03/07/2007 04:25 AM (UTC)
I find those highly interesting as well.

In video games, the display of emotional nuance on a face during a match is necessarily a small range, if any--in that sense they are all masks--with characters in mk being generally mythological, and with the long historical affinity between the mystical and masks/face-painting/ornamentation, it makes sense to involve that (as has been done throughout). In india some Sadhus (wandering ascetics) paint their faces (Shaivite sadhus who paint their faces often put a symbol on their forehead of three stripes, one atop another, as representing the deity Shiva).
03/08/2007 01:09 AM (UTC)
godzilla, i like your name,but i hate your ideas. im a ninja fanboy as you see. they have already diversed the ninjas enough, i think too much. i would like them all to be more of there classic ninja outfits but with a little bit of diverse detail. If they were to do your idea, i wouldnt mind the rain one though, med evil armar sounds bad ass, but with a medevil helmet (something mortal kombat/ninja like)
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Winter is Coming A Lanister always pays his debts You know nothing Jon Snow! We do not sow! Valar Morghulis

03/30/2007 04:31 PM (UTC)
Ok first of all, I think that all of the ninja's should stay they were there first, so that's that. Just don't O.D(over do it) and start bringing more ninja's in the game, we have enough. Maybe one more but then eliminate one, so if it came to that I would let chameleon go because even though I liked his costume in MKA, I didn't play with him that much.(you're right, total rip off).
But here's my opinion:
Scorpion- keep his ninja look, I really would perfer the MKDA primary but if you wanna change it just make it bad-ass

Sub-Zero- I perfer the ninja look, Besides for you Sub-Zero fans, thats what it was to begin with, so use the MKA primary for Subby and take the mask off for his alternate. (Basically MKDA vice-virsa)

Reptile- Ninja look period. I don't care how you do it just do it. I notice that a lot of you would like to see him in his Lizard form for your preference or just to go with the story so why not both? (ninja alternate, Lizard primary)

Noob Saibot- yes I wrote out his whole name cus I dig it. Anyway just keep the pitch black lood for him. Maybe a shadowish look for his alternate?

Ermac- I don't know really. I would personally like his costume to change from MKD/MKA. Keep his face wraped but just change the outfit a little, wasn't really feeling it.

Rain- I fuckin hate his prince/knight look personally. If not give him the ninja look again for MKU3/MKT just do sumthin quick! At least hide his freakin hair. (I didn't realize it was that long until MKA)

Smoke- loose the elimental look,(He looks like he has no body, just a mask outfit and boots) realisticly can you even touch him( grab,throw) phisically anyway? I would perfer to see him in his cyber ninja form, I mean how did he manage to get out of it anyway? But for those of you who who would like to see his ninja form, Primary should be robot and alternate should be ninja.

Cyrax- Cyber ninja look, and keep the mask on. I'm a black person myself but nobody needs to see that, he looks like Murphy from Robo Cop. So for alternate costume try to change a few gadgets on his robo suit or sumthin.

Sekor- Luv it, Keep it, just next time you make an Alternate costume(MKA) don't make it look like he has cornrows, keep his helment the same. Who does his hair anyway?

Now I think I got all of them and if not, I'll just post it later on. Remember these are MY opinions.

04/03/2007 03:23 AM (UTC)
i'M only a kid but I was able to play Mortal Kombat Trilogy a long time ago and I have to say they overdid it with the palette-swapping ninjas so it was a good thing when they were given new looks. SOme I liked but some are just completely hideous. (I'm only 13 so please respect my opinions)

Sub Zero- I liked the MKDA look as well as most of his masked outfits so there's nothing really bad about his costume.

Scorpion- He should stay masked no matter what. He's a ninja with a skull for a face so he should never be unmasked. And besides, being unmasked makes him look like Ghost Rider.

Reptile- He shouldn't return because he always ends up being somebody's bitch ( I despise those kinds of characters) but if he were to return then the lizard look should return. But ultimately he should die.

Ermac- He's a next-gen. material like many say. His primary is almost perfect for him. It just needs a few touches. I hope he returns in MK8.

Rain- Get rid of him. His costume was cool(except for the cape) but unless the MK team has a good story for him, he should just stay dead.

Chameleon- No need for costume fixing. He should not be in MK8. I hope they're smart enough to kill him off. KILL THE STUPID BITCH!

Noob- Well kind of a split for me. he should either get killed by Sub-Zero or be the ruler of Netherrealm. iN case he returns he should stay black no flesh included.

For the females:

Kitana- Her costume looks a little bad but she looks totally hideous and fat. She should start by losing some weight and cutting some fat. Then get rid of purple. She doesn't look good in purple. She should wear something short but blue and fit for a princess.

Mileena- STick with the mask. Making her look slutty and hot kind of fits her because it makes her look like trying to be prettier and more attractive than Kitana. (Will most likely die unless people start a petition). IMO

Jade- Next gen. material. I really like her and her costume should stay as it is because blends with nature and looks amazon-ish. Kind of perfect for Jade.

Frost- I'm not supposed to include but she will die. Sub-Zero will freeze her very sorry ass.

As for Cyrax and Sektor, one of them will live or both of them will die. Either way, they both look good.

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Firm Turtle

04/04/2007 11:59 PM (UTC)
I dont understand peoples beef with the "ninja's". Why are thay hated? I can understand not like a character but it seems that the majority of the people on this site hate ninjas as a whole. If Sub,Noob,Scorp, and ermac return im perfectly happy. Noob needs to have a better fighting style and a scythe.
04/05/2007 10:05 PM (UTC)
SnowFox Wrote:
I dont understand peoples beef with the "ninja's". Why are thay hated? I can understand not like a character but it seems that the majority of the people on this site hate ninjas as a whole. If Sub,Noob,Scorp, and ermac return im perfectly happy. Noob needs to have a better fighting style and a scythe.

Are you serious? Lots of MK fans like a lot of the Ninja-type characters. It's people like Chrome who don't like most/all of them.

I'm pretty sure one reason that some don't like the Ninja-type characters is the whole palette-swap thing in the 2D games. Then again, they all have their own looks now, which is great. Some of the Ninja-type characters are more developed then others.

Noob Saibot with a better fighting style? What's wrong with Monkey style Kung Fu? As for the Scythe as his weapon...nah. I'd rather go with a singular Sickle-type weapon, kind of like the ones that those shadow wraiths use in MKSM.
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04/05/2007 10:09 PM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
SnowFox Wrote:
I dont understand peoples beef with the "ninja's". Why are thay hated? I can understand not like a character but it seems that the majority of the people on this site hate ninjas as a whole. If Sub,Noob,Scorp, and ermac return im perfectly happy. Noob needs to have a better fighting style and a scythe.

Are you serious? It's people like Chrome who don't like most/all of them.

Blood for the Chrome-dude man, blood for the Chrome-dude.
04/06/2007 12:31 AM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
SnowFox Wrote:
I dont understand peoples beef with the "ninja's". Why are thay hated? I can understand not like a character but it seems that the majority of the people on this site hate ninjas as a whole. If Sub,Noob,Scorp, and ermac return im perfectly happy. Noob needs to have a better fighting style and a scythe.

Are you serious? It's people like Chrome who don't like most/all of them.

Blood for the Chrome-dude man, blood for the Chrome-dude.

Quiet you! *bop*

I think a solution with these "Ninja" characters, and something that has been kind of done, is that they've taken some of them and taken them away from that "Ninja" look. Ermac has more of a mystic-look. Jade has this Amazon thing going on. Mileena is...a skimpy whore.

I never understood why Scorpion, who is the actual Japanese Ninja of MK, has kind of had little actual Japanese influenced design in his costumes. I gravitate towards his MKD primary/MKA alternate. I would like some actual Ninja Yoroi type costume designs for him and not that tight, rubber, spandex...whatever the fuck it is..type design he's got going on in his MKD alternate/MKA primary costume.

It's kind of interesting how Scorpion does act more like a Shinobi no Mono in the earlier MK games, but then later on...he seems to act more like a Nusubito.

Chrome, I'm not sure if you are familiar with these different names as a time before, you had a misconception on the Ninja. I wonder if you have ever looked into those translated excerpts of the three classical Ninjutsu texts (Bansenshukai, Ninpiden, Shoninki). The Shoninki in particular differentiates between the Nusubito, who disregard life and have no morals, and the Shinobi no Mono, who endures through life's hardships and works to become a better person.
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