02/23/2015 07:21 AM (UTC)
Taven - My sons name is Taven. With an updated look could be great
Daegon - This game needs more bad guys

I completely agree
02/23/2015 07:32 AM (UTC)
Lord_Greyjoy Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
RedSumac Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
I may be a little too passionate and opinionated sometimes

As for me you're damn obsessive and slightly disturbed. Nothing "a little" about it. grin

And you think it's wise to keep messing with a "disturbed" person?

What are you gonna do? confused

Nothing lol people like him just spit shit online grin They get to be the bullies they always wished they could be in real life on the interwebz grin

MOD EDIT: Please stop ruining this thread with your attacks on other users. Thank you. -Nephrite
About Me

02/23/2015 07:45 AM (UTC)
SlickRick82 Wrote:
Whoop! Shawn Kittleson tweeted me saying tons more badass Sonya coming up! Love this guy smile

Link, maybe? smile I wanna see.

First good look at Mileena's new... well, look--and I'm diggin' it! I love the armor plates, the sharpened accents, the staples (MK4 Baraka?), and those fucking pants look like tight leather/latex without being so. If I didn't know what she looked like under that mask, I'd be in love.

I do hope she grows suspicious of Reiko's intentions before he has time to do too much damage to her plans, and to her self. It's obvious they're gonna allow him to double-cross her at some point--I mean, why miss an opportunity for drama--but it'd be really great if it didn't culminate in her death, or in leaving her completely devoid of means to attempt a comeback. Shiny New Machiavellian Mileena was one of Deception's highlights for me, and I'd like them to carry that over to MKX Mileena. She seems to have grown up a lot since MK9, so that's a good sign of things to come for her.

I haven't been too crazy about Kotal before the comics; And while it isn't mind-bogglingly impressive, I do appreciate the backstory they have given him, and even more so his personality. I am very glad to see no resemblance to Shao Khan whatsoever, and this comes from someone who's enjoyed Khan's testosterone-fueled rampages over the years. Kotal seems to actually think, to not be driven by robotic desires of conquest, and that is relieving.

I do expect that Blood Magic to take some kind of toll on him; something more dire than "That was exhausting, gotta go rest!" There need to be implications for his use of this art, as it seems to have been a "last resort" type of thing.

That was brutal, what he did to Goro, but I wasn't expecting much less. Goro needed to be taken down a peg, and now he's been taken down four! *leaves MKO and never comes back* I do wonder what this means as far as his inclusion in the game. Is it non-canon? Does he somehow regain his arms? Or is his character in the game the Goro before the "accident"?

Finally, the users going "GRR DAMN YOU SONYA! IT'S THAT TIME OF THE MONTH!" appear forgetful of the fact that the chick has not been reading the comics, and is thusly not aware of what a great fella Kotal is.

We have been following the story omnisciently, so we know that he probably didn't kidnap her daughter; Blade, however, is pretty limited in her viewpoint, which incidentally consists of being trapped and forced to fight for her life in a death-filled tournament by Outworlders, before having her world invaded the shit out of by Outworlders, followed by having her world invaded the shit out of by Satan's kickball team. Now imagine YOU went through all that shit, and then just when things quiet down and you finally manage to grow your awesome waist-length blond braid, here comes fucking Outworlders again kidnapping your only daughter. You would kick down the doors to Outworld and start capping motherfuckers, too. I'm surprised she managed a quip at all. I was expecting something along the lines of "I'M SO SICK OF THIS BULLSHIT, WHY WON'T YOU PEOPLE LEAVE ME ALONE?!" Followed by more bullets.

She has every reason in the world (and beyond) to be distrustful and, yes, hateful toward everyone not from her realm. That she even gave Kotal a chance to make his case is a surprising act of patience and sense of duty on her part. She was perfectly right to refuse an alliance given the track record of "Outworld Emperors", and also given her instant mistrust of D'Vorah (you guys will recall that she rightfully called out Frost for being a bitch the moment she laid eyes on her, and also that it's been said that D'Vorah does not remain loyal to Kotal and has a hand in his "downfall"). The girl knows what the fuck she's looking at right away, and what she was looking at were a bunch of red flags. Furthermore, Cassie's trail clearly showed Erron Black as the one responsible for her kidnapping. Erron Black was introduced to her as Kotal's best bud. 2 +2 = Blackmailing her into allying Earthrealm with Outworld. Knowing all this, did anyone really expect her to go in saying, "Uuum, er, sorry, Mr., er, Kotal, but, um, did you happen to see my daughter, maybe, erm... somewhere?"

Exciting issue! I'm unspeakably glad for these comics, they're making the wait much more bearable. And may I add, this is one hell of a story so far! If this is the kind of writing and character representation we're getting in-game, than this narrative is bound to be many times more engaging and stimulating than MK9's. Hell, the costumes are already an infinite number of step-ups.
About Me

02/23/2015 08:04 AM (UTC)
LeoBrZ81 Wrote:
SlickRick82 Wrote:
Whoop! Shawn Kittleson tweeted me saying tons more badass Sonya coming up! Love this guy smile

Link, maybe? smile I wanna see.

First good look at Mileena's new... well, look--and I'm diggin' it! I love the armor plates, the sharpened accents, the staples (MK4 Baraka?), and those fucking pants look like tight leather/latex without being so. If I didn't know what she looked like under that mask, I'd be in love.

I do hope she grows suspicious of Reiko's intentions before he has time to do too much damage to her plans, and to her self. It's obvious they're gonna allow him to double-cross her at some point--I mean, why miss an opportunity for drama--but it'd be really great if it didn't culminate in her death, or in leaving her completely devoid of means to attempt a comeback. Shiny New Machiavellian Mileena was one of Deception's highlights for me, and I'd like them to carry that over to MKX Mileena. She seems to have grown up a lot since MK9, so that's a good sign of things to come for her.

I haven't been too crazy about Kotal before the comics; And while it isn't mind-bogglingly impressive, I do appreciate the backstory they have given him, and even more so his personality. I am very glad to see no resemblance to Shao Khan whatsoever, and this comes from someone who's enjoyed Khan's testosterone-fueled rampages over the years. Kotal seems to actually think, to not be driven by robotic desires of conquest, and that is relieving.

I do expect that Blood Magic to take some kind of toll on him; something more dire than "That was exhausting, gotta go rest!" There need to be implications for his use of this art, as it seems to have been a "last resort" type of thing.

That was brutal, what he did to Goro, but I wasn't expecting much less. Goro needed to be taken down a peg, and now he's been taken down four! *leaves MKO and never comes back* I do wonder what this means as far as his inclusion in the game. Is it non-canon? Does he somehow regain his arms? Or is his character in the game the Goro before the "accident"?

Finally, the users going "GRR DAMN YOU SONYA! IT'S THAT TIME OF THE MONTH!" appear forgetful of the fact that the chick has not been reading the comics, and is thusly not aware of what a great fella Kotal is.

We have been following the story omnisciently, so we know that he probably didn't kidnap her daughter; Blade, however, is pretty limited in her viewpoint, which incidentally consists of being trapped and forced to fight for her life in a death-filled tournament by Outworlders, before having her world invaded the shit out of by Outworlders, followed by having her world invaded the shit out of by Satan's kickball team. Now imagine YOU went through all that shit, and then just when things quiet down and you finally manage to grow your awesome waist-length blond braid, here comes fucking Outworlders again kidnapping your only daughter. You would kick down the doors to Outworld and start capping motherfuckers, too. I'm surprised she managed a quip at all. I was expecting something along the lines of "I'M SO SICK OF THIS BULLSHIT, WHY WON'T YOU PEOPLE LEAVE ME ALONE?!" Followed by more bullets.

She has every reason in the world (and beyond) to be distrustful and, yes, hateful toward everyone not from her realm. That she even gave Kotal a chance to make his case is a surprising act of patience and sense of duty on her part. She was perfectly right to refuse an alliance given the track record of "Outworld Emperors", and also given her instant mistrust of D'Vorah (you guys will recall that she rightfully called out Frost for being a bitch the moment she laid eyes on her, and also that it's been said that D'Vorah does not remain loyal to Kotal and has a hand in his "downfall"). The girl knows what the fuck she's looking at right away, and what she was looking at were a bunch of red flags. Furthermore, Cassie's trail clearly showed Erron Black as the one responsible for her kidnapping. Erron Black was introduced to her as Kotal's best bud. 2 +2 = Blackmailing her into allying Earthrealm with Outworld. Knowing all this, did anyone really expect her to go in saying, "Uuum, er, sorry, Mr., er, Kotal, but, um, did you happen to see my daughter, maybe, erm... somewhere?"

Exciting issue! I'm unspeakably glad for these comics, they're making the wait much more bearable. And may I add, this is one hell of a story so far! If this is the kind of writing and character representation we're getting in-game, than this narrative is bound to be many times more engaging and stimulating than MK9's. Hell, the costumes are already an infinite number of step-ups.

Thank you! It's amazing how many people blame (many) characters from all sorts of series for making mistakes as if those characters should have known things.... they could not possibly have known.

Sonya doesn't know Kotal's backstory, and everything she knows has led her to be suspicious of him. Justifiably show. And yes, she's certainly being hot-headed... as she has always been. Other characters would not have shot him like that, but hey, they're not Sonya. Clearly it's not going to kill him, and I think there's plenty more to happen between them all.

Overall, excellent issue. The issues are more coherent than the first couple with Takeda and Scorpion, but I really do wonder how this is all going to tie into the game.... Since the game will take place over multiple time periods, I imagine it won't reflect what we see in the comic that directly... so if this is what they're giving as prequel material, imagine what's in store for the game. Fuck yes.

Obviously Rain is alive, so I"m not that fussed. I like him well enough, buthey, Liu Kang died like a bitch in MKDA, I"m not surprised they smote Rain.

I do really hope Mileena isn't being played for a total fool by Reiko. I don't mind her being tricked or anything, but I do miss the smarter Mileena... at least I miss the one who had a backstory longer than what happened in MK9...

Poor Goro...
02/23/2015 09:32 AM (UTC)
I enjoyed Sonya's appearance at the end. But did her hair get shorter? I remember that braid being a lot longer a few chapters back. Something else I just now noticed, the outfit she has on looks just like the one she's wearing in that trailer but with a different hat. Although I'm sure a lot of you already noticed that.
About Me

'Your soul is MINE!'

everything crossed for Reiko

02/23/2015 10:08 AM (UTC)
mentalbreakdown Wrote:
That Jill Valentine and Sonya resemblance though

That was exactly what I thought too!!!
02/23/2015 12:20 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Onaga Wrote:
*rolls eyes* Yeah so? We know Goro gets his arms back and blah blah death doesn't mean anything blah. Though for Rain that is probably NRS's middle finger to him and the small fans and just brushing him under the rug for good like Hsu Hao.

Let me guess. Next issue we'll see Drahmin nut punched to death right NRS?

Can't wait to see them go after Li Mei, Ashrah, Sareena, Nitara, Khameleon, Darrius, Dairu, Hotaru, and the rest of the non populars in future installments. Can't wait to see how they are humiliated and killed!

So fresh and edgy!

I bet you in the last issue in one small panel they all get a giant arcade dropped on them. Nothing but class. Fuck, you know at least Capcom had the good grace to stick by a character like Dan.
About Me

Get that ass BANNED

02/23/2015 12:57 PM (UTC)
Give me more Jill than Sonya and I'll be happy. I don't know how they would do that but do it fast NRS. You got a deadline and your time is tickin'.
02/23/2015 04:34 PM (UTC)
Viser Wrote:
the person with different anime girls constantly says someone is obsessed? enjoy your anime GF's gringringrin

Also saying whatcha going to do behind a computer screen, you're just so brave wink

Oh mah, look who got a heavy artillery here!!
Should I remind about your histerics about your precious "subby-hubby"? grin

Oh, and of course you need to pick on my avatars...Go on, so far you're good at being pathetic, but I wonder will you be able to hit a new low? tongue

Viser Wrote:
Nothing lol people like him just spit shit online grin They get to be the bullies they always wished they could be in real life on the interwebz grin

Projecting much?

MOD EDIT: Replies like these are also ruining the thread. -Nephrite
About Me

Shao Kahn did nothing wrong

02/23/2015 05:10 PM (UTC)
Onaga Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Onaga Wrote:
*rolls eyes* Yeah so? We know Goro gets his arms back and blah blah death doesn't mean anything blah. Though for Rain that is probably NRS's middle finger to him and the small fans and just brushing him under the rug for good like Hsu Hao.

Let me guess. Next issue we'll see Drahmin nut punched to death right NRS?

Can't wait to see them go after Li Mei, Ashrah, Sareena, Nitara, Khameleon, Darrius, Dairu, Hotaru, and the rest of the non populars in future installments. Can't wait to see how they are humiliated and killed!

So fresh and edgy!

I bet you in the last issue in one small panel they all get a giant arcade dropped on them. Nothing but class. Fuck, you know at least Capcom had the good grace to stick by a character like Dan.

Dan is rad, though.
02/23/2015 05:24 PM (UTC)
LeoBrZ81 Wrote:
SlickRick82 Wrote:
Whoop! Shawn Kittleson tweeted me saying tons more badass Sonya coming up! Love this guy smile

Link, maybe? smile I wanna see.

First good look at Mileena's new... well, look--and I'm diggin' it! I love the armor plates, the sharpened accents, the staples (MK4 Baraka?), and those fucking pants look like tight leather/latex without being so. If I didn't know what she looked like under that mask, I'd be in love.

I do hope she grows suspicious of Reiko's intentions before he has time to do too much damage to her plans, and to her self. It's obvious they're gonna allow him to double-cross her at some point--I mean, why miss an opportunity for drama--but it'd be really great if it didn't culminate in her death, or in leaving her completely devoid of means to attempt a comeback. Shiny New Machiavellian Mileena was one of Deception's highlights for me, and I'd like them to carry that over to MKX Mileena. She seems to have grown up a lot since MK9, so that's a good sign of things to come for her.

I haven't been too crazy about Kotal before the comics; And while it isn't mind-bogglingly impressive, I do appreciate the backstory they have given him, and even more so his personality. I am very glad to see no resemblance to Shao Khan whatsoever, and this comes from someone who's enjoyed Khan's testosterone-fueled rampages over the years. Kotal seems to actually think, to not be driven by robotic desires of conquest, and that is relieving.

I do expect that Blood Magic to take some kind of toll on him; something more dire than "That was exhausting, gotta go rest!" There need to be implications for his use of this art, as it seems to have been a "last resort" type of thing.

That was brutal, what he did to Goro, but I wasn't expecting much less. Goro needed to be taken down a peg, and now he's been taken down four! *leaves MKO and never comes back* I do wonder what this means as far as his inclusion in the game. Is it non-canon? Does he somehow regain his arms? Or is his character in the game the Goro before the "accident"?

Finally, the users going "GRR DAMN YOU SONYA! IT'S THAT TIME OF THE MONTH!" appear forgetful of the fact that the chick has not been reading the comics, and is thusly not aware of what a great fella Kotal is.

We have been following the story omnisciently, so we know that he probably didn't kidnap her daughter; Blade, however, is pretty limited in her viewpoint, which incidentally consists of being trapped and forced to fight for her life in a death-filled tournament by Outworlders, before having her world invaded the shit out of by Outworlders, followed by having her world invaded the shit out of by Satan's kickball team. Now imagine YOU went through all that shit, and then just when things quiet down and you finally manage to grow your awesome waist-length blond braid, here comes fucking Outworlders again kidnapping your only daughter. You would kick down the doors to Outworld and start capping motherfuckers, too. I'm surprised she managed a quip at all. I was expecting something along the lines of "I'M SO SICK OF THIS BULLSHIT, WHY WON'T YOU PEOPLE LEAVE ME ALONE?!" Followed by more bullets.

She has every reason in the world (and beyond) to be distrustful and, yes, hateful toward everyone not from her realm. That she even gave Kotal a chance to make his case is a surprising act of patience and sense of duty on her part. She was perfectly right to refuse an alliance given the track record of "Outworld Emperors", and also given her instant mistrust of D'Vorah (you guys will recall that she rightfully called out Frost for being a bitch the moment she laid eyes on her, and also that it's been said that D'Vorah does not remain loyal to Kotal and has a hand in his "downfall"). The girl knows what the fuck she's looking at right away, and what she was looking at were a bunch of red flags. Furthermore, Cassie's trail clearly showed Erron Black as the one responsible for her kidnapping. Erron Black was introduced to her as Kotal's best bud. 2 +2 = Blackmailing her into allying Earthrealm with Outworld. Knowing all this, did anyone really expect her to go in saying, "Uuum, er, sorry, Mr., er, Kotal, but, um, did you happen to see my daughter, maybe, erm... somewhere?"

Exciting issue! I'm unspeakably glad for these comics, they're making the wait much more bearable. And may I add, this is one hell of a story so far! If this is the kind of writing and character representation we're getting in-game, than this narrative is bound to be many times more engaging and stimulating than MK9's. Hell, the costumes are already an infinite number of step-ups.

02/23/2015 05:53 PM (UTC)
[Killswitch] Wrote:
Onaga Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Onaga Wrote:
*rolls eyes* Yeah so? We know Goro gets his arms back and blah blah death doesn't mean anything blah. Though for Rain that is probably NRS's middle finger to him and the small fans and just brushing him under the rug for good like Hsu Hao.

Let me guess. Next issue we'll see Drahmin nut punched to death right NRS?

Can't wait to see them go after Li Mei, Ashrah, Sareena, Nitara, Khameleon, Darrius, Dairu, Hotaru, and the rest of the non populars in future installments. Can't wait to see how they are humiliated and killed!

So fresh and edgy!

I bet you in the last issue in one small panel they all get a giant arcade dropped on them. Nothing but class. Fuck, you know at least Capcom had the good grace to stick by a character like Dan.

Dan is rad, though.

My point is, Dan started as a joke character, but Capcom stuck by him and over time he has come to be liked and accepted.
02/23/2015 06:09 PM (UTC)
RedSumac Wrote:
Viser Wrote:
the person with different anime girls constantly says someone is obsessed? enjoy your anime GF's gringringrin

Also saying whatcha going to do behind a computer screen, you're just so brave wink

Oh mah, look who got a heavy artillery here!!
Should I remind about your histerics about your precious "subby-hubby"? grin

Oh, and of course you need to pick on my avatars...Go on, so far you're good at being pathetic, but I wonder will you be able to hit a new low? tongue

Viser Wrote:
Nothing lol people like him just spit shit online grin They get to be the bullies they always wished they could be in real life on the interwebz grin

Projecting much?

Aww did i hit a nerve about your anime gf's?grin Sleep with a body pillow too? grin

Projecting what lol? you said " what you gonna do about it" I am just explaining to the wonderful MKO community that IRL you're a nothing grin

MOD EDIT: Please stop ruining this thread with your attacks on other users. Thank you. -Nephrite
02/23/2015 06:16 PM (UTC)
*enters thread Chris Hanson style*

Who wants BROWNIES?
About Me

Shao Kahn did nothing wrong

02/23/2015 06:44 PM (UTC)
Viser Wrote:
RedSumac Wrote:
Viser Wrote:
the person with different anime girls constantly says someone is obsessed? enjoy your anime GF's gringringrin

Also saying whatcha going to do behind a computer screen, you're just so brave wink

Oh mah, look who got a heavy artillery here!!
Should I remind about your histerics about your precious "subby-hubby"? grin

Oh, and of course you need to pick on my avatars...Go on, so far you're good at being pathetic, but I wonder will you be able to hit a new low? tongue

Viser Wrote:
Nothing lol people like him just spit shit online grin They get to be the bullies they always wished they could be in real life on the interwebz grin

Projecting much?

Aww did i hit a nerve about your anime gf's?grin Sleep with a body pillow too? grin

Projecting what lol? you said " what you gonna do about it" I am just explaining to the wonderful MKO community that IRL you're a nothing grin

Both of you can shut up now.
02/23/2015 09:16 PM (UTC)
Finally the chapter hit my Kindle -__-

Anyway, excellent chapter. More Reiko's honeydicking technique lol. Trying to turn Mileena against Goro and whatnot. Loving her outfit too grin

Kotal is riding a Yoshi.

Rain got smited XD He'll be fine. Maybe.

Goro got
*Puts on shades*
...DISARMED glasses

Sonya looks a slight old, but surprisingly cool at the end.
02/23/2015 09:24 PM (UTC)
Onaga Wrote:
My point is, Dan started as a joke character, but Capcom stuck by him and over time he has come to be liked and accepted.

But Dan from the begining had his own unique personality and "style", while Rain was just generic purple ninja #7.

Viser Wrote:
some SHT

Speaking from your personal experience, I see?
Well, I am sad that you are alone and require such...urgent "measures" to feel loved. It doesn't justify insulting others, though. Especially in a manner, which makes you look like a hypocrite. grin
02/23/2015 09:28 PM (UTC)
RedSumac Wrote:
Onaga Wrote:
My point is, Dan started as a joke character, but Capcom stuck by him and over time he has come to be liked and accepted.

But Dan from the begining had his own unique personality and "style", while Rain was just generic purple ninja #7.

Viser Wrote:
some SHT

Speaking from your personal experience, I see?
Well, I am sad that you are alone and require such...urgent "measures" to feel loved. It doesn't justify insulting others, though. Especially in a manner, which makes you look like a hypocrite. grin

Oh im not insulting anyone, just stating what is true. But i am sure your anime GF thinks you're the man grin
About Me

02/23/2015 09:43 PM (UTC)

02/23/2015 09:58 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:

Yep, and shouldve been done long ago to the most toxic person here. I agree. I am sure there are Waifu boards out there.winkgrin
About Me

Mad Props to MINION, The SIG Sovereign!

02/23/2015 10:37 PM (UTC)
MrInternational Wrote:
SwingBatta Wrote:
When Hsu Hao bit the dust, everyone was like "FUCK YEAH!"

Yet when the equally useless (in NRS' eyes) Rain gets torched like charcoal in a barbecue, it's "But-but he's not dead YET!"

This actually got me thinking. If they had an excellent opportunity to kill off Rain why didn't they do it? Was it to immobilize him and not piss off us Rain fans by saying "Oh don't worry he's not dead, but he wont be able to fight anymore" or are they bringing him back later with a new look with a bigger role to play? Or are they just going to kill him off later down the road which doesn't make much sense if they could just do it right now. I dont know?

Exactly. Im holding on to hope that Kittlesen had Rain survive this attack for a reason. Maybe a near death experience is going to awaken some inner powers, and Rain becomes the Edenian Water God he is meant to be.
About Me

Mad Props to MINION, The SIG Sovereign!

02/23/2015 11:06 PM (UTC)
Detox Wrote:
While we're on the subject of Rain...if he is to return...

This move can fuck right off.

It would be hilarious if this sprinkle move is what started Rain's Xray
02/24/2015 05:08 AM (UTC)
Since Johnny and Jax seem very likely to be with Sonya...um Kotal and gang, I don't think you want to face the last two hooded figures.
02/24/2015 07:42 AM (UTC)
mkwhopper Wrote:
Finally the chapter hit my Kindle -__-

Anyway, excellent chapter. More Reiko's honeydicking technique lol. Trying to turn Mileena against Goro and whatnot. Loving her outfit too grin

Kotal is riding a Yoshi.

Rain got smited XD He'll be fine. Maybe.

Goro got
*Puts on shades*
...DISARMED glasses

Sonya looks a slight old, but surprisingly cool at the end.

While I think he's using Mileena, he was right about Goro (he tells Kotal, Shokans conquer, probably the only reason he fought for Shao Kahn was some warrior's code that Kahn probably was respecting and even exalting), so even if Reiko was being a loyal general, being a cold blooded tactician he would probably still get Goro's help and then leave him to die after his work is done so he can eliminate both threats at the same time.
About Me

02/24/2015 08:19 AM (UTC)
>Sumac finally getting his ass banned

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