What do YOU want in MK10?
posted07/29/2013 10:03 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
08/19/2010 11:17 PM (UTC)
I don't want to clutter up this section. However, it's just an interesting question.

Most people want to post what is most logical, and argue over and over again about what is and what isn't going to be in there. After a post I made today I got to thinking, no one definitively knows what's going to happen. I will make one assumption. All of those characters that died aren't staying dead. That's the only assumption I have that I believe to be correct.

Anyway the question here is what do you want?

Do you want the character's to come back to life?
Do you want X-ray's gone or do you love them?

Just in general, What should MKX have in the game that would make it a definite buy?

My answer is:

Human Sub-Zero and for it to be Kuai Liang none of this Bi-Han seperates from Noob crap. What's the point in revealing Noob Saibot as Bi Han if you are just going to make Noob Saibot a seperate character again?

Also on the next note. I want Noob Saibot back. He's my favorite villain and his ending where he partners with Havik seems really awesome.

I want Jade's ending to come true.

I want Sub-Zero's current groundfreeze done away with entirely. If they can't make a better move than that, then just do away with it. I also want Sub-Zero to have some way around spammers. I love Sub-Zero but he is just a tad on the slow side and even when you dash block your still eating chip damage and it's just ridiculous. I don't want to suggest a teleport because I feel it's cheap, but he needs a different move than ground freeze. Nuff said on that.

I want these characters from MK4-MKA to return:
Bo Rai Cho
Li Mei

The rest. Screw em. Don't need to see them again. Especially Frost. I don't want her to take Sub-Zero's place in MK10. If that happens, I would just not play the game.

The Krypt should also be better. The krypt was so easy to unlock everything this time around. Bring back the one from DA or don't bring it in at all.

Also I realize some like Shinnok but I don't want him to be a final boss. I would rather have a newly redone Onaga if we are going the boss route.

Also the endurance mode in the arcade mode should come back.

I'm sure their are others, but I can't think of them right now. Discuss and I may possibly think of some more.
02/24/2012 11:43 AM (UTC)
I agree with you on many points: Frost, the Krypt being to easy to unlock.

I would keep the X-Ray. Kind of slows the pace down but at least it adds a lot to the look and the fun of having a different flashy move for each characters.

Not that i want Frost to go away. Just that not having Sub Zero if she's introduced? They are not my favs but i understand your point. In terms of characters, well many of the MK4 and later characters should have the spot, to come help the good guys save the dead ones or stick stones in their wheels if they are bad guys. But, even if i would love not to say that, i'll watch and try if i have a chance but fear my first concern after the 2 last games is Nitara in terms of chars to be introduced. Will i buy if she's not introduced? It would require more than great graphics and probably a miraculous addition in terms of new character but this time is unlikely.

Other than that i'd love to see:

-Bo Rai Cho
-Li Mei
-Dairou (Revamped maybe)
And the 2 Deadly Alliance Onis as bad guys.

The only character that died in MK9 that i would prefer having back on the lay is Nightwolf. Spending one game without the others doesn't bother me. Having to save them with younger chars would be interesting. I also wish that whatever they'll do, we'll see a step forward in the story. I don't want to take a step back yet or have my fav chars or important chars still entangled in the same old shit and not have something happen to them that make them move forward. i.e: Scorpion's last ten and + years?
02/24/2012 07:35 PM (UTC)
Yea I want the characters to progress as well.

As for nightwolf. I want it to be revealed to him, you may not like this idea, that he is indeed a lycan. He does have contact with the spirit realm and everything but it has nothing to do with his being able to transform into a wolf. The only reason he can do this is because he's a lycan. Also, yes I know the history with animalities and all of that but since we are re-writing stuff I would like that to show up in his story.

As for the frost thing. I want to get it clear that I do not hate the character completely. I do however hate the fact that some people say let's bring in frost as the next sub-zero. HELL NO. She can be a seperate entity and they can be in the same game, but if I get a game that Frost is in and Sub-Zero is nowhere to be seen, I would be pissed. That's just my opinion though. I just feel it comes down to Sub-Zero deserves that spot more than frost and I don't want her copycat arse replacing my boy Sub-Zero.lol.
02/24/2012 09:42 PM (UTC)
I totally agree. I was not a big fan of Animalities, but in some characters cases like Nightwolf mostly, it would be interesting if he had that power to turn into an animal. i.e: Orchid from KI. Had really interesting combos involving her morphing powers.

It could be interesting to have him discover he's a Lycan.
02/25/2012 03:21 AM (UTC)
I would have Nightwolf find out he's a werewolf and that the spirits had nothing to do with him being a lycan. He then starts to doubt the spirits and perhaps gains a darkside. Like I said though, the spirits would still be with him just as all along, they just have nothing to do with him being a lycan.

I don't want him to go evil, just gain a bit of a darker part to him.
02/26/2012 01:19 AM (UTC)

As for the frost thing. I want to get it clear that I do not hate the character completely. I do however hate the fact that some people say let's bring in frost as the next sub-zero. HELL NO. She can be a seperate entity and they can be in the same game, but if I get a game that Frost is in and Sub-Zero is nowhere to be seen, I would be pissed.

I completely agree with being an additional character but not as a replacement to Sub-Zero. As long as she has a moveset that does not mirror Sub-Zero and as rendered uniquely from Sub-Zero then I would love that fact that she would be in the game.

I would also like new characters to be in the game such as Kunoichi ninja warriors in outfits like Ibuki's character in Street Fighter just without the torn up sleeves or holes in her tucked in hakama pants. They can also have an extended set of moves and personalities with backstories to match and go along their motivations.

I'd also like to see all the majority of characters in the last game except:

Sheeva, Skarlett and Mileena
Mileena should change her name to Ravish if she comes back though, I think as seductive assassin that she should have a code name.

I'd like to see characters:

Bo Rai Cho - except he'd be in shape and former disgraced Shaolin Abbot fighting for redemption.
Reptile as a human character in his original ninja palette swap costume as an acrobatic ninja jumping off the walls such as Vega of off Street Fighter.

I'd also like to see the male ninja characters have their original palette swap costumes in the game as well with the loose fitting pants and a new set of moves.
About Me
02/27/2012 12:26 AM (UTC)
I'd stick to only one Sub Zero, and if there was a true need for an ice diversity, stick in Frost. I don't see why not, when we have two characters using fire (Scorpion and Liu Kang) and two undead characters (Scorpion and Noob). It's not like motifs can't be repeated, just don't make them carbon copies.

I'd also like playable villains in the story mode. With only heroes playable, that means the villains always lose, and look like real butt monkeys. Why are Shao Kahn's finest warriors beaten by Stryker? It's just nonsensical. Just the same, give them more to do. Why does everyone have motives and plans but the lackeys? Hell Reptile doesn't even speak.

Also, I'd like to see Ermac's and Jade's endings becoming canon. They were interesting, should be good to see where they lead.
02/28/2012 06:50 PM (UTC)
I expect less Good vs. Evil segregation seeing how Outworld and Earthrealm will now share a common enemy. It would feel bizarre if Netherrealm would declare a war against Outworld and Earthrealm simultaneously, but you'll never know. Goro could redeem himself with better deeds as the Destroyer Prince, Drathon - I'd see that happening.
02/28/2012 11:39 PM (UTC)
here's what i want for the next mk.

kung lao
liu kang
johnny cage
sub - zero
quan - chi
noob saibot
new character
new character
new character

stage weapons/deathtraps/stage fatalitys/extra tiers for every arena.
soul chamber
pit 1,2,3
goro's lair
bell tower
scorpion's lair
bunch more arena's

revamped/new friendships 2 per character
revamped/new animalty's 2 per character
revamped/new babality's 2 per character
revamped/new brutality's 2 per character
revamped/new hara kari's 2 per character
return of xray's 2 per character
multiple throws per characters

cinamatic endings
tag kombat
3-5 attires per character
return of challenge tower
more ladders
more taunts
improved online
custom sound track
different times for all arenas
new codes
improved story mode

that's all i can think of for now.
03/01/2012 12:18 AM (UTC)
I knew I forgot something.

More arenas. Did anyone else hate how we had a few arenas, but they just had day and night versions. What a freaking ripoff.

So yeah, More Arenas from the old era.

Also If I had it my way, keep in mind what the thread is about, I would have each character have their own story but have them all kind of tie together.

I feel the story was one big clusterf**k trying to fit everything in, and the story ended up rushed.

I also don't want to see the MK4-MKA characters get crapped on like I feel most of the MK1-3 characters did. However, I know that's a long shot.lol
03/01/2012 01:05 AM (UTC)

I know how you feel. But let's hope that with Outworld having the opportunity to form an alliance with earthrealm, some of those youngsters (MK4-MKA) will be rewarded and given the credit they deserve in a not too distant future. They kind of blew up some of the old/classic characters i agree, but i don't think this is going to last.

In terms of arenas, i also would like to have a more diverse selection. I think the major prob with MK4 wasn't that much about the graphics and looks but how dark they all felt. They were too dark for the most of them imo. Maybe because of how the game was rendered. I'd love to see a couple of the MKDA, MKA arenas added or have the immortals/monsters have more lairs that look like them a little like Reptile's lair, Moloch's lair, bosses palaces etc. A lot of them are still just wandering spaces that don't fit them or just have nothing to do with their persona.
03/30/2012 08:17 PM (UTC)
mk10 will be great, as long as it has smoke, reptile, johnny cage and a GOOD story mode with cut scenes that DON'T start the next fight (I HATED THAT!)
and NO guest characters (the only ones I want are a xenomorph, a predator, and Jason vorhees.) kratos was LAME!
fatality one : bor-ing!
fatality two: sleep (yawn). oh, and no unlockable concept art or music (you hear lots of it when you play the game!) iamthewalrus out.
03/31/2012 08:28 PM (UTC)
I want more Lui Kain or however you spell it like sub-zero i want lots of them because there costumes and moves are amazing i love em i want scorpion to stay sub-zero to stay human & cyber i also would like smoke to stay i want more of these guy such as a water one who's blue or a physic powered one who's purple and i want every character to have a way to get out of spam attacking noobs I might even try and make these as fan art
03/31/2012 10:23 PM (UTC)

Wouldn't that sound confusing to have another blue char (After Sub Zero)? Unless you talk about Frost. And Rain was the purple ninja.
04/03/2012 06:45 AM (UTC)
I would also like a more realistic fighting plane in either the current 2.5 format or the 3-D format (that's only if it mirrors Tekken's realism and fighting mechanics.)

Another thing I would be if they maintained the mini-games and added new ones to the format such as "Test Your Balance", "Test Your Reflexes", "Test Your Speed", "Test Your Will", "Fight for Him", "Test Your Strength" and "Test Your Knowledge".

I would also like the characters biographies to showcase an demo of their gameplay showcasing any new movesets implemented as well as sample combos, techniques, and air-juggles.

I also think that the characters total movesets and combos can be showcased on an individual screen sort like a tutorial and kind of giving a short demo of how the move or combo looks against an opponent. It could be like an unlockable option hidden in the game that once achieved could show up in the "Options Menu".

Bring back "Endurance Matches" in the Arcade Ladder, "Tag-Team Match Ups", also "Divine Assassin Match Ups" and "Survival Match Ups" towards the harder and expert level arcade/tag-team match-up ladders. Also the bosses in "Tag-Team" mode should have tag-in partners such as Shang Tsung and Quan Chi.

Please eliminate "Animalities", "Brutalities" and corny looking "Friendships" and implement "Shows of Respect", "Shows of Mercy", "Second Chance", "Babalities (as an option)" and "Hara Kiri's".

I would like to see an overall Asian Themed feel for the characters and backdrops like in MK1. It was the more authenic version of MK to date with the exception of MK9.

I would like to see more Areanas, especially the "Original Pit" from MK1 and the "Bottom of the MK1 Pit", "Warriors Shrine" with the cast of the entire MK1 cast in statues including Shang Tsung and Goro, kinda of like a dedication to them pioneering the game.

Challenge Tower with new challenges.

All the male ninja characters in the original ninja palette swap costumes including Rain, Smoke, Reptile, Sub-Zero, Scorpion, Kollage (Ermac), and Nightshade (Noob). I would also like to see some female Kunoichi ninja fighters in the game with ballooning hakama pants and sleeveless gi without the tears or holes in the pants. They can look like Ibuki from Street Fighter.

All characters had at least nine specialty moves. I think it can be done without shifting the balance of power towards certain characters. I have ideas for the whole roster if ideas run dry for the characters.

I would also like if there was a feature were your opponent could get knocked into a state of disorient temporarily during the middle of a fight. They could get knocked into disorientation from a power based move or a series of combos.

I would like it also if during Endurance Matches, Tag-Team Matches, Survival Matches that body of the defeated character stayed down on the ground instead knocked out of the screen.

It would be a minor detail if "Goro's Lair" didn't have that high chair and was just an underground dungeon. It looked more realistic that way then having Goro in the background watching the fight like an earlier morning cartoon.

Please bring back the arena of "Shang Tsung's Soul Chamber" from Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance. That was an amazing backdrop with the souls flying by the air while you fought. Amazing that could be his boss stage backdrop.

Please bring back the original "Battle Plan" backdrop with more difficult levels of "Choose Your Destiny".

Ninja characters to do flips and backwards/forward handsprings, sommersaults, backwards and forward ground rolls in the middle of the fights.

Movie reel endings for the harder and more difficult arcade/tag-team ladders along with "Farewell" by Apocalyptica played at the end of the credits.

Greater online play without lag issues, to where you can play random people from across the world or country.

Other gaming modes, such as "Story Mode".

New characters with new movesets, combos, air-juggles and techniques introduced to the game, I've got a plethra of them to be implemented if ideas are needed.

Ryu and Kratos to be implemented in Mortal Kombat.

The character's bios to showcase them executing a martial arts form right before having them pose to a freeze frame. And for the character's bios to play during the idle times of the game as well as having their bios in the Nekropolis center. The character's bios can be exactly like the bios were in MK1.

That's all I can think of so far.
04/03/2012 04:27 PM (UTC)
1. a serious training mode.
2. no stupid stance switch but TAUNTS instead.
* if we get taunts, i want to be able to cancel out of it.
3. cinematic endings
4. choose your destiny tower
5. have test your.... in the arcade tower, not separated!
6. endurance mode back and in arcade tower (near the end)
7. better kontent in the krypt. example, movie clips, comic arts, MK trivia's.
8. bring back brutality's and friendships/hara kiri's!!
9. improve the, face, kick and hair animations.
10. make it so both players at the same time can configure their controls.
11. no infinites :P
12. more klassic music.
13. different times for most arena's.
14. hidden stage fatality's.
15. hidden move set for all characters.
16. make practice mode so u have mini games to improve your char.
* scorpion, mission= instead of block escape by using tele-ports.
17. bring back the asian/ mystic themed feel.
18. bring back shao khans awesome quotes while raping ur opponent grin
19. improve on-line in general.
20. replay mode! this is good for the community.
21. increase the A.I difficulty. or atleast give us insane mode :P
22. bring back, Kung lao, Ermac, Kitana...
23. less monsters/ epic nonsense on the background, keep it R.
25. Nekropolis looked good but felt kinda empty. just add something to it.
26. blood options (increase or decrease the blood level)
27. less details in clothes/backgrounds, but more details in general...
28. stop making all the girls look sexy on high heels... its lame
29. story mode.... make it very different and less rushed.
30. less clothes/injury damage
31. NO REGION lock on the ps3!
About Me

I will rock you.

04/04/2012 08:19 PM (UTC)
I want the Bell Tower to have a stage fatality. I don't know why there wasn't one on Mortal Kombat 9.
Retcon Story from ideas of MK9's Arcade Mode
If not... I want RazorsEdge701, ProudNintendoFan and Sub-Zero the 7th to work with NRS studios team to make the correct MK retelling ever.
I want everone from MK9 in 10
Smoke to have the hood again if he stays Human
Sub-Zero Human... in the likeness of MK9... the best costume for Sub-Zero yet.
Noob Saibot's full name in the life bar.. and to retain his MK9 look.
Please lets everone keep there fighting styles. No trading like the 3d games.
Scorpion to NOT be Quan Chi's little bitch...

04/07/2012 08:09 AM (UTC)
I'd also like a greater diversity of characters introduced to the roster, with their different fighting styles, such as a capoeira fighter, a muay tai fighter, a MMA fighter...so forth and so on.

Realistic stage fatalities for the proper arenas.

Survival Matches with a continous line of fighters to square off against and also having the energy bar replenished partially in between matches.

Survival Matches with a four fighters in single player mode or five fighters when in tag-team mode. Also if the Survival matches where towards the top of the ladders in the upper echleons of the ladder.

Divine Match-Ups that would also have Divine Endurance Match-ups again towards the upper echleon parts of the ladders.

Greater emphasizes on the mechanics in the fighters movements. I know in real life, mechanics don't mean as much but in a video game where everything is visual, I think mechanics play an importatnt role in creating a visually stimulating set of images in the game.

Maybe in "Story Mode" the dialouge between historically rival characters could be heightened.

The transitioning between the characters in tag-team modes/endurance match-ups to be plain and simple and not full of special theatrics. Just like MK1 another words.

More hidden secrets within the game or hidden/unlockable characters excluding boss characters.

Fatalities, X-Ray Moves, specialty moves, and other specialty like moves to be turned off during Training or Practice Mode.

Customized instrumental music that can be implemented during the backdrops of the game. It could be a unlockable feature and be a part of the "Options Menu".

Greater rewards for obtaining a certain level of achievements. Examples could be alternate costumes, hidden stages so forth and so on.

04/07/2012 05:05 PM (UTC)
On the iPod version of UMK3 here is a survival mode, much like the slobber knickers From the old wwe games. I would live to have this kind of mode where you fight till you lose, facing opponent after opponent.

Also I liked the interactive arenas from the 3D games. I would love to see it as a new move for all characters, but like stage fatalities it would only work on certain arenas, so like u l r l (up left right left) could be the set and in the forbidden forest they chuck them into a trees mouth then pose as the opponent gets chewed, to avoid spam the move would only take 3% of health and could possibly be included as a special move on the xray bar.

Along with that I liked the multilevel arenas. Uppercut from goros lair could lead to Shang tsungs throne room. It could be funny to see the hole you came from in the background of the new arena your in. Reptiles lair uppercuts into khans throne room. Then that could uppercut into battle arena and if you xray them far off screen in khans throne room it could lead to the shadow preist hall

This could be just for a gag side but I like the test your knowledge idea. What if on expert with small time limit for questions if you like 150 questions right with no retry or skips you unlock some "gag" character maybe Nimbus Terrafaux Or a shadow priest or mokap or meat idk just an idea to tack onto test your knowledge

Bring back challenge tower but include alternate reality sketches. Like "prevent noob saibots existence: take bi Han and defeat and do a fatality on an overpowered scorpion before time runs out. " completely non-canon but a mean of fun on your way to unlocking I'd say brutalities defeat all of challenge tower no skips and all 100% and you unlock everyone's brutality and for the people who at least beat the last challenge but skipped prior ones, they get only a new skin for the left over original MK cast: Cage Sonya scorpion and subzero.

Make the krypt more interactive, if you stay too long you are thrown into random battles where you have to be the krypt monster which would only be playable in krypt. Also make it more expensive love the animations though maybe add more. Have more fan-art with their names signed on it. Pictures of MK memorabilia. Maybe preview trailers to other netherrealm studios projects and maybe they can get a comic book written and started to continue the MK dynasty, it could be previewed in the krypt but you unlock the first edition only

Maybe even an MK personality test to see which character you are like lol.

I like alot of your guys ideas what do you think if mine?
04/08/2012 09:37 PM (UTC)
Very good. I would add that fatalities or finishing moves don't necessarily have to kill their opponent. They could just disable them like Liu Kang's cartwheel in MK1. I think the finishing moves/fatalities can be like that also.
04/08/2012 10:28 PM (UTC)
caged95 Wrote:
I like alot of your guys ideas what do you think if mine?

Avoid excessive emoticons. They are very dangerous.
As for your ideas, I think they are michael echo hotel.
04/10/2012 07:21 AM (UTC)
The emotiocons was an itouch faill.
About Me

You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

04/12/2012 09:23 AM (UTC)
1-A longer story mode that shows the good and evil side of the conflict.

2-More of the same as far as the engine goes. NRS struck gold with MK9 and they should take the time and really flesh the engine out instead of just switching it up again.

3-More Challenge Tower. Challenge Tower was one of the biggest surprises in MK9 and I enjoyed it quite a bit. Hopefully this becomes a staple for the series.

4-Endurance mode. Every game they always talk about how they wanted it to happen but didn't have time. That's literally happened for about 3 games now. You'd think if they really wanted it to happen by now, it would have.

5-Raiden's failures coming back to bite him in the ass. I'm talking major repercussions. I can see Quan Chi and Shinnok confronting Raiden, Cage, and Sonya, and with a smirk, Quan Chi tells the two about how Raiden attempted to sell them up the river. Little things like that.

6-As much as it pains me to say this, I hope Cyber Sub Zero remains the mechanized abomination he has become. I'm still not happy about it, but damn it, it's done. Copping out on it now would only further piss me off about it. On the bright side, I can see some cool costume possibilities for him(think Cyrax's alt from MKDA...only better than that).

7-Shinnok to actually be a viable villain. If there's one thing that was great about rebooting the series, it was to see a lot of underrated characters get fleshed out. If Stryker can get bumped up to John McClane levels of bad-assery then I'm expecting Darth Vader like things for Shinnok(I guess he would be more like the emperor...my point remains valid though).

8-The same level of love and attention to detail that mk9 received. mk9 was nothing short of a love letter to the fans, i'm hoping that remains true for mk10.
About Me
I know what I have given you. I do not know what you have received.
04/12/2012 09:19 PM (UTC)
1. Scorpion to kill Quan Chi finally and finish the Sub Zero vs Scorpion rivalry for good.

2. Noob to return and take control of the Netherealm.

3. The Red and Black Dragon War to start in MK 10

4. More X-Rays

5. New characters

6. Those that died in MK 9 (with exception of Sub-Zero) to stay dead until the next game, let the other characters have a chance to shine. There was a reason why they were killed off.
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