06/03/2014 05:19 AM (UTC)
MK_Fanatic_ Wrote:
Damn uppity women. Videogames are for men. Let us fantasize tongue

Don't be a misogynist prick. Videogames are as much for women as for men.
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"Never Stay Down"- Steve Rogers

06/03/2014 05:41 AM (UTC)
I feel like as long as the outfit matches the character then I don't really care how revealing/unrevealing the outfits are.
About Me

Dedicated, hopeless...Li Mei fan.

06/03/2014 05:59 AM (UTC)
MK has always had extremely juvenile designs when it comes to female character outfits. Most outfits (especially on female ninja characters) amount to little more than exotic swimwear or lingerie. I'm not a prude by any means but I do think it's maybe time for the character/outfit designers over there at Netherealm Studios to grow up a little. Not every female character needs ridiculous high heels, or their boobs/ass pouring out of their costume.

In the end does it matter? Maybe, maybe not. I'm still going to play the damn game regardless and character outfits really aren't going to break anything for me.
About Me

Sex is Evil, Evil is Sin, Sin is forgiven, so Sex is in.

I kill people for a living. Get over it.

06/03/2014 06:05 AM (UTC)
I hope there is a Blood and Bounce code. Big Natural looking Breasts ( - ) ( - )grin
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06/03/2014 06:10 AM (UTC)
The_Truth Wrote:
MK has always had extremely juvenile designs when it comes to female character outfits. Most outfits (especially on female ninja characters) amount to little more than exotic swimwear or lingerie. I'm not a prude by any means but I do think it's maybe time for the character/outfit designers over there at Netherealm Studios to grow up a little. Not every female character needs ridiculous high heels, or their boobs/ass pouring out of their costume.

In the end does it matter? Maybe, maybe not. I'm still going to play the damn game regardless and character outfits really aren't going to break anything for me.

Exactly what it comes off as- juvenile and immature. However that's definitely because a lot of the fans are younger people (despite the ESRB's best efforts). It might be too hard for them to comprehend a woman wearing multiple layers of clothing or something that actually has sleeves.
06/03/2014 06:31 AM (UTC)
Damn shame I had to make another account because I forgot my other one. Anyways.

Yes I agree with this. They should be able to make the women look sexy with over sexualizing them. They've done it before with Lei Mei and Ashra in the past. The only difference now will be the graphical details.

But then again in my opinion characters like Mileena or Tanya need to have that certain kind of vibe in there costumes because it ties with their personality.
06/03/2014 06:43 AM (UTC)
I say we keep them that way. Sex sells after all. But not go too far with it, like they did when they put Mileena in nothing but toilet paper.
Also a girl shouldn't be considered a slut just because of her revealing attire.
But I do agree on the high heels. Not every female character needs them, or looks good in them (especially not Sonya)
06/03/2014 06:51 AM (UTC)
I just want the character designs to make sense for the character. The worst offender was Sonya in MK9. She was supposed to be this tough as nails, super professional, military operative. Yet they had in a low cut leather top and combat stilettos. It just didn't fit. Other characters like Kitana and Sindel didn't bother me as much, because I've always pictured Outworld and Edenia as kinda high fantasy, Conan the Barbarian-esque, worlds. So skimpier clothes would fall in line with that.

But again I just want the designs to fit with the characters, all of them. If Sub-Zero and Scorpion looks in the new trailer are any indication, NRS seems to be taking a step back from gimmicky aesthetics for the designs. But it's still to early to tell.
06/03/2014 06:56 AM (UTC)
Does it REALLY matter if they're slutty and/or revealing? If you want realistic women, play Tekken.
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-sig by MINION

06/03/2014 07:17 AM (UTC)
TheCypher Wrote:
I just want the character designs to make sense for the character.
This is basically how I feel as well. Sonya looked like the military issue their uniforms via Party City. I don't think the outfits or women being sexual was a problem. Everyone liked Sonya's alt for example even though it was pretty skimpy.

I just want the designs to make sense and not be seemingly random pieces of fabric strategically placed for modesty.

Kitana doesn't really need to look like a princess, she mostly fights and does very little ruling as is the nature of a fighting game but they gave her a freaking tiara in the last game. I mean yeah, that's about as princessy as you'll get.

06/03/2014 07:20 AM (UTC)
oracle Wrote:


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Get that ass BANNED

06/03/2014 07:36 AM (UTC)
Keep the females sexy. All I want.
About Me

06/03/2014 07:53 AM (UTC)
I care more about NRS leveling up their 3D render artists for both Male and Female characters. 2D character costumes and designs are usually on point, it's rendering it in 3D where shit gets fucked...even with the Males.

MK women are always going to have hyper sexualized aesthetics imo.
06/03/2014 08:40 AM (UTC)
TheCypher Wrote:
I just want the character designs to make sense for the character. The worst offender was Sonya in MK9. She was supposed to be this tough as nails, super professional, military operative. Yet they had in a low cut leather top and combat stilettos. It just didn't fit. Other characters like Kitana and Sindel didn't bother me as much, because I've always pictured Outworld and Edenia as kinda high fantasy, Conan the Barbarian-esque, worlds. So skimpier clothes would fall in line with that.

But again I just want the designs to fit with the characters, all of them. If Sub-Zero and Scorpion looks in the new trailer are any indication, NRS seems to be taking a step back from gimmicky aesthetics for the designs. But it's still to early to tell.

I agree with everything you just said. That's exactly how I picture the Edenians so I don't have a problem with the heels. But Sonya's primary was totally out of place. If she had a shirt underneath and no high heels it would be fine but that looked ridiculous. My thoughts on MK9 female costumes:

Mileena - She looked great. She can get away with wearing more revealing stuff, except for the toilet paper. Hell if they wanted to have a super revealing outfit to showcase her look right after she was created, they could cover parts of her body with that green slime in Shang Tsung's tubes where he kept his creations. Kinda like how Unknown looked in TTT. Those paper strings just didn't make sense at all to me. Just update some of her outfits and I'll be happy. I made an outfit for her when MK9 came out and tried to make it look both revealing and have this Arabic flair from MKD:

Oh and if she comes back in this one PLEASE give her that:

How on Earth didn't they use that for MK9?

Kitana - Worst female costumes in the game. Didn't fit her princess status at all. They gave her stripper outfits and they probably thought "Hmm what can we do to make her look royalty now? Oh I know let's give her a tiara". Plus that hair...don't get me started on that. Am I the only one that thinks she looked great with the simple bun from the MK3 era?

Jade - She got the best outfits out of the females IMO. Loved the golden details. If she comes back (as Jade and not the woman from her ending) I say give her the pigtails from MKD, tweak her outfits a little here and there and she will look fine. I always imagined Jade wearing those tribal looking outfits. That middle Eastern look from Deception really hit the nail on the head. I made an outfit similar to that one some time ago:

Sindel - Loved her alt! Finally an Edenian wearing pants. She did look like the queen from Edenia but the darker version (since she was under Shao Khan's spell after all).

Sheeva - Loved loved loved her alt! She looked like an amazon princess. It really looked like something a girl from the Shokan race would wear, since they don't seem like the people who care about wearing much during combat. Why couldn't they give her something similar for her primary as well? I hated that one. It was basically her MK3 swimsuit with some added details. If she comes back, which I highly doubt but still hope so, they better give her an outfit like the one she got in MKA. The golden armor really did make her look like the queen of the Shokan.

Skarlet - Her primary looked kinda basic. The typical MK female attire. She could really do without those heels as well. She looks the most like a ninja, so flat shoes would make perfect sense. On a side note, I still wonder why they didn't use the alt that was leaked initially. I liked that one a lot more.

Sonya - I already gave my two cents about her primary. Worst outfit in the game by far! I loved her alt though. That's what Sonya should look like.

Overall if they can do what they did with Scorpion and Sub Zero's outfits in the trailer to the females, I'll be really happy. It's not about "not buying the game if the females look trashy as always" like some people here say. I will deffinitely buy the game when it comes out. I just want every character to get the same attention and outfit updates, like Scorpion and Subby get in every game. No matter if they are male of female.
06/03/2014 09:49 AM (UTC)
It really isn't even about how provocative the attires are or aren't for me, but more their functionality and realism. Why do police officers in this universe wear ridiculously tiny leather vests, with no bras and six-inch stilettos? Also, wouldn't that mean Jax and Stryker should be rocking pumps as well? For me personally if Netherrealm doesn't fix the depiction of the females in MKX I will not purchase the game, no matter how interested I am. Some of the posts in thread make me embrassed to be a MK fan, a gamer and a male.
06/03/2014 09:53 AM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:

06/03/2014 10:04 AM (UTC)
^Welcome to MKO. Now to answer your question, if the depiction of females in MK bothers you to a point where you won't buy the game, then you are not really a hardcore fan of the game. I believe everyone here supported the creators no matter how sh*tty the games have been in the past. I always bought the game coz I just love it. Well besides SF and the DC bs. Of course I whinned about a lot of stuff but that's becoz I want the game to progress and be on par with the rest of the games that come out. It doesn't mean I won't buy the game at all becoz Sonya isn't wearing a shirt. Keep in mind that up until a few years ago, there was a chance we wouldn't be getting another MK game at all so I'm just grateful that Netherealm Studios brought the game back to life.
(I sound like such a nerdgrin)
martin_m95 Wrote:
First of all, besides your post being racist and uncalled for, let me put it this way. You are the last one to have a say about people's posts here. Go learn how to type a freaggin sentence correctly and stop trying to pick fights with users here. It's not the first time I see you do that and it's not needed. So unless you have something relevant to say about the thread, bai.
06/03/2014 10:07 AM (UTC)
I never claimed to be a "hardcore" fan. I do like the series though and would love to see the game represent it's female characters in a realistic and positive manner.
06/03/2014 10:11 AM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
^Welcome to MKO. Now to answer your question, if the depiction of females in MK bothers you to a point where you won't buy the game, then you are not really a hardcore fan of the game. I believe everyone here supported the creators no matter how sh*tty the games have been in the past. I always bought the game coz I just love it. Well besides SF and the DC bs. Of course I whinned about a lot of stuff but that's becoz I want the game to progress and be on par with the rest of the games that come out. It doesn't mean I won't buy the game at all becoz Sonya isn't wearing a shirt. Keep in mind that up until a few years ago, there was a chance we wouldn't be getting another MK game at all so I'm just grateful that Netherealm Studios brought the game back to life.
(I sound like such a nerdgrin)

You clearly don't know what your talking about. I never said the depiction of the females bothers me, nor that I won't buy the game. I always support the creators, given that they include Sub Zero and Kitana in the games. You might have got me mistaken for someone else
06/03/2014 10:14 AM (UTC)
Ugh....the first part of the post was directed to the other guy that posted for the first time. That's why the "Welcome to MKO". Common sense....The second part of my post was directed to you genius -.-'
06/03/2014 10:25 AM (UTC)
The women can be as skimpy as they want! Just please, PLEASE! dont make them look like MEN! So sick of the female renders being so masculine confused I know they have to look built to take on the male warriors...but even their faces in recent games have looked as though they've been on Hormone replacement drugs...
06/03/2014 10:32 AM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
Ugh....the first part of the post was directed to the other guy that posted for the first time. That's why the "Welcome to MKO". Common sense....The second part of my post was directed to you genius -.-'

Then why did you put a ^ right under my post. *facepalm*

projectzero00 Wrote:
First of all, besides your post being racist and uncalled for, let me put it this way. You are the last one to have a say about people's posts here. Go learn how to type a freaggin sentence correctly and stop trying to pick fights with users here. It's not the first time I see you do that and it's not needed. So unless you have something relevant to say about the thread, bai.

Whoa, calm down sweetheart. Don't get butthurt over a single image.
Its not the first time I see you acting like a moron and I'm starting to regret trying to prove hanky wrong about you.
06/03/2014 10:51 AM (UTC)
martin_m95 Wrote:
projectzero00 Wrote:
Ugh....the first part of the post was directed to the other guy that posted for the first time. That's why the "Welcome to MKO". Common sense....The second part of my post was directed to you genius -.-'

Then why did you put a ^ right under my post. *facepalm*

projectzero00 Wrote:
First of all, besides your post being racist and uncalled for, let me put it this way. You are the last one to have a say about people's posts here. Go learn how to type a freaggin sentence correctly and stop trying to pick fights with users here. It's not the first time I see you do that and it's not needed. So unless you have something relevant to say about the thread, bai.

Woah, calm down sweetheart. Don't get butthurt over a single image.
Its not the first time I see you acting like a moron and I'm starting to regret trying to prove hanky wrong about you.

1.Because obviously when I put the ^ you hadn't posted your nonsense.
2.I am not your "sweetheart". This is not RuPaul's Drag race -.-'
3.Umm who's the moron who started posting images? You really went on google and searched for that image to post it as a reply to me? I didn't even talk to you. So in case you have nothing to add to the thread why bother?confused
Just don't read it. And seriously stop picking fights in this forum. You're starting to look like hanky panky (meaning a troll).
06/03/2014 11:06 AM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
1.Because obviously when I put the ^ you hadn't posted your nonsense.
2.I am not your "sweetheart". This is not RuPaul's Drag race -.-'
3.Umm who's the moron who started posting images? You really went on google and searched for that image to post it as a reply to me? I didn't even talk to you. So in case you have nothing to add to the thread why bother?confused
Just don't read it. And seriously stop picking fights in this forum. You're starting to look like hanky panky (meaning a troll).

1.Then use a quote.
2.I'm just trying to be polite and I expect the same from you, girl.
3.That image I posted was just for fun and jokes, It isn't ment to be taken butthurtidly. (just like when Murcielago replied to me with the "whats wrong with you" gif when I said I didn't like Mileena being queen of Outworld. Did I take that one offensively. NO.). So can you please calm down and stop talking crap about me.
projectzero00 Wrote: You're starting to look like hanky panky (meaning a troll).

That one was really hearthbreaking.
06/03/2014 11:20 AM (UTC)
Only Mileena should look like a slut; it's like, her thing.

I personally would not want Jade fully clothed, but I surely don't want her looking like a slut.

The rest needs to be at least moderately clothed. I'm waiting for Kitana to have a dress, like the one from the first MK movie.

And Sonya should never have revealing clothes. What they did to her in MK9 was just wrong, and if I dare say, deeply offensive to her character.
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