Cages_Shades Wrote:
Ion3008 Wrote:
Denizen Wrote:
Seriously, the whole discussion seems to be about Rain getting roasted, isn't anyone shocked about Sonja shooting Kotal out of nowhere?

Sounds like standard Sonya to me. What a gal.

she thinks kotal has her daughter. also that means johnny cage is one of the hooded figures possibly

Like that time they rescued Sonya in the first movie
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

02/22/2015 04:36 AM (UTC)
Lokheit Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Darkhound74 Wrote:
Alright so Shawn Kittelson on twitter said that Rain is NOT dead.

Rain has a message for fans of #MortalKombatX comics...

— Shawn Kittelsen (@kittelsen) February 22, 2015

"I'm Not Dead YET"


Yeah, very funny Shawn, so hilarious. I can see him now sitting behind his keyboard giggling and thinking he's so clever.

Oh WRITTER himself got out of the way to specifically respond to the "Rain is dead" topic and showed you a bright beacon of hope and all you can do is say "he's doing this to laugh harder when he kills him for real?", seriously???

Pretty much. Rain dies. The end, The whole "Rain isn't dead YET" thing was not meant to give hope to fans- it was meant to be a wink and a nudge at the fact that they're going to kill him off and there's nothing we can do about it. Look, I don't think these guys are out to target me personally, I just think they think certain characters are shit and treat them as such- they don't care nor notice the fans simply because we're not the majority. So to them making wise cracks about killing Rain is something everyone can laugh at...except Rain fans of course. Same with just about EVERY characters that's not in the MK1/MK2 holy circle.

This roster isn't edgy. It's not fresh. It's the same faces we see every game with just a few newbies thrown in. It's all so boring to me. And it just sucks even more that a lot of the characters that haven't been given much of a chance are just being killed off willy nilly in the comics. Haha, it was "cute" with Hsu Hao(even though I personally didn't like that but we know NRS has an undying hatred for that character for some reason so it wasn't a surprise) but now it's just getting old and repetitive. At least Frost hasn't been randomly gutted yet.

Anyway maybe I do need to just cool down. All I know is I'm HIGHLY upset and tired of my fanbase being teased and spat on over and over and over again.
02/22/2015 04:42 AM (UTC)
It's been confirmed by people who have read the chapter that neither Goro nor Rain die in the comic.
About Me
Props to MINION
02/22/2015 04:42 AM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Lokheit Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Darkhound74 Wrote:
Alright so Shawn Kittelson on twitter said that Rain is NOT dead.

Rain has a message for fans of #MortalKombatX comics...

— Shawn Kittelsen (@kittelsen) February 22, 2015

"I'm Not Dead YET"


Yeah, very funny Shawn, so hilarious. I can see him now sitting behind his keyboard giggling and thinking he's so clever.

Oh WRITTER himself got out of the way to specifically respond to the "Rain is dead" topic and showed you a bright beacon of hope and all you can do is say "he's doing this to laugh harder when he kills him for real?", seriously???

Pretty much. Rain dies. The end, The whole "Rain isn't dead YET" thing was not meant to give hope to fans- it was meant to be a wink and a nudge at the fact that they're going to kill him off and there's nothing we can do about it. Look, I don't think these guys are out to target me personally, I just think they think certain characters are shit and treat them as such- they don't care nor notice the fans simply because we're not the majority. So to them making wise cracks about killing Rain is something everyone can laugh at...except Rain fans of course. Same with just about EVERY characters that's not in the MK1/MK2 holy circle.

This roster isn't edgy. It's not fresh. It's the same faces we see every game with just a few newbies thrown in. It's all so boring to me. And it just sucks even more that a lot of the characters that haven't been given much of a chance are just being killed off willy nilly in the comics. Haha, it was "cute" with Hsu Hao(even though I personally didn't like that but we know NRS has an undying hatred for that character for some reason so it wasn't a surprise) but now it's just getting old and repetitive. At least Frost hasn't been randomly gutted yet.

Anyway maybe I do need to just cool down. All I know is I'm HIGHLY upset and tired of my fanbase being teased and spat on over and over and over again.

Can't wait to see your response when its shown he doesn't die.

Hsu hao died with a fatality, they arn't going to kill someone as famous as Rain by not even doing it in a similar matter.
02/22/2015 04:46 AM (UTC)
Imagine this:

The special forces or red dragon take Rain and use stolen Lin Kuie tech to save him.

code name : Hydro
02/22/2015 04:48 AM (UTC)
02/22/2015 04:52 AM (UTC)
Spider804 Wrote:


Purple Robot
RubberChickenMan Wrote:
Imagine this:

The special forces or red dragon take Rain and use stolen Lin Kuie tech to save him.

code name : Hydro

Only if it's pronounced "Hee droh"
02/22/2015 04:58 AM (UTC)
So now i get the Jax/Goro reference I been hearing!

So why is the Reveal Render he has all four arms. (Magically sawn back on)

F'n Sonya had to spoil everything. She single handedly brought about earths demise. Time for Raidens discipline...Kill Her like you did Shujinko!
02/22/2015 05:03 AM (UTC)
jdnice11 Wrote:
So now i get the Jax/Goro reference I been hearing!

So why is the Reveal Render he has all four arms. (Magically sawn back on)

F'n Sonya had to spoil everything. She single handedly brought about earths demise. Time for Raidens discipline...Kill Her like you did Shujinko!

Not before she beheads Kano, like she was about to kill D'Vorah
The real final Villain is Sonya Blade. wow
02/22/2015 05:16 AM (UTC)
jdnice11 Wrote:

So why is the Reveal Render he has all four arms. (Magically sawn back on)

Because he's DLC.
02/22/2015 05:22 AM (UTC)
jdnice11 Wrote:
So now i get the Jax/Goro reference I been hearing!

So why is the Reveal Render he has all four arms. (Magically sawn back on)

The game takes place over the span of 25 years, and the comic book takes place around roughly year 15ish, I believe.

There's a good 15 years worth of Plot for a four-armed Goro to exist in. But since he's DLC anyway, I doubt he'll even have a whole crapton to do with the plot. (Though who knows, he might be there on-disc like Skarlet was... even though NRS has claimed no on-disc DLC).

Or he gets them magic'ed back on. Stranger things have happened in the MK universe.

First seems more likely though, imo. In-game Goro will likely just be a DLC addition with minimal plot told in his Bio, and possibly no impact on story mode. Sort of like Rain and Kenshi in the last game.
Nix Dolores
02/22/2015 05:24 AM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
RedSumac Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
It's just fucking annoying- don't they have better things to do than sit around poking fun and killing off less popular characters in the comics? We get it, you hate them- just ignoring them would be better imo.

What's the point in keeping them alive, if they won't appear in the new game?
Relax, they always could be ressurected in the next one. Death is meaningless in Mortal Kombat, and Roast maybe was not roasted enough to become a complete charcoal.
And nobody does that just to get at you or other fans. There is no giant conspiracy, you know.

Nobody said it was a conspiracy, it's just plain douchebaggery.

"Lol We hate these characters so we're going to introduce them one right after the other and pointlessly kill them off just to show you how much we can't stand them. Fans of said characters? LOL Too fucking bad n00bs"

And even if Rain and the others who have been killed off are resurrected, that would do nothing but make this even MORE pointless. Simply ignoring the likes of a lot of these characters would be best instead of wasting time killing them off when they may very well return in the future(unless it's Hsu Hao we're sadly talking about).

And keep cracking jokes. I love how you all can sit back and smile and tee hee and giggle like school girls over other people's characters not only NOT making it in but being killed off in humiliating ways. But as long as your popular favorite is in, things are gravy right?

Classic case of "I've got mine so fuck you!".

Enjoy I guess.

Exactly how I felt about the new Smash with everyone getting all excited about Greninja and their FramBlam characters when Wolf got cut.
About Me

Second fan of "The Lady in Green...err Turquoise, no Gold?"

02/22/2015 05:24 AM (UTC)
Ion3008 Wrote:
The real final Villain is Sonya Blade. wow

"He Must Win" must refer to Sonya then all along. wow
02/22/2015 05:39 AM (UTC)
Why isn't it on kindle? *rages*
02/22/2015 05:48 AM (UTC)
Wow, this was more overbooked than your average WWE match.

Rain barbecued just like that, Goro...well, and then Sonya? Christ Almighty.
Lord_Greyjoy Wrote:
It's been confirmed by people who have read the chapter that neither Goro nor Rain die in the comic.

While Rain fans have every right to be pissed, it's going to be even MORE stupid if he somehow magically survives a full-blown immolation.
02/22/2015 06:07 AM (UTC)
idk i personally think they're setting rain up as the new cyber ninja or a way to "refresh" him by giving him new power and abilities. it's highly possible that they could bring him back and slap a whole "new" character stamp on him. we'd end get a "new" character with some of rain's signature moves and or a variation that plays similar to rain in MK9. he is a demi god but kotal is like...blowing the gods for power right now so yeah
02/22/2015 06:10 AM (UTC)
Just want this game to come out already so all this back and forth crazy speculation can end.
About Me

Have faith in the elder gods.

02/22/2015 06:10 AM (UTC)
Man, Kotal Khan is a little bitch. He gets his ass kicked so he decides to cheat by using some weird magic shit. Can't wait until Raiden shocks the piss out of him. Also, do you guys think that Johnny Cage is under one of the hoods?glasses
02/22/2015 06:10 AM (UTC)
Darkhound74 Wrote:
Alright so Shawn Kittelson on twitter said that Rain is NOT dead.

Rain has a message for fans of #MortalKombatX comics...

— Shawn Kittelsen (@kittelsen) February 22, 2015

What is this image from?
02/22/2015 06:15 AM (UTC)
renegade494 Wrote:
Man, Kotal Khan is a little bitch. He gets his ass kicked so he decides to cheat by using some weird magic shit. Can't wait until Raiden shocks the piss out of him. Also, do you guys think that Johnny Cage is under one of the hoods?glasses

If he's cheating, then so is Goro by having Rain block the sun.
02/22/2015 06:19 AM (UTC)
SwingBatta Wrote:
Wow, this was more overbooked than your average WWE match.

Rain barbecued just like that, Goro...well, and then Sonya? Christ Almighty.

Lord_Greyjoy Wrote:
It's been confirmed by people who have read the chapter that neither Goro nor Rain die in the comic.

While Rain fans have every right to be pissed, it's going to be even MORE stupid if he somehow magically survives a full-blown immolation.

You mean like Kabal and, presumably, Liu Kang?
02/22/2015 06:21 AM (UTC)
DjangoDrag Wrote:
Darkhound74 Wrote:
Alright so Shawn Kittelson on twitter said that Rain is NOT dead.

Rain has a message for fans of #MortalKombatX comics...

— Shawn Kittelsen (@kittelsen) February 22, 2015

What is this image from?

Monty Python.
02/22/2015 06:23 AM (UTC)
Lord_Greyjoy Wrote:
SwingBatta Wrote:
Wow, this was more overbooked than your average WWE match.

Rain barbecued just like that, Goro...well, and then Sonya? Christ Almighty.

Lord_Greyjoy Wrote:
It's been confirmed by people who have read the chapter that neither Goro nor Rain die in the comic.

While Rain fans have every right to be pissed, it's going to be even MORE stupid if he somehow magically survives a full-blown immolation.

You mean like Kabal and, presumably, Liu Kang?

Plus unlike them Rain is a demigod, so his chances are, I wanna say significantly higher
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