02/22/2015 07:56 AM (UTC)
daryui Wrote:
renegade494 Wrote:
Cages_Shades Wrote:
This isn't the "do u like kotal or not thread" its the chapeter 8 thread. move your argument somewhere else.

If the goror we've seen is his alt and his main had cybernetic arms, i'm not sure if id rather have that or for his arms to magically be rejuvinated

maybe add a chainsaw to one arm and go Ash style wink

Do you think that Johnny is one of the hooded guys next to Sonya? Really hoping he is. Then maybe they will finally confirm both he and Sonya.

Johnny and Sonya in Outworld

I completely forgot about Kintaro appearing. Can't wait for that!
About Me

Have faith in the elder gods.

02/22/2015 07:57 AM (UTC)
Murcielago Wrote:
Why is the MK fanbase (or maybe the people here in general) so god damn salty. First the op posts something, then the arguements comes, then the name calling. No one can have a civil debate here. For christ sake just ignore or walk away (Seriously, close the browser, get the dog and go to the park. Sit on a bench and question yourself why is the grass always greener when you water with your weiner).


Last part made me lol. Thanks for that.
About Me
Props to MINION
02/22/2015 07:58 AM (UTC)
daryui Wrote:
I could've sworn a synopsis mentioned Johnny and Sonya in Outworld.

it does, its later on and its Johnny and sonya looking for cassie togehter

They are still together looking for her in Book 5 (chapters 13-15) EDIT: i got beat to it
02/22/2015 08:01 AM (UTC)
krajax Wrote:
Wow Kotal rides a FUCKING dinosaur!...

Animalities confirmed
02/22/2015 08:02 AM (UTC)
Murcielago Wrote:
Why is the MK fanbase (or maybe the people here in general) so god damn salty. First the op posts something, then the arguements comes, then the name calling. No one can have a civil debate here. For christ sake just ignore or walk away (Seriously, close the browser, get the dog and go to the park. Sit on a bench and question yourself why is the grass always greener when you water with your weiner).


Because everyone is a special snowflake on the interwebz.

lol @ users feeling they are being personally attacked because based on a page preview they assume their favorite character is being killed off. Just be patient and relax everyone. Assumptions make an ass out of you in the end.
02/22/2015 08:03 AM (UTC)
Best issue yet! If MKX's story is anything like the comics, we are in for the best story mode in the HISTORY of MK.

Mileena looks amazing! I'm sure that's her final costume for MKX.

Rain is NOT dead. Calm down. Cool to see him.

Reiko is up to no good, Mileena has to watch her back.

Kotal Kahn is a beast!! He handled Goro.

Sonya is looking good again. Where's Cage??? Can't wait to see him??? I smell death from either Cage or Blade.

Where is Quan Chi and his army??? Can't wait to see evil Kung Lao and a dark Kitana.
02/22/2015 08:05 AM (UTC)
Murcielago Wrote:
Why is the MK fanbase (or maybe the people here in general) so god damn salty. First the op posts something, then the arguements comes, then the name calling. No one can have a civil debate here. For christ sake just ignore or walk away (Seriously, close the browser, get the dog and go to the park. Sit on a bench and question yourself why is the grass always greener when you water with your weiner).


Because they're a bunch of self entitled brats

DjangoDrag Wrote:
renegade494 Wrote:
T-rex Wrote:
renegade494 Wrote:
Ya, hopefully he gets messed up and turns into a villain so then he can get his ass kicked in the story. Also, thanks for the non argumentative comment. Its quite refreshing.

>all that salt about Kotal stylin' all over Goro

ayy lmao

Man, I wish Kotal had his own faction in the multiplayer. I'd join that fucking shit in a heartbeat. Because he's seriously the most sane and relatable character we've seen so far.


No, that blood magic shit is a bitch move. Without it, Goro would have killed Kotal just like he did his father. Props for being a fellow Cage fan though.glasses

Didn't Goro "cheat" by using Rain to block out the sun?
That's called "Tactical Strategy" lol.

Edit: Read the last few pages. Shaking my damn head.
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Avatar is part of fanart created by Esau13

02/22/2015 08:11 AM (UTC)
renegade494 Wrote:
Demon_0 Wrote:
Kotal is officially MKX's most epic character. First he fucking barbeques Rain and then rips off Goro's arms? I'm going to main him hard. Now Kotal, please obliterate Sonya and you will be my hero for eternity.

Have fun getting consistently owned because you main a low tier ass character.

And you base this on what? A few gameplay videos you've seen? I am fairly certain Kotal has at least one variation that will help him out in many MU's. In the unlikely event that he doesn't, I will have another main who goes by the name "Sub-Zero" and he shows a lot of promise this time.

Darkhound74 Wrote:
Demon_0 Wrote:
Kotal is officially MKX's most epic character. First he fucking barbeques Rain and then rips off Goro's arms? I'm going to main him hard. Now Kotal, please obliterate Sonya and you will be my hero for eternity.

I highly doubt he's going to let it slide that Sonya shot him.

I certainly hope not. She's been nothing but a pain in his ass so far. If you're not part of the solution you're part of the landscape or in her case part of the problem. Get rid of her.
About Me
02/22/2015 08:11 AM (UTC)
petrcech Wrote:
Best issue yet! If MKX's story is anything like the comics, we are in for the best story mode in the HISTORY of MK.

Mileena looks amazing! I'm sure that's her final costume for MKX.

Rain is NOT dead. Calm down. Cool to see him.

Reiko is up to no good, Mileena has to watch her back.

Kotal Kahn is a beast!! He handled Goro.

Sonya is looking good again. Where's Cage??? Can't wait to see him??? I smell death from either Cage or Blade.

Where is Quan Chi and his army??? Can't wait to see evil Kung Lao and a dark Kitana.

Best in history? Nah, MKDA says hi.

Quan Chi's army is trapped in the Netherrealm and Lao and Kitana are alive.
02/22/2015 08:16 AM (UTC)
@daryui: DA's Konquest was garbage lol. More so than Deception's.

This will be MK's best story(as long as everyone doesn't get poorly killed off like last time >_>)

@renegade: How is Kotal low tier if the game has not even gone gold yet? ???? We haven't even seen all of his gameplay shit yet.
About Me

02/22/2015 08:17 AM (UTC)
Kahnum? What is this, babytalk? Khanate!
Then again, they cannot bother to check anymore.

This could have been a fine checkout for Rain. Oh well.
02/22/2015 08:19 AM (UTC)
daryui Wrote:
petrcech Wrote:
Best issue yet! If MKX's story is anything like the comics, we are in for the best story mode in the HISTORY of MK.

Mileena looks amazing! I'm sure that's her final costume for MKX.

Rain is NOT dead. Calm down. Cool to see him.

Reiko is up to no good, Mileena has to watch her back.

Kotal Kahn is a beast!! He handled Goro.

Sonya is looking good again. Where's Cage??? Can't wait to see him??? I smell death from either Cage or Blade.

Where is Quan Chi and his army??? Can't wait to see evil Kung Lao and a dark Kitana.

Best in history? Nah, MKDA says hi.

Quan Chi's army is trapped in the Netherrealm and Lao and Kitana are alive.

MKDA did have a great story but I definitely think MKX will surpass it.
I can't wait to see Quan Chi's involvement. He will play a huge role in MKX's story.
About Me

Have faith in the elder gods.

02/22/2015 08:21 AM (UTC)
mkwhopper Wrote:
@daryui: DA's Konquest was garbage lol. More so than Deception's.

This will be MK's best story(as long as everyone doesn't get poorly killed off like last time >_>)

@renegade: How is Kotal low tier if the game has not even gone gold yet? ???? We haven't even seen all of his gameplay shit yet.

Some characters are just so stupid looking that you know they will be low tier. Kotal Khan is one of those characters. Did you see his gameplay? Lol he is slow and will be Shiva tier.
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02/22/2015 08:26 AM (UTC)
mkwhopper Wrote:
@daryui: DA's Konquest was garbage lol.

>talking shit about MKDA

u fukn wot m8?

The sheer amount of lore thrown at you at every turn is what makes MKDA the best game in the franchise. The Konquest mode itself might be structured like an extended practice mode, but holy shit that's a hell of a motivator.

Chrome Wrote:
This could have been a fine checkout for Rain. Oh well.

Well, Frank, I guess you could say this guy...


( •_•)>⌐�-�


Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
just took a rain check.
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Mortal Kombat Online - Community Manager

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02/22/2015 08:29 AM (UTC)
renegade494 Wrote:
mkwhopper Wrote:
@daryui: DA's Konquest was garbage lol. More so than Deception's.

This will be MK's best story(as long as everyone doesn't get poorly killed off like last time >_>)

@renegade: How is Kotal low tier if the game has not even gone gold yet? ???? We haven't even seen all of his gameplay shit yet.

Some characters are just so stupid looking that you know they will be low tier. Kotal Khan is one of those characters. Did you see his gameplay? Lol he is slow and will be Shiva tier.

[citation needed]

The fact that you even think you have an argument here is pretty laughable, and yet, so normal for this forum.
About Me

Avatar is part of fanart created by Esau13

02/22/2015 08:29 AM (UTC)
renegade494 Wrote:
mkwhopper Wrote:
@daryui: DA's Konquest was garbage lol. More so than Deception's.

This will be MK's best story(as long as everyone doesn't get poorly killed off like last time >_>)

@renegade: How is Kotal low tier if the game has not even gone gold yet? ???? We haven't even seen all of his gameplay shit yet.

Some characters are just so stupid looking that you know they will be low tier. Kotal Khan is one of those characters. Did you see his gameplay? Lol he is slow and will be Shiva tier.

Oh, and here I thought I was gonna get a firm, well-backed argument but you're just another one of them die hard gangsta trolls
02/22/2015 08:37 AM (UTC)
T-rex Wrote:
mkwhopper Wrote:
@daryui: DA's Konquest was garbage lol.

>talking shit about MKDA

u fukn wot m8?

The sheer amount of lore thrown at you at every turn is what makes MKDA the best game in the franchise. The Konquest mode itself might be structured like an extended practice mode, but holy shit that's a hell of a motivator.

Chrome Wrote:
This could have been a fine checkout for Rain. Oh well.

Well, Frank, I guess you could say this guy...


( •_•)>⌐�-�


Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
just took a rain check.

That's exactly what I didn't like about Konquest in DA lol. It's like a damn training mode.
I love DA, just didn't like the glorified practice mo- I mean Konquest. .

Didn't really pay attention to the lore back in the day since I was in like 1st grade or so when it came out XD
About Me

Have faith in the elder gods.

02/22/2015 08:37 AM (UTC)
Demon_0 Wrote:
renegade494 Wrote:
mkwhopper Wrote:
@daryui: DA's Konquest was garbage lol. More so than Deception's.

This will be MK's best story(as long as everyone doesn't get poorly killed off like last time >_>)

@renegade: How is Kotal low tier if the game has not even gone gold yet? ???? We haven't even seen all of his gameplay shit yet.

Some characters are just so stupid looking that you know they will be low tier. Kotal Khan is one of those characters. Did you see his gameplay? Lol he is slow and will be Shiva tier.

Oh, and here I thought I was gonna get a firm, well-backed argument but you're just another one of them die hard gangsta trolls

So, I'm a troll for predicting that he will be low tier? Lol whatever scrub. Keep riding the dick. We know your mom will.
02/22/2015 08:40 AM (UTC)
HBoogie Wrote:
idk i personally think they're setting rain up as the new cyber ninja or a way to "refresh" him by giving him new power and abilities. it's highly possible that they could bring him back and slap a whole "new" character stamp on him. we'd end get a "new" character with some of rain's signature moves and or a variation that plays similar to rain in MK9. he is a demi god but kotal is like...blowing the gods for power right now so yeah

"@noobed will we get a new ninja?
Ed- define new.....?"

You might be up to something
About Me

Have faith in the elder gods.

02/22/2015 08:40 AM (UTC)
m0s3pH Wrote:
renegade494 Wrote:
mkwhopper Wrote:
@daryui: DA's Konquest was garbage lol. More so than Deception's.

This will be MK's best story(as long as everyone doesn't get poorly killed off like last time >_>)

@renegade: How is Kotal low tier if the game has not even gone gold yet? ???? We haven't even seen all of his gameplay shit yet.

Some characters are just so stupid looking that you know they will be low tier. Kotal Khan is one of those characters. Did you see his gameplay? Lol he is slow and will be Shiva tier.

[citation needed]

The fact that you even think you have an argument here is pretty laughable, and yet, so normal for this forum.

Laughable like you still playing Pokemon. Even little kids haven't played that shit since the late 90's.
02/22/2015 08:47 AM (UTC)
So did Kotal Kahn rip off one arm, and chop the rest off with his Macuahuitl?
02/22/2015 08:47 AM (UTC)
Nothing really to add. Just thought I'd point out that you spelled SHEEVA wrong.
02/22/2015 08:48 AM (UTC)
renegade494 Wrote:
mkwhopper Wrote:
@daryui: DA's Konquest was garbage lol. More so than Deception's.

This will be MK's best story(as long as everyone doesn't get poorly killed off like last time >_>)

@renegade: How is Kotal low tier if the game has not even gone gold yet? ???? We haven't even seen all of his gameplay shit yet.

Some characters are just so stupid looking that you know they will be low tier. Kotal Khan is one of those characters. Did you see his gameplay? Lol he is slow and will be Shiva tier.

Ugly/Stupid Looking =/= Low Tier shit

Only thing I can partially agree with is that Sheeva is shit though. I hate her guts
About Me

Have faith in the elder gods.

02/22/2015 08:51 AM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
Nothing really to add. Just thought I'd point out that you spelled SHEEVA wrong.

Yup, don't even remember how to spell it, don't even care. That is how little of a shit I gave about that character. She will still probably be higher tier than Kotal Bitch though.
About Me
Props to MINION
02/22/2015 08:54 AM (UTC)
renegade494 Wrote:
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
Nothing really to add. Just thought I'd point out that you spelled SHEEVA wrong.

Yup, don't even remember how to spell it, don't even care. That is how little of a shit I gave about that character. She will still probably be higher tier than Kotal Bitch though.

Isnt it past your bedtime? Wouldnt want you to be late for Sunday school.
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