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03/27/2015 11:20 PM (UTC)
Charybdis Wrote:
m0s3pH Wrote:
Charybdis Wrote:
Everyone else, TYM really is a much better forum than MKO, in every way.

wtflegend is at TYM, so this statement is invalid. Kudos on the rest of your post though, very well-reasoned.

Aha but, TYM has an ignore button.

I honestly don't use TYM enough to know that. Thanks for the tip!
03/27/2015 11:24 PM (UTC)
Sharefrock is the Guy Fieri of MKO.
03/27/2015 11:28 PM (UTC)
While I don't think I will take a side, I don't think jumping on the Sharefrock-hatred bandwagon is something we should do either.
03/27/2015 11:30 PM (UTC)
These are the times I wish I was a mod on this site lol
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Mortal Kombat Online - Community Manager

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03/27/2015 11:35 PM (UTC)
TheNinjasRock071394 Wrote:
Sharefrock is the Guy Fieri of MKO.

I'd make this my sig if it weren't against the rules.

Since you're wondering when you made this thread about you, sharefrock, go back and read your first post again. All the answers are there.
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03/27/2015 11:37 PM (UTC)
All I have to say is that guy who made that threat to Shaun deserves to be hung by his testicles on a streetlight while having pig semen thrown at his face.

*moves along*
03/27/2015 11:47 PM (UTC)
FROID Wrote:
All I have to say is that guy who made that threat to Shaun deserves to be hung by his testicles on a streetlight while having pig semen thrown at his face.

*moves along*

What was it the guy actually said? I don't get on twitter or none of that so I missed it.
03/27/2015 11:50 PM (UTC)
Blade4693 Wrote:
What was it the guy actually said? I don't get on twitter or none of that so I missed it.

He threatened to rape Shaun's wife if Reiko wasn't included in the game. I cringed just typing this.
Piece of shit obviously has some major issues.
03/27/2015 11:51 PM (UTC)
SwingBatta Wrote:
Blade4693 Wrote:
What was it the guy actually said? I don't get on twitter or none of that so I missed it.

He threatened to rape Shaun's wife if Reiko wasn't included in the game.


Does Twitter not have rules? Or some kind of temp or permanent ban for people that say those kinds of things?
03/27/2015 11:52 PM (UTC)
Blade4693 Wrote:
FROID Wrote:
All I have to say is that guy who made that threat to Shaun deserves to be hung by his testicles on a streetlight while having pig semen thrown at his face.

*moves along*

What was it the guy actually said? I don't get on twitter or none of that so I missed it.

Pretty much "Reiko better be in the game or imma come to your house and fuck your wife."
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03/27/2015 11:53 PM (UTC)
My wife better be in this game or I am going to fuck Reiko.
03/27/2015 11:53 PM (UTC)
Blade4693 Wrote:
Does Twitter not have rules? Or some kind of temp or permanent ban for people that say those kinds of things?

Hardly. You pretty much have to swim to Hell and back to get them to take action against anyone.

Look at the miserable One Direction stans when Zayn left the group. They have been going completely apeshit for nearly a week, including tweeting threats to their management group.
03/27/2015 11:53 PM (UTC)
Blade4693 Wrote:
SwingBatta Wrote:
Blade4693 Wrote:
What was it the guy actually said? I don't get on twitter or none of that so I missed it.

He threatened to rape Shaun's wife if Reiko wasn't included in the game.


Does Twitter not have rules? Or some kind of temp or permanent ban for people that say those kinds of things?

The guy has been banned from Twitter.
03/27/2015 11:56 PM (UTC)
Sharefrock has his own opinions, there's nothing wrong with that even if you strongly disagree. There is nothing wrong at all with good natured debate against someone with opposing views, but the name calling and unfriendly vibe is uncalled for no matter why it's said.
About Me

Mortal Kombat Online - Community Manager

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Signature and avatar by ThePredator151

03/27/2015 11:58 PM (UTC)
SwingBatta Wrote:
Blade4693 Wrote:
Does Twitter not have rules? Or some kind of temp or permanent ban for people that say those kinds of things?

Hardly. You pretty much have to swim to Hell and back to get them to take action against anyone.

Look at the miserable One Direction stans when Zayn left the group. They have been going completely apeshit for nearly a week, including tweeting threats to their management group.

The mods that work for Twitter are pretty biased when it comes to removing troublesome people. I'll just leave it at that.
03/27/2015 11:58 PM (UTC)
Darkhound74 Wrote:
The guy has been banned from Twitter.

Good. They certainly must've gotten enough responses to actually do something.

He'll undoubtedly be back with a new account soon but nice to see action having been taken.
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The MK Gods on dA

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03/27/2015 11:59 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
InfestedArtanis Wrote:

Never said I'm a special snowflake, but when I can I will do whats must be done.

Yep, that I did, and I'm proud of it.

You are preaching, yes, there are hundreds or even millions that are getting bullied even as we speak, but this is not the issue. There's nothing hypocrite here, Shaun works on MKX, as a fan I made this thread to give him support, that's about it, you don't like it? sure, it's your privilege, but it doesn't give you the right to act like an ass about it.

I'm not saying don't support him, but why a thread? why him? A lot of people get bullied on twitter, MK Fans get bullied on twitter, why not make a thread for them? They are related to MK as well, they are the fanbase that's going to buy the game.

My problem is not supporting him, by all means support him, but why do we need a thread just for him when he is clearly not fully right either.

There are a lot of people that tweet Shaun daily and he ignores them, MK Fans with legit questions, yet he doesn't answer them, he was wrong to give that guy more attention than he deserves, he could have ignored that tweet like he ignores 1000 others.

IMO, This thread is not needed unless you are prepared to make 100 other threads supporting people who will support MK but are getting bullied.

If you're so indignant at this injustice you make the fucking threads.
03/28/2015 12:05 AM (UTC)
SwingBatta Wrote:
Blade4693 Wrote:
Does Twitter not have rules? Or some kind of temp or permanent ban for people that say those kinds of things?

Hardly. You pretty much have to swim to Hell and back to get them to take action against anyone.

Look at the miserable One Direction stans when Zayn left the group. They have been going completely apeshit for nearly a week, including tweeting threats to their management group.

That's crazy, with such a huge community of all ages you think they would have some stricter rules and a sh** ton of moderators to enforce them.

Darkhound74: That's good to hear, although I doubt it will do much good if they don't IP ban
03/28/2015 12:17 AM (UTC)
Shame to see him leave twitter. But people like him will never be able to use any form of social media, if such a minor "threat" gets to him. It obviously wasn't a serious threat, just words. And likely not even words coming from a malicious person, but just a person trying to be funny by saying insulting things.

Extremely minor compared to other things online, and even those things are nothing to be worried about, unless someone is ACTUALLY going through with their "threat".
03/28/2015 12:27 AM (UTC)

That's the thing, you never know. Some people are just irrantional and insane, some people can track IP's. Hell IF he really wanted to harm him it probably wouldn't be that hard, just find out the location of Netherrealm Studios, sit in your car or hidden somewhere, wait for him to come in or out and bam, you could follow him home or w.e crazy people do

This would obviously be ludicrous and more trouble than its worth (especially when the guy has done nothing wrong) but yesterday I heard a women shot at a McDonald's because they forgot to put bacon on her burger so there are some extremely irrational and crazy people out here lol
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03/28/2015 12:31 AM (UTC)
This is what I get for leaving my house for more than an hour...
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