07/05/2014 10:55 PM (UTC)
Tanya need the glowing eyes, she's a magican.

I would dislike normal eyes on her.
07/05/2014 10:57 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
Tanya need the glowing eyes, she's a magican.

I would dislike normal eyes on her.

Shao Kahn, Shang Tsung and Quan Chi are all "magicians" (I prefer the word sorcerers), and they all have pupils in their eyes.
07/05/2014 11:06 PM (UTC)
Shang didn't used to. His eyes are white in MK1 thru 3.

Then they forgot in DA. Then they decided in MK9 to only have them on the old man version like they're actual cataracts.
07/05/2014 11:10 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Shang didn't used to. His eyes are white in MK1 thru 3.

Then they forgot in DA. Then they decided in MK9 to only have them on the old man version like they're actual cataracts.

Good point.
07/05/2014 11:17 PM (UTC)
Magician? Oookay.
07/05/2014 11:18 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
No, you're right about the rest.

I'm just sayin', Sindel is supposed to have white eyes and Reiko's are supposed to glow blue. Those two're consistent so far. That said...

Rockchalk5477 Wrote:
Why wasn't Sindel ever returned to normal by some court mages

What makes you think this isn't her new "normal", that she can be changed?

Sindel is just like Scorpion. She was dead and then she wasn't. The white eyes are SUPPOSED to be permanent. Mileena getting her pupils back was a mistake.

As far as Johnny/Sonya/Kung Lao/Kitana/Jax in Deception, maybe the way Onaga brings people back is different from the way Shinnok brings people back, like a more perfect process, like he makes it as if they were never dead in the first place?

I like this theory, but who brought Mileena back during MK3-Gold?

I would like some consistency with the eyes also. Sindel and Scorpion's have always been white though apparently.

Tanya I hope just has normal eyes, whatever color they may be, just not unnecessarily and inexplicably all white. I like Jaded's idea about the Edenians having sparkly eyes.

Jaded-Raven Wrote:
DVorah Wrote:
Tanya need the glowing eyes, she's a magican.

I would dislike normal eyes on her.

Shao Kahn, Shang Tsung and Quan Chi are all "magicians" (I prefer the word sorcerers), and they all have pupils in their eyes.

All the Edenians are magical, Tanya is not unique in that regard.

07/05/2014 11:28 PM (UTC)
wdm6789 Wrote:

Jaded-Raven Wrote:
DVorah Wrote:
Tanya need the glowing eyes, she's a magican.

I would dislike normal eyes on her.

Shao Kahn, Shang Tsung and Quan Chi are all "magicians" (I prefer the word sorcerers), and they all have pupils in their eyes.

All the Edenians are magical, Tanya is not unique in that regard.

My point was, that Dvorah seemed to imply that being a "magician" would mean having glowing eyes, hence the list of names.

However, as I've expressed before, I'd actually like if Tanya was more into magic than the typical Edenian, and actually was a sorceress of sorts, having her focus more on the magic aspect like Quan Chi and Shang Tsung.
07/05/2014 11:38 PM (UTC)

Jaded-Raven Wrote:
wdm6789 Wrote:

Jaded-Raven Wrote:
DVorah Wrote:
Tanya need the glowing eyes, she's a magican.

I would dislike normal eyes on her.

Shao Kahn, Shang Tsung and Quan Chi are all "magicians" (I prefer the word sorcerers), and they all have pupils in their eyes.

All the Edenians are magical, Tanya is not unique in that regard.

My point was, that Dvorah seemed to imply that being a "magician" would mean having glowing eyes, hence the list of names.

However, as I've expressed before, I'd actually like if Tanya was more into magic than the typical Edenian, and actually was a sorceress of sorts, having her focus more on the magic aspect like Quan Chi and Shang Tsung.

I see. Like Tanya is going to the dark side lol. I just want some sort of origin story for Tanya also.

I like the long hair, exotically beautiful motif they have for the Edenians. Tanya should not be an exception, not that she would be though. Sindel could have looked much better in MK9. She looked the best in MKD.

07/05/2014 11:38 PM (UTC)
wdm6789 Wrote:
I like this theory, but who brought Mileena back during MK3-Gold?

Quan Chi/Shinnok did, same as with everybody else. Before Onaga shows up, the ONLY person in the entire series who isn't rezzed by the Ruler of the Dead is Johnny Cage.
Also, in reference to the "white eyes can sometimes mean sorcerer, not just undead" argument, Nightwolf had 'em too in MK3.
But Tanya's in Deception were totally supposed to be a Robin mask and that was a dumb idea, not the least of which because the poor modelling made the black stripe look like facepaint instead..
07/06/2014 12:01 AM (UTC)
I hated that raccoon mask for her. No need for it. Before reading her bio, I seriously thought she went into becoming a robber. No, get rid of it.
07/06/2014 12:04 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
I hated that raccoon mask for her. No need for it. Before reading her bio, I seriously thought she went into becoming a robber. No, get rid of it.

I actually didn't see it as a mask. The only point where I think it looks like a mask is in MKD's Konquest mode. But in the render and in-game it looks more like either dark make-up or the shadow from her bangs.

Maybe it is just wishful thinking, as I'd also think that a mask like that would just be plain stupid. XD
07/06/2014 12:09 AM (UTC)
Again, I chalk it up to the textures and rendering just being really, really weird on the PS2 era games.

Like look at Nightwolf's facepaint. It doesn't look like it did in MK3, all clean and outlined, it looks like he held a red fruit up to his face, squeezed it, and just let the juice-splatter fall where it may.
And then in MK9, it looks cleanly outlined again like it's supposed to.
07/06/2014 12:16 AM (UTC)
Looking closer at certain screenshots and renders, willingly watching for the eyemask, I can actually see it now... Incredible that I didn't really see it before. Again, probably because I didn't want to see it. XD

Now I'm curious to know WHY the MK team would put that on her.
07/06/2014 12:19 AM (UTC)
I have no idea why they'd put it on her but it really doesn't make sense to just give her a mask. For a while I just thought it was the shadow of her bangs, and that would have been better to look at but since it's a mask... No she doesn't need one at all.
07/06/2014 12:23 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
I have no idea why they'd put it on her but it really doesn't make sense to just give her a mask. For a while I just thought it was the shadow of her bangs, and that would have been better to look at but since it's a mask... No she doesn't need one at all.

Yeah, exactly... it is just completely unnecessary and I don't get why it's there. Well, as long she doesn't have it in her MKX appearance, I'm happy.
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07/06/2014 12:42 AM (UTC)
I too always assumed it was just some dark slightly gothic make up. I will be willfully ignorant of this new development tbh.

07/06/2014 12:49 AM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
DVorah Wrote:
Tanya need the glowing eyes, she's a magican.

I would dislike normal eyes on her.

Shao Kahn, Shang Tsung and Quan Chi are all "magicians" (I prefer the word sorcerers), and they all have pupils in their eyes.

Shao Kahn and Quan Chi aren't humans. Shao Kahn is part of Raiden's race and Quan Chi is an oni. So I wouldn't use them with a human sorcerer.
07/06/2014 12:52 AM (UTC)
Kaber Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
DVorah Wrote:
Tanya need the glowing eyes, she's a magican.

I would dislike normal eyes on her.

Shao Kahn, Shang Tsung and Quan Chi are all "magicians" (I prefer the word sorcerers), and they all have pupils in their eyes.

Shao Kahn and Quan Chi aren't humans. Shao Kahn is part of Raiden's race and Quan Chi is an oni.

Tanya isn't human either, so I don't get what point you are trying to make.
And no, Quan Chi is a demon, not an oni. An oni is another race of Netherrealm than a demon.
07/06/2014 12:58 AM (UTC)
Quan Chi actually is described as an Oni.

He looks human because he evolved himself with magic.
07/06/2014 01:01 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Quan Chi actually is described as an Oni.

He looks human because he evolved himself with magic.

What, really? So he was like Moloch once? Does that mean Sareena and others like them were also demons? I've always thought demons and onis were two different races in the Netherrealm.
07/06/2014 01:02 AM (UTC)
They are two different races. Or rather, an Oni is a KIND of demon.

But Sareena and the girls are just regular demons, Drahmin, Moloch, and Quan Chi are the only oni.
07/06/2014 01:05 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
They are two different races. Or rather, an Oni is a KIND of demon.

But Sareena and the girls are just regular demons, Drahmin, Moloch, and Quan Chi are the only oni.

I wonder what the defining differences are between the two then...

Anyways, main point is that Tanya isn't human either, but is Edenian.
07/06/2014 01:06 AM (UTC)
As far as I know, the only real difference between Oni and other demons is Oni have a purpose: they're the ones who are supposed to torture the damned.
Granted that Drahmin is unusual for an Oni because he used to be a dead human, and Goro's Lair has all those mini-Molochs, so maybe Oni normally ARE a race of blue hairless gorillas? The word comes from actual Japanese mythology and generally means "ogre"...
07/06/2014 09:07 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote: The word comes from actual Japanese mythology and generally means "ogre"...

That I knew. :P
But yeah, I guess the Oni classification is rather unexplained in MK.

Anyways, Tanya... :P
07/06/2014 10:13 AM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Brown eyes are just so bland and boring.

Excuse me, Ima go cry in the corner, kay.

As for Tanya, I'd like her to have normal eyes. It's true that Edenians are mystic people, but that doesn't mean they should copy Raidens eyes. And please remove the robin mask. She doesn't need it, neither does it fit her.
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