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02/22/2015 02:33 AM (UTC)
I believe Mileena will ultimately betray Reiko in the end. He'll backstab her after everything is said and done, and reveal his true intentions about how he was only using her, only for Mileena to scoff and exclaim "HAHA, b****! You thought, huh? You thought!!", revealing that she knew the whole time, unleashing her horde of angry tarkatans to shred Reiko to pieces.
02/22/2015 02:33 AM (UTC)
It's only a matter of time before Drahmin meets a similar fate..
02/22/2015 02:35 AM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
It's just fucking annoying- don't they have better things to do than sit around poking fun and killing off less popular characters in the comics? We get it, you hate them- just ignoring them would be better imo.

What's the point in keeping them alive, if they won't appear in the new game?

Relax, they always could be ressurected in the next one. Death is meaningless in Mortal Kombat, and Roast maybe was not roasted enough to become a total charcoal.

And nobody does that just to get at you or other fans. There is no giant conspiracy, you know.
02/22/2015 02:37 AM (UTC)
I'm going to be so, so, sooooo pissed off if Rain is killed off from the series for good. If Goro can survive Kotal Khan and half of Quan Chi's revenants came come back to life for MKX I'm literally going to lose my shit if Rain stays dead.

02/22/2015 02:38 AM (UTC)
Rain just got a little sun burn. He probably dousted it with water.

As for Goro, holy shit! Wonder if he will get them replaced with cybernetics. Not fully cybernetic, but just from where they got torn apart. Goro with cybernetics...that's a brutality right there.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

02/22/2015 02:40 AM (UTC)
RedSumac Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
It's just fucking annoying- don't they have better things to do than sit around poking fun and killing off less popular characters in the comics? We get it, you hate them- just ignoring them would be better imo.

What's the point in keeping them alive, if they won't appear in the new game?
Relax, they always could be ressurected in the next one. Death is meaningless in Mortal Kombat, and Roast maybe was not roasted enough to become a complete charcoal.
And nobody does that just to get at you or other fans. There is no giant conspiracy, you know.

Nobody said it was a conspiracy, it's just plain douchebaggery.

"Lol We hate these characters so we're going to introduce them one right after the other and pointlessly kill them off just to show you how much we can't stand them. Fans of said characters? LOL Too fucking bad n00bs"

And even if Rain and the others who have been killed off are resurrected, that would do nothing but make this even MORE pointless. Simply ignoring the likes of a lot of these characters would be best instead of wasting time killing them off when they may very well return in the future(unless it's Hsu Hao we're sadly talking about).

And keep cracking jokes. I love how you all can sit back and smile and tee hee and giggle like school girls over other people's characters not only NOT making it in but being killed off in humiliating ways. But as long as your popular favorite is in, things are gravy right?

Classic case of "I've got mine so fuck you!".

Enjoy I guess.
02/22/2015 02:44 AM (UTC)

I hope Mileena's costume is like that in the game.

They're really cutting through some good story potential characters way too early, Rain and Goro for example.

02/22/2015 02:45 AM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
RedSumac Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
It's just fucking annoying- don't they have better things to do than sit around poking fun and killing off less popular characters in the comics? We get it, you hate them- just ignoring them would be better imo.

What's the point in keeping them alive, if they won't appear in the new game?
Relax, they always could be ressurected in the next one. Death is meaningless in Mortal Kombat, and Roast maybe was not roasted enough to become a complete charcoal.
And nobody does that just to get at you or other fans. There is no giant conspiracy, you know.

Nobody said it was a conspiracy, it's just plain douchebaggery.

"Lol We hate these characters so we're going to introduce them one right after the other and pointlessly kill them off just to show you how much we can't stand them. Fans of said characters? LOL Too fucking bad n00bs"

And even if Rain and the others who have been killed off are resurrected, that would do nothing but make this even MORE pointless. Simply ignoring the likes of a lot of these characters would be best instead of wasting time killing them off when they may very well return in the future(unless it's Hsu Hao we're sadly talking about).

And keep cracking jokes. I love how you all can sit back and smile and tee hee and giggle like school girls over other people's characters not only making it in but being killed off in humiliating ways. But as long as your popular favorite is in, things are gravy right?

Classic case of "I've got mine so fuck you!".

Enjoy I guess.

I personally find it absolutely infuriating that Rain gets shafted and treated like shit as much as he does despite the demand that was there for him in MK9. Hell, even people who weren't too fond of him grew to like him in MK9. He's earned his popularity and yet there's still this "haha lets piss all over rain fans because he's irrelevant" attitude among the fanbase and (apparently) among the team itself.

I mean seriously? Burned to death by a new character?? It would be different if he met his end by a character like Kitana or Kung Lao. I could deal with that. But as much as I like Kotal Khan, it's bullshit seeing him be roast to death by a guy who's new to the franchise.
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Get that ass BANNED

02/22/2015 02:45 AM (UTC)
Yeeeeeah Mileena is still in.
02/22/2015 02:47 AM (UTC)
barakall Wrote:
Boon de-confirmed Rain, what's not to get?

Boon hasn't de-confirmed him. The only two things Boon has said about Rain is "The DLC characters from MK9 won't be DLC in the new game, we want to do something different and not repeat things" and "Marshall to the Mathers"- neither de-confirms Rain as being main roster.

I've never cared for the character myself but his background story gave him instant potential so I get why others really want him to be done right.

Kitana, Jax, and Kung Lao all died in MK9 but they're back; Goro dies in the comic but he's back and from what Himmerick's said he isn't actually DLC and it's confirmed he's not part of the Kombat Pack. So it's possible Rain could be resurrected in the game's story and serve Quan Chi, because Quan Chi hasn't got Reptile as a goon like he did in the original timeline & we know Kitana and Kung Lao don't continue to serve him; Quan Chi needs some backup.
02/22/2015 02:50 AM (UTC)
This issue could be called
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
"Death of Princes"

And Rain could rename himself into "Ninja formerly known as Rain". grin
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

02/22/2015 02:50 AM (UTC)
NoobSaibot5 Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
RedSumac Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
It's just fucking annoying- don't they have better things to do than sit around poking fun and killing off less popular characters in the comics? We get it, you hate them- just ignoring them would be better imo.

What's the point in keeping them alive, if they won't appear in the new game?
Relax, they always could be ressurected in the next one. Death is meaningless in Mortal Kombat, and Roast maybe was not roasted enough to become a complete charcoal.
And nobody does that just to get at you or other fans. There is no giant conspiracy, you know.

Nobody said it was a conspiracy, it's just plain douchebaggery.

"Lol We hate these characters so we're going to introduce them one right after the other and pointlessly kill them off just to show you how much we can't stand them. Fans of said characters? LOL Too fucking bad n00bs"

And even if Rain and the others who have been killed off are resurrected, that would do nothing but make this even MORE pointless. Simply ignoring the likes of a lot of these characters would be best instead of wasting time killing them off when they may very well return in the future(unless it's Hsu Hao we're sadly talking about).

And keep cracking jokes. I love how you all can sit back and smile and tee hee and giggle like school girls over other people's characters not only making it in but being killed off in humiliating ways. But as long as your popular favorite is in, things are gravy right?

Classic case of "I've got mine so fuck you!".

Enjoy I guess.

I personally find it absolutely infuriating that Rain gets shafted and treated like shit as much as he does despite the demand that was there for him in MK9. Hell, even people who weren't too fond of him grew to like him in MK9. He's earned his popularity and yet there's still this "haha lets piss all over rain fans because he's irrelevant" attitude among the fanbase and (apparently) among the team itself.

I mean seriously? Burned to death by a new character?? It would be different if he met his end by a character like Kitana or Kung Lao. I could deal with that. But as much as I like Kotal Khan, it's bullshit seeing him be roast to death by a guy who's new to the franchise.

It really does hurt. It really does. But I shouldn't be surprised. There are only a certain core group of characters that will ALWAYS get proper attention and there will always be a LARGE group that will always be shunned and pissed on. At the end of the day we're part of the minority- we lose.

I'm so fucking frustrated.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

02/22/2015 02:51 AM (UTC)
RedSumac Wrote:
This issue could be called
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
"Death of Princes"

And Rain could rename himself into "Ninja formerly known as Rain". grin

You are absolutely childish and sickening.
02/22/2015 02:51 AM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
RedSumac Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
It's just fucking annoying- don't they have better things to do than sit around poking fun and killing off less popular characters in the comics? We get it, you hate them- just ignoring them would be better imo.

What's the point in keeping them alive, if they won't appear in the new game?
Relax, they always could be ressurected in the next one. Death is meaningless in Mortal Kombat, and Roast maybe was not roasted enough to become a complete charcoal.
And nobody does that just to get at you or other fans. There is no giant conspiracy, you know.

Nobody said it was a conspiracy, it's just plain douchebaggery.

"Lol We hate these characters so we're going to introduce them one right after the other and pointlessly kill them off just to show you how much we can't stand them. Fans of said characters? LOL Too fucking bad n00bs"

And even if Rain and the others who have been killed off are resurrected, that would do nothing but make this even MORE pointless. Simply ignoring the likes of a lot of these characters would be best instead of wasting time killing them off when they may very well return in the future(unless it's Hsu Hao we're sadly talking about).

And keep cracking jokes. I love how you all can sit back and smile and tee hee and giggle like school girls over other people's characters not only NOT making it in but being killed off in humiliating ways. But as long as your popular favorite is in, things are gravy right?

Classic case of "I've got mine so fuck you!".

Enjoy I guess.

Talk about a massive case of rage quit.

Look, I get it sucks but nobody is really tee-hee-ing over Rain presumably getting burnt to a crisp except for some that Prince joke. If anything 1) He got more to do in this comic then he did MK9 cuz he got cut save for DLC. 2) He was one of the leading reasons Kotal's dad got his head hammered off so he was pretty important. 3) He went out like a fucking badass which is more than what I can say for a good chunk of the deaths in MK9's story mode where most of them went out like clumsy idiots against Sindel.

We already know Goro comes back, no doubt Rain will be back as well. Hell, at this point, all I have for my guy is that he's a fucking missing in action father who's undercover. I'd kill for Kenshi to go into battle or die in a badass way. They always come back. The whole point of the story they're telling is its a civil war and guess what? War means casualties. This isn't the end for Rain, probably not even in the comic.
02/22/2015 02:52 AM (UTC)
And there goes another one of my favorite characters....*sigh*
02/22/2015 02:53 AM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
NoobSaibot5 Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
RedSumac Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
It's just fucking annoying- don't they have better things to do than sit around poking fun and killing off less popular characters in the comics? We get it, you hate them- just ignoring them would be better imo.

What's the point in keeping them alive, if they won't appear in the new game?
Relax, they always could be ressurected in the next one. Death is meaningless in Mortal Kombat, and Roast maybe was not roasted enough to become a complete charcoal.
And nobody does that just to get at you or other fans. There is no giant conspiracy, you know.

Nobody said it was a conspiracy, it's just plain douchebaggery.

"Lol We hate these characters so we're going to introduce them one right after the other and pointlessly kill them off just to show you how much we can't stand them. Fans of said characters? LOL Too fucking bad n00bs"

And even if Rain and the others who have been killed off are resurrected, that would do nothing but make this even MORE pointless. Simply ignoring the likes of a lot of these characters would be best instead of wasting time killing them off when they may very well return in the future(unless it's Hsu Hao we're sadly talking about).

And keep cracking jokes. I love how you all can sit back and smile and tee hee and giggle like school girls over other people's characters not only making it in but being killed off in humiliating ways. But as long as your popular favorite is in, things are gravy right?

Classic case of "I've got mine so fuck you!".

Enjoy I guess.

I personally find it absolutely infuriating that Rain gets shafted and treated like shit as much as he does despite the demand that was there for him in MK9. Hell, even people who weren't too fond of him grew to like him in MK9. He's earned his popularity and yet there's still this "haha lets piss all over rain fans because he's irrelevant" attitude among the fanbase and (apparently) among the team itself.

I mean seriously? Burned to death by a new character?? It would be different if he met his end by a character like Kitana or Kung Lao. I could deal with that. But as much as I like Kotal Khan, it's bullshit seeing him be roast to death by a guy who's new to the franchise.

It really does hurt. It really does. But I shouldn't be surprised. There are only a certain core group of characters that will ALWAYS get proper attention and there will always be a LARGE group that will always be shunned and pissed on. At the end of the day we're part of the minority- we lose.

I'm so fucking frustrated.

I'm with you on this one. and with RedSuka or whatever his name is.

Death is already meaningless in MK so don't worry they'll be back in no time :D.

But I do think it's a stupid move to Kill off Goro and especially Rain <3.

RIP Rain, One of my favorite characters. getting killed off by a new character that I am starting to hate for some reason or another.
02/22/2015 02:53 AM (UTC)
Mileena best wise herself up before she gets played by Reiko
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

02/22/2015 02:55 AM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
RedSumac Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
It's just fucking annoying- don't they have better things to do than sit around poking fun and killing off less popular characters in the comics? We get it, you hate them- just ignoring them would be better imo.

What's the point in keeping them alive, if they won't appear in the new game?
Relax, they always could be ressurected in the next one. Death is meaningless in Mortal Kombat, and Roast maybe was not roasted enough to become a complete charcoal.
And nobody does that just to get at you or other fans. There is no giant conspiracy, you know.

Nobody said it was a conspiracy, it's just plain douchebaggery.

"Lol We hate these characters so we're going to introduce them one right after the other and pointlessly kill them off just to show you how much we can't stand them. Fans of said characters? LOL Too fucking bad n00bs"

And even if Rain and the others who have been killed off are resurrected, that would do nothing but make this even MORE pointless. Simply ignoring the likes of a lot of these characters would be best instead of wasting time killing them off when they may very well return in the future(unless it's Hsu Hao we're sadly talking about).

And keep cracking jokes. I love how you all can sit back and smile and tee hee and giggle like school girls over other people's characters not only NOT making it in but being killed off in humiliating ways. But as long as your popular favorite is in, things are gravy right?

Classic case of "I've got mine so fuck you!".

Enjoy I guess.

Talk about a massive case of rage quit.

Look, I get it sucks but nobody is really tee-hee-ing over Rain presumably getting burnt to a crisp. if anything 1) He got more to do in this comic then he did MK9 cuz he got cut save for DLC. 2) He was one of the leading reasons Kotal's dad got his head hammered off so he was pretty important. 3) He went out like a fucking badass which is more than what I can say for a good chunk of the deaths in MK9's story mode where most of them went out like clumsy idiots against Sindel.

We already know Goro comes back, no doubt Rain will be back as well. Hell, at this point, all I have for my guy is that he's a fucking missing in action father who's undercover. I'd kill for Kenshi to go into battle or die in a badass way. They always come back. The whole point of the story they're telling is its a civil war and guess what? War means casualties. This isn't the end for Rain, probably not even in the comic.

I appreciate that. I do. But there's one difference between you and I- Kenshi is a well loved and HUGELY popular character that NRS ADORES. He'll be just fine. He even beat out other 3D favorites like Tanya and Fujin for MK9 DLC. They love Kenshi.

Rain means nothing to them. That said, you bring up a good point with Goro returning although he's been killed off(rather brutally too). So I guess we'll see.
02/22/2015 02:56 AM (UTC)
Rain was definitely de-confirmed. At one point two guys tweeted please Rain for MKX or some shit and he flat-out said NO with capital letters. I remember it clearly.
02/22/2015 02:59 AM (UTC)
The realisation that FROST of all characters was spared compared to Rain is sickening me.

Don't get me wrong, I like Frost. But we had one hydrokinetic demi-god ninja with a badass story and an even cooler look, and he's been sunburned to fuck by a jacked up Smurf newbie. I'm hoping that at a later point he's brought back to life in the Netherrealm (or that it's later revealed he lives) because if worn out, repetitive characters like Reptile and Jax are able to stick around in MKX I see no reason why Rain shouldn't.
"I've got mine so fuck you!"

Not counting Reptile and Mileena..

Sheeva, Ashrah, Sareena, Tanya, Baraka, Havik, Kai, Kintaro, and Skarlet.

Now out of all of those favorites I've had throughout the years who do you think is going to die and die hard?

Beating out Kintaro (who has a role coming up) It's Sheeva. And I will be really bummed out once they kill her off, it's true but I'll be glad to see they actually used her for something before they killed her. After all This is nothing compared to Deception's Konquest.

It furthers the plot for the comic and gives it as much impact as it can..some people have to die and get maimed in a series where death doesn't matter in the long run.

Rain played an important role, and played it rather well.
02/22/2015 03:00 AM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Rain means nothing to them.

I don't think any of MK characters means anything to them personally. At least not to the point of crying about non-inclusion of them in the game.

BTW, in the page with Goro, Rain looks strangely similar to this:
02/22/2015 03:00 AM (UTC)
NoobSaibot5 Wrote:
The realisation that FROST of all characters was spared compared to Rain is sickening me.

Don't get me wrong, I like Frost. But we had one hydrokinetic demi-god ninja with a badass story and an even cooler look, and he's been sunburned to fuck by a jacked up Smurf newbie. I'm hoping that at a later point he's brought back to life in the Netherrealm (or that it's later revealed he lives) because if worn out, repetitive characters like Reptile and Jax are able to stick around in MKX I see no reason why Rain shouldn't.

Gotta agree with you there. Hell, even Rain in the comics got more to do than Reptile in the previous game. lol To be brutally honest, the only scene I even remember with Reptile in it is the bit where he's climbing up the building lol
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02/22/2015 03:02 AM (UTC)
Goro as DLC could make more sense now, talk about a harsh ending for rain, if only Sonja could get the same treatment.
Historical Favorite
02/22/2015 03:02 AM (UTC)
Couple of things here.

ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Rain has his MK9 costume.

Rain obviously dies here.

Even if Rain is killed here, it's no big deal. All it means is that he's chucked off to the Netherrealm, which is hardly out of play.

Why am I not fucking surprised? NRS you are so fucking predictable.
It's just fucking annoying- don't they have better things to do than sit around poking fun and killing off less popular characters in the comics? We get it, you hate them- just ignoring them would be better imo.

I can understand the frustration, but have some patience. Once a series has been rebooted, it's helplessly compromised and will, inevitably, reboot itself again, likely multiple times. If the current direction grates against your sensibilities, keep in mind that it's far from concrete.
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