue that you shouldn't really expect him to evolve that much to begin with. I, for one, was hoping for Raiden to be the one who would, under canon circumstances, step up and destroy a threat himself. I really thought that would be the most logical way to evolve his role without sacrificing his identity. But alas, his role was strictly that of mentor, while Liu Kang was the "point man" so-to-speak for the majority of the MK games, so I've come to terms with that.

I, for one, think his dark turn would definitely make for a great villain role in another MK game; I'm hoping it happens, because as an avid Raiden fan I would love to find out whether the "One Being" truly is the one who corrupted him when he reformed after his suicide. To have him ended in Armageddon would leave a lot unsolved to me, so I think he should at least make it to another game.

To be honest, if he was ended down the line...that would probably be the thing that would truly test my devotion to the MK franchise. Raiden was the character that won me over to begin with...his exclusion from MK3 troubled me and diminished my interest in that game, but I still played it because it still had Kung Lao (my second favorite) and I came to respect the storyline behind why he wasn't involved in the game's events. I'm a writer, so I look upon it from that standpoint. Now...to find out that Raiden was not going to be a part of the franchise any longer...that would be the ultimate test. I usually try to tell others not to let their devotion to the franchise hinge on just one character, but I realize how hard that truly is. No one likes their favorite character excluded. Raiden would certainly test even me.

Granted, my being a Raiden fan probably biases me greatly when it comes down to debating whether he should be axed, but I really tried to be open-minded on this, and I hope you at least see that too. If they end his character, my interest would most likely diminish, but I'd be looking at the quality of the rest of the game to ultimately determine whether or not I wanted to stick around. You never know what new characters may come around in the future. I won't know what I'd do until that time comes...I hope it doesn't, though. wow Long live RAIDEN!!!

And THAT'S what Jack Burton has to say at this time.
10/08/2008 06:19 PM (UTC)
Hsu Hao
Shang Tsung
Quan Chi
10/29/2008 05:29 AM (UTC)
id say kobra but if he died...who would care?
About Me

10/29/2008 09:54 PM (UTC)
tabletopjoe Wrote:
id say kobra but if he died...who would care?

I would.

Abort the current Scorpion from the series. Please.
10/29/2008 10:35 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
tabletopjoe Wrote:
id say kobra but if he died...who would care?

I would.

Abort the current Scorpion from the series. Please.


I'd get rid of Shinnok, I thought he was a last minute rip off of Shang Tsung back when MK4 first came out.
11/01/2008 06:30 AM (UTC)
For MK9 Next year they should just continue with the story and keep everyone that died dead.
Tanya - Died in Deception
Kano - Died in MKDA
Jarek - Died in MK4
Motaro - Died in MKT
Sheeva - Died before MKDA
Kintaro - Died in MKII
Shinnok - Died in MK4
Hsu Huo -Died in MKDA
Frost - Died in MKDA
Mileena - Died in MKD
Kobra - Died in MKD
Hotaru - Died in MKD

11/01/2008 07:19 AM (UTC)
I don't ever remember Sheeva dying.
11/01/2008 02:46 PM (UTC)
LOL. Yeah she's dead.
11/01/2008 08:25 PM (UTC)
Here is who I would get rid of:

Baraka: He's consistently been a 1-dimensional henchman who never became something more. Baraka has served his purpose, and there are other villains who are more interesting and have more potential.

Blaze: I kind of like Blaze, but he has served his purpose. There would be no real point in bringing him back.

Chameleon: He's a worthless palette swap character with no real purpose. Even though Rain, Ermac, and Noob Saibot have developed into something more, this doesn't mean that Chameleon is deserving of the same, imo. And besides, we have enough ninja-type characters, and Chameleon's concept is lame anyway.

Daegon: I kind of like Daegon, but I'm not really interested in seeing him return. I think he's kind of served his purpose.

Darrius: Darrius could return to continue the Order vs. Chaos battle. However, I'm not that interested in seeing him return.

Goro: Goro has had his run, and I still feel that it was a big mistake to bring him back in MK: Deception.

Hsu Hao: He has served his purpose. It's pretty obvious that he was designed to be a 1-note character.

Jax: Jax has had his run. Despite the little bit of actual development he's had recently, I simply don't like Jax all that much.

Johnny Cage: My feelings towards Johnny Cage are more or less the same as my feelings towards Jax.

Kabal: I like Kabal, but when looking back, I think it was kind of a poor idea to have him bring back the Black Dragon and become its new leader. He could have stuck with being a vigilante. I don't have much interest in seeing him return.

Kano: I feel the same way about Kano as I do with Jax and Johnny Cage.

Kobra: I like certain aspects of him, but I felt his debut was at the wrong time. Overall, he's a character I don't like and one I don't want to see return.

Liu Kang: Liu Kang should have stayed dead and not return as a zombie. For a main hero, he's not that well-developed and he hasn't changed too much in terms of his special moves and overall look (despite the zombie form).

Mavado: My feelings towards Mavado are similar to my feelings towards Kabal. I like both of them, but I don't have much interest in seeing either of them return. Although they revealed more about the Red Dragon in MKA, I felt that their potential was still wasted due to MKD.

Meat: Meat is a joke character who I have no interest in seeing return.

Mokap: Mokap is more or less the same as Meat.

Moloch: To me, Moloch is simply a cheap and annoying character who doesn't have much going for him. Drahmin is superior of the two Oni characters, imo.

Motaro: Although he's very underdeveloped, I don't have interest in seeing him develop.

Onaga: I like Onaga, but I don't want to see him return.

Quan Chi: I like Quan Chi, but I think it's best that he gets killed off. I don't want to see Scorpion continue his quest for revenge on him. However, perhaps Quan Chi's influence can kind of live on.

Reptile: To me, Reptile has gone on long enough, and I don't really want to see him come back. He should either get some kind of relatively happy ending or he should just die.

Scorpion: For the most part, I'm very tired of Scorpion. He's become so bad that he almost seems irredeemable.

Shao Kahn: Shao Kahn is one of my favorite characters, but I think it's best that he gets killed off, especially so that newer villains can take his place. If he does return, he'll have to go through several major changes.

Sheeva: I never really liked Sheeva, and I'm not interested in seeing her return. Maybe if she had a better design and more potential, I might want to see her return for a game or two.

Shujinko: Shujinko has served his purpose. The MK team did a poor job in the way they introduced him to the series.

Here are characters that I might want to see get killed off or not return right away:

Bo' Rai Cho: I like Bo' Rai Cho, and it might be possible for him to come back. However, I think that for the purposes of more dramatic storytelling, it would probably be better to kill him off. If he returns, I'd likely see him fighting alongside the heroes and especially taking part in the Outworld side of the story. He could continue to be a mentor, especially to Li Mei.

Cyrax: I like Cyrax, but I feel that he's one of those characters that's kind of expendable. At the same time however, I think he has potential, namely to have him up against Sektor if he returns.

Dairou: Although an underrated character, Dairou is someone I kind of like. Granted, there isn't too much to him since he's a fairly new character. I think that given his job as a mercenary assassin, he can kind of go different places and interact with all sorts of characters. Then again, he's not particularly that important to the story, and he can just as easily be killed off.

Frost: I kind of like Frost, but she's not that important of a character to me. If she's going to die, it should be at the hands of Sub-Zero, imo. I think it'd be fitting and tough for Sub-Zero to have to kill the one that he had high hopes for. However, if she lives and returns, she could join the Forces of Darkness and continue to be an enemy of Sub-Zero and the Lin Kuei.

Jade: Jade is one of my favorite characters, but she suffers from being stuck in Kitana's shadow as well as being very underdeveloped. I'd like to know more about her and to see her develop as a character. At the same time, she's not really that needed, and she could be killed off, even though that's not something I'd like. If she were to return, she could come back right away or in the installment after that.

Jarek: I'm not a fan of Jarek, and the only reason I'm putting him in the "maybe" category is because I think the bit of potential he has is good. When looking back at his MKA revamp, he was actually kind of an improvement. Then again, I'd prefer to see him get killed off.

Kai: I'm not a fan of Kai, but I see the potential he has. I think that if he's going to return, it doesn't have to be right away.

Khameleon: Khameleon is an iffy character to me. She needs a revamp in terms of her moves and looks. I don't mind her returning if she got those revamps along with a decent story. However, if I were to be very conservative, I would get rid of her.

Nightwolf: Nightwolf is an alright character. I'm not a fan of him, but I can see potential. I could see him returning in a later MK game.

Noob Saibot: I like Noob Saibot, and the things added to his character in MKD were very nice. He has good potential and could be involved in the Netherrealm side of the story. At the same time, it might be good to kill him off. Chances are that if both Noob Saibot and Sub-Zero were to return, they'd continue their rivalry. That rivalry might bog down both of their stories, more so Sub-Zero's story. Also, there are issues of "trimming the fat" and not having too many ninja-type characters.

Reiko: Reiko could take Shao Kahn's place as Emperor of Outworld, but that is a kind of direction that some would object to. If he could be made into a capable and effective leader as well as one that has significant differences from Shao Kahn, maybe it wouldn't be so bad to have him take his place. However, if Reiko dies, it wouldn't really bother me too much. Then again, he could make for a decent antagonist in the Outworld side of the story, especially if he were to deal with the likes of Li Mei, Bo' Rai Cho, and Ermac.

Sektor: I kind of like Sektor, and I think it can go either way with him. Even if he does die, there could be that potential for him to return in a new body or something. Instead of being pitted against Sonya, he could be pitted against Cyrax.

Shang Tsung: Shang Tsung is a cool character, but I kind of feel that it's best for him to go. He's been in the series since the first game. If he were to return, he might have to go through some changes like Shao Kahn would have to.

Shinnok: Even though he sucked in MK4, his return in MKA proved to be quite an improvement, imo. He could be an NPC for a little while and then come back much later. I'd like to learn more about him, the Elder Gods, and things like that. It could tie in to the plot later on.

Sindel: Sindel is a character that I like. However, like Jade, she's been in Kitana's shadow ever since the end of MK3. If Sindel were to return, I don't think she needs to return right away. If she dies, which is likely, it would be something I could live with. However, I would kind of like to see her come back.

Smoke: Smoke is a character with some potential, but at the same time, I feel that he's somewhat of a lost cause. Maybe it would be better if they just have him killed off for the sake of "trimming the fat".

Sonya: Sonya is kind of an iffy character since I'm not a fan of her. However, she's a fan favorite, and she kind of has some potential. She needs to change as a character that's for sure. If she doesn't return, maybe she should just live and maybe retire from fighting and being in the Special Forces.

Stryker: I'm not a fan of Stryker, but I like the revamp given to him in MKA. He could be a side character helping the heroes if he were to return.

Tanya: I'm not a fan of Tanya, but I would much rather have her killed off. However, if they tweak her a bit, she could be decent.

Taven: I'm not a fan of Taven, but if he becomes the new Protector God of Edenia, I think it would make sense to have him return. However, if he fails and dies, I wouldn't mind that happening.

WarriorPrincess Wrote:
I don't ever remember Sheeva dying.

The details of Sheeva's death are in Kano's MKDA Konquest story. After Kano was defeated by Sonya, he was taken by Motaro back to Shao Kahn. Kano was locked up, and one day, he saw Sheeva kill Motaro. He convinced her to set him free so that they can take down Shao Kahn. Kano was to act as a distraction so that Sheeva can sneak up on Shao Kahn for the kill. However, being the treacherous person he is, Kano actually informed Shao Kahn of Sheeva's plan, and Shao Kahn killed Sheeva. For his loyalty, Kano became one of Shao Kahn's generals.
About Me

-> -> -> HP: Proof that Big things come in small, easy to remeber packages. Sad Time to be a Kitana fan?Don't be blue, BE PINK! ALL HAIL MILEENA!

11/04/2008 11:53 PM (UTC)
Characters I'd Keep Regardlees:
Shang Tsung
Liu Kang
Kung Lao
Johnny Cage
Kano (Probablly)
The Cyber Ninjas
Shinnok (Just because Raiden needs ad direct adversary)
Shao Kahn
Characters I'd drop on the spot:
Blaze (Just.......Mehhh......fired...)
I feel Just Like Mr. McMahon!!
Eveeryone else, well they aren't too bad, and I'd keep em....
I'd off a good portion. If the first generation ever returned, that is . . .

Baraka: You were never that interesting. Pass the Tarkatan torch man. You were fun.
Ashrah: None too interesting, but keep the Datusha's influence.
Blaze: Purpose Served. Buh-bye.
Sektor: SELF DESTRUCT! And steal his CPU.
Sonya: End. the. rivalry.
Mavado: Hack!
Hsu Hao: Idiot!
Kobra: Jackass!
Jarek: Moron!
Mokap: Worthless!
Cage: Get him outta fighting! Keep him on acting.
Frost: No need f'r you. Seeya!
Tanya: None too original.
Sindel: Is there a reason she is still alive?
Motaro: Sorry, but ya gotta go.
Kintaro: Death to the oversized gerbil!
Goro: A true badass. Sad he needs to die.
Sheeva: DIE!!!!!! DIE!!!!!
Bo' Rai Cho: Die, FATASS!
Moloch: Death to zie oversized demons! Rot!
Shao Kahn: Sorry, man. This is the true definition of evil.
Quan Chi: End. The. Vengance. Plot. Already. Die.
Shang Tsung: Sorry, but you lost importance. Forgive me, but no more.
Meat: Unoriginal!
Chameleon: No point to him.
Ermac: Put on the unfortunate guillotine.
Kenshi: Not much for him to do after Shang.
Kitana: Bound by royal duties.
Shinnok: Waste of space!
Reiko: Kahn-caked!
Darrius: Pathetic!
Daegon: Purpose served.
Kai: Too little too late.
Kung Lao: Seeya!
Nightwolf: No use, no need. Bye, Chief Thunder!
Shujinko: Death to the Geriatrics!
Nitara: Bound by political duties
Reptile & Khameleon: Busy repopulating.
Hotaru: New dictator of Seido

Everyone else will arrive at some point.
11/12/2008 07:37 PM (UTC)

Either, I don't want Her return in MK9 or I don't want her with new Freeze Power EVER!!!!furious
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