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02/22/2015 06:57 AM (UTC)
JaymzHetfield Wrote:
Rain can heal his wounds in the moistness of his fans' tears.

>applying salt to third-degree burns

ninja you cray
02/22/2015 06:57 AM (UTC)
T-rex Wrote:
JaymzHetfield Wrote:
Rain can heal his wounds in the moistness of his fans' tears.

>applying salt to third-degree burns

ninja you cray

Hey man I didn't say it would feel good!
About Me

Have faith in the elder gods.

02/22/2015 06:58 AM (UTC)
DjangoDrag Wrote:
renegade494 Wrote:
Darkhound74 Wrote:
renegade494 Wrote:
Darkhound74 Wrote:
renegade494 Wrote:
Sockie Wrote:
renegade494 Wrote:
Man, Kotal Khan is a little bitch. He gets his ass kicked so he decides to cheat by using some weird magic shit. Can't wait until Raiden shocks the piss out of him. Also, do you guys think that Johnny Cage is under one of the hoods?glasses

If he's cheating, then so is Goro by having Rain block the sun.

No, that is strategy. Making yourself OP just because you got outsmarted is a bitch move. Hope Kotal is a villain so we get to kill his ass.sleep

Don't count on him just being in one game. As of right now he is the most interesting of the new characters.

Cassie Cage is the most interesting new character. All the other newbies, especially Kotal Khan, are trash.

HAHAHAHAHAHA....yeah okay.

I'm not into fattys.


There ya go, bud. ;)

Haha classic grammar nazi. We are definately not buds.
02/22/2015 06:58 AM (UTC)
renegade494 Wrote:
JaymzHetfield Wrote:
renegade494 Wrote:
Cassie Cage is the most interesting new character. All the other newbies, especially Kotal Khan, are trash.

Elaborate on how KK is trash.

His name is stupid, and he looks like something from the discovery channel mixed with an alien. He is just not interesting to me.

Okay. Glad your opinion isn't the majority, though, because Kotal needs all love he deserves.
About Me
Props to MINION
02/22/2015 06:59 AM (UTC)
T-rex Wrote:
>Am I the only one who is just now noticing the Red Dragon insignia on the RD mooks' chests?

>To all of you freaking out over Rain, try contain your salt at least until the next chapter until we get a confirmation on what happened in the aftermath of the fight.

Consider the following:

We've already seen Kotal's sunstroke OHKO'ing a big-ass monster, but even though Rain gets nuked, he doesn't instantly die. Make of that what you will.

Besides, it's not like this would be the first time we see a guy survive an immolation. And then there's the Kittelsen tweet. Wait and see.

>Reptile is apparently the Outworld spelling for "Sue Richards," because he now has the power to make others invisible as long as they're standing next to him.

>Erron fucking Black is nowhere to be seen throughout all this.

>Sonya and her squad of shadow priest cosplayers


Erron is with Cassie
02/22/2015 07:00 AM (UTC)
I am honestly liking Kotal more and more, i know we don't have many new character revealed yet, but Kotal is by far the most interesting character thus far
About Me

Have faith in the elder gods.

02/22/2015 07:01 AM (UTC)
JaymzHetfield Wrote:
You're 14 aren't you.

Not sure if you are talking to me. I'm 24, and I thought you were kool, but if you're trying to say that shit to me then maybe you're just another dbag.
About Me
Props to MINION
02/22/2015 07:02 AM (UTC)
renegade494 Wrote:
JaymzHetfield Wrote:
renegade494 Wrote:
Cassie Cage is the most interesting new character. All the other newbies, especially Kotal Khan, are trash.

Elaborate on how KK is trash.

His name is stupid, and he looks like something from the discovery channel mixed with an alien. He is just not interesting to me.

Well he's not from Earthrealm, so ya he is an alien. But so are kitana and co.

Games full of aliens bro
02/22/2015 07:03 AM (UTC)
renegade494 Wrote:
JaymzHetfield Wrote:
You're 14 aren't you.

Not sure if you are talking to me. I'm 24, and I thought you were kool, but if you're trying to say that shit to me then maybe you're just another dbag.

Come on man, lighten up.

No need to blow things out of proportion.
02/22/2015 07:03 AM (UTC)
renegade494 Wrote:
JaymzHetfield Wrote:
You're 14 aren't you.

Not sure if you are talking to me. I'm 24, and I thought you were kool, but if you're trying to say that shit to me then maybe you're just another dbag.

Dude you just show up out of nowhere being overly aggressive, throwing insults and bad grammar, what are we supposed to think? You said why you think Kotal Kahn is trash, I respect your opinion. Talking shit about peoples moms or calling characters trash without saying why you think that, you're going to create a negative first impression. People are generally friendly here, if not dramatic. And for the record, I apologize for calling you 14.
About Me

Have faith in the elder gods.

02/22/2015 07:06 AM (UTC)
T-rex Wrote:
renegade494 Wrote:
Ya, hopefully he gets messed up and turns into a villain so then he can get his ass kicked in the story. Also, thanks for the non argumentative comment. Its quite refreshing.

>all that salt about Kotal stylin' all over Goro

ayy lmao

Man, I wish Kotal had his own faction in the multiplayer. I'd join that fucking shit in a heartbeat. Because he's seriously the most sane and relatable character we've seen so far.


No, that blood magic shit is a bitch move. Without it, Goro would have killed Kotal just like he did his father. Props for being a fellow Cage fan though.glasses
02/22/2015 07:12 AM (UTC)
renegade494 Wrote:
T-rex Wrote:
renegade494 Wrote:
Ya, hopefully he gets messed up and turns into a villain so then he can get his ass kicked in the story. Also, thanks for the non argumentative comment. Its quite refreshing.

>all that salt about Kotal stylin' all over Goro

ayy lmao

Man, I wish Kotal had his own faction in the multiplayer. I'd join that fucking shit in a heartbeat. Because he's seriously the most sane and relatable character we've seen so far.


No, that blood magic shit is a bitch move. Without it, Goro would have killed Kotal just like he did his father. Props for being a fellow Cage fan though.glasses

Didn't Goro "cheat" by using Rain to block out the sun?
About Me

Have faith in the elder gods.

02/22/2015 07:13 AM (UTC)
JaymzHetfield Wrote:
renegade494 Wrote:
JaymzHetfield Wrote:
You're 14 aren't you.

Not sure if you are talking to me. I'm 24, and I thought you were kool, but if you're trying to say that shit to me then maybe you're just another dbag.

Dude you just show up out of nowhere being overly aggressive, throwing insults and bad grammar, what are we supposed to think? You said why you think Kotal Kahn is trash, I respect your opinion. Talking shit about peoples moms or calling characters trash without saying why you think that, you're going to create a negative first impression. People are generally friendly here, if not dramatic. And for the record, I apologize for calling you 14.

Dude, how is my grammar bad? I didn't know perfect grammar was so important in an online chat forum about a video game. I said fattys instead of fatties. Big deal. I already said I don't like him because he is just not interesting. His name is stupid, he looks stupid, and he is getting pandered to because NRS desperately wants people to like their new characters. Cassie is cool because she at least has connections with the original characters, and is the offspring of 2 of the originals which hasn't really been done before.
02/22/2015 07:14 AM (UTC)
DjangoDrag Wrote:
renegade494 Wrote:
T-rex Wrote:
renegade494 Wrote:
Ya, hopefully he gets messed up and turns into a villain so then he can get his ass kicked in the story. Also, thanks for the non argumentative comment. Its quite refreshing.

>all that salt about Kotal stylin' all over Goro

ayy lmao

Man, I wish Kotal had his own faction in the multiplayer. I'd join that fucking shit in a heartbeat. Because he's seriously the most sane and relatable character we've seen so far.


No, that blood magic shit is a bitch move. Without it, Goro would have killed Kotal just like he did his father. Props for being a fellow Cage fan though.glasses

Didn't Goro "cheat" by using Rain to block out the sun?

According to some its not cheating....it's "strategy".
02/22/2015 07:15 AM (UTC)
Me Grimlock need new strategy
About Me

02/22/2015 07:16 AM (UTC)
renegade494 Wrote:
No, that blood magic shit is a bitch move. Without it, Goro would have killed Kotal just like he did his father.

If Goro didn't have Rain on his side, K'etz would've fucked him up six ways from Sunday. Having purple ninjas at your side casting debuffs on your opponent is a bitch move.

And don't forget his extra arms, too. Having four arms is a bitch move.
02/22/2015 07:16 AM (UTC)
Darkhound74 Wrote:
DjangoDrag Wrote:
renegade494 Wrote:
T-rex Wrote:
renegade494 Wrote:
Ya, hopefully he gets messed up and turns into a villain so then he can get his ass kicked in the story. Also, thanks for the non argumentative comment. Its quite refreshing.

>all that salt about Kotal stylin' all over Goro

ayy lmao

Man, I wish Kotal had his own faction in the multiplayer. I'd join that fucking shit in a heartbeat. Because he's seriously the most sane and relatable character we've seen so far.


No, that blood magic shit is a bitch move. Without it, Goro would have killed Kotal just like he did his father. Props for being a fellow Cage fan though.glasses

Didn't Goro "cheat" by using Rain to block out the sun?

According to some its not cheating....it's "strategy".

I heard once that all is fair in love and war. Awaiting confirmation from Ed Boon, tho.
About Me

Have faith in the elder gods.

02/22/2015 07:16 AM (UTC)
Cages_Shades Wrote:
renegade494 Wrote:
JaymzHetfield Wrote:
renegade494 Wrote:
Cassie Cage is the most interesting new character. All the other newbies, especially Kotal Khan, are trash.

Elaborate on how KK is trash.

His name is stupid, and he looks like something from the discovery channel mixed with an alien. He is just not interesting to me.

Well he's not from Earthrealm, so ya he is an alien. But so are kitana and co.

Games full of aliens bro

I mean he looks like some tacky alien from a movie. All that aside, he is just not interesting. His design sucks. His face looks like a stoned village person in the game.
02/22/2015 07:17 AM (UTC)
T-rex Wrote:
>Am I the only one who is just now noticing the Red Dragon insignia on the RD mooks' chests?

>To all of you freaking out over Rain, try contain your salt at least until the next chapter when we can get a confirmation on what happened in the aftermath of the fight.

Consider the following:

We've already seen Kotal's sunstroke OHKO'ing a big-ass monster, but even though Rain gets nuked, he doesn't instantly die. Make of that what you will.

Besides, it's not like this would be the first time we see a guy survive an immolation. And then there's the Kittelsen tweet. Wait and see.

>Reptile is apparently the Outworld spelling for "Sue Richards," because he now has the power to make others invisible as long as they're standing next to him.

>Erron fucking Black is nowhere to be seen throughout all this.

>Sonya and her squad of shadow priest cosplayers


Reptile = Invisible Woman, got it so his forceball can be turned into a damage mitigation shield now right?! (Do this NRS it would be so good).

Why is Rain doing his best impersonation of Tremor?

For what it's worth Rain only withstood that Sun Blast because of his Demigod heritage so atleast be thankful to Shawn for staying faithful to the source material to this point he has treated every character with fairness and dignity.

MK fandom is a funny thing.

02/22/2015 07:18 AM (UTC)
DjangoDrag Wrote:
Darkhound74 Wrote:
DjangoDrag Wrote:
renegade494 Wrote:
T-rex Wrote:
renegade494 Wrote:
Ya, hopefully he gets messed up and turns into a villain so then he can get his ass kicked in the story. Also, thanks for the non argumentative comment. Its quite refreshing.

>all that salt about Kotal stylin' all over Goro

ayy lmao

Man, I wish Kotal had his own faction in the multiplayer. I'd join that fucking shit in a heartbeat. Because he's seriously the most sane and relatable character we've seen so far.


No, that blood magic shit is a bitch move. Without it, Goro would have killed Kotal just like he did his father. Props for being a fellow Cage fan though.glasses

Didn't Goro "cheat" by using Rain to block out the sun?

According to some its not cheating....it's "strategy".

I heard once that all is fair in love and war. Awaiting confirmation from Ed Boon, tho.

True, and then Karma swings around in full force.
02/22/2015 07:19 AM (UTC)
Grammar isn't that important, but it was more than that and when you combine it with everything else it doesn't come off as very mature. Again, I apologize. I shouldn't have presumed.

I mean if we're talking about Kotal Kahn, he was the early favorite of the revealed characters of E3. Everyone was like "Who the fuck is THAT guy?" because most people, myself included, felt he had an interesting design and imposing figure that we had not really seen in an MK game before.

And they've added to that by making him legitimately interesting in terms of personality. He's the only (aspiring) ruler of Outworld we've seen that hasn't telegraphed his megalomania. He's clear headed, has an interesting backstory, and the people he rules over like him. If he is a villain, he's the first truly morally ambiguous one we've seen. He's delivering on a lot of things we haven't seen in MK before. But this is just my opinion on him.
About Me

Have faith in the elder gods.

02/22/2015 07:26 AM (UTC)
JaymzHetfield Wrote:
Grammar isn't that important, but it was more than that and when you combine it with everything else it doesn't come off as very mature. Again, I apologize. I shouldn't have presumed.

I mean if we're talking about Kotal Kahn, he was the early favorite of the revealed characters of E3. Everyone was like "Who the fuck is THAT guy?" because most people, myself included, felt he had an interesting design and imposing figure that we had not really seen in an MK game before.

And they've added to that by making him legitimately interesting in terms of personality. He's the only (aspiring) ruler of Outworld we've seen that hasn't telegraphed his megalomania. He's clear headed, has an interesting backstory, and the people he rules over like him. If he is a villain, he's the first truly morally ambiguous one we've seen. He's delivering on a lot of things we haven't seen in MK before. But this is just my opinion on him.

Then he got outsmarted and caused his father to get killed. He then resorts to using some blood magic shit which, by the way, sounds really cheesy, to make himself OP. I'm sorry but to me that is as bitch move. Goro is a boss, Kotal is a bitch. My opinion. Earthrealm characters have always been more interesting to me though.
About Me

Have faith in the elder gods.

02/22/2015 07:28 AM (UTC)
JaymzHetfield Wrote:
Grammar isn't that important, but it was more than that and when you combine it with everything else it doesn't come off as very mature. Again, I apologize. I shouldn't have presumed.

I mean if we're talking about Kotal Kahn, he was the early favorite of the revealed characters of E3. Everyone was like "Who the fuck is THAT guy?" because most people, myself included, felt he had an interesting design and imposing figure that we had not really seen in an MK game before.

And they've added to that by making him legitimately interesting in terms of personality. He's the only (aspiring) ruler of Outworld we've seen that hasn't telegraphed his megalomania. He's clear headed, has an interesting backstory, and the people he rules over like him. If he is a villain, he's the first truly morally ambiguous one we've seen. He's delivering on a lot of things we haven't seen in MK before. But this is just my opinion on him.

You didn't presume, you said I must be 14 to try and make me feel stupid. I said nothing negative to you first. That was a dick move by you.
02/22/2015 07:29 AM (UTC)
You're not helping your case.
About Me

Have faith in the elder gods.

02/22/2015 07:32 AM (UTC)
T-rex Wrote:
renegade494 Wrote:
No, that blood magic shit is a bitch move. Without it, Goro would have killed Kotal just like he did his father.

If Goro didn't have Rain on his side, K'etz would've fucked him up six ways from Sunday. Having purple ninjas at your side casting debuffs on your opponent is a bitch move.

And don't forget his extra arms, too. Having four arms is a bitch move.

Obvious fanboy is obvious. Goro would have whooped his ass. I'm sure Goro killed many fighters stronger than Kotal's father. Including the Great Kung Lao.
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