02/04/2007 02:31 AM (UTC)
People keep saying that Scorpion's son should take up the mantle, except at this point his son is still dead... unless the elder gods did resurrect Scorpion's clan and family back as undead spectres, just as Scorpion is. Then what would his son possibly do? He'd just be a immitation... unless Scorpion's son and clan were returned to full life, then that would be different.

I can't remember, but wasn't Scorpion's agreement that he too would return to full life? Or was it never stated? Because if Scorpion did become alive again, then that would open alot of doors for him, if only that he'd no longer seek revenge because he and his family are alive again.
02/06/2007 01:56 PM (UTC)
Ermac: They Should Keep The MKD Costum And Have Thare UMK3 As A 2nd Costum.smile
02/06/2007 07:04 PM (UTC)
Even though I love all the ninjas, I must say that only a few should return and if they do:

Subzero: I agree with what most on here said about the shredder look. I would love to see his design expand on this idea more. I want to see more armor and more fur.

Scorpion: He should keep the ghostrider feel like his MKDA alternate, as well as an all new ninja look. In MKDA and MKD, his costume had too many features. His UMK3 ninja costume is played out already. He needs something new and fresh. More cloth and less armor. Something along the lines of Hotsuma from Shinobi.

Reptile: Shaolin Monks is the best look for him yet. If he shall return, he needs a look similar to that.

Ermac: The main look of his MKD/MKA costume was perfect. An upgraded look of that, would be just fine.

02/07/2007 12:07 AM (UTC)
I completely agree

Smoke-Should Stay Just Start From Scratch Make Him Like The Shaolin Monks Version of Him I Mean you guys need to give him a chance he is the best and i know the foggy mask is gay but make him 2nd in command of the lin kuei with a new look and everyone will love it.

Noob Saibot-Live-His story isnt completely done and what i think like his ending him and his original sub zero spirit form should battle it out and emerge as something new and different but make it original not another ninja we have so many make it a warrior assasin

Sub Zero-Live-A Classic charactor never dies the only reason scorpion is being taunted now is that his story isnt classic good and evil he needs a new hatred against the new noob saibot or sub zero the fact that they team up was cool for a while but next gen needs to change

Scorpion-live but CHANGE-We no longer need to see the specter scorpion as a lost soul bent on vengence against sub and quan the story needs to end now that his clan is back there are many possibilities and now that quan has kidnapped his son makes this an easy new story

Rain-Live-Let rain finally kill or atleast weaken lui kang so that him and kitana can be closer i mean come on kitana isnt going to marry a zombiesad
I know Rain Has a different look its a very positive thing i see him as a new face of Mk along with smoke

Ermac-????????-ermac is a very difficult character he is awsome no doubt but is he next gen material i mean now that he doesnt work for shao kahn and is good this leaves a blank i think he needs to return to shao kahn

Cyrax-Die-cyraxs story has come to an end i mean he works for the special forces its time for him to take a chance and die at the hands of sektor who in turn gets killed be smokesmile

Sektor-?-another difficult one i say die because with jax taken over the tengu as a full cyborg thats AWSOME i want to see that
02/07/2007 12:45 AM (UTC)

Scorpion-live but CHANGE-We no longer need to see the specter scorpion as a lost soul bent on vengence against sub and quan the story needs to end now that his clan is back there are many possibilities and now that quan has kidnapped his son makes this an easy new story

Quan Chi kidnapping Scorpion's son is ONLY in Scorpion's ending. His fellow ninja are undead warriors like he is. Scorpion works better as a loner, NOT the leader of the Shirai Ryu.

Rain-Live-Let rain finally kill or atleast weaken lui kang so that him and kitana can be closer i mean come on kitana isnt going to marry a zombie
I know Rain Has a different look its a very positive thing i see him as a new face of Mk along with smoke

Why would Kitana and Rain get together? Kitana fights for justice. Rain fights for power. Who said anything about Kitana wanting to marry Liu Kang?

Ermac-????????-ermac is a very difficult character he is awsome no doubt but is he next gen material i mean now that he doesnt work for shao kahn and is good this leaves a blank i think he needs to return to shao kahn

Why would Ermac just all of a sudden go back to Shao Kahn, the very person who enslaved him? That's just stupid and illogical.
02/07/2007 02:33 AM (UTC)
If Scorpion's ending comes true, we'll still want revenge against Quan Chi.

Kitana wanted Liu Kang to become her husband and rule Edenia with her in MK4, but he declined.

If Rain married Kitana, then he'd be king... that's power. Kitana has no knowledge of what happened between Rain and Taven, and still likely believes him to be an ally. He was her childhood friend, and she may have trust for him.
Or, Mileena's MK:A ending comes true, and Mileena then marries Rain.

Ermac is an awesome good-guy. Besides, Shao Kahn is likely dead-dead now.
02/07/2007 05:22 AM (UTC)
GraveDigger Wrote:
If Rain married Kitana, then he'd be king... that's power. Kitana has no knowledge of what happened between Rain and Taven, and still likely believes him to be an ally. He was her childhood friend, and she may have trust for him.

We don't know for certain Rain and Kitana ever knew each other before MK3. And that's assuming any part of Rain's ending even happened.

And even if they did know each other while they served Shao Kahn...that doesn't mean Kitana would marry him just because he asked.
02/07/2007 03:42 PM (UTC)
About Scorpion; I hope his family stays dead. Frankly, in my opinion, they should stick as his backstory. His Armageddon ending pissed me off. His son's alive again, but Quan Chi kidnapped him? Because as we all know, Scorpion just needs yet another reason to hate Quan Chi.

Frankly, if I wrote MK8, I'd have Scorpion be on the run. After Armageddon, the Elder Gods no longer need him, and let's just say he managed to finally kill Quan Chi. So now there's no purpose for him, and since everything he's done throughout the games has been for revenge/personal gain, his soul still belongs in Hell. Of course, he wouldn't want to be there, and he'd be actively trying to avoid going back to hell.

I'd say this would be an interesting reversal. Instead of being the hunter, he'd be the hunted and other such crap. I'd have a new character styled after the Grim Reaper trying to kill him again, so that he finally stays in Hell. That'd open up a few more possibilities than simply just having him aiming for revenge, yet again.
02/07/2007 04:31 PM (UTC)
XiahouDun84 Wrote:
GraveDigger Wrote:
If Rain married Kitana, then he'd be king... that's power. Kitana has no knowledge of what happened between Rain and Taven, and still likely believes him to be an ally. He was her childhood friend, and she may have trust for him.

We don't know for certain Rain and Kitana ever knew each other before MK3. And that's assuming any part of Rain's ending even happened.

And even if they did know each other while they served Shao Kahn...that doesn't mean Kitana would marry him just because he asked.

Rain was the son of Edenia's general, who'd be pretty close to the king and queen. And so their children, Kitana and Rain, grew up with each other, as Kitana revealed to Rain. And since nothing contradicts Rain's ending, it's very safe to assume that it happened. However... we still don't know what happened to him between the events of MK3 and MK:A, other than fighting Taven over the family inheritance.
The cartoon also suggested a thang between Rain and Kitana, so that could be a good blueprint for future events.

But, I still stick to my hope that Mileena's MK:A ending comes true, that she steals Kitana's beauty, locks her up in the Edenian dungeon and takes the throne for herself... but I also hope that she marries Rain.
This could lead to some good stories. We know that Mileena is willing to do just about anything to get the Edenian throne, but once she got it, she seemed like a good ruler. Now what happens when Rain marries her? Is he really the tyrant that his ending in MK:A suggested? Would Mileena let him do whatever he wants with her kingdom?
02/07/2007 04:35 PM (UTC)
GraveDigger Wrote:
Rain was the son of Edenia's general, who'd be pretty close to the king and queen. And so, their children, Kitana and Rain, grew up with each other, as Kitana revealed to Rain. And since nothing contradicts Rain's ending, it's very safe to assume that it happened. However... we still don't know what happened to him between the events of MK3 and MK:A, other than fighting Taven for the family inheritance.

Kitana didn't reveal they knew each other, only that Rain's father was an Edenian general.
Kitana was only an infant when Shao Kahn conquered Edenia and according to Rain's storyline, he was smuggled out of the ream after it was conquered. So it's unlikely Rain and Kitana knew each other in their childhood.
02/07/2007 05:17 PM (UTC)
I know I heard somewhere that they knew each other... was it the cartoon?

But about Scorpion... I think Sub-Zero's ending comes true, I think he might be the one who defeats Blaze, becoming a god without their consent (Taven was supposed to become a god). So they send their champion to kill Sub-Zero, who's Scorpion, but Scorpion's angry at them. But where could Scorpion's story go from there?
02/07/2007 10:54 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
I am the natural born opposition of ninjas.

Hence fear me, once I get creative controll over MK, your precious little masks will not do much good.

I'm interested in hearing what you'd do with the 'Ninjas", aside from just relieving them of their masks. Who would you kill off, how would you change their story, what would you make them look like, etc.

I think he should recieve something like his MKDA costumes. I really liked his MKDA alternate, especialy the flaming skull. His Primary wasn't too bad either. I really think he needs a story change. Move away from getting his revenge, and focus on him trying to redeem his image and name. And I wouldn't mind him refering to himself as Hanzo Hasashi, even though other fighters would call him Scorpion. I think his story should focus on him being brought to life, and his goal would be to redeem his image. He would lose his fire specials, and would have specials based solely on his Spear.

Sub Zero-
I think he will become the main "hero" in MK8. I liked his MKDA primary, because it really moved away from the cliched ninja look. I also imagine he will be trying to stop Noob Saibot, as I can see Saibot becoming a new major threat.

Its obvious he is my favorite character, and i don't want him to die, so I'll try not to be too biased on what i feel his future should be. I think he and Khamleon (or some other Matriarch) will focus on ressurecting their species, in a way other than procreation, which wouldn't work very well. I think, it it is still around, that Reptile will try to find Shinnok's Amulet, which he would use to sperate Zaterra from Outworld, and resurect his species. I guess he'd have to look like a human if he was with a Matriarch, but if i could have it my way, he would be more like his MKDA look, but would have a different shaped head. Less like a gecko and more like a raptor. He would also be somewhat insane, and only Khameleon could settle him down. He would have his original specials, and a new one where he pulls his opponent to him using his tongue.

Another Ninja i can see becoming a sort of "hero". I liked his MKD look, but i wouldn't mind seeing him unmasked, in maybe an alternate costume. I really don't know what his story would be, considering his lack of one before MKD.

His story should focus on him trying to win Argus' approval, if he really is Argus's third son. I imagine him as a cocky, arrogant prince trying to show their is more to him than his snobby attitude. I'd like to see his "knight" costume be brought back, sans the cape. His alt should be an elegant costume, no mask, a cape, decorative knives along his belt. Something along those lines.

Noob Saibot-
I really think he is going to be a dangerous person in MK8. I like his MKD costumes, but they should be built upon for MK8. He should get a hood, and his alt. should also be maskless.

A major threat in MK8, his armor should reflect his power. He shouldn't be huge and hulking. I think his MKA alt was a fantastic look for him, and really made him unique. Should lose the single rocket specials. Little rockets should shoot from his shoulders, three at a time. A flamethrower on his wrist, and the ability to teleport.

Like to see him working with Sub-Zero to defeat Noob Saibot. I think he should keep his robotic look.

I honestly have no idea with him. Should stay a robot,and should be working with the Special Forces to stop Sektor.

Chamleon-not even mentioned in MK8
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02/08/2007 10:15 PM (UTC)
Jesus Christ, get it through your thick skulls, NOBODY IS COMING BACK FOR MK8! God damn, you idiots are annoying!
02/08/2007 10:39 PM (UTC)
BlademasterJT Wrote:
Jesus Christ, get it through your thick skulls, NOBODY IS COMING BACK FOR MK8! God damn, you idiots are annoying!

No. No one ever said NOBODY was coming back. At the very least, Scorpion and Sub-Zero will be back.
02/09/2007 12:30 AM (UTC)
BlademasterJT Wrote:
Jesus Christ, get it through your thick skulls, NOBODY IS COMING BACK FOR MK8! God damn, you idiots are annoying!

no skull points?
02/09/2007 02:01 AM (UTC)
Reptilefanatic Wrote:
I think his story should focus on him being brought to life, and his goal would be to redeem his image. He would lose his fire specials, and would have specials based solely on his Spear.

I too wonder if he should be revived, and I agree that his fire attacks should probably be taken away if he returns to life, but I don't think they should only give him spear moves. Aside from his spear, he can still have his back-flip kick (shows skill) and teleport punch (maybe he teleports, or maybe he's a good ninja). Also, maybe an aggressive variation of his leg-scissors from MK2 (to display even more skill).
But any new spear moves would be welcomed, like a version of his spinning spear move from MK:SM.

I've probably said this before, but I think Sub-Zero's ending in MK:A might come true, he elder gods send their champion to kill Sub-Zero for becoming a god without their permission. Now knowing that the Lin Kuei had nothing to do with his clan's massacre, Scorpion officially vows to protect Sub-Zero.
Whether Scorpion's alive or dead has no real impact on this story, but being alive again could make things more serious for Scorpion in his mission.
02/09/2007 04:00 AM (UTC)
Thats a good idea. Scorpion having a flameless backflip kick would be cool, as well as his Scissor takedown from MK2.
02/10/2007 04:24 PM (UTC)
Ok, I have another idea for Scorpion in MK8.

Taven defeats Blaze and becomes the new protector of Edenia, not Sub-Zero.
However, Noob Saibot's trying to kill Sub-Zero and Scorpion feels responsible for creating Noob Saibot, so he officially/ vows to protect Sub-Zero.
02/10/2007 06:30 PM (UTC)
GraveDigger Wrote:
Ok, I have another idea for Scorpion in MK8.

Taven defeats Blaze and becomes the new protector of Edenia, not Sub-Zero.
However, Noob Saibot's trying to kill Sub-Zero and Scorpion feels responsible for creating Noob Saibot, so he officially/ vows to protect Sub-Zero.

For Noob Saibot to be involved in Scorpion's storyline, especially for Scorpion wanting to stop him, Noob Saibot has to first approach Scorpion.

It'd be interesting for Noob to consider having Scorpion join his side, convincing him that they are the same.
02/10/2007 07:33 PM (UTC)
They were allies before, and neither are aware of whom the other is... yeah, I'd like that. Scorpion could join with Noob Saibot (as partners), but Sub-Zero could show up trying to stop Noob Saibot and inform Scorpion of Noob Saibot's true identity. Scorpion would then feel responsible that his own thirst for revenge caused so much strife and ally with Sub-Zero.
02/11/2007 01:36 PM (UTC)
GraveDigger Wrote:
They were allies before, and neither are aware of whom the other is... yeah, I'd like that. Scorpion could join with Noob Saibot (as partners), but Sub-Zero could show up trying to stop Noob Saibot and inform Scorpion of Noob Saibot's true identity. Scorpion would then feel responsible that his own thirst for revenge caused so much strife and ally with Sub-Zero.

Actually, what I had in mind is that Noob would reveal who he was and that Scorpion would be appalled at what his old enemy has become. This would (hopefully) lead to Scorpion wanting to stop Noob Saibot, not out of anger or hate, but out of taking responsibility for his actions.
02/11/2007 04:39 PM (UTC)

Noob Saibot's bio could be something like...
"in my life, I was almost invincible, having defeated even gods. But there was one who finally conquered me, Scorpion. I hold no grudges against him, for he is the one that freed me from being a tool of the Lin Kuei.
Recent events have pushed Scorpion's mind and soul to the breaking point, making him a creature of pure rage and vengeance... so much so that he agreed to my offer. With him as my ally, no one can stop us from siezing the netherealm.
And with him being so reclusive, I see myself ruling the netherealm alone."

Scorpion's bio could be something like...
"I have been manipulated and decieved since I became a spectre. The only thing that never betrayed me was my own anger, which has fueled me through my journey... and now I have been offered a new path.
Noob Saibot, a former ally during Shinnok's war against the heavens, has proposed a partnership. Together we will rule the netherealm, but I do not want to rule anything, it is what comes with the title that I seek.
As the ruler of the netherealm, I will possess the power ro resurrect my clan and family. No longer will I rely on others to achieve this goal, I will do it myself."

Sub-Zero's bio could be like...
"It was my brother that created Scorpion, so how ironic it is that Scorpion created Noob Saibot... but does Scorpion recognize who he allies with? In life and in death, Scorpion has been an enemy of the Lin Kuei, so why would he ally with my brother? I know Scorpion to be honorable, which makes these new events so confusing.
But whatever the situation requires, I and the Lin Kuei will be ready. We will not let my brother realize the twisted ambitions he holds, nor will I allow Scorpion to do the same."

Scorpion's, Sub-Zero's, and Noob Saibot's endings will all confirm the same thing... Scorpion has the crisis of conscience we want. He will release his desire to have his clan returned to him in order to do something that's more important than himself... help Sub-Zero stop the creature he inadvertently created!

Noob Saibot's ending could be something like...
"So now Scorpion and I are once again at each-other's throats, I do not believe fate will ever let us stop our endless battle. However, I may be able to change that. Scorpion's a brutal and devastating warrior, which set him so much apart from the other Shirai Ryu... but this will now be my advantage.
We are the rulers of the netherealm, but he hasn't even attempted to use that power against me. The netherealm changed us both differently after our deaths, but I will start over with Scorpion. I'll return him to life, and then with his death I will transform him the way I was."

Scorpion's ending could be something like...
"Though I just want to undo the tragedy that struck my family and clan, I cannot allow Sub-Zero to take responsibility for everything I had done. It seems now that even my own anger betrayed me, the one thing that I thought I could always rely on.
It is my own thirst for revenge that created Noob Saibot, and now the injustice that fell upon my family is going to fall onto the world unless I do something. And while Noob Saibot has grown very powerful in the netherealm, I have aswell. Sub-Zero and his allies will not be fighting this alone."

Sub-Zero's ending could be something like...
My brother has become the new ruler of the netherealm with Scorpion's aid, and Noob Saibot now attacks the Lin Kuei temple, attempting to eradicate the only remnant of his former life. But thankfully the power that the throne offers wavers the farther he is from that throne, which means that I am almost his equal in the Earthrealm.
The Lin Kuei and I fought valiantly against Noob Saibot and his demonic forces, but to my suprise, it was Scorpion who turned the tide of battle. But during the battle, Noob Saibot returned Scorpion to life... stripping him of the power he gained from the netherealm, but Noob Saibot was still unable to deal the finishing blow. For despite the loss of power, Scorpion's fighting skills have improved immensly since his death, and together we will stop Noob Saibot."
02/11/2007 10:58 PM (UTC)
F*ck You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!smile
02/11/2007 11:01 PM (UTC)
So... are you saying that you don't like my story?
02/12/2007 01:38 AM (UTC)
lol at that. I think that reptile and chameleon and even khameleon should all be killed and resurected and turned into another boss character in the form of a large reptile thing or dragon. There should be a major revamp of the cyborg cosutmes. For example, make them less bulky becasue the current costumes are fairly large imo. Lasty, Noob and Smoke should gain another follower of their army and have him as another elemental style costume. Oh yeah and Scorpion should have the deception costume ftw! I personally like subzero's shredder costume but they should take away the ninja-esque style costume and put a more samurai/knight style costume with the helmet.
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