The ninjas...
posted04/06/2007 12:31 AM (UTC)by
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03/23/2003 07:23 PM (UTC)
As we all know, MK's large number of ninjas has been a source of joy for the fans, as well as derision from it's detractors. My question is, if the ninjas return in MK8, what is your tolerance to the collective ninjaness? Would you prefer some ninjas to stop being ninjas? Or would you prefer to return to the "glory days" of UMK3?(As a note, I am well aware that in the strictest sense of the word, Scorpion is the only ninja. But I consider everyone that was a pallete swap in the 1990s to be a ninja, all semantics aside)

In my opinion, more than half these characters shouldn't return, but if they do:
Scorpion: Keep him as a ninja in his primary costume. Give him something hellish for his alt. In my opinion, he is one of the few who should stay a like he is.
Sub-Zero: Give him an unmasked, completely unique primary. His alt should be the shredder armor.
Reptile: Ditch the ninja look. I don't want him human at all. Frankly, I'd prefer something along the lines of his MKDA alt as a primary, just make him bulkier and more monstrous. I'm not too sure about an alt.
Smoke: I'd keep him as he currently is. He should most definately not be a human ninja.
Noob: Okay, his primary can stay as a tar-black ninja, but his alt needs to be something new. Maybe just a charred-up skeleton?
Rain: No. If he returns, I'd say he should look like a mideval knight.
Ermac: I'd like to see him as a "soul elemental", kinda like how Blaze was a fire elemental (MKDA Blaze, not steroid Blaze). His MKD primary could be a good alt.
Chameleon: I hate him with a burning passion, he represents everything I hate about the ninjas, etc. If he returns... I'd ditch all the clothes. Ever see Predator? Yeah, I want him to look like a more visible version of the Predator's stealth, maybe include the color cycling and glowing eyes.

Maybe later I'll talk about the ninja girls and cyborgs.

02/02/2007 04:50 PM (UTC)
For me it's not so much a question of should they be ninja, but should they still wear masks.

Like you said, I think most shouldn't return, but of whoever does come back the only characters I think should stay masked are:
- Scorpion because...for one thing, technically, he's the only official ninja. But also he wears the mask to hide his cursed skull head. In a way, his mask IS his face now.
- Mileena because she wears a mask to hide her choppers. She ashamed of her face and tries to hide it.
- Noob Saibot because he should always retain a faceless wraith-like appearance. For instance, in Deception when they had him have normal colored skin, he didn't look like a wraith anymore. He looked like just some dude.
- Ermac for similar reasons as Noob. He's supposed to be an enigmatic, weird, mystical character and showing his face, IMO, takes that away from him.
- Sektor because he wants nothing to do with being human, so it'd make sense for him to constantly wear his helmet.

Those are the only characters who should stay masked, IMO. And not even really because they're ninjas....but because they're freaks.

Anyone else can go maskless.

As for the "forms" of Smoke and Reptile....Smoke should stay in his elemental look. And Reptile....I honestly have no preference. Whatever fits the story, because his state of evolution/devolution is story-related.
02/02/2007 07:46 PM (UTC)
XiahouDun84 Wrote:
For me it's not so much a question of should they be ninja, but should they still wear masks.

- Scorpion because...for one thing, technically, he's the only official ninja. But also he wears the mask to hide his cursed skull head. In a way, his mask IS his face now.
- Mileena because she wears a mask to hide her choppers. She ashamed of her face and tries to hide it.
- Noob Saibot because he should always retain a faceless wraith-like appearance. For instance, in Deception when they had him have normal colored skin, he didn't look like a wraith anymore. He looked like just some dude.
- Ermac for similar reasons as Noob. He's supposed to be an enigmatic, weird, mystical character and showing his face, IMO, takes that away from him.
- Sektor because he wants nothing to do with being human, so it'd make sense for him to constantly wear his helmet.

Those are the only characters who should stay masked, IMO. And not even really because they're ninjas....but because they're freaks.

Anyone else can go maskless.

As for the "forms" of Smoke and Reptile....Smoke should stay in his elemental look. And Reptile....I honestly have no preference. Whatever fits the story, because his state of evolution/devolution is story-related.

I completely agree with that to the letter.

But I say that Sub-Zero should always have one ninja costume. He is one of MK's first two ninjas, he is a ninja, he comes from a clan of ninjas.

And let me just say that whatever form the ninjas come in, they are the biggest part of Mortal Kombat's history. They have been both some of Mortal Kombat's biggest attractions and biggest issues. Mortal Kombat isn't Mortal Kombat without them.
02/02/2007 10:30 PM (UTC)
See, here's a problem that's been in MK since the first game.

I, like XiahouDun84, consider Scorpion to be the only true ninja. He comes from a clan of ninja. He founder of the clan also happens to be the creator of Ninjutsu. Scorpion wields a Ninja-To (even though the ninja NEVER used swords that had short, straight blades).

MKM: SZ, MK4, and MKG were taking Sub-Zero away from the whole "ninja" label, which I liked. But then, MKDA brought back that label to him as well as the Lin Kuei, which I didn't like.

To really define what a ninja is is kind of hard to do. In the realm of video games and other media, a ninja is usually depicted as some mysterious, shadowy, black-clad warrior assassin that throws shuriken (or ninja stars as they are so incorrectly called, especially since some of the Samurai fighting arts such as Tatsumi Ryu Heiho teach Shurikenjutsu).

I would love to have them stay as far away from calling the others, especially Sub-Zero, as ninja. Referring to them as "ninja-type characters" or "ninja-ish characters" is fine by me.

Out of the so-called "male ninja" characters, I think ones like Sub-Zero and Ermac should definitely make it to the next-gen games. Scorpion, Noob Saibot, Rain, Reptile, and Smoke are closer to my maybe list. Chameleon...well...Chameleon can just roll over and die for all I care.
02/02/2007 10:37 PM (UTC)
Sub-Zero better lose the Shredder look in the next game... and i know these endings will not apply to the next game, but if they're going to keep Sub-Zero's ending, I will be PISSED. Fuck the endings for Armageddon hard in the ass alright....

Reptile better go back to what he looked like in MK4, he looked like shit in Deadly Alliance turning him into an actual reptile with a long ass tail. i know he's a reptile... but still he looked like crap.

scorpion is fine

noob is fine

smoke, i rather like him as a robot, his ninja form in deception/armageddon looked distroted

ermac yeah...

im not saying anything about chameleon becuase hes just another rip off so i'm not bothering with him.

other than that sub-zero and reptile are the only guys who basically has the largest wardrobe malfunctions seeing how they are the most changed ninjas since mk1, i know scropion does too... but there is nothing wrong with whats hes wearing... this is totally strange for a girl like me to decide whats cool and whats not to wear for a guy... im not gay or anything... its just strange.
02/02/2007 10:50 PM (UTC)
Just because Sub-Zero's ancestral armor costume has him wearing a kabuto doesn't make him like Shredder. For those that like to use the term "Shredder costume", you might as well do the same for Shao Kahn as he too wears a kabuto. What's wrong with Sub-Zero's ancestral armor look, anyway?
02/02/2007 11:12 PM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
Just because Sub-Zero's ancestral armor costume has him wearing a kabuto doesn't make him like Shredder. For those that like to use the term "Shredder costume", you might as well do the same for Shao Kahn as he too wears a kabuto. What's wrong with Sub-Zero's ancestral armor look, anyway?

Ir's just a joke. And I just don't like the costume in general.


Scorpion: I hate him the most. For his primary, it should be a more classic ninja look, similar to MKDA. That was his best costume. For his alternate, I'd love to see his flaming skull, with torn clothes and chains all over his body, with some cool leg armor or something. One of his hands should be like a skeleton.

Sub-Zero: There's no need for him to be a 'ninja' anymore. His MKDA Primary and MKD Alternate costumes are his best to date, and those are not ninja-like. I would be fine if both of those looks came back for MK8.

Reptile: His MKDA costumes are his best. Keep him as he is.

Smoke: Cyborg.

Noob Saibot: He needs to look like the Grim Reaper or something a bit more frightening than an all black ninja.

Ermac: I hate him a lot too, but his new look never really bothered me.

Rain: I liked his MKA Primary fine, but his alternate should be something a bit more like a warrior, without a mask.

Chameleon: lolz
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02/03/2007 12:52 AM (UTC)
What about Kenshi? If he was in UMK3 he would have been the red ninja! Reiko would have been the maskless dark purple Ninja if anyone remembers MK4. In fact when I was a casual MK fan, I thought Ermac, Kenshi and Reiko were the same character... before I knew their names of course.
02/03/2007 01:47 AM (UTC)
sitebender Wrote:
What about Kenshi? If he was in UMK3 he would have been the red ninja! Reiko would have been the maskless dark purple Ninja if anyone remembers MK4. In fact when I was a casual MK fan, I thought Ermac, Kenshi and Reiko were the same character... before I knew their names of course.

Kenshi isn't a ninja and he wouldn't be considered one if he were in UMK3. Reiko wears purple in his alt costume in MK4/MKG. You thought Ermac, Kenshi, and Reiko were the same character when you were a casual MK fan? Wtf? I think even casual fans would know that they aren't the same...
02/03/2007 02:54 AM (UTC)
Scorpion- shouldn't stay, as his story is dull and stale. If he does stay though, give him a new sotry and costume.

Sub-zero- defintely stay, but a new story and weapon would me nice.

Reptile- stay, but needs a story dealing with Khameleon again.

Ermac- 100% stay, better costume though.

Chameleon- no way stay, nothing can save him imo.

Cyrax- should go, no offense but his story is kinda dull imo.

Sektor- stay, but new look and story.

Smoke- leave, tired of him being sorta weak imo.

Rain- cool character, but leave; his story is really dull.

Noob Saibot- stay, new story though.
02/03/2007 03:46 AM (UTC)
Scorpion: end him, i love the character, but just let him go, let his son take up the name and act under his own motives that have nothing to do with revenge, and give him a more classical ninja look (more cloth less vynal)

Sub-Zero: keep playing on the developements from MKDA/MKD, keep the shredder look but make him look more "grandmastery"

Reptile: kill him, never let him return, we don't need mindless drone's in the next MK, if he must return develop his insanity as it was in MKDA, if he must return, return to his MK4 look but expand it some more

Ermac: make him look more mystic, give him some more flow, ditch the axe, his story has so much potential right now, they could really take him places

Noob Saibot: keep him as the ruler of the netherrealm, make him like a cross between Onaga and Shinnok, keep the jet black look though

Smoke: if he doesn't gain his consciousness back kill him, if he does make him the Lin Kuei's second in command, keep the elemental look make him more ethereal though

Rain: if he return's expand on the "illigetimate child of between a god and edenian royalty that was jipped from his rightful postition" story, and give him a more Edenian knightly look, purple and silver can work well together, ditch the cape

Chameleon: his current look is pretty much perfect for him, but he must not return under any circumstances
02/03/2007 05:14 AM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
Just because Sub-Zero's ancestral armor costume has him wearing a kabuto doesn't make him like Shredder. For those that like to use the term "Shredder costume", you might as well do the same for Shao Kahn as he too wears a kabuto. What's wrong with Sub-Zero's ancestral armor look, anyway?

he looked like shredder. i thought it was hilarious... but still... he looked like shredder.
02/03/2007 11:47 AM (UTC)
- Primary - Ninja Costume
- Alt - Scorpion + Ghost Rider + Spawn = Chain and leather ninja outfit with flaming skull.

- Primary - "Shredder" Armour that is somewhat more 'epic' and 'grandmastery' yet still looks reasonably practical for combat.
- Alt - Almost overdone "Shredder" armour (almost WH40K spacemarine/tactical dreadnaught armour), (ceremonial outfit?) maskless with long grey hair.

- Primary - Shaolin Monks style but even more makeshift and less "ninja-like" (no 'V-neck' design, more tatered green and black rags)
- Alt - Similar to primary but shirtless with more tattered mask rags. Wristbands unwound somewhat so they drape below hands and pants torn at bottum (think Hulk or Lizard from Marvel comics)

Noob Saibot:
- Primary - Im thinking a venom inspired (bulkier, beast like, emphasised white eyes) version of the Tar-like outfit without any armour underneith. Black goop could drip from his limbs and mouth. He should look vial.
- Alt - Armour cheast plate, arm bands, legs and mouth, restricting the beast look but maintaing drippings of tar like gunk from his body and all in all vial appearance.

- Primary - I quite like his current look so something similar
- Alt - Shirtless and maskless, His face occasionly distorting into a hollow gathering of grreen aura, sucked in around the eyes and mouth with spirit like faces trapped beneath then back to a physical form almost instantly. His body should be partially transparent (fading to transparency towards waist) with green aura moving waving around his body and souls seemingly moving within his body.

Robot Ninjas: only 1 should remain. Whomever it is they will be distinct enough.

Others: kill em.
02/03/2007 05:37 PM (UTC)
Scorpion-Make his son take over as the "new" scorpion
Sub-Zero-Keep him he has always been in Kombat
Reptile-He looks horrible as a reptile he should go the the Trilogy look
Noob-Make him into the old sub again
Cyrax-Make him human (MK cartoon look)
Sektor-he's fine
Smoke-Trilogy look
Rain-the most baller character ever..keep goin with the half elder god and a complete re-mod on the costume
Chameleon-keep him but not so see throughy
About Me

02/03/2007 05:43 PM (UTC)
I am the natural born opposition of ninjas.

Hence fear me, once I get creative controll over MK, your precious little masks will not do much good.
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02/03/2007 06:21 PM (UTC)
So Kenshi isn't a ninja? Is he a swordsman then? He does wear something to conceal his face like a ninja. He has a Katana. He uses virtually the same telekenetic powers as the old school Ermac.
02/03/2007 06:38 PM (UTC)
sitebender Wrote:
So Kenshi isn't a ninja? Is he a swordsman then? He does wear something to conceal his face like a ninja. He has a Katana. He uses virtually the same telekenetic powers as the old school Ermac.

Kenshi's not a ninja. He is a swordsman. He wears a blindfold because he's blind. Ninja don't use katanas, Samurai did. In MK:DA, Ermac taught Kenshi telekinetic moves in return for freeing him from Shao Kahn.
02/03/2007 07:14 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
I am the natural born opposition of ninjas.

Yes, I know.

Chrome Wrote:
Hence fear me


Chrome Wrote:
once I get creative controll over MK, your precious little masks will not do much good.

When hell freezes over...

XiahouDun84 Wrote:
sitebender Wrote:
So Kenshi isn't a ninja? Is he a swordsman then? He does wear something to conceal his face like a ninja. He has a Katana. He uses virtually the same telekenetic powers as the old school Ermac.

Kenshi's not a ninja. He is a swordsman. He wears a blindfold because he's blind. Ninja don't use katanas, Samurai did. In MK:DA, Ermac taught Kenshi telekinetic moves in return for freeing him from Shao Kahn.

Actually, the majority of the weapons the Ninja used are the exact same weapons the Samurai used. They certainly used the katana and never used swords that had short, straight blades.

As for the Kenshi/Ermac thing, Konquest seems to indicate that Ermac only taught him the Telekinetic Slam while Kenshi learned the other moves from his ancestors' sword.
02/03/2007 07:41 PM (UTC)
I'm no expert on Japanese history, but I'm pretty sure that historically, ninjas used improvised short swords made out of scrap metal, and rarely used katanas. The reason was because most ninjas were dirt poor, and Katanas were extremely intricately made and expensive. Also, since ninjas often used disguises, a small sword would be far easier to conceal than a katana.
About Me

02/03/2007 08:05 PM (UTC)
sitebender Wrote:
So Kenshi isn't a ninja? Is he a swordsman then? He does wear something to conceal his face like a ninja. He has a Katana. He uses virtually the same telekenetic powers as the old school Ermac.

Kenshi (ergh, or more correctly kansin or kenshin) means sword-saint, or a very apt sword-user.

He wears a band over his eyes becouse he is blinded and possibly over-sensitive to fluorescence.

Ninjas rarely used katanas. They are long, unconceilable sabers for Gods sake. And getting one was almost equal to suicide, and permanently after-
wards, a death sentence.

Since when did telkinetic powers guarantee ninjahood?
02/03/2007 08:10 PM (UTC)
Scorpion: Mask

Subby: No

Ermac: Mask

Smoke: Elemental

Reptile: I think his MKSM look is the best

Rain: He can go maskless

Chameleon: >_>......

Noob: Eh....He can retain his mask. But if they can give him a creepier design, I'd like that.

Of course we can't forget the ladies:

Kitana: Either one works for me. I like her masked because it goes back to her assasin days and makes her look bad ass. If she goes maskless she needs a good costume, not that ugly purple shit they had her wearing as her MKA default.

Mileena: The mask is her trademark, but if they could make a design for her without a mask, go for it.

Jade: I prefer her maskless. Jade is an exotic beauty and she needs to show it.

Khameleon: Hell if I know. we'll see when her design for the Wii version of MKA is revealed.
02/03/2007 08:42 PM (UTC)
Godzilla Wrote:
I'm no expert on Japanese history, but I'm pretty sure that historically, ninjas used improvised short swords made out of scrap metal, and rarely used katanas. The reason was because most ninjas were dirt poor, and Katanas were extremely intricately made and expensive. Also, since ninjas often used disguises, a small sword would be far easier to conceal than a katana.

The Ninja consisted of a small number of families who belonged to the lower samurai class, peasants, and even outcasts, and only rarely by warriors belonging to the samurai elite. Some of the Samurai elite who are said to be Ninja are people like Hanzo Hattori, Tozawa Hakuunsai, and Daisuke Togakure.

When it comes to the issue of swords, the type of sword that a Ninja would've most likely used would've been a sword like this:

Chrome Wrote:
sitebender Wrote:
So Kenshi isn't a ninja? Is he a swordsman then? He does wear something to conceal his face like a ninja. He has a Katana. He uses virtually the same telekenetic powers as the old school Ermac.

Kenshi (ergh, or more correctly kansin or kenshin) means sword-saint, or a very apt sword-user.

He wears a band over his eyes becouse he is blinded and possibly over-sensitive to fluorescence.

Ninjas rarely used katanas. They are long, unconceilable sabers for Gods sake. And getting one was almost equal to suicide, and permanently after-
wards, a death sentence.

Since when did telkinetic powers guarantee ninjahood?

The Ninja used the same weapons the Samurai did plus more.
02/03/2007 09:00 PM (UTC)
I agree with most saying that Scorpion should remain with mask/ninja status..

Sub Zero was unmasked long ago and MKDA kept to this and for some reason MKD had the Shredder look. Couldn't understand it really. So yeah Sub Zero = maskless.

I don't know about Noob Saibot really. Part of me thinks basic MK ninja design with Wraith smoke swirling around him. Looks cool in my head. Or kinda like Venom without the sharp teeth and extra long tongue.

Smoke. I don't know. If they are going with the whole Smoke elemental with him then he should be a moving pile of smoke and when he punches, kicks etc. he solidifies.

Ermac. I don't know why they didn't go with a Knight in armour look for Ermac. It would have kept his mystique and given him a new look. It would suit him.

Rain, should have been unmasked in Armageddon. He is an evil Edenian prince. He doesn't need to be masked as well. I have no problems with his Armageddon gear really. His alt is a bit generic.

Reptile. 6 foot lizard. Doesn't need to be a ninja. Again MKDA was on the right track for this then fan service won out for Armageddon.

I don't see much problem with Kitana, Mileena and Jade really. Mileena's masked appearance is understandable and Kitana's and Jade's primaries were unmasked. With their alts being homages to their roots.
02/03/2007 11:25 PM (UTC)
but for something i forgot to mention for Sub-Zero, he should not look almost completely bald with a ponytail on the very top of his grey skinned head... he should have long hair thats either white, grey, or maybe black depending on how old you want to make him.
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02/04/2007 02:02 AM (UTC)
Alright....female perspective.

Scorpion - I'm torn between whether or not I'd want him in the next MK game. He's my second favorite character in the series, and he'll always represent MK to me. However, unless they do something unique with his character in the next game, he'd be there just to be there and nothing else. The concept of his son being the next Scorpion would be interesting if done right. Either way, keep him masked...and a costume something between his current and his alt.

Sub-Zero - As much as the whole "Shredder" look turned me off in the beginning....I really kinda like it now. It gives him a completely unique look, and yet he still feels Sub-Zero to me. I dunno, maybe I'm just looking past the outfit. Either way, keeping that as an alt would be great, and giving him an unmasked version would be good as well. (though for pity's sake, make him younger again....Dragon Medallion or not)

Reptile - Beyond his full-lizard look in Deadly Alliance, which wasn't that great to begin with...I honestly don't care. His Shaolin Monks/Armaggedon look is fine with me. Whether or not he stays as a playable character, or is only known in backstory for the next game doesn't matter to me.

Smoke - I like the concept of his smoke-form, but I think it needs to be redone a little better. I'd like to see him have some kind of a human form as well, even if it's still evident he's part cyborg/ethreal. But please, PLEASE stop making him Noob's bitch! His character has so much potential, especially if he joins back up with Sub-Zero.

Ermac - I agree he needs a slightly more mystic-look to him. Maybe a red warlock-like outfit (take that as you will) with a glowing gree aura? Mmm...doesn't need much to work on otherwise, in my opinion.

Noob - For as crappy as the Armaggedon endings were, I like the idea of mixing his "black" form with something remeniscent of his days as the original Sub-Zero. Obviously keep it black, though.

Rain - Ok, he's a half-god illegitamate. Fine. So now what? Gonna just keep it as is, or will it be built upon? That'll make or break the character. I agree the cape needs to go, though.

Chameleon - Lose him. He was interesting in his return, but that was about it. the concept of the "watcher" has been overdone before.
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