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Shao Kahn did nothing wrong

08/16/2014 11:43 PM (UTC)
Get back on topic.
08/17/2014 12:00 AM (UTC)
I love the Taven-Daegon storyline.

I think Darrius is cool and probably one of my favorite 3D era characters.

Cyber Smoke > Human Smoke

I think guest characters are great!
(Really hoping for Predator in MKX)

08/17/2014 12:26 AM (UTC)
- Bo Rai' Cho bowel movements/vomit moves do not bother me and I would prefer that they stay with him whenever he returns.

- I would definitely love to see Frost and Sheeva to return over any other recurring female characters.

- I thought Hotaru was the best character in Deception, but not surpassing Sub-Zero because of fan girl-ism.

- I greatly enjoyed the story mode of 2011's, and really did not give two shits about Sindel killing almost every hero because of fan girl-ism.

08/17/2014 01:13 AM (UTC)
Alright here I go...

- I love MK:Deception especially conquest mode.

- I actually really love MK: Conquest the show. Lol.

- I loved Chess Kombat and especially Puzzle Kombat

- I do not like Bo Rai Cho's vomit jokes and what not, I think being a drunk would of been character enough and I hope he has a more serious nature in future games.

- I like Chameleon and Tremor, would like to see more (and actually something cool) done with them. Khameleon is cool too.

- Kuai Liang is my favorite Sub-Zero and his MK:Deception primary is my absolute favorite look on him.

- I love Scorpion and my two favorite looks for him so far are both his MK:Deception primary and alt.

- I liked Taven And Daegon a lot.

- Rain is one of my favorite characters.

- I LOVED Blaze when he was in MK:Deadly Alliance and wasn't all huge. Couldn't stand his huge form and the biggest disappointment to me at the time when Armageddon was released was that his normal form was not playable.

- Raiden's MK:Deadly Alliance look was my absolute favorite for him, I don't like the tight black stuff around his head that he usually has.

- I like Human Reptile over reptilian Reptile.

- I think Shao Kahn is the ultimate bad ass.

- I Really liked Shujinko! I Also really like Liu Kang!

- Motaro was my favorite sub boss and is still to this day my second favorite bad guy next to Shao Kahn.

- I never cared for Sonya, Kira and especially Sindel. I actually think Sindel is the character I hate the most. In fact she is.

- I really like Quan-Chi's Deadly Alliance/MK9 outfit anf did not care for his MK4 look at all.

- I also don't give an ass rats for Kitana.

Well I'm sure I left a lot out... but I'm pretty sure I just started typing things I like and dislike and not necessarily what is "unpopular" but oh well, there it is.
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08/17/2014 01:19 AM (UTC)
Mokap is amazing
08/17/2014 01:19 AM (UTC)
Also Buckethead as guest character please!

He is awesome with nun-chucks and actually wrote some music for the Mortal Kombat Movie!



MK Movie song:


I think that would be so awesome personally, haha.
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You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

08/17/2014 01:52 AM (UTC)
I hated konquest mode.

Despite its flaws, I enjoyed mk9's story mode.

Quan Chi...quite frankly, is awesome.

I have never, not for one single game, enjoyed Jax. Bland, bland, bland.

Was not bothered by Motaro only having two legs in Armageddon. Thought it was funny.

Sub Zero's Armageddon ending was awesome.(don't know if that's unpopular or not, just felt like saying it)

I like guest characters. Freddy and Kratos made me happy. (Jason/Sweet Tooth for mkx)

Drahmin is interesting and deserving of another chance.

I like the motion comic/narrated endings.

Logistically and morally, I get why people don't like when female characters wear skimpy outfits, but its never bothered me.

It annoys me when people refuse to accept new characters.(in general)

It also annoys me when people want to gut and discard the entire roster because they aren't new.

I have never wanted a mortal kombat vs street fighter game.
08/17/2014 01:57 AM (UTC)
I actually liked Sheeva in the MK9 story mode. Her voice was perfect. It's a shame she's so underrepresented in the games.
Dairou and Darrius catch way too much flack simply because the developers never bothered doing squat with them.
08/17/2014 02:26 AM (UTC)
Cyber Smoke is awesome. I always thought he was the best cyborg.

Also, Sonya is not bland. I will say that. I don't see her as bland. Whoever said fans of the female ninjas are gay or nerds is just out of line though. Sonya was arguably dressed just as skimpy in her alternate and had a WAAAY bitchier attitude than any of the female ninjas had which is probably why Johnny was drawn to her. So, saying gay fans want to be like the female ninjas is just really a dumbass remark because Sonya acts way bitchier than any of them since that was the stereotype you were clearly trying to allude to.

Also, I still don't want her in the game. I'm sorry I don't though. Johnny either. To me it's like Hal Jordan and John Smith Green Lanterns in Injustice. They could have completely made John Smith a different character and he could have played COMPLETELY different from Hal Jordan. That shit is redundant and boring though. Nobody would have wanted two green lanterns taking spots. I don't want Sonya and Cassie taking two spots. Johnny either for that matter. Storymode interaction is fine. Have Sonya be a skin for Cassie (It worked for Green Lantern).
08/17/2014 02:29 AM (UTC)
Sonya herself is not bland but her storyline has evolved so little over the years. NRS has done virtually nothing to disassociate her with Kano. Her awful Fatalities in MK9 did her no favors either.
Scar_Subby Wrote:
Whoever said fans of the female ninjas are gay or nerds is just out of line though.

Who said that??
08/17/2014 02:47 AM (UTC)
SwingBatta Wrote:
Sonya herself is not bland but her storyline has evolved so little over the years. NRS has done virtually nothing to disassociate her with Kano. Her awful Fatalities in MK9 did her no favors either.
Scar_Subby Wrote:
Whoever said fans of the female ninjas are gay or nerds is just out of line though.

Who said that??

It was Directhit. It's on page 3 you can read for yourself. He's just salty that some people (not even a lot) don't want Sonya and Johnny Cage in with Cassie. No need to make remarks like that though.
08/17/2014 04:04 AM (UTC)
Well, I'm a gay, sassy, fat nerd and I love the female "ninjas", so he hit the nail right on the head right there. At least with me. However, it is rather generalizing and I'm sure that's not the truth with everyone on here.

But well, this IS the unpopular thoughts thread, and if that is how he is thinking, well, then that just says more about him than anything else. ^^
08/17/2014 07:03 AM (UTC)
I hate guest characters with passion.
08/17/2014 08:28 AM (UTC)
If Kobra and Dairou were in MK1 or MK2 they would have been long stayers.
08/17/2014 09:13 AM (UTC)
- I don't like Cyborgs in the MK universe.

- I think Scorpion is awesome, in fact, he's one of my favorites.

- I like all the MK ninjas. .

- Fujin>Raiden - even though i enjoy both.

- Sonya and Kitana is BLAND.

- All the new characters looks great, can't wait to hear more about them.

- Kano has always been awesome.

- Quan Chi is cooooooool.

- I want Shang Tsung to return.

- I don't care if the women if MK dresses a bit slutty, but high hells? F*** that.

08/17/2014 09:16 AM (UTC)
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
I liked Kratos in MK9 and I've never even played GoW. I also like Fujin's crossbow, and Chameleon.

Bad taste you say?

unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
I liked Kratos in MK9 and I've never even played GoW. I also like Fujin's crossbow, and Chameleon.

Bad taste you say?

It's strange, I find myself agreeing with everything you say.
08/17/2014 02:30 PM (UTC)
Dellombie Wrote:
I hate guest characters with passion.

Not really unpopular. I am not particularly fond of them either.
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08/17/2014 02:46 PM (UTC)
The Deadly Alliance trilogy would have been much better off as an action/RPG akin to Jade Empire.
08/17/2014 05:13 PM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
It bothers me a little that people get so obsessed over the story, they forget its a fighting game.

This x100000 Im so sick of hearing people say no we can't have that character cuz he don't fit the story well fuck you I want to play as them,like you said its a fighting game I play the story once and that's it
08/17/2014 05:37 PM (UTC)
creed200569 Wrote:
well fuck you I want to play as them

Chill, bro.
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08/17/2014 05:48 PM (UTC)
Great thread! Here are my unpopular opinions:

-MK3 / UMK3 / Trilogy are my least favorite MK games. The arenas, the character outfits, the run button and dial-a-combos... All garbage to me.

-I've always liked Jax, Scorpion, Sonya, Kitana and Liu Kang and think that some people wouldn't find them quite so bland if they weren't in so many MK games.

-HATE cyber ninjas. In a game with so much crazy, outlandish stuff, I still despise this aspect MK's universe.

-Human Smoke > Cyber Smoke. Not a fan of the whole enenra part of his story though.

-I've always liked Kano and thought he was awesome in MK9.

-Konquest mode in MKD was a great idea with horrendous execution. At the time, it was like playing an action game that was two generations old. Also, the time crap was terrible.

-Kuai Liang lost his story. Don't really care. Oh, and his Shredder look in MKD was awful. His MKD alt was awesome though.

-I dislike every character introduced in MK3 (including Rain) and would be perfectly fine if none of them ever came back. Except for Kabal. He was my favorite character in that game.

-Ermac is overrated, and I thought that before he won the MKO vote.

-Human Reptile > Lizard Reptile.

-Not a fan of shokans or centaurs. Tarkatans and vampires are great though.

-MKDA is one of my favorite MK games. Loved the more mystical art style, the arenas, and the awesome story.

-Also think MKDA has one of my favorite casts and really hope that Movado, Drahmin, Nitara, Bo Rai Cho and Li Mei get another chance.

-Shang Tsung is my favorite MK villain, yet I'd still love to see him come back as a sort of anti-hero role ala Kain in Blood Omen. Side note, if they ever made that adventure game, I'd play the living shit out of it.

-Not a fan of overt T&A in MK. It honestly looks silly to me. It's impractical, and I don't agree with the "Edenian clothing" point of view.

-I like Bo Rai Cho's teacher role, but really wish he didn't come off like a fat joke / drunk joke.

-Not a fan of Orderrealm / Chaosrealm.

-Love the look of both Hotaru and Havik, but hate how both characters turned out. Their stories, their moves, etc.

-Really psyched for new characters in MKX. I think the new ones needs more excitement in their move sets, but otherwise I'm very happy with how they've turned out so far.

-Love the story mode format and hope it's massive in MKX.

-I always see people talking about Tanya on this board. She's okay, but I'd much rather see a groundswell of support for Sareena.

-Or Kira. I love her background and her look. She just needs her own moves.

-I think there's a really cool story for a master-less Skarlett and hope that story gets told.

-House of Pekara is my favorite MK arena of all time.

-Mystical MK > Dark MK.

-I like Shujinko. I don't like his move set, his story, or his name. Soooo yeah, basically I just want an old sage character in MK.

-I love that Boon responds to fan tweets and I couldn't care less when he trolls us. To me, it's fun and it's all part of the hype of waiting for a new MK game.

-I don't think that MK fans are any worse than any other fanbases. There are some elitist folk, some snobs, some a-holes etc, but by and large, MK fans, especially on this site, seem like awesome people.

-Don't even remotely care about the gore in MK games. Thought it was cool when I was a kid, but now I'm completely indifferent to it.

-I like a lot of old characters, but there are no sacred cows to me. I'm always fine with adding new characters, bringing old ones back and taking another look at less explored characters. In short, I want the game they want to make with the roster that makes sense to them.

-Love the story in MK, including MK9. Very excited to see what happens next.
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

08/17/2014 07:02 PM (UTC)
ReptileFinally Wrote:
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
I liked Kratos in MK9 and I've never even played GoW. I also like Fujin's crossbow, and Chameleon.

Bad taste you say?

It's strange, I find myself agreeing with everything you say.

It must be a Reptile thang. tongue

Here's a few more -

Li Mei's Deception ending was my favorite thing about her.

I'm not thrilled about the run button making a return. (Right now, at least.)

I didn't care for the Challenge Tower. I think a lot of that had to do with the prize for beating it though...

Moloch was my favorite sub-boss under Goro. (Motaro is closely behind Goro)

Oh and I thought Noob's gameplay in MK9 was atrocious. I liked the clones, but that was about it.
08/17/2014 07:15 PM (UTC)
Sheeva rocks
08/17/2014 08:07 PM (UTC)
- I enjoy the Cyber Ninjas.

- I liked MK:DA Reptile

- Kitana has always been a bit boring to me.

- Drahmin IS and WILL always be in my top 5 favorites.

- I already find Cassie more appealing than Sonya. IMO
About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

08/17/2014 08:16 PM (UTC)
Darkhound74 Wrote:
- I already find Cassie more appealing than Sonya. IMO

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