What we dont like
posted06/14/2014 06:48 AM (UTC)by
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03/12/2004 07:59 PM (UTC)
Okay, I'd like a thread where we just discuss what we don't like.. Please just use this thread to discuss that.. I know some of you love everything you see and will say "How can you not like this or that?!" Every one is entitled to their opinion, but please use this thread JUST for what you don't like and not judge people if you don't agree..

Personally, I don't like the gameplay mechanics.. It looks a little too "Injusty" to me. I know we have only seen one gameplay video, but I wasn't sold from what I saw.. Also not a fan of changing up every ones move sets..
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GT: Dimitri1033

06/10/2014 04:40 PM (UTC)
I don't like this thread.
06/10/2014 04:50 PM (UTC)
*Sighs* We really need a rant thread created, especially this early? There's been only TWO trailers shown that hardly explained anything and people are already claiming that they're not buying the game! I say at least wait for Boon to talk about this game tomorrow before we start actually making rants. There's no reason to be this nit picky and this judgmental with having two trailers that hardly gave us any answers as to what's going on with the game.
06/10/2014 04:55 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
*Sighs* We really need a rant thread created, especially this early? There's been only TWO trailers shown that hardly explained anything and people are already claiming that they're not buying the game! I say at least wait for Boon to talk about this game tomorrow before we start actually making rants. There's no reason to be this nit picky and this judgmental with having two trailers that hardly gave us any answers as to what's going on with the game.

Sounds like something that should be posted in a rant thread...









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06/10/2014 04:57 PM (UTC)
@IceBaby... this is what I was talking about.. why even post that? Yes I realize its early.. but I was hoping as we are shown more stuff, more people will contribute to this thread...
About Me

06/10/2014 05:01 PM (UTC)
no one cares what u dont like, not even ed boon at this point bcuz none of u have even touched the friggin game

NRS will listen to the bitching and complaints once everyone has had a chance to get a considerable amount of playing time under their belt. until then its whinning and useless groaning.
06/10/2014 05:03 PM (UTC)
I like most of what I saw. New characters, stages, and gameplay look excellent!

But if I had to point something out that causes some concern, it's the graphics. I saw some REALLY low res textures and low poly models. It's certainly possible that a lot of what we saw is placeholder (Heard some Injustice sound effects in there) so I'm gonna withhold judgement. But with that being said, Arkham Knight looked fantastic, and MK looked okay.
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06/10/2014 05:06 PM (UTC)
Lol.. really? I know Boon isn't going to look at this thread and change anything... How is this thread different than people saying what they don't like in any other thread? Every one does it.. The only difference is that this is a specific thread for that... If you don't want to see a thread like this, don't open it.. don't read it.. Pretty simple, yes?
06/10/2014 05:14 PM (UTC)
MKfan99 Wrote:
@IceBaby... this is what I was talking about.. why even post that? Yes I realize its early.. but I was hoping as we are shown more stuff, more people will contribute to this thread...

Because we hardly saw anything to begin with! To judge this early seems incredibly silly. They're STILL working on the game, so of course not everything is going to be final with what we see this week. I get that everyone is entitled to their opinions, but this is just silly to be this harsh immediately at the beginning without any kind of information be revealed from the developers themselves.

At least wait until we get more scoop on what to expect with this game before slamming down hard on it. I mean, there are people who have just admitted they're not buying this game. You have an entire year, you really want to be that critical without even giving a chance to wow you? A two minute trailer of little gameplay footage should not be the final nail in the coffin when you don't even know what's going on with the game itself. And yeah, you can throw out the whole, "If you don't like this, don't read it," but it's pretty damn silly to start ranting on things this early in the whole revealing of the game.
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06/10/2014 05:22 PM (UTC)
Dude, I'm not being harsh about anything... I loved most of what I saw... I have seen a lot of other people complaining in other threads... I just made this so people had a single one to vent into.. My sole complaint was that it looked too like Injustice.. and I even recognized the fact that it was after only seeing a single video so that it might change.. I was just curious what other people didn't like (i.e some don't like the new characters and think they look out of place in MK) Its a lot easier to see and discuss what people don't like so far in a single thread than to have to go through each one.

Again, yes I realize its early for judgement... so as we get new info and see new things, hopefully people will contribute to this thread..
06/10/2014 05:22 PM (UTC)
I don't like the voices of the two new characters. Hopefully Johnny Cage is in this game so he can punch that little midget in the testesglasses
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"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

06/10/2014 05:57 PM (UTC)
The gameplay mechanics are more so from Injustice than MK9 which was something I feared since Injustice. But the mechanics are clearly set in stone, especially when five characters are finished if not almost. So me bitching about it is not going to change a thing about the game. *sigh* But I'll stick around until I get confirmation from someone who did play the game.
06/10/2014 05:59 PM (UTC)
The constant complaining.
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'Your soul is MINE!'

everything crossed for Reiko

06/10/2014 06:00 PM (UTC)
too early to say

although i dont like that i havent seen Reiko yet ;)
06/10/2014 06:34 PM (UTC)
I wasn't impressed with the graphics either. I would expect more from a ps4 game. Still looks last gen. I think the first trailer with the CGi spoiled me.
06/10/2014 06:40 PM (UTC)
I also didn't like that the gameplay was too much like Injustice.
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"Pray for the Kahn's Mercy"

06/10/2014 06:53 PM (UTC)
Why bother? You cant complain about anything without someone accusing you of being opposed to progress. I said a little girl on a big guy's back squeaking like Tara Strong meets Big Daddy doesn't feel like MK and I was harangued.

You can't have an opinion once it goes against the prevailing opinion. You either unequivocally adore the three new characters, or you are an idiot who just wants UMK3 updated every four years. There's no middle ground.

So in a way, if we can get one thread where people can actually say they don't like something about the upcoming game without being accused of wanting just ninjas, sorcerers and strippers, that would really improve the forum.

I'll give it a whirl: the Bug Lady is cool, the Aztec God is awesome but I hate the Duo. Its a tired, played out trope, the squeaky voice will be extremely annoying, everyone will just label it as 'Big Daddy in MK' (which it is) and I would much rather the big guy be on his own, as a lumbering hulk with a brain, like Bane.

Now maybe, just maybe, criticism of an upcoming product....can be allowed...on a a forum
06/10/2014 06:59 PM (UTC)
Hope I'm proven wrong,but it looks like this game will ignore MK's 2011 story completly, which I think it sucks.Boon complaints like "kinda sequel" and "can't explain" are pretty worrying..sad
06/10/2014 07:03 PM (UTC)
Charybdis Wrote:

So in a way, if we can get one thread where people can actually say they don't like something about the upcoming game without being accused of wanting just ninjas, sorcerers and strippers, that would really improve the forum.

People just don't understand that we have opinions too.
Also MK only had 2 true sorcerers, Shang Tsung and Quan Chi (I'm not saying I want more sorcerers, I just stating facts), and It never had strippers.
06/10/2014 07:04 PM (UTC)
It's good to love a product but ridiculing someone for stating his own opinion is ridiculous.

06/10/2014 07:11 PM (UTC)
My biggest complaint is people saying the new characters do not belong in MK.

People are so use to the same ole "cookie-cutter" MK look, and anything different scares the hell out of them.
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"Pray for the Kahn's Mercy"

06/10/2014 07:14 PM (UTC)
Am....Am I in the Matrix right now? The thing someone else doesn't like is other people not liking the same things they like? Am I on crazy pills? Though I would like to thank Darkhound for proving my point four posts after my post
06/10/2014 07:23 PM (UTC)

Normally I'd agree with, but I've seen enough people share the same sentiment across multiple forums that there is a real basis for the belief that these new characters don't feel like they belong.

Of course, it's early in the process, and I'm really hoping this changes as we learn and see more of MKX.
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"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

06/10/2014 07:29 PM (UTC)
Charybdis Wrote:
Why bother? You cant complain about anything without someone accusing you of being opposed to progress.
Now maybe, just maybe, criticism of an upcoming product....can be allowed...on a a forum

If only I could give you dragon points. I agree to some extent, and I mean that because I don't share the same opinion of the whole character thing, I really have nothing negative or positive to say, I'm more focused on how they play than how they look, which should be the general rule, but that's just me. But back to the point, I do agree that there should be a thread about "complaints" without stones being thrown at the people who comment. "They" can have their own Positive thread and get away with it. Why? Because it's ridiculous to go into such a thread and say "you guys like stuff too much, booo". So why do it here? Let the people who have concerns be in peace.
06/10/2014 07:30 PM (UTC)
Darkhound74 Wrote:
My biggest complaint is people saying the new characters do not belong in MK.

People are so use to the same ole "cookie-cutter" MK look, and anything different scares the hell out of them. Honestly saying a brand new character doesn't is just an asinine statement.

People obviously have forgotten that we have at least six realms to have these characters originate from.
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