06/10/2014 09:18 PM (UTC)
Charybdis Wrote:

I did want to have a conversation with you, but you decided to resort to name calling and having a rude attitude, why should I give you the satisfaction that you want while treating me like crap? No, when you stop with the name callings and random wording insults, I'll give you the conversation you're dying to have. Otherwise, I guess this discussion is done for.
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Twilight Muthafuckin' Sparkle

Sig by TheCypher
06/10/2014 09:20 PM (UTC)
That's all dandy, but we all also know that there isn't much to say. At all.

I fear that this thread (again, not a dumb idea, I like it) is just going to die with so little for anyone to say or at least struggle to stay on-topic. It simply should have been saved for later.

Does anyone get where I'm coming from?
06/10/2014 09:22 PM (UTC)
J-spit Wrote:
That's all dandy, but we all also know that there isn't much to say. At all.

I fear that this thread (again, not a dumb idea, I like it) is just going to die with so little for anyone to say or at least struggle to stay on-topic. It simply should have been saved for later.

Does anyone get where I'm coming from?

That's what I've been trying to say at the beginning and it's gotten me two users jumping down my throat because of it. We've gotten zero questions answered, why jump to conclusions immediately when Ed hasn't even talked yet at E3 to tell us what to expect? At least give it til tomorrow to actually start nit picking rather than finding things to complain about with two trailers that doesn't show final game play footage. It's still in pre-production mode!
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"Pray for the Kahn's Mercy"

06/10/2014 09:24 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Charybdis Wrote:
Good lord. This is truly fruitless. Truly, utterly fruitless. You clearly didn't read anything. Darkhounds posted which kicked all of this off states:

"My biggest complaint is people saying the new characters do not belong in MK.

People are so use to the same ole "cookie-cutter" MK look, and anything different scares the hell out of them. Honestly saying a brand new character doesn't is just an asinine statement."

So, the reason here is? What? That I'm scared of new characters? Is it somehow self evident that new characters immediately fit into MK seamlessly?

According to the reactions I've been seeing on this site, yes. Maybe not you personally, but to those who really hates these characters, yes.

Charybdis Wrote:
I've tried, repeatedly, to engage you in logical discussion. Now you've substituted creating falsehoods for dodging logical issues (though you're still dodging the issues).

Finally, I've insulted you no more than you've insulted me. You first presumed that any insult upsets me, which I found presumptuous (most presumptions are presumptuous). You then said "no need to be a jerk", to which I said "stop being one then".

I don't t know why you're acting like I'm on a profanity laced tirade here.

I did want to have a conversation with you, but you decided to resort to name calling and having a rude attitude, why should I give you the satisfaction that you want while treating me like crap? No, when you stop with the name callings and random wording insults, I'll give you the conversation you're dying to have. Otherwise, I guess this discussion is done for.

I haven't called you any names. I called you love and babydoll, trying to add a little levity, which you clearly took as an insult. I apologize, it wasn't intended like that. With the exception of that, I have not insulted you. I have asked you for these insults multiple times now, but it isn't happening.

I considered insulting you, certainly. I considered pointing out how your blog has no replies, so you are essentially screaming into the darkness of the internet while no one cares enough to even whisper back. I considered calling you a weird cat lady. However, I didn't. Because I didn't want this to devolve into mud-slinging, I wanted to show you why I hold my point of view and why I consider your point of view flawed, and illustrate the difference between contesting an opinion and ridiculing it, one of which is productive.

I've pointed out to you, multiple times, logical flaws and fallacies, falsehoods and lies which you've produced. I hoped that eventually you would cop to the fact that this argument was worth actually considering and not attempt to bury it under so much argumentative detritus.

But that isn't happening, as you say. Shame
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GT: Dimitri1033

06/10/2014 09:37 PM (UTC)

Being condescending isn't going to help your argument. It just makes you look like a tool with a thesaurus.
About Me
Twilight Muthafuckin' Sparkle

Sig by TheCypher
06/10/2014 09:40 PM (UTC)
I don't like how long I'll have to wait for this sexy fucking game.

Am I doing it right?
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"Pray for the Kahn's Mercy"

06/10/2014 09:41 PM (UTC)
microchip Wrote:
Being condescending isn't going to help your argument. It just makes you look like a tool with a thesaurus.

I'm not being fucking condescending! I'm being fucking polite! If I was being condescending, I'd refer to myself as "one".
A fucking vocabulary and a functioning lexicon is not condescending. Fuck it, what words have I used which would necessitate a thesaurus? None. Mother of crucified christ. Some of the posters one here make /v/ look like the Diogenes Club
06/10/2014 09:42 PM (UTC)
Charybdis Wrote:
microchip Wrote:
Being condescending isn't going to help your argument. It just makes you look like a tool with a thesaurus.

I'm not being fucking condescending! I'm being fucking polite!

No, you're really not. And I really could care less if my blog gets replies or not. It was for a school project that I so happen to continued on.
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"Pray for the Kahn's Mercy"

06/10/2014 09:44 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Charybdis Wrote:
microchip Wrote:
Being condescending isn't going to help your argument. It just makes you look like a tool with a thesaurus.

I'm not being fucking condescending! I'm being fucking polite!

No, you're really not. And I really could care less if my blog gets replies or not. It was for a school project that I so happen to continued on.

Holy christ, did you actually read what I wrote? Or did you just zero in on that? Nevermind, I know the answer.
About Me

GT: Dimitri1033

06/10/2014 09:48 PM (UTC)
Charybdis Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
Charybdis Wrote:
microchip Wrote:
Being condescending isn't going to help your argument. It just makes you look like a tool with a thesaurus.

I'm not being fucking condescending! I'm being fucking polite!

No, you're really not. And I really could care less if my blog gets replies or not. It was for a school project that I so happen to continued on.

Holy christ, did you actually read what I wrote? Or did you just zero in on that? Nevermind, I know the answer.

Eh, the blog insult was midway through your ramblings, so she did have to put up with most of your writing. You're an ass dude. Go away.
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06/10/2014 09:50 PM (UTC)
Back to thread..

Now that we have seen and heard more... we have more to discuss..

About Me
Twilight Muthafuckin' Sparkle

Sig by TheCypher
06/10/2014 09:51 PM (UTC)
I don't like the craziness happening all up in this thread.

Am I doing it right?
About Me

GT: Dimitri1033

06/10/2014 09:52 PM (UTC)
Both of you stop fighting, it makes me wanna go all troll on everyone again with my MKX Beta + Camcorder.
Fight it out in MKX when its released, everyone has an opinion, I sorta agree with both of you bla bla bla now we're all here for the same reason "We love MK"

If this reason doesn't apply to any of you, pls go here instead


thank me later.
06/12/2014 01:15 AM (UTC)
I really don't understand people who complain about this topic. Aren't we on a forum with the intention of discussing the game and giving our opinion?

On Topic: So far, there are good things I like and things I don't.
For starter, I don't see innovation on the actual gameplay. Most of this is Mortal Kombat (2011) and Injustice with new characters and settings. But at it's core it's the very same game, I fear the formula might get burned out.

The graphics weren't particularly impressive, but I'll reserve myself until I actually see the game myself before having a say on that.

Also, I really dislike the name "Kotal Kahn".

BTW I'm very excited for this game, and very glad they bring new characters with what seems very cool tricks and design, plus the different styles hopefully really add to the depth of each character.
06/12/2014 01:21 AM (UTC)
Things I don't like:

- Scorpion.

- Cassie's head looks too big.

- D'Vorah has human ears under that hood. Should be different.

- The name Kotal Kahn.

That's all from me so far.
06/12/2014 01:29 AM (UTC)
Wow some of u r complaining about the graphics? Stfu seriously,I hate graphic whores
06/12/2014 01:34 AM (UTC)
creed200569 Wrote:
Wow some of u r complaining about the graphics? Stfu seriously,I hate graphic whores

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GT: Dimitri1033

06/12/2014 01:34 AM (UTC)
gmgon Wrote:

On Topic: So far, there are good things I like and things I don't.
For starter, I don't see innovation on the actual gameplay. Most of this is Mortal Kombat (2011) and Injustice with new characters and settings. But at it's core it's the very same game, I fear the formula might get burned out.

BTW I'm very excited for this game, and very glad they bring new characters with what seems very cool tricks and design, plus the different styles hopefully really add to the depth of each character.

I disagree with you on the lack of innovation:

- Run mechanic
- Stamina mechanic
- Meter-burned throws for every character
- 3 Different styles for all characters (effectively turning a 30-cast roster into 90 and setting up a vast meta-game)

All of that just from what we've seen so far. It's the most innovation I've ever seen in any fighting game.
06/12/2014 02:00 AM (UTC)
microchip Wrote:

I disagree with you on the lack of innovation:

- Run mechanic
- Stamina mechanic
- Meter-burned throws for every character
- 3 Different styles for all characters (effectively turning a 30-cast roster into 90 and setting up a vast meta-game)

All of that just from what we've seen so far. It's the most innovation I've ever seen in any fighting game.

I don't feel you understood me, probably my fault for not using proper english. What I mean is that although those elements add to the mix, I don't feel this changes much the essense of the game. Not like, for instance, how much MK(2011) changed from MKvsDCU or MKDA from MK4/Gold.

creed200569 Wrote:
Wow some of u r complaining about the graphics? Stfu seriously,I hate graphic whores

I've never considered myself a graphic whore, I'm really not that picky with that. But I do expect that after 3 years (4 if we consider this game to be released in 2015), and a NEW GENERATION of consoles, to have some notable improvements. But as I said, I haven't seen in it on HD yet and neither I've seen the final product.

All in all, I think both my points are related: I don't see the new generation with this game. I feel it's the same Mortal Kombat form 2011 with some gameplay additions and new characters/enviroments. Which is great, just not groundbreaking.

By all means, please keep in mind this is nitpicking, I'm really looking forward to this game.
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Winter is Coming A Lanister always pays his debts You know nothing Jon Snow! We do not sow! Valar Morghulis

06/12/2014 02:34 AM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Things I don't like:

- Scorpion.

- Cassie's head looks too big.

- D'Vorah has human ears under that hood. Should be different.

- The name Kotal Kahn.

That's all from me so far.

*gasp* You don't like Scorpion?? That's blasphemy! Jk
I don't like the name"Kotal Khan" either, it's so lame!

In another thread I mentioned that I wasn't impressed with either Kotal Khan or Cassie Cage based on what I saw in their gameplay videos.

Not really feeling the 3 variations of characters thing either. Why not combine them all into one in the first place?
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06/12/2014 02:50 AM (UTC)
The fact that they wont implement cross console online play. That will resolve the console issue between users in any MK fan website. Guilty Gear Xrd -SIGN- is using this feature so there's no excuse.
06/12/2014 11:07 AM (UTC)
I think I've seen enough to rant (and to get excited about).

- Intentionally no cleavage bald bug lady to shut up the feminists. with boring cliché moves which makes sense for a boring archetype. Probably the enemy of kitana because she thinks "Burqas restrict woman from society". Probably a hairy armpit alternate costume. Really horrible.

- Elder god cousin of shao kahn dude who just moved in. Looks badass. moves not so badass tho.

- Ferra/Torr. Ass kicking duo. Great design and moves. Respect.

- Awesome stages I think. Specially the outworld market.

- Smooth fun game play but a bit too injusticetique.
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06/12/2014 12:08 PM (UTC)
Charybdis Wrote:
microchip Wrote:
Being condescending isn't going to help your argument. It just makes you look like a tool with a thesaurus.

I'm not being fucking condescending! I'm being fucking polite! If I was being condescending, I'd refer to myself as "one".
A fucking vocabulary and a functioning lexicon is not condescending. Fuck it, what words have I used which would necessitate a thesaurus? None. Mother of crucified christ. Some of the posters one here make /v/ look like the Diogenes Club

Most of the posters here prefer less syllable-extensive workouts. You will eventually grow to it, my life here has always been like Mike Judge movie.
microchip wrote:
I disagree with you on the lack of innovation:

- Run mechanic
- Stamina mechanic
- Meter-burned throws for every character
- 3 Different styles for all characters (effectively turning a 30-cast roster into 90 and setting up a vast meta-game)

All of that just from what we've seen so far. It's the most innovation I've ever seen in any fighting game. [/quote]

This. +9000

PS: Can someone explain to me how DA HELL i quote on MKO? Srsly ima forum nub.
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