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"Pray for the Kahn's Mercy"

06/10/2014 08:27 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Charybdis Wrote:
Oh dear, is someone on the internet gonna insult me? No, I don't care if someone does, knock yourself out love. I just think a discussion forum should endeavour to engender discussion, instead of ridiculing separate opinions and it boggles my mind as to why someone would think that separate opinions being ridiculed is something which should be encouraged on a discussion forum

And no, I don't think anyone who likes this game is asinine. I like this game. Everyone on this forum likes this game. You are not a martyr for positive people. But nice beginner's strawman, B+. Any chance of you actually addressing the issues I raise next time?

Clearly it shows that "insults" bother you because you got so offended when someone said the word "asinine." So I really do think you care. I really saw no harm in those statements because if that's what they think, that's what they think. And I have to agree with them. You may not, but you don't need to get so angrily offended over that word being used. So, yeah, you do care, sweetheart.

MKfan99 Wrote:
@Icebaby Again, why are you even in this thread right now?

To answer your questions, and to say that what I don't like are nit picking people who judge things way too early without giving it a chance. So, in a way, I do have the right to be in here because I'm answering your question. tongue
I don't care about insults. I really don't. I live in Dublin, I was called a cunt getting on the train this morning. Living in Dublin and using public transport, you hear insults that would kill anyone who was thin skinned enough to care about strangers insulting them My statement being called asinine doesn't irritate me because its an insult, it irritates me because it denigrates my opinion and destroys any possibility of discussion, because discussion requires both parties be open to changing their opinion. Is there any chance of less presumptions about how I feel about insults, and some actual, tangible discussion regarding the logic of this issue? Like Darkhound engaged in? Cos I'm starting to feel that such logical discussion is beyond you Icebaby. And don't call me sweetheart, babydoll
06/10/2014 08:28 PM (UTC)

This is a thread where people discuss what each of them doesn't like in the game. Why should it be taken non-seriously.
06/10/2014 08:31 PM (UTC)

Ahh, can't quote every single person answering...
Charybdis Wrote:
Oh dear, is someone on the internet gonna insult me? No, I don't care if someone does, knock yourself out love. I just think a discussion forum should endeavour to engender discussion, instead of ridiculing separate opinions and it boggles my mind as to why someone would think that separate opinions being ridiculed is something which should be encouraged on a discussion forum

And no, I don't think anyone who likes this game is asinine. I like this game. Everyone on this forum likes this game. You are not a martyr for positive people. But nice beginner's strawman, B+. Any chance of you actually addressing the issues I raise next time?

Clearly it shows that "insults" bother you because you got so offended when someone said the word "asinine." So I really do think you care. I really saw no harm in those statements because if that's what they think, that's what they think. And I have to agree with them. You may not, but you don't need to get so angrily offended over that word being used. So, yeah, you do care, sweetheart.

MKfan99 Wrote:
@Icebaby Again, why are you even in this thread right now?

To answer your questions, and to say that what I don't like are nit picking people who judge things way too early without giving it a chance. So, in a way, I do have the right to be in here because I'm answering your question. tongue

MKfan99 Wrote:
I don't have a problem with you being on.. I have a problem with the fact that there are people like you on here who can't just let people talk about things ABOUT THE GAME they don't like... without you giving them Sht. That's ridiculous.

And that's my fucking point. How can you be this judgmental about something you don't know yet? You got a two minute glimpse of two random different fights that lasted about like thirty seconds in total. Within that, people able to come up with the conclusions that A.) It's too much like Injustice B.) These new characters don't belong C.) The midget's voice is too annoying D.) The animation is too sluggish E.) Sub-Zero is human again. And that's not all of the issues I've seen. I could go on, but... no.

AJBlue Wrote:

Icebaby, you didn't "challenge" anyone. It'd be one thing if you came in here for a discussion as asked the OP to go more in depth about their concerns and then point counterpoint him. Instead you resorted to tired old whining. You want to champion the "discussion forum" why aren't you asking those posters who love everything why it is they are so enamored when only "two short trailers" have been released so far?

Champion the discussion forum? What the heck are you talking about? All because I came in here (and mind you, I'm not the only one) and said this is a little ridiculous to have these opinions immediately when we know nothing? Yeah, I so want to dominate this forum and be the all mighty queen of MKO. Please. And why haven't I asked why do people like this game? Pff, everyone already said it in the other thread. If I want to, I'll ask. If you want to, go ahead. Ask away! Ask why I love this trailer if you want to!.

Charybdis Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
Charybdis Wrote:
Oh dear, is someone on the internet gonna insult me? No, I don't care if someone does, knock yourself out love. I just think a discussion forum should endeavour to engender discussion, instead of ridiculing separate opinions and it boggles my mind as to why someone would think that separate opinions being ridiculed is something which should be encouraged on a discussion forum

And no, I don't think anyone who likes this game is asinine. I like this game. Everyone on this forum likes this game. You are not a martyr for positive people. But nice beginner's strawman, B+. Any chance of you actually addressing the issues I raise next time?

Clearly it shows that "insults" bother you because you got so offended when someone said the word "asinine." So I really do think you care. I really saw no harm in those statements because if that's what they think, that's what they think. And I have to agree with them. You may not, but you don't need to get so angrily offended over that word being used. So, yeah, you do care, sweetheart.

MKfan99 Wrote:I don't care about insults. I really don't. I live in Dublin, I was called a cunt getting on the train this morning. Living in Dublin and using public transport, you hear insults that would kill anyone who was thin skinned enough to care about strangers insulting them My statement being called asinine doesn't irritate me because its an insult, it irritates me because it denigrates my opinion and destroys any possibility of discussion, because discussion requires both parties be open to changing their opinion. Is there any chance of less presumptions about how I feel about insults, and some actual, tangible discussion regarding the logic of this issue? Like Darkhound engaged in? Cos I'm starting to feel that such logical discussion is beyond you Icebaby. And don't call me sweetheart, babydoll

When you lose the attitude, not call me baby doll, I'll be much nicer to you. But until then, yes, it does bother you. You can't say that insults don't bother you when clearly it does, even if its because it loses the purpose of holding a discussion. The problem is that no one made an insult to be rude on purpose. I'd rather see people stoop to lightly putting something down rather that immediately being extremely rude and dropping f-bombs like crazy and calling people retards and whatnot.
Mortal kombat special forces
cocktail BBQ sauce its the worst.
About Me

GT: Dimitri1033

06/10/2014 08:32 PM (UTC)
martin_m95 Wrote:

This is a thread where people discuss what each of them doesn't like in the game. Why should it be taken non-seriously.



About Me

"Pray for the Kahn's Mercy"

06/10/2014 08:33 PM (UTC)
microchip Wrote:
martin_m95 Wrote:

This is a thread where people discuss what each of them doesn't like in the game. Why should it be taken non-seriously.



Then people can't be enthusiastic about things, cos there's only been two trailers, one of which being purely cinematic.

See how that works?
About Me

GT: Dimitri1033

06/10/2014 08:35 PM (UTC)
Charybdis Wrote:

Then people can't be enthusiastic about things, cos there's only been two trailers, one of which being purely cinematic.

See how that works?

Yes, I don't, I don't see what you're trying to say. You're just paraphrasing what I've already said.
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06/10/2014 08:36 PM (UTC)
Icebaby, I guess I just don't understand the point in calling someones opinion ridiculous when it is an opinion... that's kind of a douchey thing to do.. so in that respect I don't understand why you are on here if not to just give people a hard time in their opinions. They aren't judging the game as a whole, they are soley judging what they have seem. A little or a lot it doesn't matter.. Like I said, I created this thread in the hopes that people like you would just leave people alone so they could discuss their feelings ON THE GAME freely... Yes you have a right to be here, but exercising that right, just to tell people their opinion is wrong is a douchey thing to do.
06/10/2014 08:37 PM (UTC)
microchip Wrote:
martin_m95 Wrote:

This is a thread where people discuss what each of them doesn't like in the game. Why should it be taken non-seriously.



Doesn't matter.
When they show more trailers people might change their opinons. But until then we have a right to express our opinions on what we've seen so far.
About Me

"Pray for the Kahn's Mercy"

06/10/2014 08:39 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Ahh, can't quote every single person answering...
Charybdis Wrote:
Oh dear, is someone on the internet gonna insult me? No, I don't care if someone does, knock yourself out love. I just think a discussion forum should endeavour to engender discussion, instead of ridiculing separate opinions and it boggles my mind as to why someone would think that separate opinions being ridiculed is something which should be encouraged on a discussion forum

And no, I don't think anyone who likes this game is asinine. I like this game. Everyone on this forum likes this game. You are not a martyr for positive people. But nice beginner's strawman, B+. Any chance of you actually addressing the issues I raise next time?

Clearly it shows that "insults" bother you because you got so offended when someone said the word "asinine." So I really do think you care. I really saw no harm in those statements because if that's what they think, that's what they think. And I have to agree with them. You may not, but you don't need to get so angrily offended over that word being used. So, yeah, you do care, sweetheart.

MKfan99 Wrote:
@Icebaby Again, why are you even in this thread right now?

To answer your questions, and to say that what I don't like are nit picking people who judge things way too early without giving it a chance. So, in a way, I do have the right to be in here because I'm answering your question. tongue

MKfan99 Wrote:
I don't have a problem with you being on.. I have a problem with the fact that there are people like you on here who can't just let people talk about things ABOUT THE GAME they don't like... without you giving them Sht. That's ridiculous.

And that's my fucking point. How can you be this judgmental about something you don't know yet? You got a two minute glimpse of two random different fights that lasted about like thirty seconds in total. Within that, people able to come up with the conclusions that A.) It's too much like Injustice B.) These new characters don't belong C.) The midget's voice is too annoying D.) The animation is too sluggish E.) Sub-Zero is human again. And that's not all of the issues I've seen. I could go on, but... no.

AJBlue Wrote:

Icebaby, you didn't "challenge" anyone. It'd be one thing if you came in here for a discussion as asked the OP to go more in depth about their concerns and then point counterpoint him. Instead you resorted to tired old whining. You want to champion the "discussion forum" why aren't you asking those posters who love everything why it is they are so enamored when only "two short trailers" have been released so far?

Champion the discussion forum? What the heck are you talking about? All because I came in here (and mind you, I'm not the only one) and said this is a little ridiculous to have these opinions immediately when we know nothing? Yeah, I so want to dominate this forum and be the all mighty queen of MKO. Please. And why haven't I asked why do people like this game? Pff, everyone already said it in the other thread. If I want to, I'll ask. If you want to, go ahead. Ask away! Ask why I love this trailer if you want to!.

Charybdis Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
Charybdis Wrote:
Oh dear, is someone on the internet gonna insult me? No, I don't care if someone does, knock yourself out love. I just think a discussion forum should endeavour to engender discussion, instead of ridiculing separate opinions and it boggles my mind as to why someone would think that separate opinions being ridiculed is something which should be encouraged on a discussion forum

And no, I don't think anyone who likes this game is asinine. I like this game. Everyone on this forum likes this game. You are not a martyr for positive people. But nice beginner's strawman, B+. Any chance of you actually addressing the issues I raise next time?

Clearly it shows that "insults" bother you because you got so offended when someone said the word "asinine." So I really do think you care. I really saw no harm in those statements because if that's what they think, that's what they think. And I have to agree with them. You may not, but you don't need to get so angrily offended over that word being used. So, yeah, you do care, sweetheart.

MKfan99 Wrote:I don't care about insults. I really don't. I live in Dublin, I was called a cunt getting on the train this morning. Living in Dublin and using public transport, you hear insults that would kill anyone who was thin skinned enough to care about strangers insulting them

My statement being called asinine doesn't irritate me because its an insult, it irritates me because it denigrates my opinion and destroys any possibility of discussion, because discussion requires both parties be open to changing their opinion.

Is there any chance of less presumptions about how I feel about insults, and some actual, tangible discussion regarding the logic of this issue? Like Darkhound engaged in? Cos I'm starting to feel that such logical discussion is beyond you Icebaby.

And don't call me sweetheart, babydoll

When you lose the attitude, not call me baby doll, I'll be much nicer to you. But until then, yes, it does bother you. You can't say that insults don't bother you when clearly it does, even if its because it loses the purpose of holding a discussion. The problem is that no one made an insult to be rude on purpose. I'd rather see people stoop to lightly putting something down rather that immediately being extremely rude and dropping f-bombs like crazy and calling people retards and whatnot.

So basically, you are gonna presume that insults bother me, despite evidence to the contrary? Again, I don't care if you're nice to me. I can live if Icebaby doesn't like me. It'll be tough, but I think I'll manage.

Clearly, you aren't going to address any issues I raise. I'm sorry you're taking this so combatively, but after strawmen, presumptions and logical fallacies (too soon to be negative but not be positive), I don't see any likelihood of getting a good discussion from you. Which is a pity, I respected you as a poster before this farce Edit: sweet jesus, how do you break out of this quoting nightmare
About Me

"Pray for the Kahn's Mercy"

06/10/2014 08:42 PM (UTC)
microchip Wrote:
Charybdis Wrote:

Then people can't be enthusiastic about things, cos there's only been two trailers, one of which being purely cinematic.

See how that works?

Yes, I don't, I don't see what you're trying to say. You're just paraphrasing what I've already said.

Close, but no cigar. You said people can't see negative things cos there's only been two trailers. I said people can't see positive things cos there's only been two trailers. If one opinion is invalid because of lack of information, so is the other
06/10/2014 08:45 PM (UTC)
Charybdis Wrote:
So basically, you are gonna presume that insults bother me, despite evidence to the contrary? Again, I don't care if you're nice to me. I can live if Icebaby doesn't like me. It'll be tough, but I think I'll manage.

Clearly, you aren't going to address any issues I raise. I'm sorry you're taking this so combatively, but after strawmen, presumptions and logical fallacies (too soon to be negative but not be positive), I don't see any likelihood of getting a good discussion from you. Which is a pity, I respected you as a poster before this farce

The issues you raise is that you hate the fact that people can't have a discussion with you without making any kind of derogatory comments. It's gotta be a clean, crisp conversation to have with you without resorting to lightly putting down anything you have to say, or lightly putting down anything. I find that laughable if you can't handle someone saying anything that is lightly putting something down. Don't pity me, I actually pity you.

MKfan99 Wrote:
Icebaby, I guess I just don't understand the point in calling someones opinion ridiculous when it is an opinion... that's kind of a douchey thing to do.. so in that respect I don't understand why you are on here if not to just give people a hard time in their opinions. They aren't judging the game as a whole, they are soley judging what they have seem. A little or a lot it doesn't matter.. Like I said, I created this thread in the hopes that people like you would just leave people alone so they could discuss their feelings ON THE GAME freely... Yes you have a right to be here, but exercising that right, just to tell people their opinion is wrong is a douchey thing to do.

My whole point was to go after those who are immediately stating that they're not getting the game based off of two trailers. But then it resorted to "how dare Icebaby and anyone sit here and say that we can't have opinions." The whole point was that to be this picky about a game trailer that showed hardly anything we were questioning is absurd. I'd rather wait until tomorrow to actually start forming opinions that could seem to be against this game because hey, we have Ed Boon going to sit down and tell us what we are to expect. But to look at two trailers and immediately say things like "I'm not going to get this because it's too Injustice-like," without even seeing more as we progress to the release date is silly. The game is still being worked on, so of course this isn't the final product and majority of you are acting like it is. If this sounds too douchey, so let it be. But it's silly to sit here and get so offended that this game looks horrible to some when this isn't even the final stuff.
About Me

GT: Dimitri1033

06/10/2014 08:47 PM (UTC)
Charybdis Wrote:
microchip Wrote:
Charybdis Wrote:

Then people can't be enthusiastic about things, cos there's only been two trailers, one of which being purely cinematic.

See how that works?

Yes, I don't, I don't see what you're trying to say. You're just paraphrasing what I've already said.

Close, but no cigar. You said people can't see negative things cos there's only been two trailers. I said people can't see positive things cos there's only been two trailers. If one opinion is invalid because of lack of information, so is the other

Okay then...

Yal have fun dissecting 2 trailers.
About Me

"Pray for the Kahn's Mercy"

06/10/2014 08:48 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Charybdis Wrote:
So basically, you are gonna presume that insults bother me, despite evidence to the contrary? Again, I don't care if you're nice to me. I can live if Icebaby doesn't like me. It'll be tough, but I think I'll manage.

Clearly, you aren't going to address any issues I raise. I'm sorry you're taking this so combatively, but after strawmen, presumptions and logical fallacies (too soon to be negative but not be positive), I don't see any likelihood of getting a good discussion from you. Which is a pity, I respected you as a poster before this farce

The issues you raise is that you hate the fact that people can't have a discussion with you without making any kind of derogatory comments. It's gotta be a clean, crisp conversation to have with you without resorting to lightly putting down anything you have to say. I find that laughable if you can't handle someone saying anything that is lightly putting something down. Don't pity me, I actually pity you.

MKfan99 Wrote:
Icebaby, I guess I just don't understand the point in calling someones opinion ridiculous when it is an opinion... that's kind of a douchey thing to do.. so in that respect I don't understand why you are on here if not to just give people a hard time in their opinions. They aren't judging the game as a whole, they are soley judging what they have seem. A little or a lot it doesn't matter.. Like I said, I created this thread in the hopes that people like you would just leave people alone so they could discuss their feelings ON THE GAME freely... Yes you have a right to be here, but exercising that right, just to tell people their opinion is wrong is a douchey thing to do.

My whole point was to go after those who are immediately stating that they're not getting the game based off of two trailers. But then it resorted to "how dare Icebaby and anyone sit here and say that we can't have opinions." The whole point was that to be this picky about a game trailer that showed hardly anything we were questioning is absurd. I'd rather wait until tomorrow to actually start forming opinions that could seem to be against this game because hey, we have Ed Boon going to sit down and tell us what we are to expect. But to look at two trailers and immediately say things like "I'm not going to get this because it's too Injustice-like," without even seeing more as we progress to the release date is silly. The game is still being worked on, so of course this isn't the final product and majority of you are acting like it is. If this sounds too douchey, so let it be. But it's silly to sit here and get so offended that this game looks horrible to some when this isn't even the final stuff.

Thats not what I'm saying at all. Insults are a part of banter among friends. But when I'm having a discussion with someone, I don't expect someone to turn around and say, "That's asinine" without offering a valid, logical reason why.

I'd appreciate it if you read through my posts and actually look at the logical issues I raise. You're being terribly myopic in this thread And I never said I pity you, that's patronizing. Moreover, you're putting words in my mouth. I said it s a pity, as in a shame, that my opinion of you as a good, logical, sensible poster, was either incorrect or ill-formed
About Me
Twilight Muthafuckin' Sparkle

Sig by TheCypher
06/10/2014 08:57 PM (UTC)
Riyakou Wrote:
The constant complaining.

06/10/2014 08:59 PM (UTC)
Charybdis Wrote:
Thats not what I'm saying at all. Insults are a part of banter among friends. But when I'm having a discussion with someone, I don't expect someone to turn around and say, "That's asinine" without offering a valid, logical reason why.

I'd appreciate it if you read through my posts and actually look at the logical issues I raise. You're being terribly myopic in this thread

And I never said I pity you, that's patronizing. Moreover, you're putting words in my mouth. I said it s a pity, as in a shame, that my opinion of you as a good, logical, sensible poster, was either incorrect or ill-formed

Except they gave their reasons behind why they said that and you still jumped down their throats because of it. I'd read more of your posts had they not be filled with alternative ways to insult me when I'm not insulting you. I can call you names if you want to stoop down that maturity.
About Me

"Pray for the Kahn's Mercy"

06/10/2014 09:05 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Charybdis Wrote:
Thats not what I'm saying at all. Insults are a part of banter among friends. But when I'm having a discussion with someone, I don't expect someone to turn around and say, "That's asinine" without offering a valid, logical reason why.

I'd appreciate it if you read through my posts and actually look at the logical issues I raise. You're being terribly myopic in this thread

And I never said I pity you, that's patronizing. Moreover, you're putting words in my mouth. I said it s a pity, as in a shame, that my opinion of you as a good, logical, sensible poster, was either incorrect or ill-formed

Except they gave their reasons behind why they said that and you still jumped down their throats because of it. I'd read more of your posts had they not be filled with alternative ways to insult me when I'm not insulting you. I can call you names if you want to stoop down that maturity.

Good lord. This is truly fruitless. Truly, utterly fruitless. You clearly didn't read anything. Darkhounds posted which kicked all of this off states:

"My biggest complaint is people saying the new characters do not belong in MK.

People are so use to the same ole "cookie-cutter" MK look, and anything different scares the hell out of them. Honestly saying a brand new character doesn't is just an asinine statement."

So, the reason here is? What? That I'm scared of new characters? Is it somehow self evident that new characters immediately fit into MK seamlessly? I've tried, repeatedly, to engage you in logical discussion. Now you've substituted creating falsehoods for dodging logical issues (though you're still dodging the issues).

Finally, I've insulted you no more than you've insulted me. You first presumed that any insult upsets me, which I found presumptuous (most presumptions are presumptuous). You then said "no need to be a jerk", to which I said "stop being one then".

I don't t know why you're acting like I'm on a profanity laced tirade here.
06/10/2014 09:05 PM (UTC)
People are different. They think different thoughts, they form different opinions. It's the way the world works. It's threads like these that make me question why I even bother with forums. Now, before people start having a go at me, I like the original idea of this thread;. For people who are in the minority to have a place to let out their thoughts without facing scrutiny from others who think the opposite to them. Obviously, this works for the people who are not satisfied with some of the aspects they have seen in the last two trailers. However, this thread also has benefits for the people who are pleased with what they have seen in the last two trailers, because believe it or not, we do get tired of people pointing out the bad when others are trying to focus on the good. I know, your opinion is your opinion and you have a right to say it, but please don't forget that this works both ways. I vote that this thread becomes the official place for people who are dissatisfied with what they are seeing to come in and discuss things here knowing that they aren't going to get chastised, criticized and treat with disrespect. I think this topic being a place for people to express negative points will bring a fresh air to the rest of the forum so that we can all look in awe at what NRS is brining us with MKX. Reading these last three pages has really upset me, as seeing forum members publicly getting into arguments with each other over a lack of common decency is something that I thought I would never see. I'm not asking for myself here guys, I'm asking for this forum and the people in it.

Can you all please just move on? Can you all accept that we have different opinions and can we all accept that people deserve to have their voice heard as well. I think the title for this thread should give a stern warning to what is being discussed inside it and people that refuse to accept that these people have the right to voice their own opinions should stay out or face punishment. Treat others as you would treat yourselves guys. We're better than this. I know I'm asking for a lot here, but this has got to stop guys. It has to.

That's all I'm saying on the matter. I'm posting this then leaving this thread for good. I've hated what I've seen in it and I never want to go through it again. I'm disappointed, to say the least. I thought we were better than this.
06/10/2014 09:07 PM (UTC)
All I will say is if Sub-Zero and Scorpion are the only characters from previous games mixed in with a bunch of new characters that are as unaesthetically pleasing to me as they are at the moment (which that can definitely change) I will most definitely pass.

There's nothing for me here at the moment. I hope that will change. At least the female character is fully clothed, though. I have to give them praise for finally making a mature design!
About Me

GT: Dimitri1033

06/10/2014 09:08 PM (UTC)
Charybdis Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
Charybdis Wrote:
Thats not what I'm saying at all. Insults are a part of banter among friends. But when I'm having a discussion with someone, I don't expect someone to turn around and say, "That's asinine" without offering a valid, logical reason why.

I'd appreciate it if you read through my posts and actually look at the logical issues I raise. You're being terribly myopic in this thread

And I never said I pity you, that's patronizing. Moreover, you're putting words in my mouth. I said it s a pity, as in a shame, that my opinion of you as a good, logical, sensible poster, was either incorrect or ill-formed

Except they gave their reasons behind why they said that and you still jumped down their throats because of it. I'd read more of your posts had they not be filled with alternative ways to insult me when I'm not insulting you. I can call you names if you want to stoop down that maturity.

Good lord. This is truly fruitless. Truly, utterly fruitless. You clearly didn't read anything. Darkhounds posted which kicked all of this off states:

"My biggest complaint is people saying the new characters do not belong in MK.

People are so use to the same ole "cookie-cutter" MK look, and anything different scares the hell out of them. Honestly saying a brand new character doesn't is just an asinine statement."

So, the reason here is? What? That I'm scared of new characters? Is it somehow self evident that new characters immediately fit into MK seamlessly? I've tried, repeatedly, to engage you in logical discussion. Now you've substituted creating falsehoods for dodging logical issues (though you're still dodging the issues).

Finally, I've insulted you no more than you've insulted me. You first presumed that any insult upsets me, which I found presumptuous (most presumptions are presumptuous). You then said "no need to be a jerk", to which I said "stop being one then".

I don't t know why you're acting like I'm on a profanity laced tirade here.

I have seen the erratum of my ways m'Lord, I beg of you, please exonerate my behavior.

*tips fedora*
About Me
Twilight Muthafuckin' Sparkle

Sig by TheCypher
06/10/2014 09:09 PM (UTC)
Y'know, it's not that this thread is stupid, but rather the fact that it's VERY premature. What are we to base our opinions off of? A CG trailer and a sizzle reel? Neither have extensive information or gameplay. The sizzle reel does not even have the best resolution with which to judge a character's look.

Why does this thread exist already?
About Me

"Pray for the Kahn's Mercy"

06/10/2014 09:12 PM (UTC)
microchip Wrote:
Charybdis Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
Charybdis Wrote:
Thats not what I'm saying at all. Insults are a part of banter among friends. But when I'm having a discussion with someone, I don't expect someone to turn around and say, "That's asinine" without offering a valid, logical reason why.

I'd appreciate it if you read through my posts and actually look at the logical issues I raise. You're being terribly myopic in this thread

And I never said I pity you, that's patronizing. Moreover, you're putting words in my mouth. I said it s a pity, as in a shame, that my opinion of you as a good, logical, sensible poster, was either incorrect or ill-formed

Except they gave their reasons behind why they said that and you still jumped down their throats because of it. I'd read more of your posts had they not be filled with alternative ways to insult me when I'm not insulting you. I can call you names if you want to stoop down that maturity.

Good lord. This is truly fruitless. Truly, utterly fruitless. You clearly didn't read anything. Darkhounds posted which kicked all of this off states:

"My biggest complaint is people saying the new characters do not belong in MK.

People are so use to the same ole "cookie-cutter" MK look, and anything different scares the hell out of them. Honestly saying a brand new character doesn't is just an asinine statement."

So, the reason here is? What? That I'm scared of new characters? Is it somehow self evident that new characters immediately fit into MK seamlessly? I've tried, repeatedly, to engage you in logical discussion. Now you've substituted creating falsehoods for dodging logical issues (though you're still dodging the issues).

Finally, I've insulted you no more than you've insulted me. You first presumed that any insult upsets me, which I found presumptuous (most presumptions are presumptuous). You then said "no need to be a jerk", to which I said "stop being one then".

I don't t know why you're acting like I'm on a profanity laced tirade here.

I have seen the erratum of my ways m'Lord, I beg of you, please exonerate my behavior.

*tips fedora*

Yes, I use big words, therefore I am neckbeard. Fuck me running, this place has gotten worse since Hanky got banned Incidentally, as an Irishman, we don't say M'Lord in Court. We just say Judge, or Sir.
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06/10/2014 09:13 PM (UTC)
@phishstix17.... thank you for bringing us back to topic... The Game...

@AJAX75 .... I agree. I wanted this to be a thread to give people an opportunity to talk about the game.. specifically if there is something they don't like... I did not create this thread to judge others on their opinion or to be criticized for mine.. this thread is for GAME DISCUSSION..

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06/10/2014 09:15 PM (UTC)
@J-Split Yes I know this thread is pre-mature... I said I know its early in the very first post when I created it.. But I created it so that I can be added to as we see more and more footage from the game... Its not meant only for what we have already seen but to be added to as we see more and more...
06/10/2014 09:17 PM (UTC)
J-spit Wrote:
Y'know, it's not that this thread is stupid, but rather the fact that it's VERY premature. What are we to base our opinions off of? A CG trailer and a sizzle reel? Neither have extensive information or gameplay. The sizzle reel does not even have the best resolution with which to judge a character's look.

Why does this thread exist already?

I guess I'll repeat myself once more.
It doesn't matter how much we know about the game so far. We are free to express our opinions on what is seen in the trailers.
Of course when we see more, we might change the way we look at it.
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