07/06/2014 02:29 PM (UTC)
martin_m95 Wrote:Excuse me, Ima go cry in the corner, kay.

*pats* There there. :3
07/06/2014 09:13 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
martin_m95 Wrote:Excuse me, Ima go cry in the corner, kay.

*pats* There there. :3

07/07/2014 02:15 AM (UTC)

Is everyone going to bitch if Tanya has high heels? I know I always say this, but I like the high heels on the female characters that it fits. Pretty much the Edenian ladies.

Assuming they try to make their costumes more realistic, also assuming that there will be a female Edenian presence in the game, maybe they don't have to be wearing big boots all the time. Loin cloths and thigh high boots, let's see something new. I do love their MK9 costumes but they are very cartoony. MKD's loin cloths and boots felt better for some reason, maybe it's because it was the first loin cloths and boots for the Edenian ladies. Kitana should have gotten her first loin cloth and boots costume back in MKDA, but God forbid NRS ever give Kitana a new costume that was worth a shit before 2011.

Where did Tanya come from? Her parents were Edenian nobles, we can assume that since her dad was an ambassador right? Jade's parents were also Edenian aristocrats or nobles and they gave Jade to Shao Kahn when he took over Edenia. Why did they do that? My theory is that Jade's parents had to give her to Shao Kahn so they could keep their noble status under his rule. Or they wanted to keep their status so they offered Jade to him. Shao Kahn must have wanted Jade though, he kept her around for 10,000 years. What did Tanya's parents do?

07/07/2014 02:18 AM (UTC)
wdm6789 Wrote:
Where did Tanya come from? Her parents were Edenian nobles, we can assume that since her dad was an ambassador right? Jade's parents were also Edenian aristocrats or nobles and they gave Jade to Shao Kahn when he took over Edenia. Why did they do that? My theory is that Jade's parents had to give her to Shao Kahn so they could keep their noble status under his rule. Or they wanted to keep their status so they offered Jade to him. Shao Kahn must have wanted Jade though, he kept her around for 10,000 years. What did Tanya's parents do?

One presumes that they were in the Edenian Resistance, since, y'know, her dad was a good guy who worked for Sindel.

If they'd given her away like Jade's parents did, then she probably wouldn't have been still "the daughter of the ambassador" once Kahn was defeated, y'know? She'd be an independent person who's like "fuck my traitor dad who was friends with Kahn".
07/07/2014 02:23 AM (UTC)
wdm6789 Wrote:

Is everyone going to bitch if Tanya has high heels? I know I always say this, but I like the high heels on the female characters that it fits. Pretty much the Edenian ladies.

I don't mind high heels as long it fits the character. And as you said, the Edenian ladies fit the bill. They all had high heels since the MKDA-MKA days, so it was no surprise to see them in heels in MK9. It did NOT fit Sonya.

It fits Tanya, imo.
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07/07/2014 04:51 AM (UTC)
I don't want to see Sonya, Sheeva, or Ashrah in high heels ever. But...if Sonya was in uniform like her MKDA alt, then sure. Ditto for Ashrah if she had a Brotherhood of Shadow alt.

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07/07/2014 06:02 AM (UTC)
i like how everyone makes those shoes out to be stripper heels.. they look like two or three inch heels at highest, its not that difficult to balance and fight in something that low

07/07/2014 10:06 AM (UTC)
mkmileena Wrote:
i like how everyone makes those shoes out to be stripper heels.. they look like two or three inch heels at highest, its not that difficult to balance and fight in something that low

I think short heels are really unattractive and unflattering. If you can't wear at least four inches, stick to flat shoes.

RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
wdm6789 Wrote:
Where did Tanya come from? Her parents were Edenian nobles, we can assume that since her dad was an ambassador right? Jade's parents were also Edenian aristocrats or nobles and they gave Jade to Shao Kahn when he took over Edenia. Why did they do that? My theory is that Jade's parents had to give her to Shao Kahn so they could keep their noble status under his rule. Or they wanted to keep their status so they offered Jade to him. Shao Kahn must have wanted Jade though, he kept her around for 10,000 years. What did Tanya's parents do?

One presumes that they were in the Edenian Resistance, since, y'know, her dad was a good guy who worked for Sindel.

If they'd given her away like Jade's parents did, then she probably wouldn't have been still "the daughter of the ambassador" once Kahn was defeated, y'know? She'd be an independent person who's like "fuck my traitor dad who was friends with Kahn".

I like this speculation. Then it's ironic that Tanya is a traitor to Edenia when her parents were in the resistance. Jade grew up being taken care of by Shao Kahn and she became a traitor to Outworld.

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07/07/2014 03:59 PM (UTC)
That's because Jade's friendship with Kitana is the most important thing to her. She betrayed Kahn out love for her best friend and despite them growing up in Outworld they have a completely healthy relationship.

Tanya doesn't have anyone. She backstabs everyone the first chance she gets. She, for some reason, probably had it rougher growing up under Kahn's rule. Presumably something made her like that.
07/07/2014 04:59 PM (UTC)
MK4 gives Tanya's motivation as jealousy of Kitana but never really explains WHY she's jealous, other than maybe your standard, generic "I want to be the one on the throne" thing.

Maybe Tanya has a good reason to hate Kitana and Jade, though? They spent their whole lives killing Edenian rebels as assassins for Kahn, only to suddenly turn good at the very end, while she and her dad, theoretically, had to work hard in the resistance her whole life fighting just to survive and to keep the Edenian way of life alive, and yet Kitana is the one who gets to sit on the throne when Edenia is brought back and everyone is suddenly okay with being ruled by the Sindel/Kitana/Jade government.

It is kind of unfair.
07/07/2014 05:02 PM (UTC)
It also never explained why she became a traitor as well. I'd like to know why that is. You can't just suddenly become a traitor for absolutely no reason other than just to be a bitch.
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07/07/2014 05:16 PM (UTC)
Yeah and how the freak even did she get involved with Shinnok and The Brotherhood of Shadows?

Tanya needs some fleshing out. #justicefortanya
07/07/2014 05:19 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
MK4 gives Tanya's motivation as jealousy of Kitana but never really explains WHY she's jealous, other than maybe your standard, generic "I want to be the one on the throne" thing.

Maybe Tanya has a good reason to hate Kitana and Jade, though? They spent their whole lives killing Edenian rebels as assassins for Kahn, only to suddenly turn good at the very end, while she and her dad, theoretically, had to work hard in the resistance her whole life fighting just to survive and to keep the Edenian way of life alive, and yet Kitana is the one who gets to sit on the throne when Edenia is brought back and everyone is suddenly okay with being ruled by the Sindel/Kitana/Jade government.

It is kind of unfair.

A similar thought may explain why membership in Sect Brotherhood of Shadows. With the Elder Gods allowing Edenia were enslaved by Shao Kahn, is love a natural rival those Gods and use the Witch this, to create an order that is not merely a continuation of Kahn founded by traitors who served until the time noted that he would fall.
07/07/2014 05:23 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
It also never explained why she became a traitor as well. I'd like to know why that is. You can't just suddenly become a traitor for absolutely no reason other than just to be a bitch.

Well that's the easiest part to explain.

The Brotherhood's entire invasion plan doesn't work without a mole on the inside to talk Sindel into opening a portal.

So Quan Chi presumably recruited her with a deal like when Shinnok was done with Edenia, they'd give it to her.
07/07/2014 05:55 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
MK4 gives Tanya's motivation as jealousy of Kitana but never really explains WHY she's jealous, other than maybe your standard, generic "I want to be the one on the throne" thing.

Maybe Tanya has a good reason to hate Kitana and Jade, though? They spent their whole lives killing Edenian rebels as assassins for Kahn, only to suddenly turn good at the very end, while she and her dad, theoretically, had to work hard in the resistance her whole life fighting just to survive and to keep the Edenian way of life alive, and yet Kitana is the one who gets to sit on the throne when Edenia is brought back and everyone is suddenly okay with being ruled by the Sindel/Kitana/Jade government.

It is kind of unfair.

I like this one too. "Kitana was princess of Outworld and now she gets to be princess of Edenia too" (Speaking as if I'm Tanya.)

07/07/2014 09:03 PM (UTC)
how do you post images on here, i have a lot of good stuff to show but havent figure out how to upload images over here
07/07/2014 11:33 PM (UTC)
No more high-heels. Shoes, boots or high-tops. It's too Tekken-like with the heels.

Hope she doesn't have the boomerang. It's unfitting in MK, especially with Tanya. Looks better on Jade anyways.
07/08/2014 02:10 PM (UTC)
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
No more high-heels. Shoes, boots or high-tops. It's too Tekken-like with the heels.

Hope she doesn't have the boomerang. It's unfitting in MK, especially with Tanya. Looks better on Jade anyways.

High heels are good for the Edenian females. I'm tired of the thigh high boots though, maybe in their more "ninja" or fighting costume they can have boots. But if they have a dress type costume, I would like to see some like Grecian sandal type shoes, with high heels of course, but that's only for the Edenian females.

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07/08/2014 02:31 PM (UTC)
I'd like the boots to stay but they don't necessarily need to be high heels. The retro outfits for the assassins are thigh highs but not heeled and Tanya's in MKD were heeled but not thigh highs.

They can keep the aesthetic while giving us some variation.
07/08/2014 02:47 PM (UTC)
I thought Tanya's MK:D primary costume was perfect. The only thing I'd get rid of are the white eyes. I didn't understand how she had normal eyes in MK:4 and then all the sudden they turned white in MK:D. I say keep the same style as MK:D, but just update it. . . and make sure to include normal eyes.

They should change the fire projectile she had too. If she's supposed to be some sorceress kinda lady, give her some black magic kinda things or something interesting like that. I say go back with the purple projectile she had in MK:4. The fireball has been overused.
07/09/2014 08:28 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
MK4 gives Tanya's motivation as jealousy of Kitana but never really explains WHY she's jealous, other than maybe your standard, generic "I want to be the one on the throne" thing.

Maybe Tanya has a good reason to hate Kitana and Jade, though? They spent their whole lives killing Edenian rebels as assassins for Kahn, only to suddenly turn good at the very end, while she and her dad, theoretically, had to work hard in the resistance her whole life fighting just to survive and to keep the Edenian way of life alive, and yet Kitana is the one who gets to sit on the throne when Edenia is brought back and everyone is suddenly okay with being ruled by the Sindel/Kitana/Jade government.

It is kind of unfair.

That's kind of a slap in the face... having Kitana just earn her right back as princess and be praised by the very group of people that she and Jade were killing... and those that Tanya fought to protect. Almost sounds like a loss on her part because the former enemy now rules her realm with little to no atonement but the sad thing is everyone else sees it as the way it should be. I'd imagine a lot of helplessness and desperation coming from Tanya in that situation. Poor girl :(

Of course in this timeline since our Edenian gals never get to the other side alive Tanya doesn't really have any hatred for them ruling. Not sure if Tanya's hatred for Kitana inspired her alliance to Shinnok but I feel like MKX will see several butterfly effect situations come out of them based on MK9's events and if that was the case it'd be interesting to see what she does now.

On a somewhat unrelated note i'm thinking we'll get a new Edenian character on top of her, Tanya shouldn't be the only representation of the realm.
07/09/2014 12:04 PM (UTC)
Why does every freaking character have to have a reason to become evil? Some higher beings are just evil from the beginning, they don't need petty reasons or bad happenings in their lives.

Tanya is much like me, born evil.
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07/09/2014 05:03 PM (UTC)
^I agree with that actually. Tanya might just be a bad guy, truthfully I think that's it. She just skews towards the dark side of things.
07/09/2014 05:24 PM (UTC)
No one is born evil. Created evil, maybe, but not born.
07/09/2014 05:30 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
Why does every freaking character have to have a reason to become evil?

It helpes better develop the character's story and makes them more interesting.
Being evil from the start for no damn reason is kinda boring and REALLY STUPID.
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