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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

03/22/2015 06:17 AM (UTC)
Ion3008 Wrote:
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
There's also alternate skins to consider.

Are there? I don't think that's going to be happening for DLC Characters.

Unless they're added in as a bonus to the normal packs of 3.

I just don't understand why these characters can't come with alternate outfits? They have everything else- Variations, two fatalities, most likely brutalities, X-Rays, Endings, Intros ect, so why not a few skins? I really hope we get some.
Same here but it's optional content for optional content.
03/22/2015 07:21 AM (UTC)
Honestly I don't think her overall design is THAT bad. With a few tweaks it might work. Here is something I did of what I think her full design might look like.

03/22/2015 07:24 AM (UTC)
CODE_umb87 Wrote:
Honestly I don't think her overall design is THAT bad. With a few tweaks it might work. Here is something I did of what I think her full design might look like.

Now THAT looks fucking sick. Good job!
03/22/2015 07:28 AM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
CODE_umb87 Wrote:
Honestly I don't think her overall design is THAT bad. With a few tweaks it might work. Here is something I did of what I think her full design might look like.

Now THAT looks fucking sick. Good job!

Thanks. smile

I just really hope they give her a good gameplay revamp like they did with Kenshi.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

03/22/2015 07:44 AM (UTC)
CODE_umb87 Wrote:
Honestly I don't think her overall design is THAT bad. With a few tweaks it might work. Here is something I did of what I think her full design might look like.

That's awesome!
03/22/2015 07:53 AM (UTC)
^ Glad you like it.

I really think her design can work. People just love to over-exaggerate.
03/22/2015 10:03 AM (UTC)
CODE_umb87 Wrote:
Honestly I don't think her overall design is THAT bad. With a few tweaks it might work. Here is something I did of what I think her full design might look like.

I like it. They could also have a variation that turns her eyes white. I can see that happening.
03/22/2015 10:06 AM (UTC)
Nice edit!
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'Your soul is MINE!'

everything crossed for Reiko

03/22/2015 10:21 AM (UTC)
Great edit!!

I'm sure her look is not finished though. Just a place marker

Remember they did change Cassies look
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03/22/2015 10:42 AM (UTC)
The design costume wise isn't bad. It's her damn face. It looks like it's being squished from both sides. I really do hope they change this. I'm not a very vocal Tanya fan but I did want to see her return. Female sorceress with a couple decent endings which were never canon. But that was back in the day when no character lived up to their potential.
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03/22/2015 10:56 AM (UTC)
Does anyone else feel like Tanya's design is a bad Kitana alternate from MK9 they ditched and brought back?

The Egyptian detailing could be a cool idea, but it's just so uninspiring. A drapy-two-piece? In a muted pallete? With her midriff showing?

Wow. Stunningly original.

I know her Deception wasn't the height of uniqueness, but the really strong colour contrast worked very well, along with the long hair and really dark skin.... both of which she's lacking here... I love me some Tanya, but as I've said elsewhere, disappointed from what little we have seen. Hopefully that changes when we see more of her.

(Side note - why are they so bad at animating bobs this time round? Mileena's looks so choppy and frayed, I thought that was a purposeful design choice... but from what we see of Tanya they did the same to her.... The hair looks 2D almost... weird....)
03/22/2015 11:06 AM (UTC)
samuhai Wrote:
Does anyone else feel like Tanya's design is a bad Kitana alternate from MK9 they ditched and brought back?

The Egyptian detailing could be a cool idea, but it's just so uninspiring. A drapy-two-piece? In a muted pallete? With her midriff showing?

Wow. Stunningly original.

I know her Deception wasn't the height of uniqueness, but the really strong colour contrast worked very well, along with the long hair and really dark skin.... both of which she's lacking here... I love me some Tanya, but as I've said elsewhere, disappointed from what little we have seen. Hopefully that changes when we see more of her.

(Side note - why are they so bad at animating bobs this time round? Mileena's looks so choppy and frayed, I thought that was a purposeful design choice... but from what we see of Tanya they did the same to her.... The hair looks 2D almost... weird....)

Well, I'd wait until we see the final product. Cassie had some weird shit going on around E3 with her head, face and hair in general. As for the playable builds we've been seeing, I really have no idea how old they are compared to what recently went gold. It's possible they still have issues with hair but as long as Tanya plays alright and the overall costume (of which we still haven't seen in good detail, nor the sides, back or bottom) works with the portrayal of the character now that everything has been rebooted, I'll be okay. Perhaps the costume goes along with whatever story details they are giving her. Perhaps she works for Kotal which could explain the exotic looking clothing.
03/22/2015 11:41 AM (UTC)
Another thing i don't get about the costume is why the top is hanging from the left side of the shoulder only and not both, it just looks weird and awkward.

And in all the edits, they seem to fix that and make the top outfit symmetrical, which makes the beads tolerable to my eyes.
03/22/2015 11:53 AM (UTC)

Tanya should at least have long hair, like down to her mid back. The short hair is Mileena's thing.

03/22/2015 11:58 AM (UTC)
I'm usually against things like this since I don't think it's okay to alter someone else's art. But I will say that the edit does look better.

projectzero00 Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:
soon they'll complain about her necklace.

They have already :P I've seen several Tanya fans say that it looks trashy and not regal lol

That necklace reminds me of the one Gabrielle wore on Xena for two episodes, which disappeared without a trace.

03/22/2015 12:33 PM (UTC)
DarkKard4 Wrote:
Another thing i don't get about the costume is why the top is hanging from the left side of the shoulder only and not both, it just looks weird and awkward.

And in all the edits, they seem to fix that and make the top outfit symmetrical, which makes the beads tolerable to my eyes.

Haha come on man you really are nitpicking now. I get where you're coming from since you like Tanya but that's just how they designed her outfit. I'm sure she will look 10 times better when the game ships but no reason to complain about such small details.
I am not particularly fond of Mileena's pants but it's a new look for her and I like that they took some time to rethink and redesign her costumes' aesthetic after so many years. Plus after I saw her gameplay, I was totally sold so I'm sure in a few months from now you'll be like "Damn I really was nitpicky back then. She is effin awesome after all" :P
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Look at that beautiful hairstyle Tanya has on your sig wink
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

03/22/2015 01:10 PM (UTC)
I do apologize to anyone I offended for "snapping" or coming off like an ass. I totally can understand why some people may not be 100% in love with what they see, and I get that. I just don't understand how some people can actually sit back and call the design "lazy" when we haven't seen her lower body, back, sides, or anything else. It's like back when Kano was first shown in that magazine, a lot of people(myself included) just started bashing his look and talking about how awkward and weird it looked. Then when they finally showed Kano in motion our jaws dropped and I'll be the first to say that he's in my top 5 best designed characters.

I know some might call me a bit of a hypocrite, after all, I bashed Reptile all to hell when he was first revealed and talked shit about his look- but at least with that I had a bit more ground to stand on because it was gameplay footage and I could see "everything" in motion.

I just think it's way too early to be going "Oh that's absolutely lazy!" "That's uninspired!" "That's bland!" when we've only seen such a small portion. I mean we all wanted Tanya in, let's at least wait and see a bit more before we truly start to dissect her. But then again, that's part of the hype right? We like to dissect and discuss, no matter how small it is, so I guess maybe I should just lighten up and quit being so touchy.

Oh well, just keep in mind that it's early and we haven't seen much from her. NRS hasn't let us down yet when it comes to designs for MKX, I doubt they will with Tanya.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

03/22/2015 01:29 PM (UTC)
CODE_umb87 Wrote:
^ Glad you like it.

I really think her design can work. People just love to over-exaggerate.

Yeah, it's like can we actually wait and see the entire outfit before we start rioting? Damn lol.

Of what we've seen so far I like it, very Tanya-esque, very simple and that fits in with MKX's general theme. The character designs so far have been about simplicity. Tanya has always had a very simple style.
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03/22/2015 01:36 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
I do apologize to anyone I offended for "snapping" or coming off like an ass. I totally can understand why some people may not be 100% in love with what they see, and I get that. I just don't understand how some people can actually sit back and call the design "lazy" when we haven't seen her lower body, back, sides, or anything else. It's like back when Kano was first shown in that magazine, a lot of people(myself included) just started bashing his look and talking about how awkward and weird it looked. Then when they finally showed Kano in motion our jaws dropped and I'll be the first to say that he's in my top 5 best designed characters.

I know some might call me a bit of a hypocrite, after all, I bashed Reptile all to hell when he was first revealed and talked shit about his look- but at least with that I had a bit more ground to stand on because it was gameplay footage and I could see "everything" in motion.

I just think it's way too early to be going "Oh that's absolutely lazy!" "That's uninspired!" "That's bland!" when we've only seen such a small portion. I mean we all wanted Tanya in, let's at least wait and see a bit more before we truly start to dissect her. But then again, that's part of the hype right? We like to dissect and discuss, no matter how small it is, so I guess maybe I should just lighten up and quit being so touchy.

Oh well, just keep in mind that it's early and we haven't seen much from her. NRS hasn't let us down yet when it comes to designs for MKX, I doubt they will with Tanya.

By this logic a) you can't LIKE the design either and b) no one can say anything about Tanya in MKX except whether or not they're happy she's there.

Most people, including myself, have qualified their statements with something like 'we haven't seen all of her yet', or something like that. But I'm not going to ignore my first reactions and comments until we get a full look - that's not how it works.

I truly hope the full look is better, but as a Tanya fan I'm disappointed. I'll hold back on final judgments but unless you want all discussion to stop until we see more, we can dislike what we've seen so far.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

03/22/2015 01:43 PM (UTC)
samuhai Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
I do apologize to anyone I offended for "snapping" or coming off like an ass. I totally can understand why some people may not be 100% in love with what they see, and I get that. I just don't understand how some people can actually sit back and call the design "lazy" when we haven't seen her lower body, back, sides, or anything else. It's like back when Kano was first shown in that magazine, a lot of people(myself included) just started bashing his look and talking about how awkward and weird it looked. Then when they finally showed Kano in motion our jaws dropped and I'll be the first to say that he's in my top 5 best designed characters.

I know some might call me a bit of a hypocrite, after all, I bashed Reptile all to hell when he was first revealed and talked shit about his look- but at least with that I had a bit more ground to stand on because it was gameplay footage and I could see "everything" in motion.

I just think it's way too early to be going "Oh that's absolutely lazy!" "That's uninspired!" "That's bland!" when we've only seen such a small portion. I mean we all wanted Tanya in, let's at least wait and see a bit more before we truly start to dissect her. But then again, that's part of the hype right? We like to dissect and discuss, no matter how small it is, so I guess maybe I should just lighten up and quit being so touchy.

Oh well, just keep in mind that it's early and we haven't seen much from her. NRS hasn't let us down yet when it comes to designs for MKX, I doubt they will with Tanya.

By this logic a) you can't LIKE the design either and b) no one can say anything about Tanya in MKX except whether or not they're happy she's there.

Most people, including myself, have qualified their statements with something like 'we haven't seen all of her yet', or something like that. But I'm not going to ignore my first reactions and comments until we get a full look - that's not how it works.

I truly hope the full look is better, but as a Tanya fan I'm disappointed. I'll hold back on final judgments but unless you want all discussion to stop until we see more, we can dislike what we've seen so far.

I've stated over and over again that it's fine to speak your mind and say what you feel. I've done it since the beginning, I always do. I talked about Kano, Reptile, Cassie ect all right when they were revealed and that's fine. Nobody is saying that's an issue. Of course you're going to have an opinion and I'm not saying "HUSH! DON'T YOU DARE SAY ANYTHING NEGATIVE"- I'm just saying let's not go jumping off a bridge over something we have seen very little of.

But go ahead and do what you want, I'm not your mother and have no desire to control your feelings. What matters to me is that *I* like it.

Discussion can continue, which is why I was apologizing in the first place, to let everyone who hates her new look know that it's fine to voice your opposing opinion- Lord knows I've done it, for better or worse on several other characters, why should Tanya be any different? I'm just saying we still have an entire lower body to see, including a back, the sides, variations, fatalities, and intros. If you're aware of this, then this obviously doesn't apply to you.
03/22/2015 02:29 PM (UTC)
Nrs needs to make her black again!
03/22/2015 02:35 PM (UTC)
Egyptian are black or mixed people. Hollywood is racist and most of you think egyptain people are white people
mrkareemruiz Wrote:
Nrs needs to make her black again!

confused She isn`t Jade...

Play MK4, she`s originally Latina.

About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

03/22/2015 02:37 PM (UTC)
Don't you guys fucking dare turn this into another fucking race thread. Leave that shit out of here. There's already a thread for that nonsense!
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