12/18/2014 03:57 PM (UTC)
That would've made Reiko Kitana's half brother.
12/18/2014 04:05 PM (UTC)
Sindel is my favorite! Lol obviously. And she isn't as hated as you would think.
12/18/2014 04:09 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote: It would be poor taste. This game has always been known about the fatalities and the violence and gore. It doesn't need more controversial stuff because people want it. I'm not going to rank what's worse, being mutilated to death or getting raped, but I'd rather see some fantasized killing that I know is fictional rather than hearing that some character is raped.
I've been a victim of it, it's tiresome to see people use it in fan fiction while getting it all confused with sex, it's not something Id like to see get put in my favorite series when it's never gotten that desperate to move in that direction. It's just not something I would like to see get put in even if it's just being me mentioned. It bothers me really.

And if for some random reason it's thrown in, whatever. I'd be disappointed in the direction the writer's went, but it won't warrant me to sell my game back. I just don't care to see stuff like that. This game is totally fantasized. None of it is real. But to start throwing in some real shit that CAN happen to people... eh... no thanks. Keep it still as a fantasy, not make it start being realism.

And if anyone still has a problem with me disagreeing with it (I.e that idiot who told me to stop crying and being a bitch about it) I would like for you to keep your opinions about me to yourself and get the fuck over it. Whether you're trolling or not. No need to act that retarded over someone saying "I don't want that in." I'm sure there are things that grinds your gears, well this is one that grinds mine. Thanks.

First of all I never said that I want it. What I always tried (and it seems I failed) to point out is, that why would it be worst than any of the content already in it?

You particularly have a personal memory, that makes it real, but to me it isn't any more real, than witnessing a murder, or a disfigured body lying in a pool of blood after a car accident. It's just one of many terrible things that can happen to a person.

The thing is, these things are ALL real, and I just can't get over it that MOST of the people are ok with violence, but a certain part of it bothers them for no apparent reason.

And why would this be a desperate move?
A kharacter filled with rage, because his/her father was murdered, mother raped, he/she was rased by his/her damaged mother, who dies from the sorrow she feels for losing everything (the child is alive, but at a point, that doesn't seems to matter anymore) so his/her personality is already twisted, the only thing that keeps him/her alive is vengence, and Kahn dies, so he/she cannot get it, and he goes insane.
That is a better background story, than most of the MK kharacters have (sad/true story).
I don't want to repeat myself, but I DON'T want this, but why would this be soooo bad?
12/18/2014 04:11 PM (UTC)
So, just going to throw out my two cents.

A big NO to rape being mentioned in this game. Its tactless, its tasteless, its entirely unnecessary. There's already something a little eyebrow raising about Kahn "claiming Sindel as his own" after invading her realm...we don't need to add a heated and controversial layer on top of that. I, for one, would be upset if Nether Realm went ahead with it.

If they want to say that Sindel had a son (with Jerrod) who fought in the Edenian invasion and was thought to be killed, but was actually brainwashed or resurrected by Quan Chi...then maybe I would be okay with it.
12/18/2014 04:22 PM (UTC)
Basically it's poor taste. The game is nothing more but fantasy. It's not real, it'll never be real. The game doesn't need more acts of evil to be thrown in there to make the game more interesting or more gruesome, realistic, or whatever. I'd feel like it would be a poor decision with the writers to start throwing in things that don't need to be in this game.

Also, other countries have its reasons to ban games, I'm fairly sure if rape was to be included, a lot more countries would ban this game even if it's just being mentioned. There are a lot more Jack Thompsons out there who are dying to see stuff like this get included in games so they have a reasonable excuse to ban it in a heart beat. I'd like Mortal Kombat to be playable instead of getting banned.

Those two reasons are why I see it as "soooo bad." And including what I went through but like I said, even if it were to get included, it's not like I'll be protesting the shit out of it and not get it. I'll be greatly disappointed that they choose to have poor taste and don't care if they have something that warrants a ban in other countries...

I'd rather care more about it just being a fighting game than another episode of Law and Order. I just want to beat the living crap out of people in it rather than get all teary eyed because some character got raped throughout the story. I don't want to try to compare how brutality murdering someone is worst than getting rape because you really can't. There's just more to stuff like that in which it's not needed. You'll get some person that will take it so personally that it'll be a huge ruckus... It's best just to leave stuff like that out for the sake of having it just be about people beating each other up.

And of course, there are people that'll just won't care... all I have to say is good for them.
12/18/2014 04:51 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Basically it's poor taste. The game is nothing more but fantasy. It's not real, it'll never be real. The game doesn't need more acts of evil to be thrown in there to make the game more interesting or more gruesome, realistic, or whatever. I'd feel like it would be a poor decision with the writers to start throwing in things that don't need to be in this game.

I don't think it's poor taste, but you are right, it's only fantasy, but that is why anything can happen.
As for the rest of this part you wrote, you basically think the story that I wrote is garbage, thanks (or you just can't get over a word and see the whole picture of what i stated with it).
I love vengence stories, and the more the main kharacter suffered, the more satisfying will it be to watch the punishment (again not needed, just an OPTION).

Also, other countries have its reasons to ban games, I'm fairly sure if rape was to be included, a lot more countries would ban this game even if it's just being mentioned. There are a lot more Jack Thompsons out there who are dying to see stuff like this get included in games so they have a reasonable excuse to ban it in a heart beat. I'd like Mortal Kombat to be playable instead of getting banned.

You are probably right on this part, and I think it is a huge problem in gaming, that cenzoreship often forgets the word logic, when they explain something they did (like the GTA 5 vs Australia nonsense).

Those two reasons are why I see it as "soooo bad." And including what I went through but like I said, even if it were to get included, it's not like I'll be protesting the shit out of it and not get it. I'll be greatly disappointed that they choose to have poor taste and don't care if they have something that warrants a ban in other countries...

I can understand your point of view.

I'd rather care more about it just being a fighting game than another episode of Law and Order.

What's your problem with Law and Order? I don't even know the show, yet I already feel bad about it.

I just want to beat the living crap out of people in it rather than get all teary eyed because some character got raped throughout the story.

... well I get it, but that is your personal opinion, which is not mine if you know what i mean.
12/18/2014 05:06 PM (UTC)
Well, to be honest, I kinda skimmed over your story, sorry. sad But I get what you're trying to make of it and it's not bad really... I just like I said, skimmed right over it.

And Law and Order is a good show (The Special Victims Unit spin off more so), that and if I wanted to see this kind of stuff in stories, I'd rather turn to that instead of video games. It just started to suck after season 12 but that's just personal opinions.

But glad you get where I'm coming from and not immediately insulted me or anything because I don't want to see it.
12/18/2014 05:08 PM (UTC)
Rape is an awful thing. But it would add depth to the series. I think it would deepen out emotions for these characters. To show that these characters in a video game deal with real problems that real people deal with adds so much to a storyline. Look at the walking dead but telltale. You had to chose who lives and dies and you had morality choices. Its not an easy thing, but it makes to good storytelling.
12/18/2014 07:33 PM (UTC)
Sindel798 Wrote:
Rape is an awful thing. But it would add depth to the series. I think it would deepen out emotions for these characters. To show that these characters in a video game deal with real problems that real people deal with adds so much to a storyline. Look at the walking dead but telltale. You had to chose who lives and dies and you had morality choices. Its not an easy thing, but it makes to good storytelling.

I see what you're saying here. It's possible only if it had any ounce of relevance to the story and it wasn't included just out of shock value. However, I'm not sure it would work anyway in a game that has centered first and foremost around people beating the stuffing out of each other and then killing them, albeit in a fantastical manner. It's not just sexual assault; minus his transformation into an enenra, Smoke's MK9 ending, which has him burned alive as a child, is pretty unnerving in itself.

Anyway, for example, what if we found out that Kitana was actually a product of rape born after Kahn's takeover of Edenia? We'd all be genuinely surprised at first, but it wears off after awhile and if that was the last we ever heard of that subplot, then it becomes absolutely meaningless. It's not really worth any extra sympathy for a particular character (not to mention the inevitable glorification of it on FanFiction.net, where rape is, y'know, so kewl), plus that - and not her constant struggle to free her realm - would in all probability end up becoming her most defining feature.

MK has always been about escapism, and that's why I'm a longtime fan. Like Icebaby said, there are other fictional mediums out there that explore these kinds of issues.
12/18/2014 09:50 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Well, to be honest, I kinda skimmed over your story, sorry. sad But I get what you're trying to make of it and it's not bad really... I just like I said, skimmed right over it.

And Law and Order is a good show (The Special Victims Unit spin off more so), that and if I wanted to see this kind of stuff in stories, I'd rather turn to that instead of video games. It just started to suck after season 12 but that's just personal opinions.

But glad you get where I'm coming from and not immediately insulted me or anything because I don't want to see it.

Well, since I started to whole thing, I wanted to know the reason why a hardcore mk fan would have a problem with such a thing, and I got a different opinon that actually makes sence, and no offence was given or taken... rare stuff on a forum I guess.
12/18/2014 11:41 PM (UTC)
lol my post is deleted?
About Me

I will rock you.

12/18/2014 11:48 PM (UTC)
MindStrikes Wrote:
lol my post is deleted?

No it got merged with another thread for being about the same character.
12/19/2014 01:04 AM (UTC)
I am not for this theory but IF NRS wanted to make it true they could POSSIBLY make it happen without Kahn being a rapist. He could have gotten one of her eggs and done a test-tube thing, maybe in Tsung's flesh pits (if they have been around that long), he could have had her artificially inseminated, he could have (or gotten Tsung or some sorcerer) do some weird magic that made her conceive his child but without actual intercourse taking place.

All of that sounds rather farfetched to me though lol
12/19/2014 01:35 AM (UTC)
The reality is that most writers seldom manage to write about rape and sexual assault without coming across as entirely hamfisted or exploiting it for shock value. Even without crossing into being blatantly offensive, a lot of writers use rape/sexual abuse as a shortcut to make characters seem deeper and to pile on the grim nature of a story.

Icebaby had a point when she mentioned fan fiction writers and other amateurs using rape as a plot device to make their story seem much darker, with the assumption that it's an easy way to build sympathy for the victimized character. It's a very difficult subject to touch upon with the appropriate sensitivity in writing, and it's incredibly easy for a writer to - even inadvertently - veer into trivializing the crime.

With that in mind, does anybody genuinely think that the writers behind Mortal Kombat - a game where extreme, unflinching, and sometimes slapstick violence is the main selling point - would handle the subjects of rape or sexual abuse with any tact whatsoever? People complain enough about how meaningless death seems to be in the series, can you imagine what would happen if they tried to incorporate rape in the storyline?

And if anyone thinks that it's a good idea to incorporate rape into the game to create a vengeful, dark character everyone can get behind: that's contributing to the problem. It would be little more than a shallowly-examined shortcut to making a character with a gritty backstory.
12/19/2014 01:56 AM (UTC)
A ok thanks fot telling ;)
12/19/2014 02:04 AM (UTC)
The thing is, I don't have faith in the writers at all. Even if they were to incorporate this, I doubt they would write it in a way where it wouldn't be distasteful and it's something that will continue to last.

Swingbetta made a great point in stating that if it has no purpose, such as, it's not an intrigal part of someone's story/story of the game itself, it really shouldn't be included.

Here's the problem that I have with Reiko being anything with these characters.

First off, the reason why he exists at all is because of the complaints Midway was receiving about too many "ninjas." He was originally supposed to be Noob, but because he was blending in with the environments, they changed the color and thus Reiko was born. So basically, he was supposed to be Noob.

Of course, many have known that.

Secondly, he's served as a member of the Brotherhood of Shadow, died during Shinnok's war with the Elder Gods, then resurfaced around the fourth game but disappeared once more once Shinnok was defeated. Throughout the entire time of Deadly Alliance-Armageddon he emerged in Kahn's army and received the general position because Kahn was pretty much impressed with his ruthlessness.

Reiko wants to rule Outworld himself by replacing the emperor himself. Although, I don't think it's ever said exactly WHY he wants to rule Outworld. He also doesn't care for Quan Chi and we know that because he tried to get Taven to join his army... and we defeat him... annnnnnnd that's pretty much all that is to his character.

Now, if he were to be included in this game, there's not much they can do with the whole "him being the product of Sindel and Kahn," since they're both dead.

(I know Kahn's fate has yet to be announced, but let's hypothetically say he's really dead)

(You also have Sindel, in which we know Quan Chi currently has her in his possession as undead. What happens to her throughout this story is left in fate's hands until we finally figure out what really does happen. So let's hypothetically say, again, she's really dead.)

What is there for him to do? Get revenge on who if he is to be somewhat loyal to his mother and despise Kahn?

I say, expand more on his Brotherhood of Shadow character. I can see that play a huge role in this game since it's obvious that Quan Chi is going to have a big role in this.

I'd rather see Kahn's character get completely thrown out of this story as he's dead. He should only be mentioned as to like, "As the death of Kahn took place, such and such happened in Outworld and blah blah blah."

He really needs to sit out, in my honest opinion.

So there, I'm going to play more Warcraft.
12/19/2014 04:27 AM (UTC)
First and foremost, I do not think rape is funny nor is it "cool." However, to think characters like Kano and Shao Kahn are capable of something like that is not farfetched, especially given the circumstances of their relationships with their female counterparts. In Mortal Kombat: 2011, Sonya claims, "But I was the one that was used" when Jax says Kano screwed the Special Forces over. That alludes to SOMETHING deeper. Furthermore, Kahn forcing Sindel to be his wife most certainly means that there was a form of sexual abuse taking place in that relationship because he took her by force, not by her own will.

Secondly, I am in no way trying to offend you. I'm sorry you were attacked. The reason I chose to say what I did, however, was because you were acting like a bitch. I've seen the way you treat others on this forum. The way you disagree with them (even the ones who aren't talking about things that happened to you) is ridiculous. You're the one that needs to check yourself. When you have respect for others, they'll have it for you. Until then, you ARE a bitch.

Finally, I'd like to say that I do not advocate violence of any kind against women but this is Mortal Kombat...it isn't exactly known for being some squeaky clean pillar of morality and justice. No pun intended but...get real.
12/19/2014 05:24 AM (UTC)
BlackDragonThug Wrote:
First and foremost, I do not think rape is funny nor is it "cool." However, to think characters like Kano and Shao Kahn are capable of something like that is not farfetched, especially given the circumstances of their relationships with their female counterparts. In Mortal Kombat: 2011, Sonya claims, "But I was the one that was used" when Jax says Kano screwed the Special Forces over. That alludes to SOMETHING deeper. Furthermore, Kahn forcing Sindel to be his wife most certainly means that there was a form of sexual abuse taking place in that relationship because he took her by force, not by her own will.

That's your opinion, think what you want, say what you want.

BlackDragonThug Wrote:
Secondly, I am in no way trying to offend you. I'm sorry you were attacked. The reason I chose to say what I did, however, was because you were acting like a bitch. I've seen the way you treat others on this forum. The way you disagree with them (even the ones who aren't talking about things that happened to you) is ridiculous. You're the one that needs to check yourself. When you have respect for others, they'll have it for you. Until then, you ARE a bitch.

I don't know how I was acting like a bitch when disagreeing with people but if that's how you see it, fine whatever. The thing is, I don't even know who the hell you are. I've only seen you post one thing on this site and that is it. I don't need to throw my best impression to someone like you because I don't know you, and after your little outburst couple pages ago, I don't want to know you.

You're in no way trying to offend me? Well, you did.

You deserve those skulls that you got. Next time you want to act like an internet tough guy, I'll just report you and hopefully you get banned or whatever. You calling me a bitch and saying "I'm crying" was totally unnecessary and immature. Sad thing is, you're the same age as me, why don't you try to act like it?

It's sad that people can't learn to ignore those who they don't like. We clearly had a well-known user get banned because he couldn't understand the whole "If you don't like someone, ignore them." This isn't TRMK where you can clearly put users on ignore and don't have to see what they have to say. Unfortunately we have to see everything. But I don't think it's hard for people to scroll a little bit more down to not see users they don't want to see.

BlackDragonThug Wrote:
Finally, I'd like to say that I do not advocate violence of any kind against women but this is Mortal Kombat...it isn't exactly known for being some squeaky clean pillar of morality and justice. No pun intended but...get real.

Yeah, I don't care that this game promotes the hell out of violence, but that's what is known. If I wanted to protest the crap out of the fact that it has men beating women, you wouldn't see my twirling cat signature around here. I've been playing this series since I was a year old, I don't think I have a problem with anything this game has to offer. I've seen women get too antsy with users due to the whole "they're trying to act feministic," when really, you're playing a game that could care less who's beating who. You want to see bitches, heh, one has that name in her own username.

However, as far as you telling me to "get real," I know it's a fucking video game. I can have opinions that are completely against any user here. As I stated previously, if you don't like what I have to say to others, ignore me. It's as simple as that. Hell, I even stated that even if they were to throw the whole rape shit in this, I wouldn't be upset. Disappointed, but you won't see me crying a river. (Easier said then done? Heh, yeah okay.)

Anything you have to write after this, I'm taking my own advice and ignoring you from now on. If you wish to continue this, PM me, otherwise, have a merry Christmas.
12/19/2014 06:58 AM (UTC)
You deserve those skulls that you got. Next time you want to act like an internet tough guy, I'll just report you and hopefully you get banned or whatever. You calling me a bitch and saying "I'm crying" was totally unnecessary and immature.

I've only joined this forum couple months ago, but what do you mean by "you deserve the skulls that you got"? Users can give negative points to eachother or something? How does that work?
12/19/2014 07:25 AM (UTC)
OttoVonRuthless Wrote:
You deserve those skulls that you got. Next time you want to act like an internet tough guy, I'll just report you and hopefully you get banned or whatever. You calling me a bitch and saying "I'm crying" was totally unnecessary and immature.

I've only joined this forum couple months ago, but what do you mean by "you deserve the skulls that you got"? Users can give negative points to eachother or something? How does that work?

Only mods can dish out skull points. They're usually associated with negative remarks or if a user is knowingly breaking the rules of the forum.
12/19/2014 07:47 AM (UTC)
Where are these Reiko theories coming from lately?

Edit: Just noticed these Reiko threads got fused together lol. Shao Kahn= Torr? Now that might be the shittiest, crack pot theory I have heard in MK history. Seriously
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12/19/2014 07:52 AM (UTC)
Yeah, rape is definitely not something they should put in MK. The thing that separates MK from a lot of other games is how its violence is grounded in fantasy. Very realisitc-looking but never really plausible to happen. Putting rape into the game would be something some people can actually relate too, and regardless of if the writers would handle that kind of story right, it might not go over well. It's best to just leave that alone.
12/19/2014 07:55 AM (UTC)
The Sindel getting raped thing is a bit plausible, but that's a little too much even by MK standards.
12/19/2014 09:05 AM (UTC)
Strange, my flatmate told me when we talked about this topic "What did you expect? Rape is a way worse crime in america than murder."
Seems he was right. Ah well, nevermind, it took me like 2 days to get my opinion clear for one user, I just better keep it to myself...

Anyways, someone above mentioned, that Sonya said she was used by Kano, and that means something deeper. As far as I know this just means they were partners/friends, and she was betrayed. Or I just didn't do my homework here?

12/21/2014 01:07 AM (UTC)
Moratlis Wrote:
Strange, my flatmate told me when we talked about this topic "What did you expect? Rape is a way worse crime in america than murder."

That's because Americans live in a screwed-up culture in which we think the Second Amendment is still relevant and violence is more socially acceptable than nudity. PG-13 movies are allowed to have blood and guts left and right while literally only a couple swear words gets you an R. It's ridiculous.

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