06/06/2014 11:55 AM (UTC)
I'd like for Story Mode to be character specific, as in you choose a character and then you see the storyline from that character's point of view.

Here's an example... Have any of you played Sonic Adventures? One thing that was awesome in that game, imo, is that there was a coherrent storyline throughout the whole game. You start out as Sonic and play through the storyline, and as he meets the other characters, they become unlocked. However, instead of just playing through the same exact path through the storyline as you did with Sonic, each character had their own path throughout the storyline which sometimes crossed with the other characters' paths.

I want that with MK.
You choose Sub-Zero, and he meets certain characters and fights them as he progresses through the storyline until he meets his ending. He might cross paths with Kitana, for example. And when you choose Kitana, that fight between her and Sub-Zero is still along her own path, but her other fights fits her own path.

It sounds confusing, but I hope you guys get the gist of it.
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06/06/2014 12:14 PM (UTC)
Noobsmoke92 Wrote:
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
I want it to undo MK9.

What he said.

I really really want NRS to tell original timeline's story properly,but not now,maybe couple of years later.

Its been retold. Time to move on.
06/06/2014 12:32 PM (UTC)
I realy hope NRS makes the storyline complete. BTW I like the idea of multiple universes but please NRS don't make a mess out of it.
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06/06/2014 02:44 PM (UTC)
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06/06/2014 02:48 PM (UTC)
jack4813 Wrote:
DjangoDrag Wrote:
We already know that nothing is getting a "retelling." Why would anyone even want that? That story was already told. Lets move on in a new direction.

And I don't want to see sex in MK. Lets just leave that out. MK is pretty life or death in subject matter. I dont want to stop and watch Mileena bone Baraka...

Diversification of campaigns woukd be nice. Not just good vs evil.

I think the idea behind mentioning sex is just further developing characters. Sex is an important part of life. By saying you wish sex to be included, especially in context (the context being that MK needs a more thought out execution of its story), it doesn't mean you want to stop the story to see Mileena bone Baraka.

It doesn't even mean you have to see it at all. Sex just fits into a much larger list of other universal normalities that MK could draw from to get players more invested in their characters, and thus, story.

Yeah exactly. I was more going for the full range of experiences in a story. I didn't mean to imply a five minute interlude for totally pointless Tarkatan porn.

I'm just trying to think of ways to humanize these characters and make them multidimensional and even believable within the context of the game world.

Why bother doing that? Because if you're going to have a gigantic mode solely dedicated to the story and what happens to the characters, we should probably care about them beyond "oh no, they killed that character that I like playing as."

As for sex, there are many reasons why sex could be used in a story and many ways to depict it on the screen.

It can be used briefly to imply romance or realized feelings between two characters after a build up, or it can be used for the purpose of one character manipulating another, or it can be perceived as a near final act of two people desperate to feel one last bit if pleasure before the world goes to hell and so on and so forth.

Again, I'm not talking about some hardcore scene. Hell, a ten second montage or a kiss or even a person closing a door. I'm really just talking about the culmination of something between two people.

Of course, I wouldn't be put off by seeing some polygon skin, but that wasn't at all the aim of what I was talking about or why I'd be talking about it. That was just one item in a fairly lengthy list of items that constituted the bigger picture.

06/06/2014 02:48 PM (UTC)
jimmykricket Wrote:
Its been retold.

Except no it hasn't.

Almost nothing that happened in MK9 is what happened in MK1 thru 3.
Personally though, I never said I wanted to see SCENES from that period of time over again. Sure I'd like to see an ACCURATE version of MK1 thru 3 told in cutscene form ONE day...but I can wait like 20 years for that when the series needs to be rebooted again because that generation's gamers are too young to have been born when MK9 came out.
But what I want to see in MKX is people from the past or from other universes come to the present.
Or has anyone here ever seen the season finale of Justice League Unlimited where they fight a guy with a time machine, and Batman Beyond and Static show up?
In that episode, there's a scene where Green Lantern John Stewart suddenly TRANSFORMS into Hal Jordan, because history changed OFFSCREEN and when the change affects the present, now there's a different Green Lantern hanging out with them.
Something like THAT is the kind of thing I want to see in MK9. Time be BROKEN and cause random effects where characters are suddenly deleted and replaced by BETTER versions than the MK9 ones.
And for some of these changes to be permanent at the end of the game when whatever's wrong has been repaired.
06/06/2014 02:49 PM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:
I want a quality, coherent story that's free of plot holes and logic errors. Drop the chapters and switch between characters and sides as the story demands it.

Also, give the characters more realistic lines, reactions, responses and a real range of believable qualities that culminate in deep, fully realized personalities and an emotional spectrum.

Give us motivations, unintended consequences, betrayals, characters plotting, romance, sex, loss, desperation, triumph, emptiness, pity, humor, rage, empathy, nervousness, agony, comfort, suspense... Ya know, use that huge cast of characters to tell a great story in story mode.

I'm not saying if has to be Written by Shakespeare and directed by Oliver Stone. I get it. Ninjas fighting robots fighting otherworldly emperors and beasts etc.

But there's still a lot more that characters can say and do and a lot more things that can happen that could add layers of quality, complexity and overall fun and player satisfaction to a mode that'll likely get a lot of attention from Boon and the gang.

Can this be the opening theme?

06/06/2014 02:57 PM (UTC)
There's only one thing I want. Literally nothing else matters to me. I just want Shinnok to be seen as a serious threat, to really shine as the big bad guy. To make people see him as a real problem for the heroes. To get that respect as a villain he really deserves.
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06/06/2014 03:03 PM (UTC)
Hooky-Fooky Wrote:

Can this be the opening theme?

I've been saying this stuff about the story since I first played MKDA and saw the emphasis that they were placing on it.

That said...

GoT is freakin awesome and I love the books and the show! gringringringrin
06/06/2014 03:13 PM (UTC)
I want a story Mode EXACTLY like it was in MK9, but without the chapters.
I want an interactive movie: you watch the story unfold and then fight with specific characters one fight at a time instead of 4 consecutive fights.
And maybe you can choose which character to control.

I'd like also some kind of story branching: for instance, you can opt to fight or avoid a unnecessary battle, kill or spare an opponent, etc.

But I want also a canon full-fledged complete story, I don't want to wait some 4+ years to finally understand what happened in the previous game.
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06/06/2014 03:33 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
I'd like for Story Mode to be character specific, as in you choose a character and then you see the storyline from that character's point of view.
You choose Sub-Zero, and he meets certain characters and fights them as he progresses through the storyline until he meets his ending. He might cross paths with Kitana, for example. And when you choose Kitana, that fight between her and Sub-Zero is still along her own path, but her other fights fits her own path.
It sounds confusing, but I hope you guys get the gist of it.

Like MKDA konquest mode, but told with action cutscenes rather than just words. Now that was some seriously classy storytelling that wasn't overly sophisticated by any means but it did a GOOD job of telling the story and stuck to established canon.
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06/06/2014 03:59 PM (UTC)
No retcons, no do-overs, no mulligans. This story has to continue with what was done to it. NRS made some pretty ballsy (albeit not very well-executed) decisions in the last game, so it's put up or shut up time for them now.
06/06/2014 05:03 PM (UTC)
To be honest, after MK9 I don't care anymore. Surprise me, preferably by making it better than before. It would take a lot to surprise me by making it worse after the MK9 final chapters. I don't really care about the original continuity anymore, just do something new, entertaining, interesting, and not idiotic.

Chrome Wrote:

MK is not A farewell to arms

Yeah, tell that to Jax
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06/06/2014 05:28 PM (UTC)
m0s3pH Wrote:
No retcons, no do-overs, no mulligans. This story has to continue with what was done to it. NRS made some pretty ballsy (albeit not very well-executed) decisions in the last game, so it's put up or shut up time for them now.

This x 1,000

I don't want to see some convoluted, timeline bending crap where MKDA Cage is fighting MK1 Cage or MK2 Raiden is fighting Armageddon Shinnok or whatever with the end result being one timeline to rule them all.

No. I don't want them to try and find some narrative end-around to what they did in MK9. Just move forward. I don't care if it's toward Shinnok and MK4 or the Dragon King and MKD or if it's an entirely new villain and an entirely new direction for the overarching plot of the series. Just pick a path and walk forward.

A lot of fans hate that the original canon was scrubbed away but there's no getting it back now and any time travel or timeline shenanigans will only muddle things up even worse. Please do not change the past again.
06/06/2014 05:46 PM (UTC)
When you mess up with something, being stubborn doesn't fix it.
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06/06/2014 06:29 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
When you mess up with something, being stubborn doesn't fix it.

That's a good theory in general, but how would you fix what you consider to be messed up? What do you want the story to do?
06/06/2014 06:54 PM (UTC)
Well for starters, you have to be willing to accept the thesis that the Earth characters who are left after the events of MK9 actually CANNOT beat Shinnok on their own no matter WHAT they do, that simply "continuing the story" withOUT relying on multiversal crossover is impossible because Raiden, Johnny Cage, Sonya, Kai, Fujin, and whatever other C-lister's name you want to throw in there are simply inferior fighters to the names Quan Chi has working for him, including Sindel, Nightwolf, Scorpion, at least one of the Sub-Zero brothers, and probably Liu fucking Kang, the most powerful non-god in history (outside of Shujinko).

I'm not sure everyone is willing to believe that, which makes me convincing you that playing Sliders with the MK universe(s) is the best option a lot harder.
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06/06/2014 07:02 PM (UTC)
m0s3pH Wrote:
No retcons, no do-overs, no mulligans. This story has to continue with what was done to it. NRS made some pretty ballsy (albeit not very well-executed) decisions in the last game, so it's put up or shut up time for them now.

This. I think I am one of the few people who enjoys Cyber Sub Zero, but the action that lead to his transformation made me facepalm into the Earth's mantle.

06/06/2014 07:20 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Well for starters, you have to be willing to accept the thesis that the Earth characters who are left after the events of MK9 actually CANNOT beat Shinnok on their own no matter WHAT they do, that simply "continuing the story" withOUT relying on multiversal crossover is impossible because Raiden, Johnny Cage, Sonya, Kai, Fujin, and whatever other C-lister's name you want to throw in there are simply inferior fighters to the names Quan Chi has working for him, including Sindel, Nightwolf, Scorpion, at least one of the Sub-Zero brothers, and probably Liu fucking Kang, the most powerful non-god in history (outside of Shujinko).

I'm not sure everyone is willing to believe that, which makes me convincing you that playing Sliders with the MK universe is the best option a lot harder.

I get what you're saying and it's a decent point but MK4 didn't require an army of hero's to defeat Shinnok. I'm not counting sub or kang dead. That only leaves 3 replacements. (Jax, Kitanna and Kung Lao... the rest of the killed hero's weren't in MK4). Or Five max, Kenshi is likely one of them... It's not gonna be that hard replacing hero's IMO.
06/06/2014 07:20 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
I'd like for Story Mode to be character specific, as in you choose a character and then you see the storyline from that character's point of view.

Here's an example... Have any of you played Sonic Adventures? One thing that was awesome in that game, imo, is that there was a coherrent storyline throughout the whole game. You start out as Sonic and play through the storyline, and as he meets the other characters, they become unlocked. However, instead of just playing through the same exact path through the storyline as you did with Sonic, each character had their own path throughout the storyline which sometimes crossed with the other characters' paths.

I want that with MK.
You choose Sub-Zero, and he meets certain characters and fights them as he progresses through the storyline until he meets his ending. He might cross paths with Kitana, for example. And when you choose Kitana, that fight between her and Sub-Zero is still along her own path, but her other fights fits her own path.

It sounds confusing, but I hope you guys get the gist of it.

This is exactly what i would want in story, i just didnt want to confuse myself trying to explain it...
06/06/2014 07:28 PM (UTC)
stinky_thc_cloud Wrote:
but MK4 didn't require an army of hero's to defeat Shinnok.

Shinnok didn't have all the best fighters on his side in MK4.

He was beaten by Liu Kang in MK4. This time, Liu Kang is dead, I don't care what you're "counting". He died ON-SCREEN, we saw him say his last words and take his last breath. According to Quan Chi's claim that every soul who dies during the war goes to Kahn, and Kahn gave them all to Quan, since Liu died before Kahn did, that means his soul is now in Hell like all his friends.

And let's not forget that the person who killed everybody all at once in the first place, Sindel, and the only guy who could beat her, Nightwolf, are ALSO Shinnok's slaves now.
06/06/2014 07:38 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
stinky_thc_cloud Wrote:
but MK4 didn't require an army of hero's to defeat Shinnok.

Liu Kang is dead, I don't care what you're "counting". He died ON-SCREEN

We also saw this on screen:


In this version of MK9's story he did not die. Actually, Liu Kang became a god and the new protector of Earthrealm.

I don't give a damn about the shitfest in Story mode. For me, the individual bios and endings were more interesting and deserving continuation in the new game.
06/06/2014 07:40 PM (UTC)
OK so Quan Chi has them technically and wants shinnoks throne for himself. I guess ill kinda contradict myself here lol and say this isn't just going to be MK 4 repeat. Who says Queen Milliena is going to fall in line with Shinnok? It may not just be the good guys fighting Shinnok.

The thing is though, if the dead fighters appear in this game some of them WILL come back to the good side.Once again not needing time travel or anything.

but I really don't wanna fight a bunch of zombie versions or "reclaim" them...Fudge, MK9 set up such a mess lol... can we agree on that? Ya I think I'm done arguing because I have no clue where this series is going. I'm not trying to diss you or anything I just can't STAND the idea of more time travel and multi-verses regardless of it making sense. (odds are it won't)
06/06/2014 07:40 PM (UTC)
Thracian_Tsar Wrote:
I don't give a damn about the shitfest in Story mode. For me, the individual bios and endings were more interesting and deserving continuation in the new game.

Well I agree that story mode was a shitfest and I WISH we could all ignore it.
But unfortunately, what was more interesting doesn't matter. Story mode is canon, Arcade Mode endings aren't because they all start from the position of "this is what would happen if that character killed Shao Kahn", which is just not what happened.

Liu Kang didn't win and become an evil god. He died to Raiden and then Raiden got possessed by the Elder Gods and sent Kahn into the sky to explode and end the merger.

stinky_thc_cloud Wrote:
The thing is though, if the dead fighters appear in this game some of them WILL come back to the good side.

How do you expect that to happen?

Raiden doesn't have the power to bring people back from the dead.

Sure, he can turn their BODIES into shambling zombie monsters with no mind of their own if he wants to, like he did to Liu in Deception.

But he has no power to release souls from Hell or free them from Quan Chi's mind control.
06/06/2014 07:47 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Thracian_Tsar Wrote:
I don't give a damn about the shitfest in Story mode. For me, the individual bios and endings were more interesting and deserving continuation in the new game.

Story mode is canon, Arcade Mode endings aren't because they all start from the position of "this is what would happen if that character killed Shao Kahn", which is just not what happened.

I don't fancy being told what is canon.

I'd like to exercise my right to decide for myself.
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