04/18/2015 05:41 PM (UTC)

Motherland is a Nice skin. Love the short hair and Russian look.
She isn't from russia right ? I mean motherland ?

And we still get her klassic skin i hope ? With more actual sexy skin ?


Thank you all for keeping this thread Nice and civil
04/18/2015 05:56 PM (UTC)
MerdynBlade Wrote:

Motherland is a Nice skin. Love the short hair and Russian look.
She isn't from russia right ? I mean motherland ?

And we still get her klassic skin i hope ? With more actual sexy skin ?


Thank you all for keeping this thread Nice and civil

If her hair was black she'd look like Cate Blanchett's character Irina Spalko from Indiana Jones and the KOCS.

the new hair is also unique to Sonya and gives us a nice variety, we've got a braid, two low ponytails and now a short bob.

Sonya should get six costume just like Kitana Mileena, Even Johhny Cage and Jax will end up with six costumes.

Sonya's classic skin will be availible with Tanya, so thats five, and they've got to do one more.
About Me

04/18/2015 10:34 PM (UTC)
Sonya's treating me very well, competitively speaking. I really feel I've gotten the hang of Covert Ops. I'm still not 100% adapted to any and every fighting scenario, but overall I'm moving fast and confidently with her and switching between offense and defense seamlessly and effectively. In my best fights, I can rush with mix-ups and deal significant damage, and then immediately parry their attempt to turn the tables. I hope I can start doing this well more often.

B1,4,2 is maybe her best string. Don't overuse it to the point where it becomes readable, but do keep it in mind when you're facing a blocking opponent that's expecting a string, and when you run to them. On block, and especially on corners, B1,4,MS-Kartwheel tends to land almost always.

Another thing that seems to work often for me is running at them from mid-screen. Maybe even throw a couple Energy Rings beforehand so they expect another one, then run with either a throw or a B1,4. It's good to do this after a few fights, when they start expecting you to always rush to land MS combos.

I tried Special Forces a few times in fights. It seems pretty straightforward to pick up. It basically allows Sonya to zone/fight from a distance, and occasionally give you a breach in which to rush them for admittedly not-as-good-as-Covert-Ops combos. The most effective move gained is definitely R2+2 for the homing laser. You can send an Energy Ring with it to pressure from afar, or run in with the laser and hit them in accordance to how they react to the incoming projectile. I still need to practice more with this to find some good traps. There's potential here, for this variation to be more fun than just zoning with various blasts and occasionally getting in close.

Now, Demolition I've tried more often, but I'm having a really hard time getting the hang of it. If one of you guys has been doing better than me in this variation, please post some suggestions/pointers. I just can't sem to figure out when it's best to throw a grenade, and when it's best to hang on to it and do something else. Also having a hard time figuring out which distance is optimal for Sonya in this variation. Sometimes I think it's better to be up-close and comboing while occasionally throwing out a stun grenade to confuse opponents.... other times I feel it might be better to stay away and use the grenade to open up windows in which run in, similar to how you'd play Special Forces... But I more often than not get punished regardless of what I do.

The best thing I've come up with for this variation is B3,3,2,1,2 into Stun Grenade, then immediately B3,3,2,1,2 into Leg Grab. I've found that when I manage to rush them like this, most hits will connect because they'll feel confused and pressured by the sudden grenade. But still, can't set this up well enough yet because of the short range of B3,3. Grrrr, so frustrating... Seriously, any tips for Demolition would be welcomed.

Speaking of frustrating, I'm especially frustrated by how useless her Demolition string (1,1,2) appears to be. The only way to follow up on this is running and hitting F2, Leg Grab for high damage... The problem is, it's SOOOO DIFFICULT to land this before they fall. Nearly impossible, for me. And even when you DO land it, the damage is around 24%. So not worth it.

In other news, I'm so happy she's getting a surprise DLC costume! 5 costumes is not bad, but I'm still hoping for more since so many other characters have 6+. I think Motherland Sonya looks pretty damn cool and tough, I'll be using it for sure... However, she's way too covered up in all of her costumes. It's just that none of the costumes are reminding me of the old pre-MKX Sonya, who's always had a reserved sort of sex appeal to her costumes. I absolutely LOVE MKX Sonya, I'm just not a big fan of aging her into her late 40's/early 50's... I want some more old-school Sonya with that reserved sort of sex appeal. Tournament and Major Blade don't really have that (Major Blade somewhat). Just want some nostalgia! Which is why I'm so pumped for Klassic!!! I hope there's a sixth costume...

...I don't know if everyone has seen her concept arts, but there's one look they have in there where she's blowing a kiss. I'd have LOVED for that one to be in the game! That's the exact kind of look I'm talking about and that I miss so much. The one next to it, that looks a little armored with the midriff showing, is equally awesome. If she gets a sixth costume like one of those (or maybe those? Please?) I'll be ever-grateful!
Sonya since 92
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Bladdy lovely Sig by Minion. PSN -rlg24 LIVE -WestcountryBlud

04/18/2015 11:42 PM (UTC)
Leo... Your posts make me hard as fuck.
04/19/2015 01:39 AM (UTC)
MerdynBlade Wrote:
Zidane_FF Wrote:
Anyone has pics of the other Sonya costumes?

I want to see Tournament and Major Blade...

Look me up on instagram KingRogueBlade
I post every new skin and all

Thanks I see now.

There is almost no variation between the Tournament and General costumes.
04/19/2015 07:43 AM (UTC)
Leo my understanding with Demolition is the stun grenade replaces military stance's cartwheel, which makes combos and juggling simpler!!! You can start your combo normally then stun then ex bomb and then follow it up with 2,1 leg grab or throws or 2,1,u+4. Takes some practicing but the damage is crippling easily doing more than her XraY!

Covert ops is actually tougher than demolition! In demolition damage is higher for less effort!

As for her costumes, Found myself using her alternate colours for tournament Sonya, the lighter shade of green literally makes her outfit look like her MK3 version minus the midriff skin.

Also the alternate colour for major blade is better than the original.

As for general moves I've become a fan off, f+2 is quick and interrupts, it can also be followed up with a leg grab making for a good juggle finisher.

Can't wait to see her motherland outfit in game! I'll be getting the Kold War dlc love the looks, they're cool.

04/19/2015 09:48 AM (UTC)
Here's a video of her demolition combos from testyourmight an excellent resource for Sonya combos.


I hope I linked it properly it's been a while.
04/19/2015 09:56 PM (UTC)
So if i am correct we get 2 new Sonya skins in 2 weeks ?

One the motherland on april 26th

And the klassic one on may 10th ?
04/20/2015 08:59 AM (UTC)
Yes we're getting two skins in a couple of weeks but I've got potentially some better news in a steam data hack, they've revealed that there are two classic fatality packs dlc coming up,

So Finally we get the Kiss of Death back, no wonder they gave her subpar fatalities, they're forcing us to buy the classic fatality packs.

Her classic costume has to have her midriff window otherwise it'll be pointless.


As for my progress with Sonya

Overall I've slowly been getting better online, the lag also doesn't help when it comes to.comboS and juggles.I find myself using her xray moreso than the last game and it has turned the tied in.several matches, I also make sure to run and uppercut right after the xray to up the damage to 45%.

I do think Sonya needs some tweaking by Netherrealm to improve her standing, (covert ops)

Her Parries/reversals are too risky, there is very little incentive to use them, let alone wasting an ex bar on them, Netherrealm should make her exparries her regular ones because they allow for more juggling opportunities, otherwise I'd be hard pressed to even contemplate using a parry let alone an ex bar on a parry, when I need need them to build an Xray.

Up ex leg grab damage by atleast another 3% or add the follow up.slam from MK9.

Military stance needs a fourth special, that triangle button should be an attack. Cancelling military stance can be made by up up.

Another low string starter for added variety.

These are some on the top of my head, I don't think they'll overpower her just make her a little more formidable and fresh.

04/20/2015 05:15 PM (UTC)
Darkmage41 Wrote:
Yes we're getting two skins in a couple of weeks but I've got potentially some better news in a steam data hack, they've revealed that there are two classic fatality packs dlc coming up,

So Finally we get the Kiss of Death back, no wonder they gave her subpar fatalities, they're forcing us to buy the classic fatality packs.

Her classic costume has to have her midriff window otherwise it'll be pointless.


As for my progress with Sonya

Overall I've slowly been getting better online, the lag also doesn't help when it comes to.comboS and juggles.I find myself using her xray moreso than the last game and it has turned the tied in.several matches, I also make sure to run and uppercut right after the xray to up the damage to 45%.

I do think Sonya needs some tweaking by Netherrealm to improve her standing, (covert ops)

Her Parries/reversals are too risky, there is very little incentive to use them, let alone wasting an ex bar on them, Netherrealm should make her exparries her regular ones because they allow for more juggling opportunities, otherwise I'd be hard pressed to even contemplate using a parry let alone an ex bar on a parry, when I need need them to build an Xray.

Up ex leg grab damage by atleast another 3% or add the follow up.slam from MK9.

Military stance needs a fourth special, that triangle button should be an attack. Cancelling military stance can be made by up up.

Another low string starter for added variety.

These are some on the top of my head, I don't think they'll overpower her just make her a little more formidable and fresh.

How are you so sure we get Sonyas klassic fatality ? And who says if she gets it that it Will be Kiss of death.
04/20/2015 08:54 PM (UTC)
I'm not sure ofcourse but she's getting a classic skin? so a Classic Fatality to go with that Classic Skin.

About Me

04/21/2015 12:36 PM (UTC)
I really want the skin that was in her first leaked pic. With the beret, and the ring necklace. Someone tweet NRS about that.
04/25/2015 02:59 AM (UTC)
Some nice combos here:


I also heard that another professional player as beaten SonicFox's Erron Black using Sonya, no ideia if it's true, I will search and find out about that tomorrow.
04/25/2015 03:23 AM (UTC)
Much to my surprise I have been enjoying Sonya as well, mainly the variation where she has the grenades on her side and she can get more by grabbing them from the drone, I love the ex version of them :)
04/25/2015 09:39 PM (UTC)
I'm still hooked on covert ops, I;ve started consistently winning online now, I've taken down a great goro player.

and I have to say this I vastly prefer Sonya's Xray in this game, her MK9 one looked flashy but wasn't as useful. Now knowing I have full Ex makes me go on overdrive.

there are so many things I want NRS to add, amend and enhance, I would really love to finish juggles with an air back flip kick that knocks the opponent down in the air and allows Sonya to air backflip away, I dont know it just would feel great.

also is it just me but I feel like in the recent update they've made the B+3,3,2 MS timing stricter, I find myself missing the window alot recently.
04/26/2015 07:32 PM (UTC)
So what did you Sonya fans think of her being with Johnny Cage? Did you like it? Would you have rather her ended up with Jax? What are your thoughts?
04/26/2015 07:49 PM (UTC)
MK4life123 Wrote:
So what did you Sonya fans think of her being with Johnny Cage? Did you like it? Would you have rather her ended up with Jax? What are your thoughts?

Personally i am glad she ends up with Johnny. Always thought of them being a couple in the games. But now they are and even have a daughter.
They love each other but their personalitys are making it difficult for them. I love their intro's and the story ending.

I never ever saw Sonya and Jax as a couple. In my eyes they are best friends. A very special friendship. Kind of brother and sister. That is Why Jacqui calls Sonya " aunt Sonya " really love Jax and Sonya relationship. But as Friends. Nothing more.
MK4life123 Wrote:
So what did you Sonya fans think of her being with Johnny Cage? Did you like it? Would you have rather her ended up with Jax? What are your thoughts?

I felt like it was always canon, at least in my head tongue
So I was like "finally! its official now"
04/26/2015 10:39 PM (UTC)
I like that they ended up together, I just hope that neither overshadows the other like what happened in chapter 1 of the Story Mode.
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04/27/2015 11:13 PM (UTC)
MerdynBlade Wrote:
MK4life123 Wrote:
So what did you Sonya fans think of her being with Johnny Cage? Did you like it? Would you have rather her ended up with Jax? What are your thoughts?

I never ever saw Sonya and Jax as a couple. In my eyes they are best friends. A very special friendship. Kind of brother and sister. That is Why Jacqui calls Sonya " aunt Sonya " really love Jax and Sonya relationship. But as Friends. Nothing more.

Haha I actually have repeatedly gotten the impression that Jax has been romantically into Sonya the whole time, but got friend-zoned because of their work.

There are hints in MKDC and MK9, but his chapter in MK9 is the most obvious example, for me.

- She's the first thing he mentions when he wakes up from being beaten up by Tarkatans; she pops into his head before he's even fully awake.

- Fuck Earthrealm's fate and a second tournament! Sonya's name is on Jax's lips as soon as he lands in Outworld and meets the villains. Not even a pause.

- He's suspiciously overly defensive when Johnny questions if he and she are a couple. Exaggeratedly so. And then he beats the shit out of Johnny when the latter finally concludes that he's gonna "go for it". Jesus Christ, Jax! We got some big emotions brewing beneath that armor, huh?

- And what was that line of his to Sheeva? Oh yeah, "She's NOBODY'S property!" Same tone and subtext as Johnny's "You don't even THINK about hurting her!" Come on, now!

- Look at the way he picks her up when he rescues her from the Acid Pit! Look at his cute little quips that follow! Come on, now!

All of this is part of---a huge part of---the reason he fucking hates Cage so much. Come on, it's not just because Johnny's sarcastic and annoying. There's a lot more going on to make Jax that pissed at the sight of him. I think he hates the fact that she and Cage got together (even uses it to insult her in one of their intros). After his resurrection, I think he just came to terms with that fact and settled down, and moved to a land far, far away.

And by the way, Younger Sonya, tough and indifferent as she is---she's totally into all the attention she gets from these guys. I get the feeling she subtly enjoys every moment Johnny sets her up to snub him. And who is she fooling with that big, satisfied grin and nod when Johnny tells her Jax and him had a fight? "Really? Awesome! I'm totally worth that!"
By the way, she still IS like that in MKX! Look at fucking ALL of her intros with Erron Black. Deja vu!

Lol, on the topic of her and Johnny; I love it. It's about time they did something with that, and progressed it beyond an implication. I absolutely love their dynamic. Their personalities meld to create very funny, endearing moments. That kind of thing is pivotal to break up and consequently add to the tension of dark genres. They're a perfect duo. Hope to see much more of them in the future, with less of the divorce and more of the banter in Quan Chi's fortress smile
04/27/2015 11:27 PM (UTC)
Jax: You sure about this Cass?

Cassie: I'm a big girl, I can take it.

Jax: That's what they always say...

Lol sounds so wrong
About Me

04/28/2015 07:19 PM (UTC)
Blade4693 Wrote:
Jax: You sure about this Cass?

Cassie: I'm a big girl, I can take it.

Jax: That's what they always say...

Lol sounds so wrong

Are you slyly trying to imply that he's like, "Hey... You kinda look like your mom... C'mere..."?

LeoBrZ81 Wrote:
MerdynBlade Wrote:
MK4life123 Wrote:
So what did you Sonya fans think of her being with Johnny Cage? Did you like it? Would you have rather her ended up with Jax? What are your thoughts?

I never ever saw Sonya and Jax as a couple. In my eyes they are best friends. A very special friendship. Kind of brother and sister. That is Why Jacqui calls Sonya " aunt Sonya " really love Jax and Sonya relationship. But as Friends. Nothing more.

Haha I actually have repeatedly gotten the impression that Jax has been romantically into Sonya the whole time, but got friend-zoned because of their work.

There are hints in MKDC and MK9, but his chapter in MK9 is the most obvious example, for me.

- She's the first thing he mentions when he wakes up from being beaten up by Tarkatans; she pops into his head before he's even fully awake.

- Fuck Earthrealm's fate and a second tournament! Sonya's name is on Jax's lips as soon as he lands in Outworld and meets the villains. Not even a pause.

- He's suspiciously overly defensive when Johnny questions if he and she are a couple. Exaggeratedly so. And then he beats the shit out of Johnny when the latter finally concludes that he's gonna "go for it". Jesus Christ, Jax! We got some big emotions brewing beneath that armor, huh?

- And what was that line of his to Sheeva? Oh yeah, "She's NOBODY'S property!" Same tone and subtext as Johnny's "You don't even THINK about hurting her!" Come on, now!

- Look at the way he picks her up when he rescues her from the Acid Pit! Look at his cute little quips that follow! Come on, now!

All of this is part of---a huge part of---the reason he fucking hates Cage so much. Come on, it's not just because Johnny's sarcastic and annoying. There's a lot more going on to make Jax that pissed at the sight of him. I think he hates the fact that she and Cage got together (even uses it to insult her in one of their intros). After his resurrection, I think he just came to terms with that fact and settled down, and moved to a land far, far away.

And by the way, Younger Sonya, tough and indifferent as she is---she's totally into all the attention she gets from these guys. I get the feeling she subtly enjoys every moment Johnny sets her up to snub him. And who is she fooling with that big, satisfied grin and nod when Johnny tells her Jax and him had a fight? "Really? Awesome! I'm totally worth that!"

By the way, she still IS like that in MKX! Look at fucking ALL of her intros with Erron Black. Deja vu!

Lol, on the topic of her and Johnny; I love it. It's about time they did something with that, and progressed it beyond an implication. I absolutely love their dynamic. Their personalities meld to create very funny, endearing moments. That kind of thing is pivotal to break up and consequently add to the tension of dark genres. They're a perfect duo. Hope to see much more of them in the future, with less of the divorce and more of the banter in Quan Chi's fortress smile

I always got the feeling that Jax was just really professional and respected her as a friend and partner. He thought Johnny was kind of a dick at first because Johnny WAS kind of a dick when they all first met.
04/28/2015 07:32 PM (UTC)
I'm liking Sonya in this game. Usually I don't really care for Sonya, but her Demolition variation is a lot of fun.
About Me

Have faith in the elder gods.

04/28/2015 07:33 PM (UTC)
TigerStyle Wrote:
LeoBrZ81 Wrote:
MerdynBlade Wrote:
MK4life123 Wrote:
So what did you Sonya fans think of her being with Johnny Cage? Did you like it? Would you have rather her ended up with Jax? What are your thoughts?

I never ever saw Sonya and Jax as a couple. In my eyes they are best friends. A very special friendship. Kind of brother and sister. That is Why Jacqui calls Sonya " aunt Sonya " really love Jax and Sonya relationship. But as Friends. Nothing more.

Haha I actually have repeatedly gotten the impression that Jax has been romantically into Sonya the whole time, but got friend-zoned because of their work.

There are hints in MKDC and MK9, but his chapter in MK9 is the most obvious example, for me.

- She's the first thing he mentions when he wakes up from being beaten up by Tarkatans; she pops into his head before he's even fully awake.

- Fuck Earthrealm's fate and a second tournament! Sonya's name is on Jax's lips as soon as he lands in Outworld and meets the villains. Not even a pause.

- He's suspiciously overly defensive when Johnny questions if he and she are a couple. Exaggeratedly so. And then he beats the shit out of Johnny when the latter finally concludes that he's gonna "go for it". Jesus Christ, Jax! We got some big emotions brewing beneath that armor, huh?

- And what was that line of his to Sheeva? Oh yeah, "She's NOBODY'S property!" Same tone and subtext as Johnny's "You don't even THINK about hurting her!" Come on, now!

- Look at the way he picks her up when he rescues her from the Acid Pit! Look at his cute little quips that follow! Come on, now!

All of this is part of---a huge part of---the reason he fucking hates Cage so much. Come on, it's not just because Johnny's sarcastic and annoying. There's a lot more going on to make Jax that pissed at the sight of him. I think he hates the fact that she and Cage got together (even uses it to insult her in one of their intros). After his resurrection, I think he just came to terms with that fact and settled down, and moved to a land far, far away.

And by the way, Younger Sonya, tough and indifferent as she is---she's totally into all the attention she gets from these guys. I get the feeling she subtly enjoys every moment Johnny sets her up to snub him. And who is she fooling with that big, satisfied grin and nod when Johnny tells her Jax and him had a fight? "Really? Awesome! I'm totally worth that!"

By the way, she still IS like that in MKX! Look at fucking ALL of her intros with Erron Black. Deja vu!

Lol, on the topic of her and Johnny; I love it. It's about time they did something with that, and progressed it beyond an implication. I absolutely love their dynamic. Their personalities meld to create very funny, endearing moments. That kind of thing is pivotal to break up and consequently add to the tension of dark genres. They're a perfect duo. Hope to see much more of them in the future, with less of the divorce and more of the banter in Quan Chi's fortress smile

I always got the feeling that Jax was just really professional and respected her as a friend and partner. He thought Johnny was kind of a dick at first because Johnny WAS kind of a dick when they all first met.

Actually, Johnny never did or said anything mean to Jax, Jax was just always a dick to Cage. I think Jax is a closet racist or something. I'm glad that Johnny got to kick his ass twice in MKX.
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