03/27/2015 07:12 PM (UTC)
Funny how people said I threatened anybody here. Please show me where I threatened you or anybody else?

I don't go so low as to threaten people over the internet, yet hypocrites like DeLaGeezy always says "Fight me in real life", LOL. Don't make me laugh man.

What a shock, people who don't like will try to make me seem like a bad person.

All I did was said what I honestly felt and because it was not in line with what you guys felt suddenly I became a supporter of the guy who attacked Shaun? LOL! Even when I clearly said I think the guy who attacked Shaun was wrong and is a dumbass? Sad people will latch on to anything they can get at even when it isn't there.

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03/27/2015 07:12 PM (UTC)
Swerzy you sound like a massive sperg. Curb you autism M8.

What? Actually, I'm not talking to another user talking shit thinking he's a genius/hilarious. Leaving this thread for good before I probably get banned while certain other people don't.
03/27/2015 07:14 PM (UTC)
DeLaGeezy Wrote:

You're making a lot of baseless assumptions. Sharefrock made a valid point. Cyberbullying is a thing, and Shaun is currently somewhat of a prominent figure. When the studio you are at the head of is trolling a billion fans on a regular basis be prepared for some backlash.

CassiesPatentedNutBuster Wrote:
Your reading comprehension needs work.

03/27/2015 07:17 PM (UTC)
ErmaSco Wrote:
Twitter is such a shitty social site when it comes to these stuff.

Social media in general has allowed keyboard jockeys everywhere to take their passive aggressiveness to a whole new level.
moneyguy Wrote:
DeLaGeezy Wrote:...

You're making a lot of baseless assumptions. Sharefrock made a valid point. Cyberbullying is a thing, and Shaun is currently somewhat of a prominent figure. When the studio you are at the head of is trolling a billion fans on a regular basis be prepared for some backlash.

Keep trying to justify this kind of behavior, m8.
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03/27/2015 07:18 PM (UTC)
moneyguy Wrote:

Baseless assumptions? I'm going exactly with what sharefock has said over the last three pages. If someone shows support to Shaun then we are hypocrites. He's making a lot of assumptions in that people that show support to Shaun wouldn't support other people in Shaun's position. Does he know each and every user here, personally, to make such statement?

So you're basically saying Ed Boon's trolling gives people like this guy the right to harass NRS developers?
03/27/2015 07:20 PM (UTC)
CassiesPatentedNutBuster Wrote:
Keep trying to justify this kind of behavior, m8.

I'm not justifying the behavior. I'm debating the necessity of the sorry for Shaun thread.
03/27/2015 07:20 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
InfestedArtanis Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:
InfestedArtanis Wrote:

"Bawww I got cyber bullied on the internet and no one gave a shit about it bawwwww" is all I can read from this. Take a chill pill. I'm goddamn sure that if you had a wife/children you would do your best to protect them, especially when it's a trivial threat on twitter.

Oh look a Shaun ass kisser, what a surprise.

Shaun isn't the only baby who gets picked on, grow up. How many times did you see kids in your school getting picked on and you did nothing? Exactly, it's not about what the guy said it's who he said it to is what's bothering all of you. I feel sad for you.

I actually managed to break down fights dozens of times and defended lots of kids that got bullied back in school. I felt that it's the right thing to do. Keep on walking and do nothing is the problem with our society these days.

I'm not a Shaun ass kisser, I'm a fan of MK and when I see that a developer had to step down because some shitstain threatened his family, it triggers me.

You don't need to feel sad for me, I don't need your sympathy, save it for yourself for being an apathetic human being.

Of course you did... You are the exception to our world, you are the hero of our time. You broke up a lot of fights and saved a lot of kids from being bullied. LOL.

Please, I have seen dozens like you, we as humans are always so predictable and very laughable to be quite honest.

I have no problem with standing up and going against bullies but my problem, which you admitted to be true, is that we only protect certain people. "I'm a fan of MK and when I see that a developer had to step down because some shitstain threatened his family, it triggers me." EXACTLY! This is my problem, people who stand for certain people, there are MILLIONS getting bullied, I don't see you doing anything about that. I don't see you don't anything about the people who sometimes get picked on in this very site.

Goes back to what I said, just a hypocrite.

Never said I'm a special snowflake, but when I can I will do whats must be done.

Yep, that I did, and I'm proud of it.

You are preaching, yes, there are hundreds or even millions that are getting bullied even as we speak, but this is not the issue. There's nothing hypocrite here, Shaun works on MKX, as a fan I made this thread to give him support, that's about it, you don't like it? sure, it's your privilege, but it doesn't give you the right to act like an ass about it.
moneyguy Wrote:
CassiesPatentedNutBuster Wrote:
Keep trying to justify this kind of behavior, m8.

I'm not justifying the behavior. I'm debating the necessity of the sorry for Shaun thread.

Yes, you are. Stop rationalizing inexcusable behavior as well.
03/27/2015 07:25 PM (UTC)
DeLaGeezy Wrote:
People are trying to give Shaun some support. It clearly affected him enough to quit Twitter. We don't know his relationship with his wife that would have caused him to react the way he did. She could be sick or he just simply loves her so much that he couldn't stand that insult.

Here you made a lot of baseless assumption about Shaun. Sorry for the lack of clarity.

DeLaGeezy Wrote:
Baseless assumptions? I'm going exactly with what sharefock has said over the last three pages. If someone shows support to Shaun then we are hypocrites. He's making a lot of assumptions in that people that show support to Shaun wouldn't support other people in Shaun's position. Does he know each and every user here, personally, to make such statement?

So you're basically saying Ed Boon's trolling gives people like this guy the right to harass NRS developers?

I'm not saying this person has the right to harass anyone. Its the internet, know where you are going before you go.
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03/27/2015 07:26 PM (UTC)
How about everyone stepping away from the keyboard?

How about stop acting like pre-teen assholes?
03/27/2015 07:27 PM (UTC)
InfestedArtanis Wrote:

Never said I'm a special snowflake, but when I can I will do whats must be done.

Yep, that I did, and I'm proud of it.

You are preaching, yes, there are hundreds or even millions that are getting bullied even as we speak, but this is not the issue. There's nothing hypocrite here, Shaun works on MKX, as a fan I made this thread to give him support, that's about it, you don't like it? sure, it's your privilege, but it doesn't give you the right to act like an ass about it.

I'm not saying don't support him, but why a thread? why him? A lot of people get bullied on twitter, MK Fans get bullied on twitter, why not make a thread for them? They are related to MK as well, they are the fanbase that's going to buy the game.

My problem is not supporting him, by all means support him, but why do we need a thread just for him when he is clearly not fully right either.

There are a lot of people that tweet Shaun daily and he ignores them, MK Fans with legit questions, yet he doesn't answer them, he was wrong to give that guy more attention than he deserves, he could have ignored that tweet like he ignores 1000 others.

IMO, This thread is not needed unless you are prepared to make 100 other threads supporting people who will support MK but are getting bullied.
03/27/2015 07:29 PM (UTC)
CassiesPatentedNutBuster Wrote:
moneyguy Wrote:
CassiesPatentedNutBuster Wrote:
Keep trying to justify this kind of behavior, m8.

I'm not justifying the behavior. I'm debating the necessity of the sorry for Shaun thread.

Yes, you are. Stop rationalizing inexcusable behavior as well.

No, I have never said this behavior is okay. I just explained that it is not out of the ordinary so people should stop acting like it is.
You are the one so adept at gauging an individuals comprehension level, you by default should be good at it yourself.
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03/27/2015 07:29 PM (UTC)
I meant it in a way that people don't really know why he took such offense to it and shouldn't be quick to judge. So think a little. There could be underlying reasons as to why he did what he did, such as the ones I laid out. Are they the reasons? It's not the point. The point is that people should think about why he did do that. It's easy to just say "it's only the internet" "he shouldn't care". Well maybe he does care enough to do what he did.
03/27/2015 07:34 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
InfestedArtanis Wrote:

Never said I'm a special snowflake, but when I can I will do whats must be done.

Yep, that I did, and I'm proud of it.

You are preaching, yes, there are hundreds or even millions that are getting bullied even as we speak, but this is not the issue. There's nothing hypocrite here, Shaun works on MKX, as a fan I made this thread to give him support, that's about it, you don't like it? sure, it's your privilege, but it doesn't give you the right to act like an ass about it.

I'm not saying don't support him, but why a thread? why him? A lot of people get bullied on twitter, MK Fans get bullied on twitter, why not make a thread for them? They are related to MK as well, they are the fanbase that's going to buy the game.

My problem is not supporting him, by all means support him, but why do we need a thread just for him when he is clearly not fully right either.

There are a lot of people that tweet Shaun daily and he ignores them, MK Fans with legit questions, yet he doesn't answer them, he was wrong to give that guy more attention than he deserves, he could have ignored that tweet like he ignores 1000 others.

IMO, This thread is not needed unless you are prepared to make 100 other threads supporting people who will support MK but are getting bullied.

If your issue is this exact thread, then perhaps you're right, it may not be needed, since it's not related to MKX game in any form or shape, but I did want to make this issue known and show the community what happens when the fans go too far.

Shaun ignored those questions because he can't comment on them, so the best thing to do is just ignore. Even when he said he couldn't comment, fans took it as a confirmation and caused a lot of unneeded speculating, heck I tweet Boon daily, and he almost never replies unless it's something that interests him as well, that's just how it works, it's not cool to be ignored but that's how it is.

I wasn't aware that others developers got harassed but yeah, I'd probably make a big thread for all of them just to make this issue get noticed.

03/27/2015 07:35 PM (UTC)
DeLaGeezy Wrote:
I meant it in a way that people don't really know why he took such offense to it and shouldn't be quick to judge. So think a little. There could be underlying reasons as to why he did what he did, such as the ones I laid out. Are they the reasons? It's not the point. The point is that people should think about why he did do that. It's easy to just say "it's only the internet" "he shouldn't care". Well maybe he does care enough to do what he did.

So assume?

Yeah it sucks he won't be 'managing' his twitter anymore (if he even was before). That sort of response to an ignorant person never works.
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03/27/2015 07:38 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
Funny how people said I threatened anybody here. Please show me where I threatened you or anybody else?

I don't go so low as to threaten people over the internet, yet hypocrites like DeLaGeezy always says "Fight me in real life", LOL. Don't make me laugh man.

What a shock, people who don't like will try to make me seem like a bad person.

All I did was said what I honestly felt and because it was not in line with what you guys felt suddenly I became a supporter of the guy who attacked Shaun? LOL! Even when I clearly said I think the guy who attacked Shaun was wrong and is a dumbass? Sad people will latch on to anything they can get at even when it isn't there.

I said I would like to see you say the type of things you said in another thread to my face. Interpret that however you want. Anyone can act anyway the wish over the Internet. Real life functions a little differently.
03/27/2015 07:42 PM (UTC)
DeLaGeezy Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:
Funny how people said I threatened anybody here. Please show me where I threatened you or anybody else?

I don't go so low as to threaten people over the internet, yet hypocrites like DeLaGeezy always says "Fight me in real life", LOL. Don't make me laugh man.

What a shock, people who don't like will try to make me seem like a bad person.

All I did was said what I honestly felt and because it was not in line with what you guys felt suddenly I became a supporter of the guy who attacked Shaun? LOL! Even when I clearly said I think the guy who attacked Shaun was wrong and is a dumbass? Sad people will latch on to anything they can get at even when it isn't there.

I said I would like to see you say the type of things you said in another thread to my face. Interpret that however you want. Anyone can act anyway the wish over the Internet. Real life functions a little differently.

Yeah, yeah, sure... We obviously don't see eye to eye, so I'll tell you this, I never threatened anybody on here, if I did I'd like to see where. So when you or the other guy say I threaten people that's in itself considered bullying, you trying to make me seem like something I'm not by lying.

I think you and I, should just agree to disagree because we'll probably end up going back and forth like we usually do... Or don't rather.

So like I said, I never threatened anybody, if you want to talk bad about me and make me seem like a bad person then do it with something I actually did/said.

Also real life is of course different, duh.
03/27/2015 07:42 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
How about everyone stepping away from the keyboard?

How about stop acting like pre-teen assholes?


moneyguy Wrote:
Its the internet, know where you are going before you go.

not likely.
03/27/2015 08:02 PM (UTC)
Just my two cents...
Sharefrock gets a ton of shit here...more than he deserves. He has opinions, and he says what he believes. I can respect that. I don't always agree, and I've gotten into it with him on occasion, but I don't think he's a bad guy. It may have taken me a bit to realize it.

So please cut the guy some slack. Everyone just take a deep damn breath and chill the hell out!

Enjoy the stream!!
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Mortal Kombat Online - Community Manager

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03/27/2015 08:06 PM (UTC)
You are the guy who's making a rape threat directed at another man's wife completely about yourself.

So again, you're complaining that nobody is doing anything about something that you yourself are also not doing anything about. Ergo, hypocrite.

Congratulations, you're the biggest POS on this site. That's quite the distinction, given this community.
03/27/2015 08:26 PM (UTC)
m0s3pH Wrote:
You are the guy who's making a rape threat directed at another man's wife completely about yourself.

So again, you're complaining that nobody is doing anything about something that you yourself are also not doing anything about. Ergo, hypocrite.

Congratulations, you're the biggest POS on this site. That's quite the distinction, given this community.

100% agree. Makes me wish there was an "Ignore This User" function on this site. My God, that would be wonderful.

Fucking nihilists are the worst. "You don't support everyone so you're not allowed to support anyone." Ignoring the fact, of course, it is impossible to interact with every other human being on the planet. Stupid humans and their lack of omnipresence and omniscience.

"Just ignore the guy threatening rape, what could go wrong?" This is the same type of person who would shit bricks If Shawn just left Twitter with no explanation. I mean he seems to follow his Twitter religiously, crying about Shawn not answering every single fucking question he's asked. It's not like Shawn has a life and non disclosure agreements. No, his entire life is and should be devoted to sitting on Twitter.
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03/27/2015 08:37 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
DeLaGeezy Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:
Funny how people said I threatened anybody here. Please show me where I threatened you or anybody else?

I don't go so low as to threaten people over the internet, yet hypocrites like DeLaGeezy always says "Fight me in real life", LOL. Don't make me laugh man.

What a shock, people who don't like will try to make me seem like a bad person.

All I did was said what I honestly felt and because it was not in line with what you guys felt suddenly I became a supporter of the guy who attacked Shaun? LOL! Even when I clearly said I think the guy who attacked Shaun was wrong and is a dumbass? Sad people will latch on to anything they can get at even when it isn't there.

I said I would like to see you say the type of things you said in another thread to my face. Interpret that however you want. Anyone can act anyway the wish over the Internet. Real life functions a little differently.

Yeah, yeah, sure... We obviously don't see eye to eye, so I'll tell you this, I never threatened anybody on here, if I did I'd like to see where. So when you or the other guy say I threaten people that's in itself considered bullying, you trying to make me seem like something I'm not by lying.

I think you and I, should just agree to disagree because we'll probably end up going back and forth like we usually do... Or don't rather.

So like I said, I never threatened anybody, if you want to talk bad about me and make me seem like a bad person then do it with something I actually did/said.

Also real life is of course different, duh.

"He didn't need to threaten anyone. The shit he's saying calls for people to call him out on it. "

Is what I said. I'm glad you realize life is a little different then the Internet. Means you're probably completely different in life because you know the things you say here in MKO, wouldn't cut it in real life. You talk too much.
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

03/27/2015 09:12 PM (UTC)
Oh look.

Yet another thread that's been completely derailed thanks to...ahem...well...you know.

I say let's revive Detox's "Crunch Time Message for NRS" thread with some supportive messages and tweet THAT over to the team. Especially for Shaun.
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Mortal Kombat Online - Community Manager

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Signature and avatar by ThePredator151

03/27/2015 09:23 PM (UTC)
AJBlue Wrote:
Fucking nihilists are the worst. "You don't support everyone so you're not allowed to support anyone." Ignoring the fact, of course, it is impossible to interact with every other human being on the planet. Stupid humans and their lack of omnipresence and omniscience.

Nihilism isn't all bad all the time, but in this context, you're 100% correct.
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