05/03/2012 05:35 PM (UTC)
Character List:
1. Skarlet
2. Kenshi
3. Rain
4. Kai
5. Fujin
6. Tanya
7. Shinnok (playable & boss)
8. Reiko
9. Li Mei
10. Bo'Rai Cho
11. Sareena
12. Hotaru
13. Havik
14. Ashrah
15. Mavado
16. Scorpion
17. Sub-Zero
18. Reptile
19. Ermac
20. Noob Saibot
21. Smoke
22. Sektor
23. Cyrax
24. Raiden
25. Liu Kang
26. Johnny Cage
27. Sonya Blade
28. Kitana
29. Mileena
30. Sindel
31. Jade
32. Quan Chi
33. Drahmin - playable & sub-boss
34. Moloch - sub-boss
35. Nightwolf - sub-boss
36. New Character - Plant warrior
37. New Character - Bone warrior
38. New Character - Earth warrior
39. New Character - Poison warrior
40. New Character - Metal/Magnetic warrior
41. New Character - Crystal warrior
42. New Character - Elasticity
05/03/2012 10:59 PM (UTC)
Another thing I would like to see in reference to Scar_Subby's comment on character variations, is limited cyber characters. I agree in saying that I would not like a Cyber Sub-Zero or for that matter a Cyber Smoke. I think the characters should be rendered human as ninja palette swaps of the original costumes in MK1. If there is a need for a cyber character I would like it to be a whole new character, and to be named such as "Cybernetik". I can post ideas on "Cybernetik" later on in a separate forum.

He could have his own move sets that could be mechanical machinery based. All the various cyber characters I think should be done away with entirely and combined into one robotic character. That way you don't go into the route of creating another set of palette swapped characters. We've already got the ninja palette swaps and the female palette swaps. I don't think there's a need for a third robotic palette swap set of characters.

I would like this rendering to also apply to Sektor and Cyrax. I think it would be better if they were rendered as human unmasked ninja of the Lin Kuei. The rendering of them in MK9 as unmasked and human were great!!!! I've also got ideas for some additional move sets for them if ideas are needed.
They also seem like they should be aligned with each other also because of their affliations with the Lin Kuei also. So if they were to be pair up as maybe an endurance match-up, I think that would be pretty good to have as well.

And on that note, I would say characters that have REALLY GOOD or A-a-like chemistry with each other, or some sort of similar affliations from the same entities should be aligned with each other in some sort such as endurance match ups or survival match-ups. I think that would a good concept to have in the video game.
05/03/2012 11:12 PM (UTC)
In terms of the ninja characters, I would like to see the male ninja characters have looser fitting pants like in MK1. In MK2 - MKA they seemed to have tight fitting pants like the material was spandex. It looks corny to me. I think the loose fitting pants should be a trademark for all the male ninja characters.

This goes for the female characters as well. I'm tired of seeing the female characters in swim suits and bikini's like they're going to a photoshoot for a centerfold for "Sports Illustrated" or "King". I'd much rather have them in a palette swap of sleeveless gi's with loose fitting hakama pants tucked into their shins like Strider Hiryu or Ibuki from Street Fighter. They could also have an accented piece of their costume be a moderately flowing sash that hangs down to their waist in the front. It would look a lot better in my opinion.

05/04/2012 01:16 AM (UTC)
Remove the nude on Mileena. For the rest of the female fighters, cover them up with respectful outfits.
05/04/2012 04:04 AM (UTC)
The glorious return of Mileena, naturally, but also Sheeva and Sindel. Both of which I'd like to see more developed should they continue with this whole 'story mode' shebang. Rain too, and I'd like Tanya to be rebuilt from the ground up. She was always a flimsy character with a weak theme (but one I still like), I think they should give her a clear design focus instead of yellow female ninja-but-not-really-a-ninja with a vague fighting style. I want most of those who died to stay dead for the next game, with the exception of Nightwolf and Sindel... I quite like the way Mileeena plays in MK9, so I'd like her to remain similar to that but more focused and developed, preferably with less obvious weaknesses. She's not top tier now, so a small boost wouldn't make her overpowered.... It'd be nice if they could rescue Sheeva from the bottom, while they're at it.
05/05/2012 01:55 PM (UTC)
@esoteric agree, i prefer the loose pants too. and a style boost in general
05/06/2012 11:08 PM (UTC)
I would also like it if Mortal Kombat introduced another mini-game called, "Hunger Games" or "Test Your Will" or "Test Your Hunger". In this mini-game, your character could have an opponent to face off with that would have their energy bar depleted to just about nothing, with your character being in the same predicament. And being that both you and your opponent would have their respective energy bars depleted, you'd have to fight each other.

This fight would be different in that, with every power based hit landed on your opponent knocking them on the ground off their feet, most likely an uppercut, you'd have a piece of food knocked out of your opponent, or some coins, or dollar bills, paper currency being knocked out of your opponent's garments. Then with the collection of the items, you would restore your character's energy bar partially and health. The first fighter to restore their health and energy fully would win the match. It could be kind of like a replenishing yourself from being wore down from fighting, or fighting an opponent's to eat or to have money.

The difficulty of the levels could increase with more skilled fighters or having to contend with endurance styled fighting and going up against two or more fighters against your one character. The food items or coins could also differ in increasing value such as bronze, silver to gold coins, all the way to dollar bills, wallets, gold bars, diamond necklaces and jewelery.

This could be a mini-game that also could appear in the Arcade Ladder in the more difficult Destiny Ladders or the Challenge Tower or both even.

05/07/2012 03:01 AM (UTC)

- Mileena
- Baraka
- Li Mei
- Rain
- Nitara
- Goro
- Raiden
- Fujin
- Sonya
- Johnny Cage
- Liu Kang
- Bo Rai Cho
- Cyrax
- Sub Zero
- Sareena
- Kenshi

- Reptile
- Ermac
- Khameleon
- Skarlet
- Ashrah
- Scorpion
- Havik

- Quan Chi
- Noob Saibot
- Tanya
- Reiko
- Drahmin
- Daegon
- Sektor
- Frost
- Smoke

- Shinnok

- Moloch
- Outher (Motaro or Onaga or New)

In the Ultimate MK10. Included:
- Evil Kitana
- Kung Lao
- Shang Tsung
- Shao Kahn
- Kintaro
- Nightwolf
- Jade
- Stryker
- Jax
- Sheeva
- Sindel
- Kano
- Kabal
- Moloch
- Onaga
- Shinnok Clone
- Mavado
- Kira
- Undead General
- Hotaru
- Shujinko
- Kia
- Jataaka
- Shadow Priest.
05/07/2012 03:25 AM (UTC)
Oh yea something I forgot. I want Sub-Zero's Deception gear to come back. In case you guys can't tell he is my favorite character. Kuai Liang by the way. If Bi-Han somehow miraculously becomes Sub-Zero again I will give up all hope in MK.

Anyway, I love Sub-Zero's deception armor. Don't get me wrong I love Ninja Sub, but it was such a change up that I loved. Unlike Cyber Sub which I hated. Also, I want an Unmasked version with a scar. One that looks legit, not like the bogus one we got in this game.

Honestly let me just describe what I want my sub-zero to look like.

First Black under shirt that wraps up to the top of the neck.

Second a Blue leather like hoody. think Ermac's second attire, but all blue. Deep blue. Cut it off at the belt though. Don't need it hanging like a trenchcoat similar to Ermac's.

Next, keep Sub-Zero's belt from this game. Along with the pants as well. I felt that they were good.

Replace the boots with something that has more blue on it.

Next, no sash for Sub-Zero like the other ninja's have always had. Keep it off. Still have the straps from where his ninja belt is tied hanging down though. Also that is a blue belt.

Then Have the icy arms along with the upper arm bands return. I liked that aspect.

Last have him have Black hair that is not long, but not as short as they had it in this game. Have it go to about the eyebrows. Then give him the signature scar. Also facial hair like a five o clock shadow.

It's just a vision of Sub-Zero that I would love to see. I have this picture in my head, just wish you guys could see it.lol
05/07/2012 04:46 AM (UTC)
30 characters w/ DLC.

Test your Might, Sight, Luck, Strike, and Knowledge

Challenge tower cooler challenges

Survival mode-(fight endless roster until death you start overpowered and lose powerups each battle.)

Chess Kombat

New storyline style where it follows many characters including the bad guys.

The roster:

1. Scorpion
2. Ermac
3. Reptile
4. Rain
5. Noob Saibot
6. Cyrax
7. Sektor
8. Sonya
9. Johnny Cage
10. Kenshi
11. Kai
12. Fujin
13. Raiden
14. Kano
15. Baraka
16. Mileena
17. Hsu Hao
18. Tanya
19. Reiko
20. Drahmin
21. Quan chi
22. Frost
23. Skarlet
24. Ashrah-evil
25. Sareena-evil
26. Shujinko


27. Cyber-Smoke
28. Tremor
29. Havik
30. Fans choice:
Goro, Shinnok, Liu Kang, Nightwolf, Human Sub, Blaze, Nitara, Guest

Non-Playable Bosses:

1. Shinnok
2. Kintaro
3. Moloch
4. New netherrealm demon monster
05/07/2012 04:52 AM (UTC)
Cameos or mentions in story mode or endings:

Liu Kang
Kung Lao
Shao Kahn
Elder Gods
05/07/2012 09:07 AM (UTC)
I am scared for MK 10, simply because MK 4 marked the beginning of a new direction for Mortal Kombat. With MK 9 we got the classic feel of characters we knew. Stuff that everyone felt the characters always should've had.

However with MK4 we started to see new trends (ex: reptile turning into a lizard) that upset some fans.

I'm excited for MK 10, and I honestly want to see new directions for everyone POST MK Trilogy. As we've seen with MK 9 the team is willing to make drastic changes, and as long as those changes make for the betterment of the MK legacy I am all for it.

I cant wait to see the improvements Tanya and Fujin (characters I loved) get.
05/07/2012 02:05 PM (UTC)
I want some heroes to come back until all are revived
- Liu Kang (scarred - unconscious until brought back)
- Kitana
- Jade
- Smoke
- Sub-Zero (returning as a human)
- Sindel
- Nightwolf (as a lycanthrope)

- Kai
- Reiko
- Tanya
- Fujin
- Li Mei
- Bo'Rai Cho
- Mavado
- Ashrah
- Sareena
- Havik

- Tremor
About Me

05/07/2012 10:06 PM (UTC)
Immortal_Kanji Wrote:
I want some heroes to come back until all are revived
- Liu Kang (scarred - unconscious until brought back)
- Kitana
- Jade
- Smoke
- Sub-Zero (returning as a human)
- Tremor

Yeah i really want tremor to be in MK10
05/10/2012 08:35 PM (UTC)
Another thing I would like would be a replay feature on a knockout hit. It could kind of showcase the move or the hit in a slow motion, kind of to highlight a specialty move or a sequence of a combo administered to his opponent.
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05/10/2012 09:49 PM (UTC)
moneyguy Wrote:
I am scared for MK 10, simply because MK 4 marked the beginning of a new direction for Mortal Kombat. With MK 9 we got the classic feel of characters we knew. Stuff that everyone felt the characters always should've had.

However with MK4 we started to see new trends (ex: reptile turning into a lizard) that upset some fans.

I'm excited for MK 10, and I honestly want to see new directions for everyone POST MK Trilogy. As we've seen with MK 9 the team is willing to make drastic changes, and as long as those changes make for the betterment of the MK legacy I am all for it.

I cant wait to see the improvements Tanya and Fujin (characters I loved) get.

I think that it'll be a challenge for NRS, but I'll be very curious to see what they do in the next game. There were a fair number of characters in the next three or four games that probably wouldn't be called favorites by that many people (some, but not many).

So will NRS try to make those characters more palettable to fans, drastically different from their original design (or both) or will they just ditch a good number of characters entirely?

Or will they take a hard right turn and basically side-step the events of MK4, MK:DA, MK:D and MK:A entirely, starting with Shinnok, but ending in an entirely different place all together? Maybe we see a few characters from the next couple of games, but then we see a lot of new characters as well?

Again, there are a ton of different directions they could go here. I really don't think they're locked in to condensing the next few games like they did with MK9 and the first three games, by any stretch of the imagination.

In fact, I hope they start off with Shinnok as the boss, but then go someplace else entirely. Bring back/in some of the best, most story relevant characters from MK1 through MK:A, but bring in a good number of new characters that are involved now thanks to the changed timeline.

I'd personally love to see that sort of curve ball, especially if it can be executed as well or even better than the last MK game.
05/11/2012 12:42 AM (UTC)
I wanna see Tremor myself.

I still want to see Liu alive.

- New Characters:
Shinnok (playable & boss)
Reiko (becomes the new emperor of Outworld)
Li Mei
Bo'Rai Cho
Ashrah (dark to light)
New Character - Poison warrior
New Character - Machine/vehicle warrior

- Liu Kang (out cold from blast. Revived by Shinnok but scarred. Seek vengeance on Raiden)
- Kitana (controlled by Quan Chi)
- Jade (revived by mysterious woman)
- Smoke (reborn as an enenra)
- Sub-Zero (returns as a human)
- Raiden (stripped of his powers by the Elder gods. Turned into Dark Raiden by Shinnok)
- Johnny Cage
- Sonya
- Ermac (king jerrod)
- Reptile (turns neutral)
- Scorpion
- Mileena
- Baraka
- Noob Saibot
- Quan Chi
- Cyrax
- Sektor

- Jax
- Kabal
- Stryker
- Kung Lao
- Sindel
- Shao Kahn

bosses: Motaro & Moloch
05/11/2012 05:15 AM (UTC)
In the gameplay department, if I'm on defense I'm losing. That needs to change. Normals shouldn't do chip damage. The game needs that little change and it will be golden.

Retcon Sub-Zero turning into a cyborg, Shang Tsung dying in such a stupid way and Sindel roflstomping everyone. Seriously, those were the worst thing in MK9. Hell, the entire story was terrible, but the way it was presented was awesome! Keep the cutscenes, but please change it so that we're not stuck with one character for a chapter. It forces the writers to put a character in fights they don't need to be in.

I wouldn't mind another guest character appearing. Spawn anyone?

Make the game's atmosphere feel like MK4. I don't want Sheeva and Stryker in the next game. Give me a revisioned Reiko, Shinnok and Fujin please. Some new characters would be appreciated as well.

After MK9, I've got complete faith in NRS. I can't wait to hear about MKX
About Me

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05/11/2012 05:18 PM (UTC)
SubMan799 Wrote:
In the gameplay department, if I'm on defense I'm losing. That needs to change. Normals shouldn't do chip damage. The game needs that little change and it will be golden.

Retcon Sub-Zero turning into a cyborg, Shang Tsung dying in such a stupid way and Sindel roflstomping everyone. Seriously, those were the worst thing in MK9. Hell, the entire story was terrible, but the way it was presented was awesome! Keep the cutscenes, but please change it so that we're not stuck with one character for a chapter. It forces the writers to put a character in fights they don't need to be in.

I wouldn't mind another guest character appearing. Spawn anyone?

Make the game's atmosphere feel like MK4. I don't want Sheeva and Stryker in the next game. Give me a revisioned Reiko, Shinnok and Fujin please. Some new characters would be appreciated as well.

After MK9, I've got complete faith in NRS. I can't wait to hear about MKX

I agree with a lot of what you say here.

No Cyber Sub-Zero. It was a nice surprise to see them do something so drastic with such a main character, but they can't stick with that. Even if I liked the cyber ninjas, which I'm not overly fond of, I'd rather not seem them do that to Sub-Zero.

I honestly can't remember how Shang Tsung died, though I'm currently beating the game with all characters in the Vita version, then I'll head back to the story mode and find out for myself. I'm sure it wasn't great though.

Yeah, the Sindel part was easily my least favorite aspect of story mode. Lot's of fan favorites being killed off is bad enough, but to have it done by Sindel? Shao Khan, I could see as he's supposed to be an overpowered boss, but Sindel? No offense to Sindel lovers, I know she's the queen and she can fly etc, but that was about one step above having Mokap go on a rampage and kill half the roster (well, okay, maybe not THAT bad, but still).

As for the atmosphere, I don't know that I need an MK4 atmosphere in the sense that I need all MK4 characters to return. Sure, if they think that they can get me to like Jarek and Reiko, or that Kai can finally be the fully realized character that he was meant to be from the begining, then great, go for it, but only if they make sense to put in the new story that you want to tell.

Don't just shoe-horn all MK4 to MK:D or MK:A characters in to the next game simply because that's what should come next. Simply revisiting the next game or even the next three or four games kinda negates the need for altering the timeline to begin with.

I get that Shinnok is next, and I'm totally on board with that, but he doesn't have to be the final boss. If he is, okay, great. I hope NRS does him to the best of their ability, I'm sure they will. But regardless of whether he's the final boss or not, we don't have to see all events and all characters play out like they did before. In fact, I really think that we shouldn't.

So if events have been changed, then to me, at least some of the roster should be changed to show that some new charactesr have been pulled in because of the new events, and some other characters have been left out because the new events didn't pull them in.

To summarize: Give me the results of the alternate time line. You started it, now see it through.

Put in any and all characters that are relevant for the story that you want to tell. Sure, there will be some fan favorites that will always end up in the game, but after that, put in the characters from the entire series that make the most sense and fit in the best and after that, for God's sake, give us some new characters. I don't need a ton, but at least four or five woudl be nice.
05/11/2012 06:00 PM (UTC)
Yeah, you're right about MK4. I don't think anyone wants to see Kai and Jarek back, but man it would be really cool to see what the MK team can do with these guys now. If they can turn a guy like Stryker, who wasn't the most popular character, into a fan favorite badass then I can only imagine what they do with Shinnok and Reiko
not tryin to be rude but just think.........if u have certain characters u like somebody else could disagree( and visa versa ) what i think is that every single mk character should come back!!!!!!! there shouldnt be any character left out, even ones that were never introduced to the game. now.....heres what i personaly want
-all fighters
-we could kreate our own characters/x-rays/fatalities
-every fighter could also have individual fatalities
-I also think the game could look as realistic as it can be
-i also wish u would be able to move like in the other 3-D games (no one fights in a straght line )

Just think about it,

GoldDragonJLR2000 out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 smile
05/12/2012 12:57 PM (UTC)
I think they should gradually and carefully bring back all of the characters introduced in the 3D games (obviously not Mokap who was a joke character) and improve them, I don't think it's fair to introduce new characters to the fans and throw them away so easily without trying to improve them a few times first, I know many of the 3D characters will fit in nicely once given the 2.5D treatment, that said I'd like to have Jarek/Kobra and Tremor re-join the black dragon clan and see it in MK10'S story mode, they need to do more with the black dragons and show them plotting at the black dragons base before fights, MK9 was perfect -- the only two characters I'm not interested in are Rain and Cyber Sub Zero- we alrady got Sub Zero and Rain for some reason just doesn't appeal to me in any way. I want Friendships back!! because they're a great way give characters individuality and they're just a big nostalgic part of the 2D MK games I want back!

I want Shinnok as the boss (get so bored of Shao Khan always being the boss) spice Shinnok up by giving him the ability to morph at the very end match into a demon creature like he did in Mythologies but with much better graphics and a better looking creature!

here's some of the MK cast I'd like to see in MK10:

Returning from MK9:


New characters:


and I want to see Ying Yang Island and the prison stages return in MK10 -know they'd be epic as 2.5D backgrounds!

05/23/2012 04:04 AM (UTC)
I would like to have around 50 unique and viable characters within the game with their own unique movesets, techinques, combos and air juggles to execute against their opponents. And maybe out of those 50 characters 30 of the characters could be selectable or already defaulted in the "Choose Your Fighter" screen and the remaining 20 characters could be unlocked or hidden characters for "Private Fights" or characters used in a certain mini-game. Or something to that extent. I wouldn't want to the game to become overflooded with characters. But I do not mind seeing a plethra or multitude of characters if they're rendered uniquely and are differentiated from other established characters within the franchise. Or some of the multitude of characters that are either new or revamped from a previous series could be introduced as DLC characters and advertised with a marketing campaign or something to that affect. That way you can give the video game player an option not to get the characters if they choose not to, or if someone really wants the additional characters bad enough, they can choose to purchase them through additional means for themselves.
05/23/2012 04:37 PM (UTC)
I think that Zaggot and his brother Abacus would make 2 really good new bosses, especially since there's a lot of evil vs evil scenarios available for this upcoming game and the possibility of both Chaos Realm and Order Realm being included. Which Zaggot grows based on chaos/evil: Raiden betraying Liu Kang, Scorpion may have to turn good in such a way, Quan Chi/Shinnok turning on eachother, they whole Black Dragon vs Red Dragon, and much more.

True Zaggot

Noob Saibot being sent into the Soulnado just sends him to the Realm of Chaos instead of obliterating him, which Havik and him team up and tell their leader Zaggot about what has happened to Shao Khan. Since Abacus can't fight against his evil brother because it makes Zaggot stronger, he excepts a Human Chess Game (since they both love chess) with the fallen 10 warriors: Sindel vs Kitana, Jade vs Nightwolf, Kabal vs Kung Lao, Smoke vs Cyber Sub Zero, Stryker vs Jax (only one per fight will survive). This causes the other Elder gods to become involved: Raiden, Fujin, Argus, Dehlia, etc. Somehow, Scorpion is the key to getting into the Netherealm and Raiden makes a deal with him. Sareena kills Quan Chi in the Netherealm with the help of a conspiracy with Kia and Jataaka, so the 10 character's souls are free-roaming in the Netherealm/stuck just for Zaggot to force Ermac into collecting them for him; Skarlet feeling like a left-over after watching Tanya being handed the thrown by Shinnok and helps Ermac secretly using her blood powers/manipulation to stop Zaggot by bringing the 10 kombantants back to life and out of the Netherealm.

I know it's all a big tangent but somewhat could make sense and a partial to a pretty interesting storyline. Yet this is also a great way to see other side characters like: Tremor, Kia, Jataaka, Sareena, Siang, Wu Lae, Argus, Dehlia, and Hydro.
05/23/2012 11:57 PM (UTC)
Choose your destiny.
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