08/16/2014 06:08 AM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
SwingBatta Wrote:
Not only that, what the fuck is "nerfing"?

Poor old man... ;P

Woman, you mean. tongue

Shadaloo Wrote:
-I think Dairou could be a great character with some tweaking, MK needs a good bounty hunter.

08/16/2014 06:10 AM (UTC)
SwingBatta Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
SwingBatta Wrote:
Not only that, what the fuck is "nerfing"?

Poor old man... ;P

Woman, you mean. tongue

... Nooo...
About Me

Winter is Coming A Lanister always pays his debts You know nothing Jon Snow! We do not sow! Valar Morghulis

08/16/2014 06:10 AM (UTC)
Liu Kang is one of my most favorite MK charcters.

I still hate Cyber Sub-Zero, lamest move ever.

Ermac should have stayed a ninja, f it, ALL of the ninjas should have stayed ninjas. People complain how there are so many and there aren't really any left.

Don't care for Cassie Cage

Hate the order realm. HATE IT

I don't hate the Chaos realm but it's just weird in a really wtf kinda way.

Despite the "trolling" Ed Boon is the man.

Mileena as a "child" is lame.

Noob Saibot should be black to the point you can't see him.

Love the new dragon logo more than the original dragon logo.

Vampires shouldn't be in MK.

Kintaro burning Kabal to a crisp is bullcrap.

Like Shujinko's look, hate his character.

In MKA Mokap got some moves.

Rain's look in MK2011 is LAME.
About Me
MK Khronology: 58.49% complete...
08/16/2014 06:11 AM (UTC)
-Nerfing (a reference to soft Nerf toy guns) is essentially powering down a character with a patch or new edition of a game, taking away a powerful tool that gives them a big advantage (example: when MK9 first came out, Smoke could hit someone who had fallen on the ground with his smoke bomb while they were helpless, enabling very damaging combos; he lost that with the first patch).

-Footsies basically refer to mid/close range safe (not punishable) ground attacks outside of combo range designed to provoke your opponent into a mistake, more or less.

Frames = the amount of animation frames in a given move.

I do agree with the prior post however. I play exclusively for fun and not competitively. Helps to know the lingo to get better though.
08/16/2014 06:15 AM (UTC)
I don't want Sonya and Johnny playable because despite the fact that they may PLAY differently, they will not and cannot look as different from Cassie as practically any of the ninjas (male or female) or cyborgs or anyone else in regards to the animation of their moves. Basically some of their shit is BOUND to look like Cassie's. A different character from the family wouldn't have moves like Cassie's at all.

I feel it's the same reason some people don't want Frost because Sub-Zero is there or Jarek because Kano is there. Hell, why don't we add Khameleon, Chameleon, and Shujinko too. They can play as different as night and day. Doesn't mean they wouldn't resemble each other in some way. That's great for tournament players. As far as LOOKING GOOD though. I don't see it happening.

If they prove to be as different as Kitana and Sindel then I will admit I'm wrong. Cassie already looks so damn much like Sonya to me though. In fact you could have replaced Cassie with Sonya in the name bar and I would have thought they just gave Sonya a haircut.
08/16/2014 08:05 AM (UTC)
I hate Tanya, Li Mei, and Bo Rai Cho with a passion that could fuel a dyson sphere.
08/16/2014 08:07 AM (UTC)
coltess Wrote:
I hate Tanya, Li Mei, and Bo Rai Cho with a passion that could fuel a dyson sphere.

That's not really an unpopular thought though. :P
08/16/2014 08:27 AM (UTC)
This is a good thread for me personally, as I've shared some unpopular opinions here in the past and it didn't go over too well. Anyway, here's a few;

-I'd rather see Drahmin, Kira, Hotaru, Dairou, Shujinko, Onaga (in another body), Sareena, Taven, Blaze, Daegon and maybe even Frost return instead of, anyone who died in MK9. In fact, I could use a break from most of those characters, even some of my own faves.

-I like the idea of a lot of new characters. A LOT!

-I don't think it matters who Sub Zero is.

-I really really like Shinnok and MK4 and I think MK3/UMK3/MKT were awful.

-I don't understand why the Lin Kuei would use different colors for their cyborgs. Did they ask Sektor and Cyrax if they wanted to maintain their color scheme? I don't like colorful robots.

-I don't like Babalities, Friendships or Animalities. I hate them.

-I don't have any interest in Tremor at all

-I think Skarlet is awesome

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Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.

Lovely signature by MINION

08/16/2014 08:30 AM (UTC)
I have tons of unpopular or nonconforming opinions but I guess my main one is

Kira > Sonya

About Me

Fujin for MK11!! #ReleaseFujin #NoMoreTrolling

Avatar: MKX Concept Art by Marco Nelor.

08/16/2014 08:45 AM (UTC)
I have a strong dislike for Shujinko and I don't want to see him as a playable character in a million years. A story mode cameo in which he meets a gory end would please me immensely.
About Me

08/16/2014 08:57 AM (UTC)
I think the MK ninjas are redundant beyond the original.

I think that MKDA and MKD had the best newcomer roster and that includes Kobra and Hsu Hao.

I loathe the MK3 and MK4 era in hindsight with reason and justification.

I want to see the franchise in time move back to the 3D enviroment, because the current trend triggered by SF4 is nothing but an atavistic throwback. The genre will not evolve.

I want finishers to be available mid game with proper input and reward prerequisite.

I want to do away with most of the bullshit pop culture baggage that MK is anchored down. A total ideal reboot is necessary, this game aside the recent engine has nothing new in terms of content.

I would want absolutely NO PANDERING and FAN SERVICE. I find those things demeaning and ungodly boring.

Proper mythological rerferences and NOT HALFWAY DONE RESEARCH a la Lin Kuei, etc.

Story with consequences and PROPER CLOSURE. YES, MK needs to end at one time or another. That is the inevitable end.

Loosing the high heels from women, that is a personal pet peeve of mine.
08/16/2014 09:20 AM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
I think the MK ninjas are redundant beyond the original.

I think that MKDA and MKD had the best newcomer roster and that includes Kobra and Hsu Hao.

I loathe the MK3 and MK4 era in hindsight with reason and justification.

I want to see the franchise in time move back to the 3D enviroment, because the current trend triggered by SF4 is nothing but an atavistic throwback. The genre will not evolve.

I want finishers to be available mid game with proper input and reward prerequisite.

I want to do away with most of the bullshit pop culture baggage that MK is anchored down. A total ideal reboot is necessary, this game aside the recent engine has nothing new in terms of content.

I would want absolutely NO PANDERING and FAN SERVICE. I find those things demeaning and ungodly boring.

Proper mythological rerferences and NOT HALFWAY DONE RESEARCH a la Lin Kuei, etc.

Story with consequences and PROPER CLOSURE. YES, MK needs to end at one time or another. That is the inevitable end.

Loosing the high heels from women, that is a personal pet peeve of mine.

... Something tells me it would be far easier if you just went and found another franchise to be a fan of.
08/16/2014 09:27 AM (UTC)
I liked Shujinko, Taven and Daegon.

I really dislike Nitara, Sareena, Ashrah and Skarlet and hope to never see them again.

I liked Smoke as a cyborg better.

Kintaro is my favourite sub-boss and Onaga - favourite boss.

Hated the 3d era games due to their crap gameplay. Too bad because MK chess had so much potential.

Would like another game similar to Shaolin Monks.

Prefer the old Mileena.

08/16/2014 09:43 AM (UTC)
I DO like MK4! I think the characters introduced in MK4 (except Jarek and MEAT) should all come back to MKX and have important roles at story.

I like Shinnok more than Shang Tsung I think Smoke had his best look in MKD (Robot form!)
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"Pray for the Kahn's Mercy"

08/16/2014 09:47 AM (UTC)
Okay *cracks knuckles*

Let's see:

-Sonya, Reiko and Jade are awful, bland characters

-I hate some characters solely because their fans are so vocal and annoying e.g. Tanya and Sindel

-Scorpion is still one of the best characters in MK and the more people hate him, the more I grow fond of him. I also love how people complain when he's the character used for most marketing. Do SF fans feel the same about Ryu and Ken? At least Scorpion has a story

-I want a new Sub Zero

-I want Shang Tsung to come back

-Quan Chi should die

-After MKX, I want a full and total reboot: out of 30 characters, maybe 5 returning?

-Fatalities get boring after a while, its the gameplay that's important

-MK has one of the worst, most ungrateful fanbases in the world

-MKD had the best newcomers in the franchise

-Kobra, Hotaru and Havik are awesome

-I hate MK9 Goro and Kintaro: they don't feel scary

-I don't hate the MK9 story and I don't think NRS blundered around: I think they had a plan

-I'm still kinda ambivalent on Cassie

-I want Fujin to replace Raiden, as much as I like Raiden

-I'm proud of the influence and pop culture MK has and I don't see why others aren't

-Injustice has better gameplay than MK9 and I'm delighted to see NRS combining the two

-I wish this site had an ignore button so I could use it on people who whine about MKX because X character is back and Y character is out, and the new characters don't feel right etc. etc.

-MKX will be the best MK ever

-MKX will be the premier next gen fighter: Capcom is going through a dark age, with no new SF until 2018, KI is XBO exclusive so the only challenger to MKX will be Tekken 7 and I can't see Tekken 7 matching the insane hype this game is generating. NRS is perfectly placed to take advantage of Capcom being in a shit place right now: Capcom have coasted on SF4 for almost a decade. NRS has two great fighting games in the past few years and I think MKX will be their masterpiece
About Me

Thanks to MINION for taking my Siginity!

08/16/2014 01:02 PM (UTC)
I think Havik is the best character of the 3D era, not Kenshi. Though I would of course put Kenshi in second.

I hope both make MKX.

08/16/2014 01:11 PM (UTC)
I want Sonya Blade to suffer such a cruel, horrid death in the game, that it will be all over the news in the world.

Wars will pause, politics will be going chaos about it and fans of sonya will stop breathing because they can't believe what just happend with their favorite character.

It will be the most talked-about game-moment in the history of games, and the netherrealm will stop taking Sonya in so she is dead forever with no possibility to be ressurected or return EVER again.

08/16/2014 01:19 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:

Ah, there you are.
Rain has been confirmed NOT to return in MKX in this interview:


Feel free to let your opinion known in this thread about it:


Knowing you are a Rain supporter, I thought you'd know. So please, tell everyone that Boon making Rain jokes on Twitter means he hates him or something like that...
Oh and look! People making fun of people who like Rain in this thread:
You should post your reaction there as well.
08/16/2014 01:23 PM (UTC)
SwingBatta Wrote:
I'm tired of all the this-tier-that-tier crap and tournament players thinking they're hot shit (i.e., Perfect Legend and so on). You're not reinventing the wheel, for God's sake.

Whatever happened to playing MK just for, y'know, fun?

Oh holy shit, you and I agree on something.

I also agree with the user who said Sonya is bland.
08/16/2014 01:38 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
DVorah Wrote:

Ah, there you are.
Rain has been confirmed NOT to return in MKX in this interview:


Feel free to let your opinion known in this thread about it:


Knowing you are a Rain supporter, I thought you'd know. So please, tell everyone that Boon making Rain jokes on Twitter means he hates him or something like that...

Oh and look! People making fun of people who like Rain in this thread:


You should post your reaction there as well.

Rain is less likely to become DLC, so he will be in the vanilla game. DUH.

That stupid interview proves nothing really. just that Rain won't be DLC and other characters that were DLC in MK2011 won't be DLC AGAIN, but they can be in the vanilla.

Also he said less likely, so it is obviously another troll, so that Rain fans will be more hyped when he gets revealed later.
08/16/2014 01:44 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
I want Sonya Blade to suffer such a cruel, horrid death in the game, that it will be all over the news in the world.

Wars will pause, politics will be going chaos about it and fans of sonya will stop breathing because they can't believe what just happend with their favorite character.

It will be the most talked-about game-moment in the history of games, and the netherrealm will stop taking Sonya in so she is dead forever with no possibility to be ressurected or return EVER again.

That was... very detailed.
About Me

08/16/2014 02:16 PM (UTC)
I do not like Human Smoke, Cyber Smoke is more intruiging to me.

I actually like Frost and Rain as characters.

Khameleon has potential.

Sub-Zero's "Shredder" look in Deception is my to-date favorite look of his.
About Me

08/16/2014 02:32 PM (UTC)
-I wish they just bring back the spin kick from MK2 already

-& same goes for the UMK3 style close range only combo strings.

-They also need to revert back to their original high & low system. Stop ripping off Tekken's limb system!

-I prefered the pro-moves over enhanced/meter burn.

-MK3 Sub-Zero > MK2 Sub-Zero.

-Quan Chi's neck stretch > Leg removal(Havik did it better)

-Scorpion's spine rip was better.

-They better not kill off these new characters; especially Kotal Kahn.

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
I prefer the Mets over the Yank(m)ees anyday!
08/16/2014 02:41 PM (UTC)
I like Scorpion and I don't care that he's been out for revenge for as long as he has. He's so damn cool it doesn't matter to me.

I like Animalities despite the goofiness.

Would love to see MK vs. SF someday.

Hate the 3D era games because of the absolute shit gameplay.

Really wants to see the Cage family in MKX be playable.
About Me

Winter is Coming A Lanister always pays his debts You know nothing Jon Snow! We do not sow! Valar Morghulis

08/16/2014 03:08 PM (UTC)
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