03/22/2015 12:08 AM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Jenafella56 Wrote:
I was never a fan of Tanya, but I like her new look

Lovely to hear!grin Glad you like it.

Lol yeah its different you know? smile I was surprised she had pupils this time
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

03/22/2015 12:10 AM (UTC)
Jenafella56 Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Jenafella56 Wrote:
I was never a fan of Tanya, but I like her new look

Lovely to hear!grin Glad you like it.

Lol yeah its different you know? smile I was surprised she had pupils this time

Me too. I actually wasn't a fan of the white eyes.
03/22/2015 12:10 AM (UTC)
To everyone freaking out about her ugly face and skin/outfit colors:

She isn't finished; things may change.
About Me

-sig by MINION

03/22/2015 12:14 AM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:
oracle Wrote:
I can't see enough of her outfit to judge tbh.


oracle Wrote:
I wish people would stop saying this is Egyptian inspired just because she has that Elizabeth Taylor Cleopatra hair style. Not exactly Egyptian, just Hollywood.

Right now everything about her looks awful imo. She has this sickly skin color, her hair looks like a cheap wig

Lmao. Smh.
Expect I said I can't see enough of her outfit to judge and proceed to talk about what I can see. Y'all stay panini pressed though.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

03/22/2015 12:15 AM (UTC)
oracle Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:
oracle Wrote:
I can't see enough of her outfit to judge tbh.


oracle Wrote:
I wish people would stop saying this is Egyptian inspired just because she has that Elizabeth Taylor Cleopatra hair style. Not exactly Egyptian, just Hollywood.

Right now everything about her looks awful imo. She has this sickly skin color, her hair looks like a cheap wig

Lmao. Smh.
Expect I said I can't see enough of her outfit to judge and proceed to talk about what I can see. Y'all stay panini pressed though.

Well I'm not the one trying to play fashion police over a video game character.

Catch that.
About Me

-sig by MINION

03/22/2015 12:21 AM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Well I'm not the one trying to play fashion police over a video game character.
Catch that.
Neither am I. I think she looks pale and sickly and said so and I don't like her hair and said so. Again stay pressed.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

03/22/2015 12:32 AM (UTC)
oracle Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Well I'm not the one trying to play fashion police over a video game character.
Catch that.
Neither am I. I think she looks pale and sickly and said so and I don't like her hair and said so. Again stay pressed.

Thank you, future Project Runway judge.
03/22/2015 12:34 AM (UTC)
The costume itself doesn't really bother me, I'd just swap the purple for black and it'd look fine. It's the hair cut and the face that I'm looking at going "oh lord..."

Like, what is that supposed to be on her cheeks? Blusher? She looks like a crack addict. Hopefully they fix that up.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

03/22/2015 12:36 AM (UTC)
NoobSaibot5 Wrote:
The costume itself doesn't really bother me, I'd just swap the purple for black and it'd look fine. It's the hair cut and the face that I'm looking at going "oh lord..."

Like, what is that supposed to be on her cheeks? Blusher? She looks like a crack addict. Hopefully they fix that up.

I haven't seen you around! Welcome back..
03/22/2015 12:38 AM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
oracle Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Well I'm not the one trying to play fashion police over a video game character.
Catch that.
Neither am I. I think she looks pale and sickly and said so and I don't like her hair and said so. Again stay pressed.

Thank you, future Project Runway judge.

03/22/2015 12:40 AM (UTC)
I believe Tanya is at the stage Cassie was when we saw her all those months ago. Now look at Cassie, much improved. Seriously guys stop worrying, Tanya will receive a lot of polish by the time she releases. They are still working on these characters. Just check Shaun Himmericks Twitter, he says they aren't finished yet. This teaser was just done to show us who is in the kombat pack.

The only thing I'd want is for her to have an alt that is similar to her previous appearances. I like her current outfit but DLC character deserves alts too. Even though if they weren't Zod they never got them. Hopefully that's changed for MKX...
About Me

-sig by MINION

03/22/2015 12:56 AM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Thank you, future Project Runway judge.
I am the Michael Kors of MKO and don't you forget it.

NoobSaibot5 Wrote:
what is that supposed to be on her cheeks? Blusher? She looks like a crack addict. Hopefully they fix that up.
It really makes her look gaunt.
03/22/2015 01:01 AM (UTC)
It could just be the trailer. The lighting in the trailer is a little odd.
About Me

Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.

Lovely signature by MINION

03/22/2015 01:07 AM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:

It's not like I am the one who start with the "Fantasy" argument, I was have a discussion about her design, a discussion which you only took from is "She is Egyptian so I like her" which isn't the reason I like her.


I wasn't alluding to a "sexual fantasy" as you took it. You can have a fantasy about any archetype of character, in this case yours happens to be an Egyptian one.

sharefrock Wrote:

I like her because as I stated before, she is no longer slut #4, people won't look at her now and say "Oh that's the fourth female ninja" now people will look at her and say "Oh yeah that's the Egyptian chick" If she was from ancient Greek or Rome, I would have took that as well.

The reason I like her is not that she looks like an Egyptian now, the reason I like her is because she is cooler now.

So to put it simply, I like her because she is different than the other females, but I'm not surprised that before, all you understood was "Oh she is Egyptian looking, he likes Egyptian looking females because of some sick fantasy" that's the extent of your mind.

So to put it simply, its not the fact that she is an "earthrealm influenced egyptian" but it could be any other earth-culture based design that subdues her "whore mortal kombat" nature? Because it stands out?

Does Kitana's Edenian design not stand out for you? Mileena's outworld design? D'vorah's Krytinn attire? Cassie's special force's?

*Reminds you Tanya is Edenian, she is not from Egypt, Greece or Rome*

*Also my issue is not that you like her new design, which is fine. But comparing it to her Deception look and labeling it as "slut #4" and "unoriginal", while praising this lack-luster design and jumping on the Tanya bandwagon is weird to me.

03/22/2015 01:12 AM (UTC)
I hate Tanya with an undying passion so strong that my hate-brainwaves carry into space and snowball solar winds that pick up dust and rock, ultimately snowballing to be powerful enough to move stars into an alien enhabited galaxy, where sobbing alien mothers comfort their children as they die from the extreme heat and gravitational disruptions the invading hate-stars have wrought.

However, I like the design.
03/22/2015 01:31 AM (UTC)
mkmileena Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:

It's not like I am the one who start with the "Fantasy" argument, I was have a discussion about her design, a discussion which you only took from is "She is Egyptian so I like her" which isn't the reason I like her.


I wasn't alluding to a "sexual fantasy" as you took it. You can have a fantasy about any archetype of character, in this case yours happens to be an Egyptian one.

sharefrock Wrote:

I like her because as I stated before, she is no longer slut #4, people won't look at her now and say "Oh that's the fourth female ninja" now people will look at her and say "Oh yeah that's the Egyptian chick" If she was from ancient Greek or Rome, I would have took that as well.

The reason I like her is not that she looks like an Egyptian now, the reason I like her is because she is cooler now.

So to put it simply, I like her because she is different than the other females, but I'm not surprised that before, all you understood was "Oh she is Egyptian looking, he likes Egyptian looking females because of some sick fantasy" that's the extent of your mind.

So to put it simply, its not the fact that she is an "earthrealm influenced egyptian" but it could be any other earth-culture based design that subdues her "whore mortal kombat" nature? Because it stands out?

Does Kitana's Edenian design not stand out for you? Mileena's outworld design? D'vorah's Krytinn attire? Cassie's special force's?

*Reminds you Tanya is Edenian, she is not from Egypt, Greece or Rome*

*Also my issue is not that you like her new design, which is fine. But comparing it to her Deception look and labeling it as "slut #4" and "unoriginal", while praising this lack-luster design and jumping on the Tanya bandwagon is weird to me.

Basically what you said in your reply is "I have nothing to say to that, so I'll just go around in circles to confuse you"

I'm not being mean or trying to be a dick, but seriously what did you say in your reply that added or was a counter-point to what I said?

Kitana's new design is awesome, that's how she should have always looked, In MK9 all the female ninjas looked crazy over the top and were very sexualized, I don't care for sex in video games, that's why I like Kitana's new design.

I don't like Mileena's design so much because her sexy and revealing nature was part of her character and her story, now they are going so far as to even fix her mouth a bit, which I actually don't mind the mouth part because at least we have the upside of believing she can talk now.

Cassie Cage's design is just on point, she actually looks like she is in the SF.

D'voarh's design is also great. I like a lot of the females so far, something which has never happened before, I always found the females to be very unrealistic and just a complete joke in the MKU.

People: "Oh look it's a deadly female assassin"
Me: "Pfftt... Get out of here, she is just a cosplayer who has some serious daddy issues"

Females in MKD weren't all that great, again with the exception of Ashrah who actually brought something different to the table and go figure, I liked her.

Now tell me I have a fantasy about a female like Raiden, and that Ashrah fills that fantasy and that by saying these things you don't mean anything unpleasant.

You think Tanya's design is not good? I've already said this, good for you, if you are not willing to give her this chance of being this new character, I sure as hell will.

I did the same for Ermac, Ermac is no longer how everybody remembers him but I didn't want to just hate on him because he is different, I want to see where this direction for Ermac goes.

Different isn't always bad, but designs are all about preference, I like things that make sense, Tanya's next logical step was a cool Egyptian-like design, It won me over, I've stated the reasons I like it, yet all your reasons boil down to "Where is the MKD design"

Thanks, but I'd rather have this design over a design made by a cosplay fan with scissors.
03/22/2015 01:44 AM (UTC)

What if the DLC characters have alt outfits? I'm not saying they will this time around, but Tanya and Tremor's alt outfits would probably be something more old-school if they do. Like how Smoke in MK9 had a more traditional kind of ninja outfit as his alt (which was far inferior to that dope ass primary, but still).
03/22/2015 02:03 AM (UTC)
Tanya looks fine. You guys nit pick EVERYTHING!!
The lighting in the video does nothing for her. If you examine her face, it actually looks decently designed. Plus she has some sort of tattoo on her face.
The only messy part is her hair. NRS is keeping the chicks short really short, or in buns because they suck at animating hair but nothing new there so, its okay.
About Me

Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.

Lovely signature by MINION

03/22/2015 02:20 AM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:

Basically what you said in your reply is "I have nothing to say to that, so I'll just go around in circles to confuse you"

I'm not being mean or trying to be a dick, but seriously what did you say in your reply that added or was a counter-point to what I said?

Females in MKD weren't all that great, again with the exception of Ashrah who actually brought something different to the table and go figure, I liked her.

Now tell me I have a fantasy about a female like Raiden, and that Ashrah fills that fantasy and that by saying these things you don't mean anything unpleasant.


For someone so "against" sexual designs in characters, your sure seem fixated on the "fantasy" comment.

For example, I can have a fanboy fantasy about a viking character in mortal kombat. Or an elder demon character. or a dark fairy type character. None of these are sexual in any nature. And nothing unpleasant meant by it.

And also acting like i'm adding nothing to counter argue you is funny. You cant ignore the words, they're written right there.

Now moving on.

Funny how you say Mileena's design is "sexualized" and then compliment D'vorah on her design, though its just as revealing. if not more. It's not fair to label certain characters as one thing and others not.

And another thing about 'sexuality' and mortal kombat: These are fantasy realms where such attire is likely normal/cultural in fact. These realms do not abide by the customs of Earthrealm. If that bothers you, maybe find a game that is solely based on Earth.

sharefrock Wrote:
Different isn't always bad, but designs are all about preference, I like things that make sense, Tanya's next logical step was a cool Egyptian-like design, It won me over, I've stated the reasons I like it, yet all your reasons boil down to "Where is the MKD design"

My argument is it has nothing to due with her character or personality, while venturing off too far from her Edenian based looks. Im not looking for a MKDeception replica. But it should reflect the character.

This is what I want you to answer. How was it "logically" her next step and how does an egyptian influenced design "make sense" for an evil Edenian sorceress?

03/22/2015 02:22 AM (UTC)
Mostly everything about her is fine for me. My (minor) complaints would be that she has the face of a cavewoman, and her hair looks stiff or crunchy or something lol
03/22/2015 02:29 AM (UTC)
Tanya does look rough, but she will likely look a whole lot better when she is FINALIZED, or at least in the FINAL stages of completion.

About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

03/22/2015 02:32 AM (UTC)
Nothing about the design really says "Tanya" to me. I feel like if they colored this blue or pink, it could easily be a Kitana or Mileena alt.

Longer hair, white eyes, and her outfits have always been very "sharp". I really liked MKD's vinyl looking texture. Shiny. Sleek. Regal. Klassy.

Fucking stoked she made the cut, just really not digging what I've seen so far.

Oh, and to the people with the "stop complaining/you got her at least/fanboy whining" perspective -

I took plenty of time today to show the people in my inner circle, without any biased influence on my part, her reveal video. Now keep in mind ALL of them either do not even play MK, or only knew her by name. A few reactions -

"What's wrong with her face?"
"Dat hair..."
"Cleopatra, is that you?!"
"THIS is Tanya? Dear lord...."
"That bitch looks jacked."
"Is that a yellow Kitana?"
"Well... yellow is my favorite color so I like that at least."

We ain't alone y'all. wink
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

03/22/2015 02:38 AM (UTC)
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
Nothing about the design really says "Tanya" to me. I feel like if they colored this blue or pink, it could easily be a Kitana or Mileena alt.

Longer hair, white eyes, and her outfits have always been very "sharp". I really liked MKD's vinyl looking texture. Shiny. Sleek. Regal. Klassy.

Fucking stoked she made the cut, just really not digging what I've seen so far.

Oh, and to the people with the "stop complaining/you got her at least/fanboy whining" perspective -

I took plenty of time today to show the people in my inner circle, without any biased influence on my part, her reveal video. Now keep in mind ALL of them either do not even play MK, or only knew her by name. A few reactions -

"What's wrong with her face?"
"Dat hair..."
"Cleopatra, is that you?!"
"THIS is Tanya? Dear lord...."
"That bitch looks jacked."
"Is that a yellow Kitana?"
"Well... yellow is my favorite color so I like that at least."

We ain't alone y'all. wink

Because I base my life around what the people in your inner circle thinks.

*eye roll*
03/22/2015 02:42 AM (UTC)
mkmileena Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:

Basically what you said in your reply is "I have nothing to say to that, so I'll just go around in circles to confuse you"

I'm not being mean or trying to be a dick, but seriously what did you say in your reply that added or was a counter-point to what I said?

Females in MKD weren't all that great, again with the exception of Ashrah who actually brought something different to the table and go figure, I liked her.

Now tell me I have a fantasy about a female like Raiden, and that Ashrah fills that fantasy and that by saying these things you don't mean anything unpleasant.


For someone so "against" sexual designs in characters, your sure seem fixated on the "fantasy" comment.

For example, I can have a fanboy fantasy about a viking character in mortal kombat. Or an elder demon character. or a dark fairy type character. None of these are sexual in any nature. And nothing unpleasant meant by it.

And also acting like i'm adding nothing to counter argue you is funny. You cant ignore the words, they're written right there.

Now moving on.

Funny how you say Mileena's design is "sexualized" and then compliment D'vorah on her design, though its just as revealing. if not more. It's not fair to label certain characters as one thing and others not.

And another thing about 'sexuality' and mortal kombat: These are fantasy realms where such attire is likely normal/cultural in fact. These realms do not abide by the customs of Earthrealm. If that bothers you, maybe find a game that is solely based on Earth.

sharefrock Wrote:
Different isn't always bad, but designs are all about preference, I like things that make sense, Tanya's next logical step was a cool Egyptian-like design, It won me over, I've stated the reasons I like it, yet all your reasons boil down to "Where is the MKD design"

My argument is it has nothing to due with her character or personality, while venturing off too far from her Edenian based looks. Im not looking for a MKDeception replica. But it should reflect the character.

This is what I want you to answer. How was it "logically" her next step and how does an egyptian influenced design "make sense" for an evil Edenian sorceress?

I didn't say Mileena's design is sexy... I said it ISN'T revealing enough, she is the only female character where it would make sense for her to use her body as a weapon, her face isn't all that great, so she compensate for that with her body.

D'voarh is a freaking bug lady, there is nothing sexual about her, not even one bit, what are you even talking about, revealing what?

To answer your question, Tanya for me always seemed Middle-eastern/Egyptian with her skin-tone, they took that concept and went full on with it. In MK4 she gave me that vibe, for me it was the next logical step to go with her, and from the looks of it, I'm not the only one who is digging the Egyptian look she got going for her.

Like I said, at the end of the day it's all preference, I prefer this look for Tanya, you don't, you're not wrong and I'm not wrong.

So let's agree to disagree, I like you, so let's not get way too serious about her look, if you are judging the model however, then yes, it still need a lot of work.

by the way, IF I misunderstood you wrong and you did have good intentions when you said that I have a fantasy about her or something along those lines, then I apologize.
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