06/03/2014 11:23 AM (UTC)
Oh jeez. If you think that "What's wrong with you" is the same as "Do you expect me to read all that shit by you nigga?" is the same thing, then I really am done with this conversation. Clearly your lack of english skills shows that you don't know when you cross the line. Please refrain from talking to me coz you are derailing icebaby's thread with posts no one cares about.

Progressive Wrote:
I never claimed to be a "hardcore" fan. I do like the series though and would love to see the game represent it's female characters in a realistic and positive manner.

I know what you are saying. I also want them to take a different approach to the females but I will still buy the game no matter what. To each their own I guess.
06/03/2014 11:36 AM (UTC)
While i'm not against the ladies looking like what some peeps would call pole dancers or sluts, having them wearing more clothes wouldn't bother me. It's all a matter of do i/you like them new looks or not i guess.

Otherwise, it's all a debate still. I don't have the need to see my favourite characters or females in a fighting game given more attention in such a way that they are drawn to appeal to mister or miss "everyone", since a lot of complaints like that would come from peeps who don't play the game and wouldn't even play it anyway.
06/03/2014 11:37 AM (UTC)
Riyakou Wrote:
Only Mileena should look like a slut; it's like, her thing.

I agree, but not to the point where she wears nothing, but toilet paper

projectzero00 Wrote:
you think that "What's wrong with you" is the same as "Do you expect me to read all that shit by you nigga?" is the same thing

Both are jokes, that aren't ment to be taken seriously, so yes.

projectzero00 Wrote:
Clearly your lack of english skills

Maybe I do, but at least I speak it better than you do, no offense. Just look at your first sentence: "you think that "What's wrong with you" >is the same as< "Do you expect me to read all that shit by you nigga?" >is the same thing
projectzero00 Wrote:
you are derailing icebaby's thread with posts no one cares about.

You know, you're doing the same thing.

projectzero00 Wrote:
I really am done with this conversation.

That would be best.
06/03/2014 01:11 PM (UTC)
Glad to see more responses after waking up. Anyways, I'm not that kind of woman who thinks they need to be not over sexualized because it lowers standards of women or whatever. It's a game. Fighting games obviously aims out to more men than they do to women. But as most people here have been saying, they should at least wear something that actually makes sense. But I will say, not every single female character should show more flesh than clothing.

Like let's say Ashrah does return, having her to bare more flesh is just kinda not right seeing how she's not that kind of character that would do so. That's more so if they don't make her a demonic assassin.
06/03/2014 01:41 PM (UTC)
I basically agree with TheCypher. I'm not against female characters having sex appeal. Just design them with costumes that actually make sense for their characters and not look stupid. I don't like Sonya's and Kitana's costumes in MK 2011. Although I understand the idea behind Mileena's costumes, the primary costume was too revealing and looked stupid. I can understand her costumes showing more skin, but don't make it too over-the-top.

I actually like MK: Legacy's idea for how the female ninja characters should dress. They aren't fully covered, but they have a certain functionality and logic to them that works. Sonya's costumes should really make sense for her character, and it would have made perfect sense to base them off of what she wore in the first movie. The primary costume could be based off of the costume she wore when on the hunt for Kano, and the alternate costume would be something like she wore when she fought Kano to reflect the tournament environment. If they're going to show her midsection, just show a bit of it, not cut off too much.
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Get that ass BANNED

06/03/2014 02:49 PM (UTC)
Apparently wearing revealing clothing is automatically considered slutty. Hmmm.
06/03/2014 02:55 PM (UTC)
Murcielago Wrote:
Apparently wearing revealing clothing is automatically considered slutty. Hmmm.

People are weird like that.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

06/03/2014 03:47 PM (UTC)
I still don't understand the hate for MK9 Sonya. I mean ok the heels are a bit much and maybe her not wearing a bra is a stretch but I still thought she looked great in that game.
06/03/2014 04:06 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
I still don't understand the hate for MK9 Sonya. I mean ok the heels are a bit much and maybe her not wearing a bra is a stretch but I still thought she looked great in that game.

That's basically it. If you were around during 2011 when MK9 came out, most Sonya fans were pissed off at those 2 things. The high heels and her not wearing a shirt underneath. That's about it. Kitana was the worst looking female in that game. By far!
06/03/2014 04:09 PM (UTC)
Murcielago Wrote:
Apparently wearing revealing clothing is automatically considered slutty. Hmmm.

About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

06/03/2014 04:11 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
I still don't understand the hate for MK9 Sonya. I mean ok the heels are a bit much and maybe her not wearing a bra is a stretch but I still thought she looked great in that game.

That's basically it. If you were around during 2011 when MK9 came out, most Sonya fans were pissed off at those 2 things. The high heels and her not wearing a shirt underneath. That's about it. Kitana was the worst looking female in that game. By far!

Kitana was just horrible. Absolutely horrible. Definitely the worst she has ever looked and dressed. Major improvements need to be made before they even think about bringing her back.
06/03/2014 04:15 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
projectzero00 Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
I still don't understand the hate for MK9 Sonya. I mean ok the heels are a bit much and maybe her not wearing a bra is a stretch but I still thought she looked great in that game.

That's basically it. If you were around during 2011 when MK9 came out, most Sonya fans were pissed off at those 2 things. The high heels and her not wearing a shirt underneath. That's about it. Kitana was the worst looking female in that game. By far!

Kitana was just horrible. Absolutely horrible. Definitely the worst she has ever looked and dressed. Major improvements need to be made before they even think about bringing her back.

She looked better in MKvDC..
About Me
06/03/2014 04:30 PM (UTC)
Ashrah was the most decent one we got regarding appearance in recent years. I loved her look and even her alternate was great.
06/03/2014 04:39 PM (UTC)
I agree they should wear something that fits their character. It's only logical. But I don't know if NRS will ever grasp that idea. Personally, I'm not all that bothered by the outfits. It becomes a backdrop when it comes to the actual fighting.
06/03/2014 04:48 PM (UTC)
Murcielago Wrote:
Apparently wearing revealing clothing is automatically considered slutty. Hmmm.

There is a difference between being revealing and being scantily clad.

Most of the women in MK9 were scantily clad. Sonya was the only character who actually wore pants, and her breasts were still showing.

Now, Jade's costume I didn't mind too much, but I would rather her torso had been more covered, as well as her crotch.

Kitana should have gotten a much less revealing outfit by now. Not only is she an assassin, but she is a princess. She should truly appear more regal. Let's be real, she looks like a stripper. A mere tiara does not help look like royalty; it just makers her look like a more expensive stripper.

Sindel's costume was somewhat okay, but I personally found her legs far too revealing. In addition, her breasts have gotten far too big. Her Deception primary costume was a lot better.

Now Sheeva I did not mind. Shokans don't wear much clothing anyway, so I expected her to be very revealing.

As for Skarlet, she is the one character I feel should be completely nude. As shown in the game, Skarlet loves to cover herself in the blood of her victims; clearly, blood should be her attire. If she is to appear in MK9, I would prefer if she was simply nude and covered in blood. It seems most fitting for her.
06/03/2014 05:03 PM (UTC)
mkwhopper Wrote:
Murcielago Wrote:
Apparently wearing revealing clothing is automatically considered slutty. Hmmm.


Whoppi, if that wasn't what you meant, then what were you praising me for earlier?
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"She had a pretty gift for quotation, which is a serviceable substitute for wit." --W. Somerset Maugham

06/03/2014 05:09 PM (UTC)
Murcielago Wrote:
Apparently wearing revealing clothing is automatically considered slutty. Hmmm.

OK. If all of these characters were real women who decided to wake up one morning and dress like they did in MK9 because that's what they felt like doing, of course I'd never call them sluts. Good for them. If I had a body like theirs I'd show it off, too.

These are not real people. They are the creations of a bunch of often male designers who made the choice to depict them that way. In their universe, every woman is rail-thin and wears sartorially improbable swimsuit-underwear to work. "Slutty" is the wrong word, sure, but let's not pretend we're defending the honor of fictional characters.

Are the costumes inherently wrong? I guess not. Am I suggesting that all female characters should wear hoopskirts and parkas? Nah. Mileena would look bizarre wearing a stitch more than she already does, but that because her character--not a bald desire to look at female bodies--demands it.

IMHO, people tend to take women less seriously in media like this because they've been trained to expect women to wear costumes made out of dental floss and hope. It's hard to take someone seriously that way.
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Thanks to MINION for taking my Siginity!

06/03/2014 06:15 PM (UTC)
I agree with the consensus that Sonya could dress more practical, I liked her MKDA outfit (not so much the character model). I also liked her MK9 ALOT more than her main. Its actually pretty easy to create an military outfit thats both sexy and practical.

The edenians have never bothered me to be honest, we don't really know how edenians look at modesty and since it seems very female dominated it could be a similar approach to Themyscira in DC (Womans womans island) basically they human body isnt sexualised there, people wear what they want. When she leaves the island she experiences criticism from the public over her dress sense, something she never has before, its something she hates about "mans world".

I actually like Mileenas dress sense, the juxtaposition of the body and the face is great, and its like shes overcompensating, this complimented her insecurity in the MK comic quite nicely.

I dont think I really have much to say on the matter, I'm just hoping for great costume designs.
06/03/2014 06:47 PM (UTC)
Murcielago Wrote:
Apparently wearing revealing clothing is automatically considered slutty. Hmmm.

No, it’s not. But the TYPE of outfit, that could make them look slutty. And most of the costumes in the last iteration of MK qualify. You can have beautiful, you can have revealing. These outfits were trashy.

One of my big problems was that these designs, and some of the win poses, were done at the detriment of the character. What really ticks me off is that they assassinated pretty much any work they put into developing their character, all in an attempt to capture an extended fanbase beyond the actual fans who, quite frankly, could care less about these characters. But the fans care about these characters. Some of them care quite a bit. Jade doing a pole dance, seemed pretty out of character. Sonya, a military officer, wearing what she is wearing, very out of character. Kitana declaring “you will learn respect!” while wearing a thong bikini, sorry, not very intimidating. It just does not work if you want to tell a serious, compelling story (which MK claimed it wanted to do).

Let’s put it this way:
Kitana: Edenian princess and assassin. Entering a deadly fight dressed as a thong-wearing slave girl. Does not work.

Sonya. Military officer. Entering a deadly fight dressed like she is ready to take the stage at a strip club. Does not work.

Jade. Edenian assassin. Entering a deadly fight dressed like, again, a thong-wearing slave girl. Maybe, but wearing this to a deadly fight? Still does not work.

Mileena. Grotesque creature assassin with a playful nature. Entering a deadly fight wearing lingerie (let’s call it what it is). Maybe for her character, maybe for an assassination assignment outside of an actual combat setting. Inside a combat setting? Still convinced it does not work well (but granted, she is the one that could get away with it out of all of these).

Sindel. Evil queen of Outworld. Entering a deadly fight wearing a dominatrix outfit/lingerie. Maybe.....but again when you consider a setting of dressing for a deadly fight, still does not work well.

The second thing I had a problem with (and this disturbed me the most, all joking aside) was how they are trying to fit “sexy” into a game that is supposed to be all about over-the-top violence, especially as “messy” as this game got at times. When you take a kombatant such as Jade, give her cuts, bruises, and splatter her all over with blood, then have her do a freaking pole dance? Again, does not work, and really borderlines disturbing.

You CAN have female outfits look sexy and remain in character WITHOUT being trashy and overly-revealing just for the SAKE of being overly-revealing. I think Injustice did a great job at this. They really had a chance to overly sluttify Catwoman, but they didn’t, and yet, she remained one of the sexier characters in the game. Her winning scene, starring into a jewel while lounging in the window has a very sultry and sexy air about it, and it is all done without the need for overly-revealing outfits.

One poster stated that after seeing Scorpion and Sub-Zero’s outfits in this trailer that they have some hope for the other costumes, and I agree. These costumes look more attuned to the characters, more realistic, and I hope the trend of realism (and for goodness sakes practicality) continues for the rest of the characters.

If sexy NEEDS to be a part of this game (and I suggest that it does not need to be as over the top as the violence) then there are ways to go about it that are far more stylish and fit in better with the MK universe. Stripping all the clothes off of all the female characters and amplifying breast size, with no regard as to who these characters are, and calling it day isn’t sexy. It’s just plain lazy. And from a team as talented as Netherrealm is, I expect better. Far better.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

06/03/2014 06:55 PM (UTC)
Darkhound74 Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
projectzero00 Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
I still don't understand the hate for MK9 Sonya. I mean ok the heels are a bit much and maybe her not wearing a bra is a stretch but I still thought she looked great in that game.

That's basically it. If you were around during 2011 when MK9 came out, most Sonya fans were pissed off at those 2 things. The high heels and her not wearing a shirt underneath. That's about it. Kitana was the worst looking female in that game. By far!

Kitana was just horrible. Absolutely horrible. Definitely the worst she has ever looked and dressed. Major improvements need to be made before they even think about bringing her back.

She looked better in MKvDC..

Sad, but true. Not mention her face even looked better in that game.

And I loved Ashrah's alt. It was sexy, showed off her gorgeous legs and worked because it was a nice contrast to her very modest primary. Hell, when screenshots were first released of her all people saw was her hat and assumed she was Raiden LOL

Sure you can see a bit of her boobs in that alt but it's not as noticeable because she doesn't have super clown sized tits like Sonya in MKVSDC.

06/03/2014 07:27 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Darkhound74 Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
projectzero00 Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
I still don't understand the hate for MK9 Sonya. I mean ok the heels are a bit much and maybe her not wearing a bra is a stretch but I still thought she looked great in that game.

That's basically it. If you were around during 2011 when MK9 came out, most Sonya fans were pissed off at those 2 things. The high heels and her not wearing a shirt underneath. That's about it. Kitana was the worst looking female in that game. By far!

Kitana was just horrible. Absolutely horrible. Definitely the worst she has ever looked and dressed. Major improvements need to be made before they even think about bringing her back.

She looked better in MKvDC..

Sad, but true. Not mention her face even looked better in that game.

And I loved Ashrah's alt. It was sexy, showed off her gorgeous legs and worked because it was a nice contrast to her very modest primary. Hell, when screenshots were first released of her all people saw was her hat and assumed she was Raiden LOL

Sure you can see a bit of her boobs in that alt but it's not as noticeable because she doesn't have super clown sized tits like Sonya in MKVSDC.

I think Kitana's face looked better MKvsDC but her outfit was still bad. It's like they can't get it right with her. As for Ashrah, what I loved about her was that she was everything the rest of the MK girls were not. They wore mostly black, she wore white and gold. They wore almost nothing, she covered almost all of her body. Her covered-up outfit was what gave her individuality from the rest of the girls imo. I wasn't a fan of her alt tbh because it contradicted her character. It was just like they threw it in coz EVERY MK girl has to show a lil bit of boob right?
I really hope they redesign her primary and scrap her alt the next time we see her. Even Tekken has Alisa who doesn't have oversized boobies. Ashrah can fit that role in MK. It just isn't like her. She is this Netherealm demon who is trying to escape by slaying her kind and purifying herself. Her story has no room for "sexy" in it.
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06/03/2014 07:39 PM (UTC)
Honestly I don't really care. There were some of outfits I didn't care for on both guys and girls. And really it is an mk thing to do, so let them do it.
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-sig by MINION

06/03/2014 09:07 PM (UTC)
Riyakou Wrote:
Kitana should have gotten a much less revealing outfit by now. Not only is she an assassin, but she is a princess. She should truly appear more regal. Let's be real, she looks like a stripper. A mere tiara does not help look like royalty; it just makers her look like a more expensive stripper.
She should dress like Princess Peach, obviously.
06/03/2014 09:12 PM (UTC)
oracle Wrote:
Riyakou Wrote:
Kitana should have gotten a much less revealing outfit by now. Not only is she an assassin, but she is a princess. She should truly appear more regal. Let's be real, she looks like a stripper. A mere tiara does not help look like royalty; it just makers her look like a more expensive stripper.
She should dress like Princess Peach, obviously.

To be honest, I've always wanted to see her in sort of a war-like gown.

The dress Kitana wore in the first MK film has always intrigued me. That would make a fine template, imo.
06/03/2014 09:18 PM (UTC)
I really don't care about sex appeal at all in video games. I just want these characters to look like warriors more than lingerie models.
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