martin_m95 Wrote:
CassiesPatentedNutBuster Wrote:
martin_m95 Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
The males obsessed with the female ninjas (and i mean obsessed, not those that simply like them or play them) are either:
A) fat nerds that find them hot (because they've been half naked since their first appearance, not only in mk9) and can't get a girlfriend in real life
Or B) sassy gays wanting to be like them

Um, I don't think there are any female ninjas in MK.


What seems to be the problem?smile

You knew exactly what characters he was alluding to yet decided to make an unnecessary correction...
08/16/2014 09:09 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
r B) sassy gays wanting to be like them

What exactly is your obsession with gays?

Repressed are we? wink

He has used the words "gay" and "faggot" before to get a reaction so nothing new here. Maybe where he lives, being gay is still supposed to be an insult. Sad.

"faggot" is probably the most idiotic and immature insult ever.
08/16/2014 09:10 PM (UTC)
Hooky-Fooky Wrote:
Reiko sucks

This for me as well.

Reiko is shown to be ambitious but hasn't done jack shit except be a lackey back in MKA. Granted, there's more to a character than their story, but even Reiko's moves are boring. Only interesting move he ever had was the Flip Kick and Li Mei straight up stole it.
08/16/2014 09:16 PM (UTC)
CassiesPatentedNutBuster Wrote:
martin_m95 Wrote:
CassiesPatentedNutBuster Wrote:
martin_m95 Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
The males obsessed with the female ninjas (and i mean obsessed, not those that simply like them or play them) are either:
A) fat nerds that find them hot (because they've been half naked since their first appearance, not only in mk9) and can't get a girlfriend in real life
Or B) sassy gays wanting to be like them

Um, I don't think there are any female ninjas in MK.


What seems to be the problem?smile

You knew exactly what characters he was alluding to yet decided to make an unnecessary correction...

The correction was pretty necessary.
It wasn't. People will refer to them as ninjas nonetheless. directthit, Jaded is not gonna go on a date with you if you keep up that attitude. grin
08/16/2014 09:34 PM (UTC)
CassiesPatentedNutBuster Wrote:
It wasn't.

To me it was, but whatever.
08/16/2014 09:53 PM (UTC)
jimmykricket Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
The males obsessed with the female ninjas (and i mean obsessed, not those that simply like them or play them) are either:
A) fat nerds that find them hot (because they've been half naked since their first appearance, not only in mk9) and can't get a girlfriend in real life
Or B) sassy gays wanting to be like them

About B, Jaded-Raven is coming for your ass, and my pen is prepared to cosign.

Lol at you thinking i give a shit about what JR has to say
08/16/2014 10:00 PM (UTC)
martin_m95 Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
martin_m95 Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
The males obsessed with the female ninjas (and i mean obsessed, not those that simply like them or play them) are either:
A) fat nerds that find them hot (because they've been half naked since their first appearance, not only in mk9) and can't get a girlfriend in real life
Or B) sassy gays wanting to be like them

Um, I don't think there are any female ninjas in MK.

Masked, palette swap, female Shao Kahn assasins* if that males you feel better, although you knew the characters i was referring to.

So you mean Kitana, Jade and Mileena. They're not ninjas and are palette swaps no more.

In that case, by your logic, It makes me unique, since im neither fat, nerdy or gay.

As of the latest game, MK9, all 3 of them wore a mask, had a MK3 and MK2 palette swapped costumes, and were working for Shao Kahn.

Try again, better luck next time, etc.
About Me

Sex is Evil, Evil is Sin, Sin is forgiven, so Sex is in.

I kill people for a living. Get over it.

08/16/2014 10:09 PM (UTC)
I like Mortal Kombat women to dress Slutty

I think the 3 variations is a huge waste of time. 9 /10 of us will find our favorite variation and probably stick with it.

The time could have been spent on more new characters, more chapters for Story Mode or more Arenas.

Outworld Market place looks like a Street Fighter Arena. I will vote to skip it every time unless NRS surprises us by having the Sabre tooth looking beast eat our opponents.

08/16/2014 10:11 PM (UTC)
Double post.
08/16/2014 10:16 PM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
As of the latest game, MK9, all 3 of them wore a mask, had a MK3 and MK2 palette swapped costumes, and were working for Shao Kahn

They were given MK3 and MK2 costumes as DLC because the fans requested them. Their primary and alt costumes were different, not even the masks were similar. And what does the fact that they all worked for Shao Kahn has to do with this.
08/16/2014 10:20 PM (UTC)
The characters i was referring to in my original posts were Kitana, Mileena, and Jade, since all 3 of them are masked, palette swapped, Shao Kahn assasins, and they had/were all of that in the latest game. If you want to keep acting confused, do you.
About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

08/16/2014 10:20 PM (UTC)
CassiesPatentedNutBuster Wrote:
It wasn't. People will refer to them as ninjas nonetheless.

Tis true. When I said "Ninjas>All else", I was including them.

martin_m95 Wrote:
projectzero00 Wrote:
He has used the words "gay" and "faggot" before to get a reaction so nothing new here. Maybe where he lives, being gay is still supposed to be an insult. Sad.

"faggot" is probably the most idiotic and immature word ever.

Understatement of the year.

Must be from my neck of the woods. Unfortunately, it's still pretty common here. But this is an international MK forum. I would of liked to think that wasn't even relevant. For anyone. Then again, I guess it's really not all that surprising, considering the discussions can get pretty heated and it's an obvious low-blow.

Anyways, I also think Sonya is boring and Scorpion's alt in MK9 was my favorite look for him ever. Deception is second.
About Me

08/16/2014 10:25 PM (UTC)
Apparently being a homosexual is as bad as a musical instrument or British cigarettes.

I blame religion.
08/16/2014 10:32 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
r B) sassy gays wanting to be like them

What exactly is your obsession with gays?

Repressed are we? wink

He has used the words "gay" and "faggot" before to get a reaction so nothing new here. Maybe where he lives, being gay is still supposed to be an insult. Sad.

Didn't this happen after you PMd me to say that you were surprised i had access to internet because i am latin american/mexican, lived in caves, and asked me to go clean your house? Lol at you trying to play the victim now.
08/16/2014 10:35 PM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
The characters i was referring to in my original posts were Kitana, Mileena, and Jade, since all 3 of them are masked, palette swapped, Shao Kahn assasins, and they had/were all of that in the latest game. If you want to keep acting confused, do you.

I find it very dumb to believe that they are palette swapped ninjas, because they're not. And no, they havent been since MK4.
Their primary and alt outfits in MK9 are completely different. If you can't see any other difference beside color, then something is trully wrong with you.
08/16/2014 10:38 PM (UTC)
martin_m95 Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
The characters i was referring to in my original posts were Kitana, Mileena, and Jade, since all 3 of them are masked, palette swapped, Shao Kahn assasins, and they had/were all of that in the latest game. If you want to keep acting confused, do you.

I find it very dumb to believe that they are palette swapped ninjas, because they're not. And no, they havent been since MK4.
Their primary and alt outfits in MK9 are completely different. If you can't see any other difference beside color, then something is trully wrong with you.

Again, all 3 had MK2/3 skins. Even Mileena lost her tarkatan eyes, because those were just palette swaps. If you want to keep ignoring this, that's on you.
08/16/2014 10:41 PM (UTC)
You guys need to learn to ignore shit.

Don't even reply, don't talk around it, don't even fucking post about it. Just don't even acknowledge it. Stay on topic or take your shit elsewhere. This is like 3rd time a topic got tainted by mindless bickering. If you haven't noticed its annoying.

- I like Jarek despite that he started out as a Kano clone.

- I hated Chess Kombat.

- I don't mind the story mode chapter format.
08/16/2014 10:41 PM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
martin_m95 Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
The characters i was referring to in my original posts were Kitana, Mileena, and Jade, since all 3 of them are masked, palette swapped, Shao Kahn assasins, and they had/were all of that in the latest game. If you want to keep acting confused, do you.

I find it very dumb to believe that they are palette swapped ninjas, because they're not. And no, they havent been since MK4.
Their primary and alt outfits in MK9 are completely different. If you can't see any other difference beside color, then something is trully wrong with you.

Again, all 3 had MK2/3 skins.

Again, Those were put in as DLC because some fans requested them. So they don't count.
08/16/2014 10:42 PM (UTC)
martin_m95 Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
martin_m95 Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
The characters i was referring to in my original posts were Kitana, Mileena, and Jade, since all 3 of them are masked, palette swapped, Shao Kahn assasins, and they had/were all of that in the latest game. If you want to keep acting confused, do you.

I find it very dumb to believe that they are palette swapped ninjas, because they're not. And no, they havent been since MK4.
Their primary and alt outfits in MK9 are completely different. If you can't see any other difference beside color, then something is trully wrong with you.

Again, all 3 had MK2/3 skins.

Those were put in as DLC because some fans requested them. So they don't count.

They are there and can be used. They count.
08/16/2014 10:51 PM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
martin_m95 Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
martin_m95 Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
The characters i was referring to in my original posts were Kitana, Mileena, and Jade, since all 3 of them are masked, palette swapped, Shao Kahn assasins, and they had/were all of that in the latest game. If you want to keep acting confused, do you.

I find it very dumb to believe that they are palette swapped ninjas, because they're not. And no, they havent been since MK4.
Their primary and alt outfits in MK9 are completely different. If you can't see any other difference beside color, then something is trully wrong with you.

Again, all 3 had MK2/3 skins.

Those were put in as DLC because some fans requested them. So they don't count.

They are there and can be used. They count.

*facepawn* Its stupid to call the characters palette swaps just because of some DLC costumes that were only there because they were fan requested.

I see there is no point of this conversation because your just being immature and repeating yourself.
08/16/2014 10:56 PM (UTC)
Good, finally you'll stop trying to decide which characters I was speaking of in MY post.
08/16/2014 11:24 PM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:

Didn't this happen after you PMd me to say that you were surprised i had access to internet because i am latin american/mexican, lived in caves, and asked me to go clean your house? Lol at you trying to play the victim now.

First he PMs me insults like gay and faggot, then I give him a job to make amends and now he's still acting all sassy with me. Ungrateful :'(
08/16/2014 11:27 PM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:

- I hated Chess Kombat.

Didn't everybody hate that? I thought I was the only one that liked it.
08/16/2014 11:39 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:

Didn't this happen after you PMd me to say that you were surprised i had access to internet because i am latin american/mexican, lived in caves, and asked me to go clean your house? Lol at you trying to play the victim now.

First he PMs me insults like gay and faggot, then I give him a job to make amends and now he's still acting all sassy with me. Ungrateful :'(

You PMd me first when Kano was confirmed, and you were mad about it, nice try
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