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04/14/2012 04:17 PM (UTC)
A story line where our heroes don't die.
04/14/2012 05:18 PM (UTC)
Less monsters and goblins creatures. It would be more realistic if the characters introduced to MK were human and not mythical gods and goddess from ancient folklore.
04/15/2012 10:28 PM (UTC)
I would want a proper game that carried on from Armageddon, and ushered us into a new generation of Mortal Kombat:

* Shao Kahn has finally been killed by Kitana. It's the story of a girl that was kidnapped striking back against the man who enslaved her and killed her father. Perfect. Kitana carries into MKX as the new Queen of Edenia -- a little despondent over the death of her mother and the disappearance of Jade (two story threads that can give Kitana honest-to-god development).

* Shinnok was defeated by bad-ass Raiden, who launches Shinnok back into the Netherrealm in a storm of ethereal electricity. Nightwolf, the Sin Eater, realises that he has a part to play in forever protecting the realms -- so he remains in the Netherrealm to make sure that guys like Shinnok, Shao Kahn and Onaga don't rise up and take power again. Nightwolf essentially watches the gates for eternity, giving that character a respectable retirement (at least temporarily).

* Shang Tsung is defeated by Kung Lao. It is Kenshi who gets to deliver the final blow to Tsung, however, and retrieve the souls of his ancestors at long last. Kenshi doesn't retire, however, as travelling and combat are all Kenshi knows.

* Kung Lao sees the monstrosity that is the resurrected Liu Kang and begs Raiden to let his best friend rest. Raiden refuses and labels Kang a traitor to the realms, much like Shujinko was (oh yeah, Raiden kills Shujinko as well). Kung Lao fights and defeats Liu Kang, earning some redemption for his character. Raiden then fights Lao, and although Raiden wins the fight (perhaps even taking Kung Lao's arm), he realises that if he destroys Kung Lao -- he's killing one of Earthrealm's last true champions. Raiden realises, eventually, that he's been possessed by the One Being and is helping eliminate the realms. Raiden essentially freaks out and dismantles himself again -- rebuilding himself as a more pure God of Thunder. I like this, because it doesn't rely on anyone to correct or punish him. He and he alone is the cure to his problems -- a true sign of Raiden's wisdom and it highlights the difference between him and guys like Shao Kahn, Onaga and Shinnok. I suppose before Raiden figures this out, Fujin could make the save for Kung Lao, and he and Raiden fight for a bit before Raiden realises that he has turned sword against brother.

Kung Lao loses an arm, but remains in the story as a one-armed fighter. He's the old veteran who has seen the real shit, and although he just wants a peaceful life -- he understands now more than ever the importance of training a next generation of warriors. Perhaps Li Mei could continue her training that she never concludes under Bo' Rai Cho with Kung Lao in Earthrealm? I like Li Mei as a protagonist, and Kung Lao can help her find peace with the monster inside her.

Raiden would also return, but he'd be trying to make sure he stays pure -- he'd be paying his penance somehow. Perhaps Fujin is leading the Earthrealm warriors, or taking a more relaxed position to protecting Earth, whereas Raiden is now in the trenches having left his post or something?

* Onaga has been destroyed in battle by Shujinko, but then as we saw in Deception, and as I think should have been made canon in Armageddon -- Raiden destroyed Shujinko because Onaga was his failure. It makes the life of Shujinko quite a tragic one, doesn't it.

But as for the main plot of a new game: I'm not too sure, but I wouldn't want it to threaten the realms or anything too epic like that. A more subdued plot depending more on individual character with greater undercurrents that something may happen would be appreciated. For example: a female sorceress has shown up and seems to possess a mysterious power that Raiden has never seen. His suspicions lead to him reforming the Earthrealm forces to participate in a tournament she is hosting to ensure that nothing funky goes down.
04/15/2012 10:29 PM (UTC)
If they do go the route and do the direct sequel to the latest game: I want the characters who died to remain dead. Every single one of them. Hell, even Scorpion. So, sorry, Sub-Zero fans; but if you want an ice ninja you'll have to take Frost. tongue
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04/17/2012 06:50 PM (UTC)
I would like:

-The story to pick up at the end of the last game.

-Characters to have more depth to them (ie, not just completely good or completely bad).

-Characters to have motivations behind their actions.

-More complex themes and stories playing out (love and loss, mystery begetting mystery, unlikely allies working together, it doesn't have to be Shakespeare, but again, depth would be nice).

-Villains stories in story mode as well this time. Everyone should get a turn.

-For Shinnok to be the boss half way through the story mode, only to be defeated by a brand new boss that we've never seen before and who you don't fight until the very end of Story Mode.

-More new characters, perhaps references to past games, comics or movies or simply brand new characters that are in the next game that wouldn't have been in had Raiden not changed things.

-The following MK4-MKA characters:
-Quan Chi
-Bo Rai Cho
-Li Mei

-A dedicated survival mode where you fight an unending wave of opponents until die, gaining various sizes of health, temporary fighting bonuses or points depending upon what each of your defeated opponent drops.

-Each character to have their own arena, but also arenas that are not character specific.

-Overall asian style aesthetic from MK1.

-Less emphasis on creature characters like Shokan, Centaurs, Tarkatan, Zattarans, Oni etc. The more realistic, the better.

-More DLC characters and arenas. Four characters was nice, but for a game that was BUILT to suport DLC, there should've been at least ten, if not twenty.

-A few DLC packs with characters from dead fighting series would be nice. A killer Instinct pack, a Mace: The Dark Age pack, a Tao Feng pack. Just two characters per pack, but it'd be a nice nod to those games that also helped pave the way over the years.

-All character arcade endings should be canon. No more what-if endings.

-Characters should all have at least 10 special moves and five to ten unique moves (like Smokes double jump kick and Sonya/Liu's stances).

-Related to the last one, but keep the current fighting system. It's fantastic. Just expand upon it greatly. Give us more content than we could ever know what to do with it.

-Related to the last one, ALL content, including combos, should be accessible via the move list.

-Move list should hold your place if you've already accessed it once. No more pressing start, scrolling down, finding move, pressing start, pressing start, scrolling down further, finding move, pressing start etc.

-A create a character mode: Yeah, most will disagree wtih me, but a krypt with a ton of create a character stuff would add a ton of gravestones or whatever they'd be and it'd keep you unlocking stuff for a very long time.

-A create a tournament mode: You unlock various styles of storyboards and you use them to write the story, create a select screen, the character bios, endings etc using in game art that you create from your own created characters.

-8+ alt outfits for each character. Doesn't have to be right away, they can come as DLC.

-More secrets. As great as MK9 was, there weren't a whole lot of secrets that I can recall. One or two secret battles? How about five or six in the next game? How about some super-unlockable characters and backgrounds?

-For Shinnok to be more powerful and imposing and for him to be unplayable until you beat the real final boss of the game.

-An even bigger challenge tower. This mode was great and I'd love to get even more.

-Two regular fatalities and the ability to grant mercy once which allows you to access a characters ultimate fatality, which is super gory and unique to the character and that's it. No brutalities, animalities, friendships etc.

-Along that same line of thinking, more variety in the fatalities in general. There were lots of slicing fatalities in the last game. Some were great, but some just felt uninspired.

-Each character should have two X Rays.

-Keep the damage system the same. Tattered clothing, scars, bruising etc. It's a fight, it should look like one.

-However, stop dressing all of the women like they're halloween costumed versions of themselves (ie skanky). If Edenians dress that way, fine, but you can still make Kitana look like royalty AND show some some skin here and there. I don't care if one of the alt costumes is near naked for each woman, but at the very least, give them all respectable looking original costumes for the people that feel a little dirty fighting as Mileena in bandages.

I'm sure that there are more, but I'll stop there for now.

Great thread!! Lot's of originality from the OP on down the line.
04/18/2012 05:08 PM (UTC)
^^ good points. i loved create a char. in MK:A, but i don't see NRS adding it. as they already had difficulty's balancing their regual roster.

they easily can add a kustomize a kharacter mode. unlock a parts pack in the krypt for a specific character. kung lao, different hats, bracelets, jackests etc.

not that i prefer this, i just think there is a bigger chance of this mode than a c.a.char. mode.

and if they ever release a tao feng DLC pack, please give us
"Iron monk" and "Divine Fist"
I rather have solid story, character stories, balanced gameplay and my favorite characters then kreate a fighter... it was a nice one time gimic and should stay that. Edit: However... if there were bring back Kreate a Fighter...for balancing issues. They would have to do a Soul Calibur IV and V approach to it. Which means using the cast members movesets and abilities as presets... no customs.
04/19/2012 05:30 AM (UTC)
I would also want MK10 to hone in on various Destiny Ladders within the display of the "Battle Plan" with different levels of difficulty. I would arrange it to where there would be ten destiny ladders catagorized from increasing difficulty such as:

"Very Easy", "Easy", "Medium", "Hard", "VeryHard", "Veteran",
"Expert", "Master", "Mogul" and finally, "Divine" being the hardest.

And with the "Divine Ladder" you would have to fight ALL the selectable roster, hidden characters,endurance matches, survival matches, Legion of Assassins, Divine endurance matches and bosses. There would also be a cinematic ending to your character's end story including bonus fighting scenes from the characters if that was a part of their endstory.

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04/19/2012 02:45 PM (UTC)
superbn0va Wrote:
^^ good points. i loved create a char. in MK:A, but i don't see NRS adding it. as they already had difficulty's balancing their regual roster.

they easily can add a kustomize a kharacter mode. unlock a parts pack in the krypt for a specific character. kung lao, different hats, bracelets, jackests etc.

not that i prefer this, i just think there is a bigger chance of this mode than a c.a.char. mode.

and if they ever release a tao feng DLC pack, please give us
"Iron monk" and "Divine Fist"

Agreed. I don't think it's likely that we'll ever see a full on create a character mode in MK again, and I certainly don't think we'd EVER see a create a tournament mode. I just think they'd be cool and that they'd be something that I'd want to see.

I think that unlocking alot of the stuff for those modes and then actually putting creations together and maybe even being able to show them off online, let others play through your story and created characters tournaments could add tons of replay value for the single player experience.

But to your point, I think that a "Kustomize" mode would be WAY more realistic. Perhaps instead of giving players a set number of outfits, each character gets about 50 items ranging from different kinds of pants/shirts/hats to add on items, all coming with the ability to change their colors, perhaps not across the whole color spectrum, but getting a pair of pants with four color options beats unlocking the same pair of pants four times, each with a different color any day of the week.

As for Tao Feng, I agree, on the characters you suggested. I might also add Lo Shu (Master Sage) Aria Chen (Jade Dragon) and Jiao Feng (Fiery Phoenix). Definitely no Wulong Goth. I don't know how that look made it past the concept phase or who would actually want to fight for a guy dressed like a praying mantis.
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04/19/2012 02:49 PM (UTC)
Human-Sub-Zero-4-ever Wrote:
I rather have solid story, character stories, balanced gameplay and my favorite characters then kreate a fighter... it was a nice one time gimic and should stay that.

Edit: However... if there were bring back Kreate a Fighter...for balancing issues. They would have to do a Soul Calibur IV and V approach to it. Which means using the cast members movesets and abilities as presets... no customs.

I don't think that you should have to choose between solid story, characters stories, balanced gameplay versus kreate a fighter. If the last MK proved anything, it's that with enough time, NRS doesn't have to hold back on one aspect just to finish another.

Besides, this is more of a wishlist thread than anything else. Things you'd like to see in the game. I wasn't really thinking in practical terms when I was thinking up the ideas.

But I agree with you 100% on the move sets. They'd have to be predetermined. No mixing/matching regular moves for your own combos etc.

Of course, that said, I'd want to see a lot of pre-made move sets that aren't used by current characters. Make them just for the create mode. Again, TOTALLY impractical. They'd never have the time to do something like this, but I'd still love to see it.
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04/19/2012 08:51 PM (UTC)
This is my Ideal cast for the characters in the next game.
Playable Characters :
3.Johnny Cage
4.Sonya Blade
8.Shang Tsung
9.New Character
14.New Character
17.New Character
18.Cyber Sub Zero
20.New Character
22.New Character
24.New Character
25.Noob Saibot
30.New Character
34.Bo Rai Cho
36.New Character
38.New Character
39.New Character
Unplayable Bosses :
2.Quan Chi
04/20/2012 10:40 PM (UTC)
Also in the Destiny Ladders, when one would have to fight the Legion of Assassins, I would want for the Nine Member Group to have endurance matches and single matches. This would be to where they're would be
three single one-on-one matches and then three endurance matches.

04/21/2012 02:47 AM (UTC)
Jarek, Kai, Sareena, Tanya, Shinnok and Cyber Smoke, to name a few.
04/21/2012 03:46 AM (UTC)
Another minor detail that I've noticed is when a character is pinned against the wall of the screen, the character just simply flips forward into open space which looks awkward and unrealistic. I think that when in that scenario, a character is pinned, I think your opponent pinning you against the wall should simply slide backwards after a certain number of hits, and give you an opportunity to recover after you've taking a thrashing. It would make more of a smoother transitioning and fluid movement and would look so far fetched.
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04/22/2012 10:58 PM (UTC)
I want them to do something unexpecting for the story in MK 10 kind of what they did near the end of MK 9s story because im tired of predictable endings in games where the hero always wins. I like how most of the heros died because it was unexpecting and i found it interesting.
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04/23/2012 05:11 PM (UTC)
NJMS79 Wrote:
I want them to do something unexpecting for the story in MK 10 kind of what they did near the end of MK 9s story because im tired of predictable endings in games where the hero always wins. I like how most of the heros died because it was unexpecting and i found it interesting.

You bring up a good point. I would also like to see them do something interesting and unexpected with the story. Don't just have Shinnok come in as the boss and get defeated at the end by the good guys. It's fairly safe to say that most would expect something along those lines at this point.

Oh yeah, and don't have Shinnok lead directly to the Deadly Alliance and then straight to the Dragon King. We've seen all of that already. If you're going to change the timeline, then really change it.

Do something different, go big. Give the characters more depth so that their subplots mean more and have real consequences. But on a bigger scale, give us a main plotline that we don't expect.

With Quan Chi at Shinnok's side, it's fairly safe to say that you can throw a few twists and turns in to the story. Lot's of betrayal, characters from opposite sides being forced to work together, not knowing whom you can trust... Give us some real questions about the characters and the story and then do a good job of answering those questions in unique and interesting ways.

04/23/2012 05:23 PM (UTC)
I think they should give some characters a break for at least another full game, and bring in some other characters that dont get all the glory.


I would also like better fatalities that are actually unique, and not a bunch of hacking and slashing.

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04/23/2012 08:28 PM (UTC)
Darkhound74 Wrote:
I think they should give some characters a break for at least another full game, and bring in some other characters that dont get all the glory.


I would also like better fatalities that are actually unique, and not a bunch of hacking and slashing.

Man, I still want to see what happened after Drahmin's MK:DA ending. Oh well, I guess we'll never know.

I agree though that a lot of MK characters need a break. I'd be fine if they left out about 80% and just brought back Scorpion and Sub Zero (series symbols/mainstays), Raiden, Cage, and Sonya (the survivors), Shinnok and Quan Chi (already alluded to be waiting in the wings), and then maybe about two or three more characters from the past that they just can't live without. Add in the best characters from MK4, MK:DA and MK:D and then fill the rest of the roster with new characters.

Will they do that? I sincerely doubt it.
04/25/2012 02:29 AM (UTC)
I would also like if they added a new mode option called "Team Kombat". This would different from "Tag-Team" Kombat in that video game players would select a series of maybe "three to five" characters for their team. And in that scenario, let's say if you have friends over at the house or an online connection that would allow multiple video game players to play in the same match in a multi-player format, each video game player would have control over a single character and the opposing team of fighters the same.

Then in this format, the multiple video game players could either tag-in or out with their teammates or just enter the fights in a sequential order after their teammates' character is being knocked out of the match. I think this would make for long lasting plays and also provide a sense of teamwork. It could be similar to the fighting format of "Marvel vs. Capcom 3" just with multiple video game players engaged into the match. The body of the defeated character could then be displayed laid out on the ground as the next fighter executes another sommersault in the match.

Another idea for a mini-game could be deemed, "Fight for Him/Her". Here either a male or female character is being held in captivity or restrained in chains. And your character could engage in a one-on-one fight scenario with their possessor. I think that is also could be a way of unlocking hidden or unlockable characters in the gaming format also and provide a new type of mini-game in between your matches in the arcade ladder.

Comments and criticisms are welcomed.
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04/27/2012 08:00 PM (UTC)
Nice idea. It sounds a little like UMK3's 4 on 4 mode. Or was it 8 on 8? I honestly can't recall, it's been a while! It wasn't a tag mode, but basically you just fought as one guy and then they exploded when they died and your next fighter jumped in.

I like your idea, just so long as you have the option to allow one player ot play as all fighters or two players to pick multiple characters on the same team etc. But yeah, overall, I dig your idea.

I'd also like to see a tournament mode like Mortal Kombat 4 (or was it Gold? Again, terrible memory) where you and up to 7 other people could select characters, then duke it out in an actual tournament that was seeded depending on who picked first, second, third etc.

I can still recall the winner holding up a skull at the end (for some strange reason) while celebrating. But yeah, I definitely dug that mode. Full on 32 or 64 member tournaments like that would be AWESOME.
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04/29/2012 06:22 PM (UTC)
I also want to be able to preform fatalities on bosses, like not the same fatalities that you can perform on non-boss characters, i want special fatalities that you can only perform on bosses.
05/01/2012 11:47 AM (UTC)
NJMS79 Wrote:
I also want to be able to preform fatalities on bosses, like not the same fatalities that you can perform on non-boss characters, i want special fatalities that you can only perform on bosses.

agree, they could apply quick time fatality ́s. it isn ́t the most original idea but hell, it looked badass in god of war. or @least they could show us a gory cinematic when a sub boss/boss is defeated.
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05/03/2012 03:15 AM (UTC)
There are some things I'd like story-wise

Keep the characters that died in MK 9 (with exception of Sub-Zero) to stay dead until a game or two later. Let other characters who weren't given much time to shine.

The origin of Shinnok and what God was he

How Rayden got the amulet

In future games, I'd like Armaggdeon to be prevented instead return the One Being like it how was predicted in endings in MK: Deception.
05/03/2012 07:26 AM (UTC)
I disagree with the statement that we shouldn't have something predictable like the good guys winning in the end. The fact is, the battle can only really go one of two ways. The good guys win or the bad guys win, and damn it it's time for the good guys to win one.

The good guys didn't defeat the deadly alliance, they couldn't really stop Onaga, Shao Kahn won in the end of Armageddon, and nearly all of the heroes died at the end of this game.

Let's let the good guys have one in MK10 shall we?

Also, no cyber subz. Again let's remember this is our own personal opinions of what we want. I don't want cyber subz. If he's an alt or something that's fine, but I want human Subz as the main character in the game. He should have never been turned into a refrigerator/freezer combo in the first place.

I also want cyber smoke back. That's really not a neccessity though. If it means getting rid of cyber subz and not having cyber smoke and Sub-Zero and Smoke fans can finally call a truce then I'm fine with no cyber characters ever appearing again with the exception of Sektor and Cyrax. A third cyborg is apparently not needed because every time it happens it pisses the fanbase off. Take note of this NRS before you do something else stupid again. As if Zombie Kang and Cyber Sub-Zero weren't bad enough. What's next? Vampire Sonya? Nevermind, I know the next one coming. Werewolf Nightwolf.

Let's just keep that part of his storyline. Let's not turn him into wolfman similar to how reptile is lizardman now okay? Seriously NRS, if it deviates to the point of making a character unrecognizeable then just don't do it. Different clothes are nice to have on a character. Changing their whole body is not.
05/03/2012 11:39 AM (UTC)
I agree with you Scar_Subby. Think that it's about time the good guys have their win. I dunno who still thinks this is unpredictable to see the bad guys win but he doesn't play that franchise.

In terms of characters i would like to see Cyber Smoke again. Maybe we will if they cut on the amount of cyborgs introduced in MK10 but yeah, it seems like those gimmick characters and even stuff like one more this or that is done srsly?

If Nightwolf has to turn into a werewolf for instance, i don't want to see both of his characters in the same game.
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