05/24/2012 04:42 AM (UTC)
Another minor detail I've noticed that they could have implemented in Mortal Kombat 10, would be in the Tag Team Mode or if there's a Team Kombat Mode, this would be concerning the transitioning between the tag-ins and tag-outs of the characters.

To ensure the smoothest of transitioning without disrupting the flow of the fighting, I think they can render the characters in and out of the fights a few ways by one, the engaged character can execute a simple ground roll after executing a pop-up combo on their opponent and tag-in their teammate.

Two, the engaged character after absorbing a successfully landed combo by opponent or power based move or hit, can simply ground roll backwards out to the side of the screen, or get knocked into the backdrop of the arena while in perfect sync their teammate can step in to the ring to pick up where their partner left off.

Three, the engaged character during the course of the fight at some point and kneel down at a three point stance on one knee, and allow his tag-in partner to springboard off their back and transition into a flying kick/punch or a simple front sommersault could do.

Four, the engaged character in the fight can execute a specialized move that would pop-up their opponent in the air, and set up their tag-in partner to execute a flying kick into the match or maybe they could do some sort of throw in unison/ or a smooth sequential order in fluid motion as a track team passing the paton to the next runner on the team.

About Me
05/24/2012 06:07 PM (UTC)
I want Chameleon, Tremor, Rain, Noob, Blaze, Smoke and Khameleon :)
05/25/2012 03:08 AM (UTC)
Hey guys just letting ya'll know that I made a poll of favorite characters. Trying to get as many people to vote on it as possible.

Get the word out if you want too, post it wherever you feel like. I'm going to leave the link below.


In reference to the topic at hand, I also like whoever said that choose your destiny should be added.

I'm not sure if I've mentioned that already but that was something I was missing in MK9.

Also endurance mode.

I also think that zaggot and abacus or whatever his name is are good or could be good to be added to the story. Maybe not neccessarily as fighters but to the story I would like it, especially since both chaosrealm and order realm will come into play in MKX.
05/25/2012 02:41 PM (UTC)
After thinking about it, I don't know what good Abacus could bring to an actual fight, because we havn't seen his powers that much, yet Zaggot could be one evil/crazy fighter and become a favorite amongst fans, maybe even replace Shao Khan for a while since Dragon King/Blaze surely didn't do the job; still in shock that they did what they did to Blaze, YUK!

I'd like to see Rook as a projectile of some kind for Zaggot, his evil pet crow.
05/26/2012 07:55 PM (UTC)
i also would like to see zaggot in one the future MK games.
05/28/2012 02:43 AM (UTC)
Another minor detail I wish were corrected would be with the male ninja characters. With their masks, I think it would be better if every ninja character had a clothed mask like they did in MK1 instead of the motor bike styled mask, or the oxygen/veiled style mask. I think it would look more realistic to have the lower half of their face covered up in a moderately fitting clothed mask and also with the Kunoichi ninja warriors also if any new characters are introduced to the game.
05/31/2012 03:14 AM (UTC)
I want the Bell Tower fatality to be added,I want the original concept that was going to be Sub Zero's stage in Deception which was supposed to have a pit fatality, where a giant ice worm would eat your opponent if knocked into the thin ice,There was a rumor that in Mortal Kombat 2,you could fight a monster that lived in the Dead Pool,but that turned out to be false,fighting a monster that lived in the Dead Pool would make a great secret fighter to fight against in the next Mortal Kombat.
06/08/2012 07:34 PM (UTC)
I would like to see more options of what can be performed on your opponent, in terms of what can be performed at the conclusion of matches for the winning character.

I would also like to see faster and quicker paced gameplay in terms of the Arcade Ladder and the Tag Team/ Team Kombat mode if one is posed for the new game in Mortal Kombat 10.

I would also like to see the introduction of "Shows of Respect" where at the conclusion of the match, when announcer yells, "Finish Him/Her" your character can do a fist to palm bow as a show of respect and friendship, as your opponent collapse on their knees. It can look similar to the conclusion of the fight scene between Bruce Lee & Chuck Norris in the movie "Game of Death". I think this would pose a mature visual display of showing your opponent that eventhough you may be opposing sides you still have respect for them or are still friends with them.

I would also like to see the introduction of "Second Chance" where towards the conclusion of the match, opponent can get a second boost of an energy portion in dismay to the winning character and create a new suprise gameplay dynamic for the video game player to contend with their reflexes.

I would also like to see the re-introduction of "Hara Kiri" where towards the conclusion of the match, you're opponent or maybe your character can choose to have their opponent perform a suicide enact upon themselves for loosing the match. This could provide a another alternative for the routine "Finishing Moves/ Fatalities" towards the conclusions of the match.

I would also like to see the preservations of "Babalities" where when in defeating your opponent you showcase them as a kid or an amateur to your skill level. Most of the video game players would interpret it as showing to everyone as to discredit your opponent's ego or also to showcase that someone may not be on your level in terms of gameplay. At first, I thought it was corny but, as I see more and more gameplay I'm convenienced of the relevence of this feature in the game. It also can be a means to lighten up the tone of the seriousiness of the game as well.

I would also like to see the introduction of "Shows of Mercy" where at the conclusion of the match when the announcer yells for you to "Finish Him/Her", your character can choose to wave off the command and display an act of mercy on your opponent, as they (your opponent) would then just fall to their knees in defeat. I think this could be another form of showcasing maturity in winning but also showcase another way of showing respect for someone on opposing sides or your adversary. This way you can give the video game player options of what to do towards the end of a match instead of being just about the killing, or brutalizing of your opponents. This would also give greater emphasis on those opponent's who you would deem diametrically opposed to, if one choose to perform a finishing move such as fatality or something to that effect.

Finally, I would also like to see the introduction of non-fatalistic "Finishing Moves". Or a series of super-moves for each character that is non doesn't necessarily kill your opponent but maybe just disables them or incapicates them. I think this would be helpful for Mortal Kombat to intergrate any other characters or cross-over character into their format whom maynot share in the views or philosophies of killing and the massacre of the opponent, i.e. Liu Kang's MK1 finishing move. I think this would also provide a means to classify characters also who have a non-killing philosophy that goes in with their martial arts in contrast with characters who don't. I think this option would also make it easier to enable other fighting games to be cross-bred into Mortal Kombat by not forcing a format of fatality with their characters and also offer another means of what to do for the winning character at the conclusion of a match.

06/08/2012 09:44 PM (UTC)
I liked the "2nd chance" idea but it could be like mercy. The winner would execute a mercy to do a brutality or if they do hara-Kiri then it could be merry then your opponent kills themselves
06/09/2012 01:47 AM (UTC)
There's a few things we need for sure- we need to keep every main ninja, Raiden, Liu Kang, and Kung Lao- ESPECIALLY Kung Lao. But I want something to happen like the rebirth of Onaga again, considering we're back into the past and can re-do games, but I want a good Onaga. I actuallt thought that Li Mei could once more serve him, wearing the army of the Dragon King Armor as her main outfit, and Shang Tsung and Quan Chi under his control, with Shujinko now being a bad-guy, and Raiden not commiting suicide.
I swear, if the main characters get a "new version" i will blow up every Gamestop carrying the new game. But that won't hapen. I would love to introduce other characters to the game, and among all other things, there is only one that I want more than anything else...
06/17/2012 02:43 AM (UTC)
I think that in terms of the arenas, it would be nice if they used all of the original MK1 arenas and rendered them into 3-D fighting planes for the appropriate stages and 2.5 for the other stages such as the top of MK1 Pit, or the Deadpool arena in MK2.

I'd also think it would be good in terms of the storyline, that the fights would take place in a centralized location such as Shang Tsung's Island or Shao Kahn's kingdom or Shinnok's Kingdom, where fighters from different realms could just converge into the one grande tournament and compete.

And in other cases, there could be arenas where fighters are flown out or transported to different dimensions to compete under tournament guardians as a part of the tournament or it could be private matches for the tournament.

06/17/2012 03:43 AM (UTC)
acidslayer is right all i have to change i this i want all kombatants i also want to add this a larger krept and i need to say something abut this he or she said bunch more arenas its not verry spsific so i want all arenas
07/04/2012 08:31 PM (UTC)
I say that in MKX, have to where you have a loooong story mode. That way you can gradually unlock everyone from MK9 before the grand finale. At first you have to beat the story as Raiden, but once you beaten it, you can select any character on the roster that you have and go through story mode in a different perspective.
07/07/2012 03:57 AM (UTC)
One of the things they need to fix is the appearance of female characters. Keep the costumes revealing, the boobs big and the shoes high heeled but please fix up the faces to make them look more natural. In MK9, they looked weird.
07/15/2012 06:59 AM (UTC)
With the new Injustice game id like some things to be borrowed for MK. THe enviorment friendly thing works well for that game, but what if MK made their stages more interactive again. The living forest trees can be used in a combo, bring back the tiered arenas, where you can save up bars on your meter and superuppercut an opponent up the subway into the street. Scorpions hellfire is enhance in hell. not too much interaction but some.
07/16/2012 02:19 AM (UTC)
U ARE WRONG FROST SHOULD COME AND THEY SHOULD STILL KEEP SUB-ZERO MAVODO UUUUUHHHHH I GUESS BUT ASHRA IS GARBAGE. OH B4 I 4GET I THINK CREATE YOUR FIGHTER SHOULD COME BACK, DEFINITELY KEEP FREDDY KRUGER. ALL CHARACTERS FROM MK9 STAY INCLUDING DLC. I AGREE ABOUT THE ONAGA BEING A BOSS BUT ALSO BLAZE AND 2 KEEP IT OLD SCHOOL SHAO KAHN.furiousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfurious
07/27/2012 01:29 AM (UTC)
Esoteric Wrote:
Another minor detail I've noticed that they could have implemented in Mortal Kombat 10, would be in the Tag Team Mode or if there's a Team Kombat Mode, this would be concerning the transitioning between the tag-ins and tag-outs of the characters.

To ensure the smoothest of transitioning without disrupting the flow of the fighting, I think they can render the characters in and out of the fights a few ways by one, the engaged character can execute a simple ground roll after executing a pop-up combo on their opponent and tag-in their teammate.

Two, the engaged character after absorbing a successfully landed combo by opponent or power based move or hit, can simply ground roll backwards out to the side of the screen, or get knocked into the backdrop of the arena while in perfect sync their teammate can step in to the ring to pick up where their partner left off.

Three, the engaged character during the course of the fight at some point and kneel down at a three point stance on one knee, and allow his tag-in partner to springboard off their back and transition into a flying kick/punch or a simple front sommersault could do.

Four, the engaged character in the fight can execute a specialized move that would pop-up their opponent in the air, and set up their tag-in partner to execute a flying kick into the match or maybe they could do some sort of throw in unison/ or a smooth sequential order in fluid motion as a track team passing the paton to the next runner on the team.

I also think that the characters should be able to ground roll in and out of either side of the screen. Such as the extreme left side or the right side of the screen. I think that this would be able to put them proximity of where their opponent is standing to ensure a smooth transisitioning of the tag-team characters but also to make the quickest transitioning to enact follow up combos on opponent no matter where they stand in the promixity of the screen.
07/29/2012 04:07 PM (UTC)
atrocituskhan Wrote:
With the new Injustice game id like some things to be borrowed for MK. THe enviorment friendly thing works well for that game, but what if MK made their stages more interactive again. The living forest trees can be used in a combo, bring back the tiered arenas, where you can save up bars on your meter and superuppercut an opponent up the subway into the street. Scorpions hellfire is enhance in hell. not too much interaction but some.

Ican picture lui kang doing his x-ray on the subway stage, sending the opponent flying to the street stage
07/29/2012 06:33 PM (UTC)
The only thing I really want is tag team fatalities.
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
The only thing I really want is tag team fatalities.

And tag Team Winposes.

1. I want a better and better-told story.
2. I want some characters from MK4-MK6 to come back but done well.
3. I want 2D to stay.
4. I want better online.
5. I want the dead characters to either be included. They don't have to be magically alive again. Just for every other mode that's not Story.
6. In addition to the above I want returning characters and their movesets to only be SLIGHTLY tweaked but not completely redone. But Fatalities and Intros,Winposes and Costumes are fair game.
7. I want some female costumes to be pulled back in terms of showing things...just a tad more consertive.
8. I want Dairou from MK: Deadly Alliance. Not that ugly bitch Mercenary with his leg projectile...I want the twin sword wielding, serious looking, badass rival to Kenshi.
08/07/2012 03:59 AM (UTC)
Ion3008 Wrote:
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
The only thing I really want is tag team fatalities.

And tag Team Winposes.

1. I want a better and better-told story.
2. I want some characters from MK4-MK6 to come back but done well.
3. I want 2D to stay.
4. I want better online.
5. I want the dead characters to either be included. They don't have to be magically alive again. Just for every other mode that's not Story.
6. In addition to the above I want returning characters and their movesets to only be SLIGHTLY tweaked but not completely redone. But Fatalities and Intros,Winposes and Costumes are fair game.
7. I want some female costumes to be pulled back in terms of showing things...just a tad more consertive.
8. I want Dairou from MK: Deadly Alliance. Not that ugly bitch Mercenary with his leg projectile...I want the twin sword wielding, serious looking, badass rival to Kenshi.

You mean Dairou from Deception?
No sir.

This Dairou.

He was just a concept art in the Deadly Alliance krypt who I thought sounded badass but somewhere along the way things got changed and he ended up being the lamest character ever.
08/19/2012 04:24 PM (UTC)
what i want? easy one to be WII U included or even the pc. every character in the mk universe plus a few new ones. scrap mk9 gameplay go back waayyy back to mk2 gameplay. its a very small list but its very noteworthy. the gameplay is what has had me on the ropes of even being interested in mk9
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the demon general has arrived.

08/19/2012 06:47 PM (UTC)
what i mainly want is to have 3D fights back it was good dodging the attacks by steping sideways i also want some death traps because it was fun seeing the different deaths and the funny comments they say but mainly i just want to see more onaga XD
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I like to pretend I'm older than I actually am.

08/20/2012 04:47 AM (UTC)
Ion3008 Wrote:
No sir.

This Dairou.

He was just a concept art in the Deadly Alliance krypt who I thought sounded badass but somewhere along the way things got changed and he ended up being the lamest character ever.

I think I'm the only person who likes Dairou just the way he is. Poor guy. His sword is awesome, though, you have to admit.

It even has an awesome name.

'Autumn Dao'.

Anyway, I'd like to see... well.. I actually liked MK9 pretty much how it was. I would like to see a normal versus mode and a more thought-over story since a lot of the story in MK9 seemed rushed. I also want to see the story from different perspectives- light, dark, perhaps even neutral.

For characters, primarily I'd like to see Havik, Frost, Ashrah, Tanya, and perhaps Darrius and Dairou on the roster. I think those characters would add something interesting to the storyline. Rain, Skarlet, and Kenshi should be in there somewhere as well. ALL of the MK9 characters should be on the roster as well, and I wouldn't mind a couple of new characters.

3D gameplay confuses me so I'd rather have 2D, but either works really.

... I also wish the females were more proportionate. I suppose I understand the Edenian girls and Skarlet, but not Sonya at all. They all must be putting up with major back pain.

More depth into the personalities and experiences of the characters would be lovely too.
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