02/12/2007 03:16 AM (UTC)
smokezero8 Wrote:
F*ck You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!smile

Well now, that's a bit harsh. And listen, don't censor yourself. Yes, we all know what the asterisk stands for. Nobody's going to look at your post and say 'Well, he doesn't deserve skulls because he put an asterisk in his two word flame'. Just say fuck. It's the same damn thing.

Anyways, I'm gonna talk about the female and cyborg ninjas in this post.

Kitana: Two things, first, de-ninja her. Frankly, I think something more regal than a bathing suit and mask is in order.
Mileena: I'd keep her primary, it fits fine. As for the alt, I think a MK2 throwback would look good. Maybe something unmasked.
Jade: Again, ditch the ninja look. Since her stage is a desert, I think a psuedo-Egyptian goddess theme would be good for an alt. For a primary, I'd say a less slutty take on her MKD costume would be good.
Frost: Sweet jesus, she should definately not come back. Frankly, I think she's so played out and ridiculous, that I don't care what costumes they give her.

Sektor: I like the streamlined, Cylon-esque MKA alternate. I think that should be his primary. As an alternate, I'd give him some Anime-influenced mech design.
Cyrax: I like the helmet, they should keep his MKDA primary. For an alternate, how about a secret agent-type deal, with bits of metal sticking out of his skin?
About Me

02/12/2007 08:03 AM (UTC)
smokezero8 Wrote:
F*ck You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!smile

02/12/2007 05:01 PM (UTC)
The three of them in my story have their history tied to one-another, but that has been forgotten until recently.
Sub-Zero and Noob Saibot have established a fued in MK:D and Scorpion is spiraling out of control. I think it's the perfect time to bring them all back to their roots.

In my story, all of the past events have driven Scorpion from being a self-rightious loner to going border-line insane, and is starting to go down a road of becoming a new major enemy in the MK world.
However, the endings reveal that knowing Noob Saibot's true identity and the attack on the Lin Kuei temple has snapped Scorpion to his senses. He's starting to own up to everything he has done, and is giving up on his own desires to fix everything he's responsible for.
Sub-Zero couldn't have stopped Noob Saibot's attack without Scorpion's aid, however Noob Saibot doesn't want to lose such a powerful ally, and the combination of these events has given Scorpion new life at a very bad time.
If my story comes to pass, MK9 will feature Scorpion with a new problem... risking his newfound life to keep his vow of helping Sub-Zero make everything right. This story will give Scorpion will show what Scorpion is truly made of.
About Me
02/14/2007 02:31 PM (UTC)
Now and before now Noob always had bad and unoriginal look.

The only main original is that he is all black.

Make him look like he is made of mazut ...It must flow from him...Keep his eyes the way they are...

Give him moves closer to the moves that Glacius had in Killer Instinct

Ok I mentioned Scorpion because he is also ninja,but he is real one.

He is fast, furius deadly and his fighting style totally fits him.

Make the same with Noob.Ok booN "monkey" style isn't that slow as is in MK:A...

Return to him his shadow moves and make new ones.A plenty moves was written here in the forums and we did'n saw any of them and they were so original( I'll post here some later)

Finaly return his scythe - or give him sickle - its one handed so is fast and Noob must be FAST!
02/14/2007 05:40 PM (UTC)
Asesino Wrote:
Now and before now Noob always had bad and unoriginal look.

The only main original is that he is all black.

Make him look like he is made of mazut ...It must flow from him...Keep his eyes the way they are...

Give him moves closer to the moves that Glacius had in Killer Instinct

Ok I mentioned Scorpion because he is also ninja,but he is real one.

He is fast, furius deadly and his fighting style totally fits him.

Make the same with Noob.Ok booN "monkey" style isn't that slow as is in MK:A...

Return to him his shadow moves and make new ones.A plenty moves was written here in the forums and we did'n saw any of them and they were so original( I'll post here some later)

Finaly return his scythe - or give him sickle - its one handed so is fast and Noob must be FAST!

You said the exact same thing in the thread you created 8 days ago.

So, I guess in return, I'll say exactly what I said in response to your thread.

What do you mean by Noob Saibot's outlook? That sounds more like it's about his views on certain things.

One big problem with Noob Saibot is that he's in danger of becoming (and already kind of is) a stereotypical ninja. What I mean is, he's an evil, black-clad spy and warrior assassin who throws shuriken.

How does Hapkido totally fit Scorpion? Wouldn't Ninjutsu be the style to fit him perfectly?

How is Monkey slow in MKA? If anything, it's one of the fastest styles in the game.

He does have shadowy type moves like the Black Hole.

For his weapon...

Scythe: No.

Sickle: Yes. I think it should be of the same design as the sickles used by the Shadow Wraiths from MKSM.
02/15/2007 05:43 PM (UTC)
3 is the perfect number

1 sub zero
2 scorpion
3 ermac

people who want the ninas killed off completely are just retarded
that would be like taking the plumer out of mario
or taking the hedgehog out of sonic

you just dont kill off the most popular characters
becuase its just plum retarded
and most likely it would kill the game
About Me

02/15/2007 06:39 PM (UTC)
crackhead-ermac Wrote:
3 is the perfect number

1 sub zero
2 scorpion
3 ermac

people who want the ninas killed off completely are just retarded
that would be like taking the plumer out of mario
or taking the hedgehog out of sonic

you just dont kill off the most popular characters
becuase its just plum retarded
and most likely it would kill the game

There are sevral games that killed off the main characters, and still would prove even more popular than their prequels. Like the death of Khalid in Baldurs Gate 2, etc.

Killing the majority of ninjas is not retarded, since MOST OF THEM ARE NOT THE MOST POPULAR CHARACTERS. Most of them are the fetish of drooling 14 year old Mk geeks that have the mental complexity of a rock.

And besides, it is not because of the characters themselves, per se, but because they are disfuctional and redundant.
02/15/2007 07:51 PM (UTC)
I'm gonna come right out and say it, the ninjas are one of my favorite things about Mortal Kombat.
And they aren't really "ninjas," because they aren't palette swaps of Scorpion anymore. They have all come unto themselves as unique individuals.
02/15/2007 11:52 PM (UTC)
I say only 4 ninjas are worthy of returning Sub-Zero, Scorpion, Noob, and Ermac even though he might die. Smoke is a slave he needs to be killed like Baraka.
02/17/2007 11:01 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
crackhead-ermac Wrote:
3 is the perfect number

1 sub zero
2 scorpion
3 ermac

people who want the ninas killed off completely are just retarded
that would be like taking the plumer out of mario
or taking the hedgehog out of sonic

you just dont kill off the most popular characters
becuase its just plum retarded
and most likely it would kill the game

There are sevral games that killed off the main characters, and still would prove even more popular than their prequels. Like the death of Khalid in Baldurs Gate 2, etc.

Killing the majority of ninjas is not retarded, since MOST OF THEM ARE NOT THE MOST POPULAR CHARACTERS. Most of them are the fetish of drooling 14 year old Mk geeks that have the mental complexity of a rock.

And besides, it is not because of the characters themselves, per se, but because they are disfuctional and redundant.

so taking out sub zero scorpion ermac and noob siabot out of the game all at the same time wont hurt the game at all!? wow your a genius ( sarcasem )
02/18/2007 02:53 PM (UTC)
I think thay should at least take off scorpion and ermacs mask maby as alternant costumesgrin
02/20/2007 02:36 AM (UTC)
Scorpion: he should definetly make a come back. I like his costume from MKD or his alt from MKA. His alt for MK8 shoud make him look more like one of hell's agents.

Sub Zero: He's a automatic come back. To me he's the best character in the MK franchise. I like his look from MKA it should stay. For MK8 he should be given more than one alt costume. One unmasked and his alt costume MKA

Rain: He should definetly return. This make him look more like a Ninja instead of magician or a wizard. Even his alt costume in MKA was horrible.

Sektor: He should return and he could stay the same

Those are the only ninjas I'm concerned about. Reptile's just another character to me. Chameleon, his name don't hold no weight. Noob and the cyborgs they aight, i just don't care for them that much
02/22/2007 04:58 PM (UTC)

Scorpion : Keep him masked and give him an alternate non-ninja costume.

Reptile: Make him return with his MK2/MKT look. The reptilian look from MKDA sucked a lot!!!!!! But his primary costume was'nt too bad.

Ermac: He sould remain masked with a completely new costume.

Sub-Zero : Also keep him masked as he's the leader of the new LIN KUEI.

Frost : 2 solutions, either she despises Sub-Zero and he kicks her ass to fire her. In that case, give her a new outfit like her MKDA alternate costume.
Or, she Should remain at Sub-Zero's side after paying her crimes against his army by keeping her mask with a sexy costume.

Smoke : Revert him back to his human look but not mainly as ninja. HIs robot form his horrible.

Cyrax : Make him human too and work alongside Sonya's team for good.

Sektor : He sould remain masked as he's the only robot who does'nt want to have anything to do with humans.

Noob Saibot : Keep him a masked outfit and a wraith outfit.

Rain : No more costume like his MKA primary one or Kitana and Jade sould kick his ass.

Kitana, Jade and Mileena : They all 3 should have a masked and unmasked outfit.
02/22/2007 05:52 PM (UTC)
Sub-Zero- He has established himself as his own character enough, he no longer needs a "ninja" outfit. The Shredder look and his unmasked version are the best IMHO. Work with those.

Scorpion- He drastically needs a redesign. He's been very much ninja-ed out. I liked his MK:DA alt, and I hope something along those lines returns but with improvements.

Reptile- The more reptilian the better. There was never any reason for him to be a ninja in the first place.

Smoke- I doubt he'll return, but if he were to I like his both of his MK:A outfits. There's a lot to play around with and further improve there.

Noob- My favorite incarnation of Noob was his MK 4 maskless alt. Something along those lines should return.

Rain- I don't foresee him returning either. If he does though, I'd like to see a further evolution of his MK:A primary outfit.

Ermac- Again, another character unlikely to make it to MK:8. I'm very bored of his look and I feel he needs a drastic makeover. His outfit should be somehow more mystical and/or enchanted.

Chameleon- Very unlikely to return. If he were to, I agree with a previous poster, that he should be simiar to the Predator when he blends into the background.
03/05/2007 03:21 AM (UTC)
Scorpion is the only ninja, per se. Didn't SZ in MKM say "I am not a ninja" (not to mention his chinese origin, etc.)?

As far as criticisms regarding storylines go, these can be done with if the creators use a bit of imagination. Even Stryker could be made an appealing character, given a decent context.

Scorpion, being the only ninja proper, fascinates me, although having a flaming head isn't the stealthiest thing--historically in the series he hasn't acted in typical ninja fashion. I'm still rooting for a game that takes place, fighting or other, pre-MK1--to get at the roots and delve into the story of some characters that have only been mentioned, clear up other storylines, introduce new ones and a sense of history (one of my dreams is a MK taking place far before MK1, in which there are none, or few, of the mk standard characters). But if this isn't to be I wish there would be a character introduced to add to the dramatic tension of Scorpion. In true MK fashion, perhaps a teacher can be exhumed--in going with a tangent to Armageddon, perhaps his son can be revived, possibly by Quan Chi, and set against him, with fighting styles more approximate to ninjitsu methods.

With the other characters masks pretty much only sums up to a question of aesthetics. I happen to be fan of more enigmatic characters, and, with the increase in technology that I assume is to be employed in the next mk, more variety can be explored in masks and other headgarb.

03/05/2007 04:35 AM (UTC)
MethMaker Wrote:
Scorpion is the only ninja, per se. Didn't SZ in MKM say "I am not a ninja" (not to mention his chinese origin, etc.)?

As far as criticisms regarding storylines go, these can be done with if the creators use a bit of imagination. Even Stryker could be made an appealing character, given a decent context.

Scorpion, being the only ninja proper, fascinates me, although having a flaming head isn't the stealthiest thing--historically in the series he hasn't acted in typical ninja fashion. I'm still rooting for a game that takes place, fighting or other, pre-MK1--to get at the roots and delve into the story of some characters that have only been mentioned, clear up other storylines, introduce new ones and a sense of history (one of my dreams is a MK taking place far before MK1, in which there are none, or few, of the mk standard characters). But if this isn't to be I wish there would be a character introduced to add to the dramatic tension of Scorpion. In true MK fashion, perhaps a teacher can be exhumed--in going with a tangent to Armageddon, perhaps his son can be revived, possibly by Quan Chi, and set against him, with fighting styles more approximate to ninjitsu methods.

With the other characters masks pretty much only sums up to a question of aesthetics. I happen to be fan of more enigmatic characters, and, with the increase in technology that I assume is to be employed in the next mk, more variety can be explored in masks and other headgarb.

Yes, Scorpion is technically the only true ninja in MK, yet he doesn't act like one at all.

I would rather Scorpion first head back to his former self before anything else happens in his story.

For his fighting style, what do you mean by more approximate to Ninjutsu (the Ninjitsu spelling is incorrect, btw) methods?
03/05/2007 08:27 AM (UTC)
I was unfamiliar of the correct spelling "Ninjutsu"--so thanks for that. As to its 'approximate' inclusion with Scorpion--I think with MK, since it is in many ways mythical and otherworldly, that something of a hybrid, stylized form could be incorporated, while not purely ninjutsu, affecting mannerisms similar to it.

Just minutes ago, I thought of possible storylines for Scorp, and one of the most interesting ones I came up with was a return to human form--for some reason/grudge he is regiven corporeal form and thus faced with his human mortality and weakness (relatively speaking) again, which would fit in well with Noob's quest for revenge, and add some tangents in that Subbie, knowing Scorp is human again, and knowing Scorp's protection of him, tries to protect Scorp from his brother. This would also give a reason to kill off Smoke--Noob is pissed at Subbie so he destroys Smoke, which would make Subbie a character torn between both familial bond and honor, and give him a few different options for endings(killing his brother and becoming the only legitimate sub-zero, killing scorp, getting killed by either, etc). It would also give a chance to reinvigorate Scorp, moves-wise, developing new styles to fight off death, a refreshing break from his prior storylines of being mainly a "badass".
03/05/2007 08:34 AM (UTC)
furthermore, if he's given human form, somebody must have given it to him--somebody must want something, or want him dead once and for all. Perhaps that person/entity revives Scorp's family, to lull him into a false passivity, and now due to such&such calamity a tournament comes once again, and, instead of fighting for an impossible dream, mixed with revenge, now fights to preserve and defend the family life he once lost. A cruel ending could be that the 'revived family' was just a spell, etc.
03/05/2007 07:58 PM (UTC)
MethMaker Wrote:
I was unfamiliar of the correct spelling "Ninjutsu"--so thanks for that. As to its 'approximate' inclusion with Scorpion--I think with MK, since it is in many ways mythical and otherworldly, that something of a hybrid, stylized form could be incorporated, while not purely ninjutsu, affecting mannerisms similar to it.

Just minutes ago, I thought of possible storylines for Scorp, and one of the most interesting ones I came up with was a return to human form--for some reason/grudge he is regiven corporeal form and thus faced with his human mortality and weakness (relatively speaking) again, which would fit in well with Noob's quest for revenge, and add some tangents in that Subbie, knowing Scorp is human again, and knowing Scorp's protection of him, tries to protect Scorp from his brother. This would also give a reason to kill off Smoke--Noob is pissed at Subbie so he destroys Smoke, which would make Subbie a character torn between both familial bond and honor, and give him a few different options for endings(killing his brother and becoming the only legitimate sub-zero, killing scorp, getting killed by either, etc). It would also give a chance to reinvigorate Scorp, moves-wise, developing new styles to fight off death, a refreshing break from his prior storylines of being mainly a "badass".

Well, this is going to be kind of long, and I have mentioned lots of this in a Scorpion-focused thread, but here goes...

Ninjutsu is a term that back then refered to well...methods of stealth, espionage, things like that. So it's really more of something that has to do with warfare tactics. In the more modern times, Ninjutsu seems to refer to a group of related martial traditions that go back centuries ago.

There are only three Ninjutsu traditions left, and I don't think any of them really teach much or any of the actual Ninjutsu stuff anymore due to modern times. They are Togakure Ryu, Gyokushin Ryu, and Kumogakure Ryu.

Then you have two martial traditions that are not Ninjutsu traditions, but they have certain Ninjutsu-like strategies. Also, these particular two arts, which are Gyokko Ryu and Koto Ryu, are very closely tied to the Ninjutsu traditions of Iga. Its their specialities that don't make them Ninjutsu traditions. Gyokko Ryu, which some say used to contain Ninjutsu, is a style that specializes in Kosshijutsu (methods of attacking vital points) and Shitojutsu (methods of attacking with fingers, thumbs, and toes) while Koto Ryu specalizes in Koppojutsu (methods of attacking the opponent through manipulating his/her bone structure).

For his fighting style, I think they should base it off Togakure Ryu Taijutsu, with Jumonji no Kamae as his fighting stance. Kumogakure Ryu and Gyokushin Ryu are not publicly taught and are for higher-level students so to find someone who knows either one of those styles is much harder to do than to find someone who knows Togakure Ryu. If one who knows Togakure Ryu is found, that person also better know Gyokko Ryu and Koto Ryu. I'm pretty sure remembering that those two must be learned first, especially with the Muto Dori (sword evasion).

For the weapon style, it should be derived from Togakure Ryu Bikenjutsu and use the Ninja Ken/Shinobi Katana/Ninpo Katana that has, which is a wakizashi-length blade fitted on a katana-length handle with a katana-length scabbard. Just to let you know, despite what's in certain 80s ninja flicks, the ninja never used straight-bladed swords that have square hand guards. They always used curve-bladed swords with circular/ovular hand guards. Basically, this is the type of sword that a ninja would've used. Like in MKA's intro, I think he should have Kasumi no Kamae as his fighting stance, but more like the kind in Kukishin Ryu Kenpo.

Regarding his story...

I'm not quite fond of the idea of him being human. One thing that has to first be done with Scorpion's story is to clear up all the mess, something I don't think you are aware of.

In MK4/MKG, Scorpion has an ulterior motive for serving Quan Chi and Shinnok, which is to find and defeat Sub-Zero for killing his family and clan. Sometime after beating the Lin Kuei warrior, Quan Chi reveals that he is the true killer. In Scorpion's MKDA primary bio, it states that he has assumed for many years that Sub-Zero killed his family and clan yet in one of Sub-Zero's missions in MKDA's Konquest, it states that Quan Chi framed the Older Sub-Zero for the death of Scorpion's family and clan years ago, with no mention of also framing the Younger Sub-Zero. Some say that Quan Chi convinced Scorpion in MK4 that the Younger Sub-Zero was also responsible yet Scorpion already had the intent of going after him and then there's the whole already established assumption from many years.

In MK2's ending, Scorpion sees that Sub-Zero spares his opponent's life, which leads Scorpion to believe that this can't be the same Sub-Zero, and learns that he is the younger brother of the man he killed in Shang Tsung's tournament. Even Scorpion's UMK3/MKT ending seems to confirm that Scorpion did indeed vow to protect the Younger Sub-Zero. So if he does know about the Younger Sub-Zero and knows that he's merciful, why would he still try to hunt him down with the assumption that he killed his family and clan, especially since Quan Chi framed only the older brother? Then there's people saying that Scorpion never vowed to protect him and that those endings are only and simply "what-if" endings.

So really, it's only one of two possibilities:

1. It's one big plothole.
2. Scorpion only knows of one Sub-Zero and has been after him the whole time, making him out to be more of a moron than he already is.

It seems like the latter to me, especially with his horrid portrayals in MKSM and MKA's Konquest.

This also leads me to trying to sort out Scorpion's personality. The family-loving, honor-bound warrior from before has been replaced with an idiotic, incompetent jackass who goes around looking for trouble, only to get his ass handed to him time and time again. Imo, he really needs to go back to the former personality and stay the hell away from his latter personality.

Noob Saibot does not have a quest for revenge. He simply wants to rule the Netherrealm and I think also to destroy his family ties, namely his brother. I think it would be interesting to have Noob Saibot approach Scorpion, with the offer of an alliance, trying to convince him that they are the same. Scorpion, being disgusted at what his old rival has become, should reject the wraith, which leads to a Noob/Scorpion rivalry. Scorpion should want to destroy Noob Saibot, not out of hate or vengenance, but out of taking responsibility for his actions. This could potentially lead to an eventual Sub-Zero/Scorpion alliance, which would be kind of interesting to see. It'd be nice to see Scorpion be the hunted as opposed to the hunter, something he has been throughout the series.

Scorpion has been pretty 1-track minded throughout MK, and I feel that his story could use more expansion so that he can interact with other characters. He needs to return to a character who has a brain.

MethMaker Wrote:
furthermore, if he's given human form, somebody must have given it to him--somebody must want something, or want him dead once and for all. Perhaps that person/entity revives Scorp's family, to lull him into a false passivity, and now due to such&such calamity a tournament comes once again, and, instead of fighting for an impossible dream, mixed with revenge, now fights to preserve and defend the family life he once lost. A cruel ending could be that the 'revived family' was just a spell, etc.

Not sure how I'd feel about that.

Btw, please use the edit button in the future as there wasn't much time difference between your two consecutive posts.
03/05/2007 08:18 PM (UTC)
Yeah, didn't see the edit button until, of course, I posted the rest. (Haven't been to this forum for a couple of years & overlooked it).

Scorp turning human would be a shocker to longtime mk fans and could add a precariousness to his situation that isn't as diplomatic in nature as in the past. Although I've always liked Quan Chi, I've found his story annoyingly persistent--either elevate his status or kill him off--a middling bad guy, over time, just becomes a nuisance. If he's involved in the next MK, I would like him to have power over the souls of Scorp's family--either in destroying them or promising to grant them life. With Noob, I don't see him offering to join forces with Scorpion--in some ways they are very alike, "personality"-wise--too much the longer type. Now, with Quan Chi and the power over Scorp's family's souls, it would be somewhat interesting for Noob to kill off Quan and assume his mantle--the man murdered by Scorp now has possession of the souls of his family.

Just thoughts, of course. I hope Boon & co mull over the story in a similar fashion to what we're doing--to maximize the intensity and excitement by putting in a solid, deep story context. It is a dream of mine that the fights be arranged in some sort of order, depending on the character, with short fmv scenes preceding each fight the figures into the character's story (It'd be interesting, for example, after beating the "boss" to have to fight a character more involved in the respective character's story--though possibly not plausible), like in some action games.
03/05/2007 08:35 PM (UTC)
I personally think Scorpion should get over his family and face the fact that they are gone. He needs a new direction, away from revenge, away from his family...

The stuff you mention about the character fight thing sounds much like in Tekken 5 and Soul Calibur III, which would be kind of interesting and maybe a good idea if done correctly.
03/05/2007 11:32 PM (UTC)
I just want to see Sub-Zero and Scorpion have their fued, when the very first MK came out, I was... well 2... but when i got older and started playing these games, I thought that was awesome. The whole story line is like... Vince McMahon and Shawn Michaels versus the whole religious thing. That is how cool I thought these two ninjas were. And Reptile.

Sub-Zero Scorpion Reptile Noob and Ermac there is your ninjas. As well as Smoke, in human form not robot!
03/06/2007 04:29 AM (UTC)
Sub-Frost055 Wrote:
I just want to see Sub-Zero and Scorpion have their fued, when the very first MK came out, I was... well 2... but when i got older and started playing these games, I thought that was awesome. The whole story line is like... Vince McMahon and Shawn Michaels versus the whole religious thing. That is how cool I thought these two ninjas were. And Reptile.

Sub-Zero Scorpion Reptile Noob and Ermac there is your ninjas. As well as Smoke, in human form not robot!

You actually want to see Sub-Zero and Scorpion have a feud? Why??
03/07/2007 12:44 AM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
Sub-Frost055 Wrote:
I just want to see Sub-Zero and Scorpion have their fued, when the very first MK came out, I was... well 2... but when i got older and started playing these games, I thought that was awesome. The whole story line is like... Vince McMahon and Shawn Michaels versus the whole religious thing. That is how cool I thought these two ninjas were. And Reptile.

Sub-Zero Scorpion Reptile Noob and Ermac there is your ninjas. As well as Smoke, in human form not robot!

You actually want to see Sub-Zero and Scorpion have a feud? Why??

just making up suggestions, not that it will happen.
03/07/2007 02:57 AM (UTC)
MethMaker Wrote:
I happen to be fan of more enigmatic characters, and, with the increase in technology that I assume is to be employed in the next mk, more variety can be explored in masks and other headgarb.

I too am a fan of the faceless warrior, with the only emotions you can see are in the designs of the mask. I'd like to see noh and/or kabuki masks used.
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