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04/21/2015 07:45 PM (UTC)

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Second fan of "The Lady in Green...err Turquoise, no Gold?"

04/21/2015 07:55 PM (UTC)
I can't understand Tanyas alliance now. It seems in MKX she wants a free Edenia, and will side with anyone willing to do that. So she can't be all bad this time around right? Her traitor character arc was given to Dvorah, so I'm really wondering what they'll do with Tanya.
04/21/2015 08:03 PM (UTC)
James_Sunderland Wrote:
I can't understand Tanyas alliance now. It seems in MKX she wants a free Edenia, and will side with anyone willing to do that. So she can't be all bad this time around right? Her traitor character arc was given to Dvorah, so I'm really wondering what they'll do with Tanya.

I'm willing to bet that they gave that role to Dvorah because if they gave it to Tanya, people would have saw it coming. Predictable storyline = bad.

daryui Wrote:

ty for posting this. The main look here was the best of the bunch they came up with (which is kinda sad). Comparing with how it turned out in-game, making the shade of yellow dimmer was not a good idea.

04/21/2015 08:24 PM (UTC)
I think I preferred the 3rd concept design. Really not feeling Tanya with the shorter hair bob, doesn't feel like her at all. She looked her best in 4 - costume/face design wise etc. Her current look strays too far from that.

Doesn't look like we'll get much in way of design improvement when she's available sadly.
04/21/2015 08:45 PM (UTC)
DarkKard4 Wrote:
James_Sunderland Wrote:
I can't understand Tanyas alliance now. It seems in MKX she wants a free Edenia, and will side with anyone willing to do that. So she can't be all bad this time around right? Her traitor character arc was given to Dvorah, so I'm really wondering what they'll do with Tanya.

I'm willing to bet that they gave that role to Dvorah because if they gave it to Tanya, people would have saw it coming. Predictable storyline = bad.

I think her and Rain are a team. They want to free Edenia and take it for themselves.
04/21/2015 09:00 PM (UTC)
Sindel798 Wrote:
DarkKard4 Wrote:
James_Sunderland Wrote:
I can't understand Tanyas alliance now. It seems in MKX she wants a free Edenia, and will side with anyone willing to do that. So she can't be all bad this time around right? Her traitor character arc was given to Dvorah, so I'm really wondering what they'll do with Tanya.

I'm willing to bet that they gave that role to Dvorah because if they gave it to Tanya, people would have saw it coming. Predictable storyline = bad.

I think her and Rain are a team. They want to free Edenia and take it for themselves.

Yeah thats how it is in the new timeline. But in the old timeline, she was working for Shinnok instead of being with Rain. Dvorah was made the backstabber of Outworld that helps Shinnok and Quan Chi. So she became like the new Tanya in a way.
04/21/2015 09:04 PM (UTC)
DarkKard4 Wrote:
Sindel798 Wrote:
DarkKard4 Wrote:
James_Sunderland Wrote:
I can't understand Tanyas alliance now. It seems in MKX she wants a free Edenia, and will side with anyone willing to do that. So she can't be all bad this time around right? Her traitor character arc was given to Dvorah, so I'm really wondering what they'll do with Tanya.

I'm willing to bet that they gave that role to Dvorah because if they gave it to Tanya, people would have saw it coming. Predictable storyline = bad.

I think her and Rain are a team. They want to free Edenia and take it for themselves.

Yeah thats how it is in the new timeline. But in the old timeline, she was working for Shinnok instead of being with Rain. Dvorah was made the backstabber of Outworld that helps Shinnok and Quan Chi. So she became like the new Tanya in a way.

Yeah. They wanted a new traitor so it wasnt predictable. Tanya is still a traitor, just doing it differently.
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-sig by MINION

04/21/2015 09:32 PM (UTC)
I love the one they went with, its definitely my favorite but I wish they went with the Hallie Berry kind of hair instead.
My God...after seeing that #1 concept I'm appreciating the one they actually went with so much more! It could've been that! *shivers*
I mean military...really?
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

04/21/2015 09:56 PM (UTC)
I still don't know why people are still bitching about her current outfit they went with. I think it looks fine and is already my favorite costume of hers.

A few pages back several people posted fan designs and designs they think would look "better" and most of them didn't or were very improbable when it comes to gameplay.

But everyone has their opinions I guess. Mine is I think she looks great.
04/21/2015 11:17 PM (UTC)
I really like the 3rd concept actually. The one they went with looks far better on paper than in game. Kinda wish they wouldve went with the short hair style than the bob... Just looks dumb.
04/22/2015 02:09 AM (UTC)
I personally think the super short Sailor Uranus hair is good for Kassie Cage, but not Tanya.
Tanya is better with her Sailor Saturn hair or Sailor Mars hair.

About Me

Shao Kahn did nothing wrong

04/22/2015 02:15 AM (UTC)
somnambulist Wrote:

I actually really like this.
04/22/2015 02:28 AM (UTC)
Sindel798 Wrote:

I think her and Rain are a team. They want to free Edenia and take it for themselves.

Yes, it seems like it. I am so glad Kassonya Cage saved them both from Devorah.
Now, Tanya and Rain have a chance to kontinue on with their shenanigans.
04/22/2015 11:20 AM (UTC)
Maria_Linda Wrote:
Sindel798 Wrote:

I think her and Rain are a team. They want to free Edenia and take it for themselves.

Yes, it seems like it. I am so glad Kassonya Cage saved them both from Devorah.
Now, Tanya and Rain have a chance to kontinue on with their shenanigans.

I dont remember Kassonya or Devorah being in the game.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

04/22/2015 12:40 PM (UTC)
[Killswitch] Wrote:
somnambulist Wrote:

I actually really like this.

I love it. Very nice.
04/22/2015 02:23 PM (UTC)
I was playing story mode with a friend, and when Tanya's scene with Kotal came on, we got to talking about Tanya's place in the new time line.

It kind of makes sense that she isn't working with Shinnok this time around. In MK4, the whole reason that she got involved with the Brotherhood was because she opened the portal to the Nether Realm and got ambushed by Shinnok. She was pretty much a victim of circumstance.

In the new time line, Shinnok had been plotting his return through out the first and second tournaments, as well as manipulating the events of Shao Kahn's invasion of Earth Realm. At this point, Shinnok didn't even need to trick Tanya into helping him break out of the Nether Realm, and also, there was no Edenia for her to betray.

I think in this new time line, we'll see a much different Tanya. She's actually concerned with freeing Edenia (albeit so that she and Rain can presumably take the throne for themselves), rather than being labeled as a traitor. I think we'll be seeing a Tanya that stands for something more than just her own self preservation.

Just some thoughts on Tanya's place in the new timeline.
04/22/2015 03:27 PM (UTC)
Sounds interesting but I think the we heard this story before.
So I hope is a lot more than that.
04/22/2015 03:42 PM (UTC)
Dervis Wrote:
I was playing story mode with a friend, and when Tanya's scene with Kotal came on, we got to talking about Tanya's place in the new time line.

It kind of makes sense that she isn't working with Shinnok this time around. In MK4, the whole reason that she got involved with the Brotherhood was because she opened the portal to the Nether Realm and got ambushed by Shinnok. She was pretty much a victim of circumstance.

In the new time line, Shinnok had been plotting his return through out the first and second tournaments, as well as manipulating the events of Shao Kahn's invasion of Earth Realm. At this point, Shinnok didn't even need to trick Tanya into helping him break out of the Nether Realm, and also, there was no Edenia for her to betray.

I think in this new time line, we'll see a much different Tanya. She's actually concerned with freeing Edenia (albeit so that she and Rain can presumably take the throne for themselves), rather than being labeled as a traitor. I think we'll be seeing a Tanya that stands for something more than just her own self preservation.

Just some thoughts on Tanya's place in the new timeline.

It appears that Kitana and Liu Kang will be the rulers of the Netherrealm in MK11... and that Trollanya and Rain might indeed be the new rulers of a free Edenia of some kind...

I am so happy that Tanya survived MKX... I don't really care what she's doing, as long as she's doing something relevant enough to be a playable kharakter.

I hope Trollanya doesn't punch Kassandra Karlton in the face, again, in MK11. Kassonya is a very generous person that saved her and all the realms.

I am still baffled and amazed by the immense perfection of MKX, I hope the MK team can outdo themselves with MK11. wow
04/22/2015 04:14 PM (UTC)
Dervis Wrote:
I was playing story mode with a friend, and when Tanya's scene with Kotal came on, we got to talking about Tanya's place in the new time line.

It kind of makes sense that she isn't working with Shinnok this time around. In MK4, the whole reason that she got involved with the Brotherhood was because she opened the portal to the Nether Realm and got ambushed by Shinnok. She was pretty much a victim of circumstance.

In the new time line, Shinnok had been plotting his return through out the first and second tournaments, as well as manipulating the events of Shao Kahn's invasion of Earth Realm. At this point, Shinnok didn't even need to trick Tanya into helping him break out of the Nether Realm, and also, there was no Edenia for her to betray.

I think in this new time line, we'll see a much different Tanya. She's actually concerned with freeing Edenia (albeit so that she and Rain can presumably take the throne for themselves), rather than being labeled as a traitor. I think we'll be seeing a Tanya that stands for something more than just her own self preservation.

Just some thoughts on Tanya's place in the new timeline.

You know I could honestly see in the next game a less antagonistic scenario between Jade and Tanya. Who knows Jade and Tanya might have been best friends in the past (maybe Jade and Kitana was sent on some extermination mission against the Edenian Resistance and secretly Jade spared a younger Tanya and a group of Edenians out of guilt and helped them escape without Kitana finding about it) so Jade would rather have a friendly interaction with a fellow Edenian than the now evil-bitchface Empress Kitana of Netherrealm.
About Me

Well, you all got your Tremor now. Can we finally move on?

04/22/2015 04:33 PM (UTC)
Come on Tanyanatics...the Tremorons are beating you in the poll.

I can't beleive what a following Tanya has...such a terribly underdeveloped character, but with a decent design and good potential for story. She should've been on the regular roster with Rain.
04/22/2015 04:41 PM (UTC)
I don't see Tanya as a tragic character.

Her Deception bio states :

I had been called an enforcer of the Deadly Alliance. I preferred the term "ambassador". It was my duty to impose the will of Quan Chi and Shang Tsung upon the denizens of Outworld. But the sorcerers' rule was short-lived and I found myself leaderless, longing to return to my birthplace in Edenia. When Baraka caught up with me, he gave me a choice: serve his new lord of Outworld -- or die. I have lived for thousands of years because I make the right decisions. I pledged my service to the Dragon King."

While she doesn't seem the type to actually be a main villain or be insanely evil on purpose, she also doesn't seem to have any remorse into helping bad guys to survive. She's not good by any stretch of the imagination. It's also never specifically said that she didn't help Shinnok escape the NetherRealm.

But of course, with the new timeline and Shinnok not needing outside help to escape, Tanya is freed to be something else but she's still evil. It would be cool if we moved towards MK11 with a realm war. Some realms have been at war with each others while other watched, but there still hasn't been a huge universe encompassing war.

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
With Raiden being corrupted at the end of MKX, Liu Kang and Kitana now leaders of the Nethrrealm, Kotal Kahn no longer on good terms with earthrealm, Rain and Tanya working behind the scenes(together?) and Havik being one of the most requested character, I could see this happening.

As far as Tanya's costume is concerned, I wasn't sure about her looks in the reveal trailer but after seeing her in story mode I thought she looked gorgeous.
04/22/2015 05:34 PM (UTC)
If they go into the dark sorceress route, I can envision in her MK11 intro she'll be riding on top of a rushing Netherhyena or Netherwolf and jumps off in reference to African and European stories of witches riding on hyenas and wolves while spreading their evil.
04/22/2015 08:20 PM (UTC)
What are the rumored variations for her?
I'm sure that in one of them she will have the deception weapons
Because she used them against kotal Kahn in the intro before they fought.

With quan chi and shinnok's death, I just hope they finally introduce a new villain.

I like Reiko and Havik but we need new faces.

I feel like all the new characters, expect for ferra/torr, D'vora, and Kotal Kahn, feel to human.

Most of them use guns and machinery and look bland
Instead of using magic and having interesting looks.

I hate the hole special forces group,
I still feel like they don't fit in.

I wish earth realm was not so important and that they focused on the other realms with more interesting characters.
04/23/2015 08:12 PM (UTC)
Is Tanya going to look different to what we've seen? Someone on gamefaqs pointed out that a creative artist at NRS (Solomon Gaitan) commented on the storymode Tanya as being manly, and that the DLC version would be much improved.


He says "She looks so manly, ugh. I can’t wait for people to see the the dlc version. It’s an improvement from this, but not what I would have wanted myself."
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