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07/05/2014 04:31 AM (UTC)
About Tanya's white eyes, If you look at the concept art for her in MKD, the default outfit shows a Robin style eye mask..while the alternate has normal uncovered eyes...It's like they just went "fuck it" when translating into 3D...
About Me

Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.

Lovely signature by MINION

07/05/2014 06:27 AM (UTC)
JAX007 Wrote:
About Tanya's white eyes, If you look at the concept art for her in MKD, the default outfit shows a Robin style eye mask..while the alternate has normal uncovered eyes...It's like they just went "fuck it" when translating into 3D...

Isn't that what she has?
07/05/2014 08:33 AM (UTC)
I love the white eyes on Tanya, it makes her look more evil. I hope she gains those eyes during the storymode.
07/05/2014 10:00 AM (UTC)

She didn't have the white eyes back in MK4

Same with Mileena's eyes in MK9, they just randomly made them all weird.

07/05/2014 10:40 AM (UTC)
I'm rather indifferent when it comes to her eyes. As long she doesn't wear a Robin-mask. I rather like it to be heavy and dark make-up instead.
About Me

Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.

Lovely signature by MINION

07/05/2014 02:37 PM (UTC)
I always thought she was wearing an eye mask.. Hmph..
07/05/2014 03:31 PM (UTC)
I hated how so many characters just had white eyes in Deception. Ditch that stupid concept and give her regular looking eyes.
07/05/2014 05:09 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
I hated how so many characters just had white eyes in Deception. Ditch that stupid concept and give her regular looking eyes.

Yeah. The random eye color-swapping still annoys me to this day, because it does affect how we read the characters.
People thought Tanya was undead in Deception, or so I remember, because of the whole white-eyed design.

- Mileena in Gold had white eyes because she was undead, yet came back in Deception with brown eyes.
- Tanya had normal eyes in her debut, but returned with white eyes in Deception (likely due to laziness/an oversight with her alt, as JAX007 mentioned.)
- Hotaru had white eyes when fellow Seidans, Dairou and Darrius, did not.
- It didn't seem like any of the resurrected Earthrealm warriors had white eyes (based on stills in Ermac's ending) when they were, briefly, undead (though that could've just been laziness or an oversight again.)

Then you had characters who weren't undead anymore (I think) nor were they god-like (that we know of,) yet they still had white, "dead people" eyes, like Sindel (and Reiko,) when Mileena lost hers entirely. How does that work?

Sub-Zero [and Sindel] were the only people in Deception that had white eyes for legitimate, explicable reasons.

Back to Tanya, I'd say it's almost a certainty she'll be back for MKX, seeing as how Ed had her in his poll for MK9 DLC popularity, and she had a little cameo in the game.
And, I'd prefer her to have normal eyes, even if she's wearing that domino mask again.
07/05/2014 05:23 PM (UTC)
What colour eyes would you give her then? I can't tell what her eyecolour was in MK4. And I just made them yellow in my drawing of her, to give them a mystic feel. However, I do think purple eyes would fit her, to fit her purple flames.
07/05/2014 05:37 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
What colour eyes would you give her then? I can't tell what her eyecolour was in MK4. And I just made them yellow in my drawing of her, to give them a mystic feel. However, I do think purple eyes would fit her, to fit her purple flames.

It seems like most of the Edenians we've seen either have brown eyes or gold-ish, amber eyes, so probably one of those two is most likely for Tanya.

They seemed to be brown in MK4.
07/05/2014 05:39 PM (UTC)
Rockchalk5477 Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
What colour eyes would you give her then? I can't tell what her eyecolour was in MK4. And I just made them yellow in my drawing of her, to give them a mystic feel. However, I do think purple eyes would fit her, to fit her purple flames.

It seems like most of the Edenians we've seen either have brown eyes or gold-ish, amber eyes, so probably one of those two is most likely for Tanya.

They seemed to be brown in MK4.

Isn't Jade's eyes green?
Golden eyes would be cool for Tanya though.
07/05/2014 05:42 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Isn't Jade's eyes green?
Golden eyes would be cool for Tanya though.

Hence, why I said "most". smile

Taven, Daegon, Rain, Kitana, and Tanya all fall into the brown/amber-eyed Edenians, though.
Non-banshee, young Sindel, too, presumably (based on Lia Montelongo's portrayal.)
07/05/2014 05:43 PM (UTC)
I would just give her brown eyes. There's no need to give them fancy colored eyes if we've seen other Edenian characters have normal looking ones.
07/05/2014 05:45 PM (UTC)
Well, I remember alot of people commenting on the special shine Kitana had to her eyes. I'd like for that to be an on-going thing for Edenians.
07/05/2014 05:54 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Well, I remember alot of people commenting on the special shine Kitana had to her eyes. I'd like for that to be an on-going thing for Edenians.

When did Kitana have shine on her eyes?
07/05/2014 07:26 PM (UTC)
martin_m95 Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Well, I remember alot of people commenting on the special shine Kitana had to her eyes. I'd like for that to be an on-going thing for Edenians.

When did Kitana have shine on her eyes?

In MK9. Maybe it was just a graphical hiccup, but her eyes had an odd shine effect to them.
07/05/2014 07:34 PM (UTC)
Rockchalk5477 Wrote:
Then you had characters who weren't undead anymore (I think) nor were they god-like (that we know of,) yet they still had white, "dead people" eyes, like Sindel (and Reiko,)

Sindel never stopped being undead and Reiko is a member of the Brotherhood of the Shadow from the Netherealm just like Noob Saibot.
That said, yeah, the constant eye inconsistency is really annoying. The one that pisses me off the most is suddenly Shokans having yellow eyes like Baraka and Mileena and Reptile and everybody fucking else, after 20 years of them always being red.
07/05/2014 07:40 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:Sindel never stopped being undead and Reiko is from the Netherealm just like Noob Saibot.

Fair enough; I just find it odd that people like the slain MK:DA heroes can die and become undead, but their souls are freed and they return to normal as of Armageddon. Why wasn't Sindel ever returned to normal by some court mages or something upon returning to the throne?

What about Mileena? She was imprisoned immediately after 4 until just before Deception... How did her eyes turn normal again? (Not trying to interrogate you; I'm just genuinely confused.)
07/05/2014 07:44 PM (UTC)
No, you're right about the rest.

I'm just sayin', Sindel is supposed to have white eyes and Reiko's are supposed to glow blue. Those two're consistent so far. That said...
Rockchalk5477 Wrote:
Why wasn't Sindel ever returned to normal by some court mages

What makes you think this isn't her new "normal", that she can be changed?
Sindel is just like Scorpion. She was dead and then she wasn't. The white eyes are SUPPOSED to be permanent. Mileena getting her pupils back was a mistake.
As far as Johnny/Sonya/Kung Lao/Kitana/Jax in Deception, maybe the way Onaga brings people back is different from the way Shinnok brings people back, like a more perfect process, like he makes it as if they were never dead in the first place?
07/05/2014 07:53 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
What makes you think this isn't her new "normal", that she can be changed?
Sindel is just like Scorpion. She was dead and then she wasn't. The white eyes are SUPPOSED to be permanent. Mileena getting her pupils back was a mistake.
As far as Johnny/Sonya/Kung Lao/Kitana/Jax in Deception, maybe the way Onaga brings people back is different from the way Shinnok brings people back, like a more perfect process, like he makes it as if they were never dead in the first place?

In regards to Sindel being like Scorpion, that actually makes sense; I just never saw her being much like him or Noob, as spectres/wraiths. I feel like an idiot for completely overlooking that fact. Had Mileena's eyes stayed as they were in Gold, I probably wouldn't have been so mixed up on the matter. Oh, well. Thanks.

And as for the resurrected MK:DA heroes, I guess that's the best possible explanation for that inconsistency.
Jaded-Raven Wrote: Anyways, Tanya...

Who? tongue
07/05/2014 07:55 PM (UTC)
Maybe Onaga changed Mileena's pupils back, so she could easier convince the Edenians that she is Kitana...

Anyways, Tanya...
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07/05/2014 10:28 PM (UTC)
I like the brown eyes on her.

I would like to see something like her MKD alt. Was a great update to her MK4 costume.
07/05/2014 10:30 PM (UTC)
Brown eyes are just so bland and boring. Hopefully NRS will do something special with Tanya's eyes.
07/05/2014 10:36 PM (UTC)
What's wrong with brown eyes? This coming from a brown-eyed person. They shouldn't have random colored eyes if it's not necessary. Just because Tanya is yellow doesn't mean her eyes need to match. I rather have them have normal looking eyes.
07/05/2014 10:41 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
What's wrong with brown eyes? This coming from a brown-eyed person. They shouldn't have random colored eyes if it's not necessary. Just because Tanya is yellow doesn't mean her eyes need to match. I rather have them have normal looking eyes.

There's nothing wrong with brown eyes, except for that one fact that it is the most common eyecolour in the world, and I'd like for Tanya to not have that.
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