06/06/2014 10:43 PM (UTC)
The resemblance to Pandora did not escape me.
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
I also want to point out that we're all assuming Shinnok is the endboss and if there are time-displaced alternates of characters in the story, then Raiden brought them there to replace the dead.

What if the new chick from Jade's ending is the one causing the temporal disturbance? She wanted to "reimagine" Kahn's death, after all, which implies access to time powers.

I really do hope the chic in Jade's ending comes into play
06/06/2014 10:47 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Riyakou Wrote:
My one hope is that Boon and Vogel considered the story of MKX ahead of time, and are not working on it now.

That's how shit happens, and by shit, I mean shit.

Voice acting lines were clearly recorded long ago given Keifer talked about his work on the game in the past tense.

They did the story long before the game actually came out with MK9 too, though. We had a leaked casting sheet at least a year, maybe two, before the game was released. And look how that turned out.

If their ideas are shit and/or their writers are shit, all the time in the world can't cure that.

I actually consider the story of MK9 to be very well done, even with the obvious discrepancies.

The only reason we can see how it would be deemed as bad is because we are long time MK fans who know the story well. Imagine if we knew nothing of Mortal Kombat and MK9 was the first game we ever played, we'd be in awe.

Regardless of the dents in the story between it and the original timeline, you cannot deny that in the end, MK9's story was very well written. I do hope, however, that there aren't as many clusterfucks this time.
06/06/2014 10:53 PM (UTC)
Riyakou Wrote:
The only reason we can see how it would be deemed as bad is because we are long time MK fans who know the story well.

I have time and time again pointed out numerous flaws in the narrative that have NOTHING to do with changed continuity, they are simply the use of poor writing structure, plotholes, clumsy characterization methods, and just plain dumb shit.

I'd like to remind everyone again that, for example, there is a scene in the very beginning of the game we're discussing, where after Johnny Cage is a pig to a woman and she punches him for it, YOU are made to play AS Johnny Cage and BEAT THE CRAP OUT OF HER in retaliation. What a hero.

And that is the silliest and least important of all the dumb things that happen in MK9.

Just because the voice acting was well done and the graphics were pretty doesn't mean it was GOOD. It just means the lights and colors and sounds appealed to your emotions and you let feelings govern you instead of using cold logic to judge things. It's like jangling car keys at a baby, or making a cat chase a laser pointer, or watching a Michael Bay movie for the explosions.
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06/06/2014 11:17 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
m0s3pH Wrote:
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
They absolutely do have to win against Shinnok or else it's the end of the god damned universe. He's kinda the top rung of the "oh shit" ladder.

Besides, remember what happened when the good guys didn't win MKA? That's how time travel copouts became part of this series in the first place.

Who's to say they won't do another time-travel copout? They've already showed us the lack of regard for the story once, I'd bet they'd do it again.

That's exactly what I'm arguing in favor of.

My whole premise is "They can't win in a fair fight, so they're gonna HAVE to resort to Sliders or Back to the Future shenanigans."

But honestly, since I was asked how I would do it?

I don't want Raiden or someone to DELIBERATELY pull people from out of their native timelines or go back and change things.

I want it to be happening all on its own by accident because what Raiden did in MK9 caused a paradox and broke the fabric of reality or something like that.

That kind of chaos has the potential to bring WAY more versions of WAY more characters into the roster. I wouldn't mind seeing, like, Movie Liu and Legacy Scorpion and VsDCU Jax and crazy shit like that. Like how Injustice had an Arrow alt costume and Man of Steel, Arkham City, and Red Son alt costumes...except incorporated into Story Mode.

And I truly believe that there is a deep, thoughtful discussion to be had on such a potential story and its resulting occurrences. If I understand what you're saying correctly, and there's certainly a chance that I don't, you're proposing that the different versions of characters come together as a giant clusterfuck of multiple timelines and potentially multiverses, if that's the scale you think of alternate realities in. You're basically proposing a mega-MKA type affair in terms of novelty and possibilities and I believe that if it's going to happen, it won't be this game but perhaps the next one.

It's a pretty rad idea and I hope it happens. Such a story mode would be absolutely massive, to the point where it might require multiple discs or something to pull off. Either way, you're onto something here.
06/06/2014 11:24 PM (UTC)
m0s3pH Wrote:
if that's the scale you think of alternate realities in. You're basically proposing a mega-MKA type affair in terms of novelty and possibilities

Not necessarily.

Three Scorpions would have the same VA (unless they wanted to do a neat trick where they get Ian Dale to do Legacy Scorp like how Amell voiced Ollie's Arrow costume) and most of the same moves (depending on just how radically different the playstyle options actually are). They'd just be three different costumes. And Scorp already had five costumes in the last game, if you count Vita.

Conversely, how many universes do you think Kai was ever important in? Just the one, most likely. And that's being generous, he really WASN'T important to MK4.

And someone like Sheeva probably won't be in the game at all.

So the roster doesn't actually need to be very big.

For example, if you look at Injustice's character select screen, you SEE 30 characters but there's ACTUALLY at LEAST 100 because every alt costume is from a different universe and there are a RIDICULOUS amount of costumes in that game after all the DLC was said and done. It's just that most of those weren't used in Story Mode. But there IS at least two of everybody in Story Mode minus the DLC and Green Arrow, who's dupe is dead.
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06/06/2014 11:29 PM (UTC)
I've seen the Young Justice episode referenced so I get the context and agree it would be a pretty interesting plot device to allow for "dimension bending" and the seamless introduction of multiple versions of characters. I'd actually be for it and disagree with Moseph in that it'd have to be some gigantic epic story mode. Honestly I'm reserving speculation and not getting my hopes up until we get some more concrete details from E3 but Razor's suggestion is one of the best interpretations of the "ex cross" name of the game.

06/06/2014 11:33 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:

Just because the voice acting was well done and the graphics were pretty doesn't mean it was GOOD. It just means the lights and colors and sounds appealed to your emotions and you let feelings govern you instead of using cold logic to judge things. It's like jangling car keys at a baby, or making a cat chase a laser pointer, or watching a Michael Bay movie for the explosions.

I tend to hate Michael Bay films. lol

I actually appreciate the writing of MK9 story itself, something I noticed you didn't really mention much in your post. It wasn't the voice acting or the graphics (which weren't as good as it could've been) that won me over with the story. It was the way the story went.

The story could be told and understood. I could be adapted into other forms, and still be understood. You don't have to be a long time MK fan to understand the story. For me, one of the best things about the game was the way the story was told.

Sure, a lot of characters got killed off, and many others weren't given much due. Still, when it all boils down to concept of a story, MK9's story was very well written, to me at least.
06/06/2014 11:35 PM (UTC)
I have to say this. I want them to stop making Reptile and Baraka freaking servants and lap dogs in each story mode. They should be individuals or only side with their kind. Reptile took shit in MK 4 and MK 9 and Baraka pretty much the same. I hate how they're portrayed in the story mode. I'd love an MK 4 reboot story. But overall just add in some guys who we haven't seen since MK 4. I really want Kai, Tanya and Reiko in. Even Fujin I'd love to see again. OH and make Liu Kang more badass and less goody goody!
06/06/2014 11:37 PM (UTC)
Again, Riyakou, I have picked apart the actual SCRIPTING before many times. You're being obtuse.

You want examples of bad writing?

Smoke attacks Kano and Shang while they're testing rocket launchers and Kano, trying to get rid of him, puts DOWN the rocket launcher and fights hand to hand.

In fact, ALL of Smoke and Jade's chapters are FILLER where nothing is accomplished. Those chapters aren't even good for establishing Smoke and Jade's personalities because Smoke STILL DOESN'T HAVE ONE and Jade's entire character can be summed up by her fight intro and never goes any deeper than that.

These are EXAMPLES. I can go on for PAGES.
There are certain goals that the act of writing a fictional story is supposed to accomplish. "Can the audience follow the general plot?" is the LEAST of concerns. "Does what's happening make SENSE, did point A cause point B in a realistic way?" "Does the audience understand what kind of people the CHARACTERS are, what they think, how they feel, why they're motivated to do the things they do, why they say the things they say, how they got to be that way?", these are important too, and MK9 failed at that NUMEROUS times.
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06/07/2014 12:12 AM (UTC)
I want more deaths. I feel that the fan demand for characters from later generations is going to become too big. Although I don't base success on roster, I really would love to see some characters get their due time in the sun instead of the same characters over..... and over.... and over... I think Hotaru, Havik, Ashrah and Dairou are better than at least 80% of the cast. Some are simple but still appealing and representing a breath of fresh air. Love it.

I want characters that die to stay dead for a while. Zombie Kang was really really "meh" for me but it was WORLDS more interesting than him being the victor in every single god damn fucking battle in the universe. When Liu Kang died in MKDA, I literally felt my heart drop in my chest and adrenaline started flowing. This was all followed by a huge "YYYEEESSS!!!!!!!". I've seen enough of some faces. At least on the playable roster.

I will admit being partial to Scorpion and Subzero, though. Very hypocritical but I cannot help it. I just love playing as these two characters. Hanzo and Bi-Han's dialogue in MK9 was all VERY well delivered, vocally. Loved it.

I want some GOD DAMN CONTINUITY to be the main priority in writing. I liked that there was some sort of definitive foreshadowing with the Quan/Shinnok scene but it was kind of expected. MKX and our multiple universe theories are really starting to make me worry. WHERE do you end and what are the limits if this is possible? How will any set of boundaries be applied to the narrative?

I would love to hear that NRS has had a business meeting and planned out what they want to happen for the next 3 games. Certain goals or events. I would love to hear that a plan has been put into motion.

I would really like to have something similar to MKDC's story but with a little expansion. A selection of multiple story installments with the player's choice of which to do first. After all have concluded at a certain parallel point in the canon, one final string of story chapters happens on an epic scale and ties the story together and brings it to a conclusion.

Onaga. I DO NOT want the path to go overboard but I would love to see some representation of Onaga's holy men (I'm pretty sure that's what they were referred to as). I remember certain people came to the conclusion that "Hornbuckle" was really confronting Blaze in MK2 for Onaga related reasons. Whether it was true or not is beyond my memory but I found it interesting as all hell. A perfect way to have a Skarlet 2.0 and a damn interesting character.

Lastly, the Shirai Ryu. If there is multiple universes, here. I want to see more of this clan. I don't care how and I don't care who. I need to see more of their history. As much as I would hate a Scorp clone, I would love a female Shirai Ryu combatant. I would almost welcome it as at least something new.
06/07/2014 12:26 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Again, Riyakou, I have picked apart the actual SCRIPTING before many times. You're being obtuse.

Then I suppose we simply have very opposing views on this.

I very much enjoyed the storytelling of MK9, much much more than I did with Injustice, which seemed very drab and unmotivated. I have no doubt that there are errors in it, as are many films I love, like Easy A, an extremely well written film, but some lines were not needed and other jokes were unnecessary.

Nevertheless, the film is ultimately brilliant, and I feel the same with MK9, not exactly as such being brilliant, it's nowhere near as well written as Easy A. However, I do enjoy the way the story was done.

To say, I can somewhat agree with you on Jade's chapter. While I love how her love for Kitana was expressed, I still wish it had been presented as a catalyst for the Forces of Light. I feel her friendship with Kitana was not as pivotal as it should've been.
06/07/2014 12:34 AM (UTC)
MK9 had a great presentation for a fighting game story. Sadly it had one of the worst (if not the worst) story of them all. (imo)

Btw, without some sort of retcon or alternate dimensions, isn't Kai pretty much out of the story? Doesn't Liu train him between MK3 and 4?
06/07/2014 12:46 AM (UTC)
Riyakou Wrote:
I have no doubt that there are errors in it, as are many films I love, like Easy A, an extremely well written film, but some lines were not needed and other jokes were unnecessary.

Nevertheless, the film is ultimately brilliant, and I feel the same with MK9, not exactly as such being brilliant, it's nowhere near as well written as Easy A. However, I do enjoy the way the story was done.

MK9 isn't some "Well academically there are flaws and merits in equal measure" piece of work like Easy A, it's god damned Star Wars Episode 1.

In fact, I'll prove it. Care to play a little game? I got this one from the famous Red Letter Media review of Phantom Menace, it's pretty elegant in its simplicity:

"Describe the characters without referring to their physical appearances or occupations."

If you don't use any information from before the reboot, or from the bios and endings, only information expressed on-screen in Story Mode, how many characters can you answer that question for? Feel free to have at it.

And while you're at it, here's some Bonus Questions:

- Why does Liu Kang look mad at Johnny when Johnny refuses to kill?

- How come Shang repeatedly lets people who've already been eliminated keep being in matches? And how come Raiden NEVER complains about any of the cheating?

- Why doesn't Shang ever put Jax back in the dungeon after he prevents their escape? If he doesn't mind letting them walk around and having nothing to blackmail Sonya into fighting with, then why did he lock Jax up in the first place?

- If Raiden has healing powers, how come he never uses them again? Like, say, when he watches Kitana die SLOWLY?

- Why is a monk play-fighting and flirting with a girl who's trying to kill him? What's Liu attracted to about Kitana, exactly? Am I supposed to believe he's just a horndog appreciating her T&A?

- Why does Liu have to fight Shang after he beats Goro if Goro was the title-holder?

- After Shang is beaten, the bad guys all just CALMLY WALK away through the portal. Why do Sonya and Jax just let Kano go? They're in the same room. They're watching him leave! He's the ONLY reason they came!

That's just the stuff that comes to mind during the first third of the game, if you want me to, I can keep going.
06/07/2014 01:13 AM (UTC)
Riy, just pretend you agree with him, or else he will keep on trying to convince you that he is right.
06/07/2014 01:15 AM (UTC)
If you can't think of any counter-points JR, just say so. "I don't think about stuff like plot and motivation when I watch/read stories, I just like things cuz muh feels" IS an acceptable answer.

If you CAN use your words to defend the things I've pointed out, however, I'd actually REALLY like to hear them. I honestly want to know HOW to plug these holes or what is likeable about this story. I am eager to learn what scenes I must have missed where shit was explained.
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06/07/2014 01:20 AM (UTC)
The one thing I want to see in the story:

A reason how the characters who were killed in MK9 will return. I want hope and I want to see the return of Kitana, Jade, Kung Lao, Jax, Kabal, Smoke, etc.

I mean, Sub Zeros already returned and the last time we saw him was when he was a robot.

I think multiple timelines/universes/whatever are inevitable.
06/07/2014 01:21 AM (UTC)
Nope, Razy, you aren't gonna drag me into this. Discussing with you is like banging my head against the wall, because even though you might have some good points, you won't stop until people completely agree with you in everything. You've always been like that. And when people don't agree with you, you call them demeaning names to make you seem superiour.

So therefore my best advice to people when discussing with you is just to smile and nod, then move on.
06/07/2014 01:24 AM (UTC)
But "you have your opinion and I have mine" AVOIDS deep thought and intellectual conversation and the gap between us continues to exist. I want to UNDERSTAND WHY you have your opinion. The reason I argue the way I do is no one yet has ever helped me UNDERSTAND their point of view, which just makes me feel like I'm taking crazy pills whenever I encounter someone who defends it. Nobody answers my complaints, they just talk in vague generalizations or give up entirely.

One of you who enjoys MK9, I don't care which, has GOT to eventually stop running from the debate and step up and explain what appeals to you and why at a level of detail I can RELATE TO, please.
06/07/2014 01:27 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
But "you have your opinion and I have mine" AVOIDS deep thought and intellectual conversation and the gap between us continues to exist. I want to UNDERSTAND WHY you have your opinion.

One of you who enjoys MK9, I don't care which, has GOT to eventually stop running from the debate and step up and explain what appeals to you and why at a level of detail I can RELATE TO, please.

Many have already explained why, since the game's release. That you don't feel like it is good enough for you isn't other people's fault. We shouldn't have to cater to you. I for one won't.

If Riy wish to continue discussing with you, maybe he can try and explain his point of view to you, but it means that YOU should be willing to be open to them.
06/07/2014 01:30 AM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Many have already explained why, since the game's release. That you don't feel like it is good enough for you isn't other people's fault.

Well since you won't do it, I'm waiting for someone else to provide examples, 'cuz obviously I remember the past three years a little differently.

You said "I might have some good points". Which ones AREN'T good? Where am I not right about anything I've said?
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06/07/2014 01:32 AM (UTC)
Please continue Razor. I enjoy you schooling these Boards.
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06/07/2014 01:33 AM (UTC)
Razor it boils down to the whether or not the multiple plot holes in the game ruin the story for you or not. To you the numerous plot holes suck out any enjoyment for you and overshadow what other people might find enjoyable. I could list things I like about MK9's story (like seeing the MK 1 - 3 story in live action, the character dialogue, the transitions into combat, etc) though it ultimately doesn't matter because it's my subjective opinion.
06/07/2014 01:44 AM (UTC)
Mojo6 Wrote:
To you the numerous plot holes suck out any enjoyment for you and overshadow what other people might find enjoyable.

But that's just it! I haven't talked about only plotholes! I've talked about characters' personalities too!

As in half the cast not having one and some of the half that does acting contradictory all the time.

Mojo6 Wrote:
I could list things I like about MK9's story (like seeing the MK 1 - 3 story in live action, the character dialogue, the transitions into combat, etc) though it ultimately doesn't matter because it's my subjective opinion.

It DOES matter to me. I don't UNDERSTAND your opinion and a person can't have any kind of meaningful conversation that way. You have to tell me ABOUT your opinion or else what's the point of being on a fucking discussion forum?

For example, you say you like seeing MK1 thru 3 in live action...but you didn't!

None of this stuff HAPPENED in MK1 thru 3 except for like three whole scenes, like Sub-Zero's death, which is one of the few scenes I will readily admit WAS well done.
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06/07/2014 01:48 AM (UTC)
@Razor: Response pending. Waiting for your inevitable ninja edits until you get what you want to say straight and then I'll edit this post. EDIT: Ok...looks like you stopped editing so I'll proceed.
For example, you say you like seeing MK1 thru 3 in live action...but you didn't! None of this stuff HAPPENED in MK1 thru 3 except for like three whole scenes, like Sub-Zero's death, which is one of the few scenes I will readily admit WAS well done.

I know that MK9 was a big ol' retcon and made multiple changes to continuity from the original MK 1 - 3 arcade vignettes. You hate the retcon and inconsistency it produced. I know that. But don't act like MK9 isn't a retelling / reinterpretation of the MK 1 - 3 story like it's such a huge departure as to be unrecognizable. And you know what, maybe it was for you since you obviously know continuity nuances like the back of your hand. To me, it didn't break immersion or kill my enjoyment.
As far as the dialogue goes I enjoyed seeing Cage being Cage, the Lin Kuei subplot, Kung Lao and Liu's exchange, Kano's portrayal, Sub-Zero vs Scorpion, Kabal's origin, Stryker and Nightwolf getting some love. I could go on but I'd have to replay the game.Another strong point was the cincematic presentation of the whole thing. The vast majority of MK9's story was framed and directed well. No it wasn't perfect but I thought the dramatic moments and general direction of it were well done.
So in closing, I don't know how to be any more clearer in trying to highlight what I found enjoyable despite the plotholes of the game.
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