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"Pray for the Kahn's Mercy"

03/27/2015 09:29 PM (UTC)
This thread is a perfect reason as to why people should leave MKO. I'm sorry, but you have some teenage dickhead saying that everyone gets bullied so we can't care if one person in particular gets bullied, and the only action a mod has taken is to skull point someone who rightly called him out for being a fucking cunt.

I mean, even his logic is flawed. It's like Singer's 'Drowning Child' except the Drowning Child is actually a strong logical argument with good reason behind it, whereas sharefrock is just saying "I've been bullied and you guys didn't start a special thread for me. Fuck Shaun Himmerick".

Sharefrock, you are everything wrong with the new generation of fans and human beings. Fuck you, I hope you get banned.

Everyone else, TYM really is a much better forum than MKO, in every way.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

03/27/2015 09:29 PM (UTC)
Terrible thing that was said but a tad bit dramatic on Shaun's part imo.

But then again I'm not him and if he wants to leave that's his choice, he's a grown man. *shrugs*.

I just hope Reiko fans isn't punished for this asshole.
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Mortal Kombat Online - Community Manager

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03/27/2015 09:35 PM (UTC)
Charybdis Wrote:
Everyone else, TYM really is a much better forum than MKO, in every way.

wtflegend is at TYM, so this statement is invalid. Kudos on the rest of your post though, very well-reasoned.
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"Pray for the Kahn's Mercy"

03/27/2015 09:37 PM (UTC)
m0s3pH Wrote:
Charybdis Wrote:
Everyone else, TYM really is a much better forum than MKO, in every way.

wtflegend is at TYM, so this statement is invalid. Kudos on the rest of your post though, very well-reasoned.

Aha but, TYM has an ignore button.
Charybdis Wrote:
This thread is a perfect reason as to why people should leave MKO. I'm sorry, but you have some teenage dickhead saying that everyone gets bullied so we can't care if one person in particular gets bullied, and the only action a mod has taken is to skull point someone who rightly called him out for being a fucking cunt.

I mean, even his logic is flawed. It's like Singer's 'Drowning Child' except the Drowning Child is actually a strong logical argument with good reason behind it, whereas sharefrock is just saying "I've been bullied and you guys didn't start a special thread for me. Fuck Shaun Himmerick".

Sharefrock, you are everything wrong with the new generation of fans and human beings. Fuck you, I hope you get banned.

Everyone else, TYM really is a much better forum than MKO, in every way.

Keep in mind that I didn't even say anything overly-insulting towards him, unlike swerzy, who, might I add, did not get skulled. Moderation in this site is a bad joke, though, so I can't really be surprised.
03/27/2015 09:49 PM (UTC)
There are many posts I would like to quote here.


#1. This is related to MKX and deserves to be discussed. Shaun shared information regarding MKX. He was a source for fans to interact with via twitter. That is no longer the same.

#1.5. #1 is so simple and logical please tell me you understand

#2. Its obvious how much you seem to be making this thread about you, even the first example was "if i was bullied". That in its own has its own problems, considering what the thread is about

#3. It's impossible to interact with everybody as mentioned before. Its ridiculous that your saying people are hypocrites for not doing so.

#4. There is a thread about this and no one else's threats because Shaun specifically said this is what made him quit. It caused a change in an interactive information stream with one of the developers via twitter. How could you not see how this is important to someone who is interested in this game?

I agree with the "its just my opinion" bullshit is getting stale. Its your opinion. Make a post about it. Do not defend it until your blue in the face, causing as much focus on yourself as possible.

You are the "attention whore", its quite obvious.

Shaun was letting us know WHY he is not going to be managing his own account. Not looking for a reaction, unlike you.

Very pathetic in my opinion Sharefrock, I agree with many of the other users in the way that
A) Either you act very different in real life because you know the way you act here is disrespectful and obnoxious

or B) What you post and how you post it (again how you act online) is not fit for this site. I would fully support a ban on you, or at least put you on a 30 month probation period.
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"Pray for the Kahn's Mercy"

03/27/2015 09:52 PM (UTC)
CassiesPatentedNutBuster Wrote:
Charybdis Wrote:
This thread is a perfect reason as to why people should leave MKO. I'm sorry, but you have some teenage dickhead saying that everyone gets bullied so we can't care if one person in particular gets bullied, and the only action a mod has taken is to skull point someone who rightly called him out for being a fucking cunt.

I mean, even his logic is flawed. It's like Singer's 'Drowning Child' except the Drowning Child is actually a strong logical argument with good reason behind it, whereas sharefrock is just saying "I've been bullied and you guys didn't start a special thread for me. Fuck Shaun Himmerick".

Sharefrock, you are everything wrong with the new generation of fans and human beings. Fuck you, I hope you get banned.

Everyone else, TYM really is a much better forum than MKO, in every way.

Keep in mind that I didn't even say anything overly-insulting towards him, unlike swerzy, who, might I add, did not get skulled. Moderation in this site is a bad joke, though, so I can't really be surprised.

The bizarre thing is that the guy who has spoken out against anyone sympathizing with a man who's wife was threatened with rape over a fucking video game hasn't been skulled, reprimanded or banned. He was the worst poster here before I left and he still is now that I check back in to see how MINION found Shinnok. How on Earth can you speak out AGAINST the side that's empathizing with a man over rape threats to his family and not be banned? Or even disciplined?

Killswitch is a great guy and Mick is too but the questionable moderation on this site is beyond a joke now. It's moved from the Icebaby thing where off-site conduct was totally ignored to actually discouraging people to call someone out for shrugging off rape threats. It's insane, it's bizarre and it's indicative of just how far this site has fallen. At least squirt0007 or LordKotal aren't around but this sharefrock and his role in this thread is as bad as anything they came up with while I was around
03/27/2015 09:55 PM (UTC)
m0s3pH Wrote:
You are the guy who's making a rape threat directed at another man's wife completely about yourself.

So again, you're complaining that nobody is doing anything about something that you yourself are also not doing anything about. Ergo, hypocrite.

Congratulations, you're the biggest POS on this site. That's quite the distinction, given this community.

Yet another person trying his best to point out something which isn't there, I didn't make this thread about me, YOU did that. You keep saying "You are making this thread about you" but I never did such thing, you know why you keep saying that? Because you have nothing else to say, you know I'm right but you just don't want to accept it therefore you keep on trying to search for things that are not there. You know that Shaun was a softy and you know that this thread shouldn't exist, Shaun is not special so why make him? "Oh he bullied me, boo hoo"

He is just a softy kid, you know deep down inside that what that dumbass said to Shaun is nothing compared to what other people go through and yet you make it seem like it's the worst thing in the world. This is what our society is at this point just a bunch of cry babies while the true victims are out there in the cold getting killed or raped(truly) Not just some guy on the internet who can't put two words together tells some other soft guy on the internet.

The internet is a place open for everybody at this point, so anybody could get on it, you should be prepared for some hostility. You know I am right because I am not the only one who thinks this thread shouldn't exist but you are only latching on to me because you are a sheep, you saw other people only quoting me so you did the same while just under me there are posts that say what I say, what a hypocrite.

Crying for someone who lives in a great life and is not getting hurt one bit is the stupidest thing I could think of.

Instead of making a thread about this why don't make a thread about actual people getting hurt? Because they are hypocrites and selfish, they will only make a thread about something which they are personally invested in instead of what is right.

I didn't want to go into a huge argument with people on here, I simply said what I think and people reacted like I was saying "Oh yeah! Screw Shaun let's help the bully" NO!. I said they are both wrong and the OP is even more wrong.

Shaun is wrong because he gave him attention and the Dumbass is wrong because he went to that low of a level to threaten someone's family. The OP is wrong for making this thread which would have mixed opinions that some people can't accept therefore derailing us from all the fun of MKX.

I don't give 2 shits about what someone said on the internet when there is an actual danger, let me know about it.

red5iver Wrote:
Just my two cents...
Sharefrock gets a ton of shit here...more than he deserves. He has opinions, and he says what he believes. I can respect that. I don't always agree, and I've gotten into it with him on occasion, but I don't think he's a bad guy. It may have taken me a bit to realize it.

So please cut the guy some slack. Everyone just take a deep damn breath and chill the hell out!

Enjoy the stream!!

I appreciate that a lot but I already know what I'm getting myself into when I go on the internet, I'm a person who likes to be brutally honest about my opinion and some people like and respect that while others don't.

I also did enjoy the stream a lot, Erron Black looks freaking amazing, I just wish he had his hat in every variation and that Shinnok XRay, DAMN!

I love how he backhanded Subby, that shit made me laugh.
03/27/2015 09:56 PM (UTC)
Charybdis Wrote:
CassiesPatentedNutBuster Wrote:

Don't want to requote the entire thing but I agree with you guys one thousand percent. I despise the phrase "victim blaming" but it sure as hell applied here.

The ignorance on his part was something else.
03/27/2015 09:58 PM (UTC)
This thread is all the more proof that sharefrock is the worst person on this site
03/27/2015 09:59 PM (UTC)
smokeman14 Wrote:
This thread is all the more proof that sharefrock is the worst person on this site

Thank you.
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03/27/2015 10:00 PM (UTC)
You guys just stop replying to sharefrock if it's setting you off. I mean it's obvious that there's a lack of moderation but you can certainly choose whether or not you keep fanning the flames.

Funnily enough, squirt0007 would've caused a shitstorm of even bigger proportions had he not been banned. I saw multiple of his posts over at TRMK regarding this topic and they were fucking terrible.

03/27/2015 10:06 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
...Bunch of stuff
I don't give 2 shits about what someone said on the internet when there is an actual danger, let me know about it.
*Stupid "You are a hypocrite" Meme*

Do you even know what hypocrite means? It really does not seem like it.
Its someone who says they believe in something that they don't really believe, they just say it. Sympathizing with Shaun makes us a hypocrite how?

You do not know where to find danger? You do not know where rape is happening? It really would not be too hard to find, move to Africa. If you really like, IM me I will tell you were to go to find some real world danger that you yourself can go help!

Its pathetic man, stop.

Your not even defending an opinion anymore, your defending an insult (that Shaun is a softie)

A thread about people getting hurt?! This is MK forum. Google "change the world forum" and start posting there, maybe it will take away from the time you spend on here.

One more thing. Next time you see a topic that you don't think deserves to be discussed....


Let alone the fact that I have seen you post in a thread you find irrelevant (just to say you find it irrelevant) more than once. Let the moderator close it instead of constantly posting so its at the top of the forum for a while like you did with this one.

Quite literally you are demonstrating what a hypocrite does.
03/27/2015 10:10 PM (UTC)
newt27 Wrote:

This is MK forum.

EXACTLY! This is not "Let's cry for some guy forum" It's an MK forum to talk about the game not about what some guy said to another guy.

I know exactly what hypocrite means, it means that you are standing for this guy claiming that "You hate people who say stuff like that" and yet when it's not being done to someone important you don't bat an eye.

03/27/2015 10:14 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
newt27 Wrote:

This is MK forum.

EXACTLY! This is not "Let's cry for some guy forum" It's an MK forum to talk about the game not about what some guy said to another guy.

I know exactly what hypocrite means, it means that you are standing for this guy claiming that "You hate people who say stuff like that" and yet when it's not being done to someone important you don't bat an eye.

Your definition is wrong. That is why you are using the word wrong. Google it or use the definition I gave you. Also you forgot to quote the post where I explained WHY this IS relevant to MK.

EDIT: Also thanks for reading my whole post and commenting ONLY on those very minute things, not even disagreeing with me there. I'll take that as you have nothing left to argue back, which means your admitting me and everyone else on here who spoke out against your disrespectful and illogical "opinions" are correct.
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-Courtesy of TheCypher-

03/27/2015 10:17 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
I now have honestly seen the most hypocritical people on this earth, no hate towards anybody on this site, I like a lot of people here I just think most of the people who said "Oh what an asshole" or "Oh look that guy is fucking stupid and Shaun did nothing wrong" are just hypocrites.

Why did we need a thread for this? Shaun isn't the only one who gets attacked on the internet but because he is one of the people working at NRS we make a thread for him? Fucking pathetic.

I bet you a million dollars that if some random person on this site gets attacked none of the hypocrites who are kissing Shaun's ass would bat an eye.

It's really sad, I don't give two shits about what happened to Shaun, if he is a little kid who cries foul at some random person who said something bad to him, why should I care?

It's not like that Dumbass who said something about Shaun's family actually has the balls to do anything or is actually hurting Shaun in any way shape or form.

I'm sorry but no, I'm not sympathetic with attention whores, so if I post on my twitter someone who said something like that to me, would any of you make a thread for me? Nope. So why make a thread for this guy? Because he works at NRS? Yep, just hypocrites.

I'm going to say what I said in another thread, the guy who said that to Shaun's family is obviously a dumbass but Shaun isn't smart either.

People can troll all the time, but rape is...

I don't ever recall something like that on MKO being acceptable.
03/27/2015 10:30 PM (UTC)
I'm surprised this is still going on lol

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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

03/27/2015 10:45 PM (UTC)
Blade4693 Wrote:
I'm surprised this is still going on lol

I'm not. I think this has been pent up for a while now.
03/27/2015 10:46 PM (UTC)
newt27 Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:
newt27 Wrote:

This is MK forum.

EXACTLY! This is not "Let's cry for some guy forum" It's an MK forum to talk about the game not about what some guy said to another guy.

I know exactly what hypocrite means, it means that you are standing for this guy claiming that "You hate people who say stuff like that" and yet when it's not being done to someone important you don't bat an eye.

Your definition is wrong. That is why you are using the word wrong. Google it or use the definition I gave you. Also you forgot to quote the post where I explained WHY this IS relevant to MK.

EDIT: Also thanks for reading my whole post and commenting ONLY on those very minute things, not even disagreeing with me there. I'll take that as you have nothing left to argue back, which means your admitting me and everyone else on here who spoke out against your disrespectful and illogical "opinions" are correct.

Take that as you well, I find it to be quite boring to argue with people who are only going to look at things from one perspective, so I'll leave you with two things, and don't expect a reply from me cause I won't even return to this thread, it's all turning into insults and bullshit which I find to be quite boring.

First, Hypocrites get offended by the truth. Which is why a lot of you got offended.


I simply gave an opinion which a lot of people took offence to, if you were truly offended by what I said then I'm sorry but for the people who tried to say I support the bully or that I think ONLY Shaun was wrong, well then I have this for you.

I now know how much I was right, thanks for that.
About Me

03/27/2015 10:49 PM (UTC)
If Sharefrock isn't banned after this thread then I officially give up on this forum's mods. More decent users have been banned for FAR less than what he's been saying here.
03/27/2015 10:50 PM (UTC)
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
Blade4693 Wrote:
I'm surprised this is still going on lol

I'm not. I think this has been pent up for a while now.

It's true. I've seen many of Sharefrock's post. I am one who normally likes to support the uncommon side of a debate, be devil's advocate. Sharefrock is plain disrespectful and obnoxious.

I don't even post often, but in a case where someone is making a presence on many threads JUST to be disrespectful and disagree without evidence.
03/27/2015 10:50 PM (UTC)

What do I call it when a harassing account geta39;s nuked from orbit?a10;#BrutalJustice a10;Thank you Twitter.

— Rigo Cortes (@NinjaBoy66) March 27, 2015
03/27/2015 11:05 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:

*another stupid image, put up to insult and aggravate people*
I now know how much I was right, thanks for that.

It's hard to hold back the laughter. When someone is so arrogant and so illogical... well... only logic can tell you where that will go.

I find it impossible to believe you are not seeing how ridiculous you sound right now.

What do you mean I am looking at it from one perspective? I've considered your side of the argument, its stupid. You are the one that did not address the points I brought up.

Hypocrisy has nothing to do with "truth", it has to do with personal beliefs and morals. Learn what words mean before you use them. Otherwise, you will not be able to communicate what you are trying to say. Maybe that is what has happened, but I think your position is pretty clear and illogical.

If you find insults and bullshit boring, stop using them. See, this again defines hypocrisy.

You say you don't like insults and bullshit, yet you constantly spew out bullshit.

Understand yet?

I do not think many people (including myself) are offended. It is your lack of respect that is obnoxious and disliked my the majority of this community. Now I know I cannot speak for the whole community, but DeLaGeezy and Moseph are well respected members of the community and they clearly agree with me to an extent here.

All I'm really getting at here is stop being such an ass and assuming your opinions are right.

Also learn how to use the words you constantly throw around.

EDIT: Looking back on this, I would not be surprised to learn you are around the age of 12-16. If that's the case, I think you should stop posting on this site so much.
DOUBLE EDIT: Lol I have actually had a very similar conversation to this with one of my little cousins that didn't understand what hypocrite meant. Needless to say, the conversation was much more light hearted and friendly.
03/27/2015 11:13 PM (UTC)
lol internet drama
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