05/14/2015 10:35 PM (UTC)
and we've gotten MK1 Sonya and she looks glorious from the render, not the MK3 that we hoped but still I love what they did, cant wait to see it in action.
05/14/2015 11:18 PM (UTC)
Damn, I would say MK1 Sonya is the worst costume for the character in the entire series, worse than even MK9 and Deadly Aliance. However we are lucky we have Primary and Tournament costumes, I would say they are among the best ones.

I can only hope they release an MK3 costume later. The ninjas got their MK2 and 3 costumes in 9, it could happen again, maybe even for free.
05/14/2015 11:21 PM (UTC)
I am loving the MK1 Sonya outfit, that might be my go to for Sonya once I get my hands on it lol I do hope for a MK3 one too though, that would be really cool as well, but im really happy with the MK1 costume.
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05/18/2015 08:36 AM (UTC)
XD If you combo Johnny hard as Erron he says, "Sonya married THIS?" He's really adamant about his little crush lol I thought the allusions to this were only in their intros, but seems to be a big thing!

Some remarks I've been meaning to make throughout my cursory glances of the thread these past few days:

Darkmage41 Wrote:
Motherland Sonya in action from a hacked PC version



the outfit is very different to her other three, notably the heels and Coat/skirt? wish she had more varied colours but a nice addition overall and will definitely purchase it.

Thanks for the links! The uploader posts here occasionally, she's a hardcore Sonya fan as well.

Definite buy for me, even though I probably won't ever look at the Sub-Zero one. Very simply, I like this outfit because it's different. Like I've said, her Tournament and Major Blade skins are quite similar so this departure is welcome. Like samuhai, I'm not a huge fan of the bob (don't like short hair in women in general), but whatevs, it works with the outfit. I wonder what the ALT colors are...

Blade4693 Wrote:
Well its time for me to eat crow lol

Now I have always had respect for Sonya as a character because she is one of the originals, but I have never been shy about saying that she is not a character I have been interested in playing or learning, especially with MKX. I cant remember how many times I said, that while I don't dislike her, I have no interest in her either.

Now recently I decided to dabble with her Demolition variation in MKX...and I take back everything I said about her. Its strange, she feels right to me, I seriously think she could now become one of my mains in this game. I am now learning her and trying to get good with her, idk but something about her basic kombo strings and her specials feel so good to me so now I am going to spend some time trying to really learn her :)

I told you! (I never told you).

Demolition is my second favorite variation of hers. I'm even landing juggles after the 1,1,2-SLAP-Bomb-to-Chest-HOOAH string now! The variation pissed me off initially because I could never juggle them after the explosion, but I've gotten good with run combos and now I can run just the right amount before doing a F+2 and leg grab. And that Brutality is not too shabby either.

The other combos I use:

B3,3,2,Stun Grenade (detonate immediately),1,2, RUN, 2,1,U4. It does close to 30% I think, which is good for this variation. If you can start it with the Dive Kick, that's extra damage!

B1,4,Stun Grenade (same), RUN(briefly), 1,2, RUN, 1,2,1,Leg Grab.

The follow-ups to the stun grenades are interchangeable, I believe.

What I also love about this variation is detonating the grenades anytime. It's very satisfying to catch people mid-jump or running at you, and especially as they're attempting to run away or dash away from the grenade. It's great when you do these a couple times, and they start freaking out at mid-range, not knowing where to move as they expect another grenade.

EX Drone is also very useful in getting aggressive opponents off of you and opening up your space, and a great way to FINISH them if you wanna be flashy without a Fatality. Catch them the right way and all 3 bombs will connect.

I hope you keep having fun with her! I'm doing very well with her online, MUCH better than in MK9, which I didn't think was gonna happen! I also occasionally use Shinnok, Kano, Mileena, and recently picked up Johnny---but never before a couple fights as Sonya first. And if I've got a particularly nasty opponent, it's gotta be her all the way, no chances taken.

Covert Ops is definitely my main variation for her, though. The mix-up game is fucking unrivaled in the roster; not even Outlaw Erron can hold a candle to her mix-up game. If you really practice and you really know what you're doing, you can veritably say "Fuck you" to your opponent's block button. Might as well not be there.

I recently had some awesome matches with Subman799 who has a crazy good Grandmaster Sub-Zero. Her mix-up game is THAT good, that you can take a zoning Grandmaster down if you play it right.

Blade4693 Wrote:
She also got some serious awesome points from me for beating the absolute shit out of Qaun Chi lol

God I love her Chapter in Story Mode... It's the Sonya I've always known existed and always wanted to see. The cut-scene fighting---soooo fucking bad-ass. I need a gif of the part where she handles Quan Chi and Scorpion simultaneously. And the beat-down of Quan Chi lol what a culmination.

samuhai Wrote:I just wish parrying was more effective... There are too many moves that kick below or around the parry, and against the computer on any difficult it's often useless. Be nice to see some of those amazing parry responses easier to manage...

As of right now, I really don't have too much trouble with the parries. I think eventually you'll just become very acclimated to it; its speed, the frames of the animation, etc; and it's not overly difficult to know when your opponent is gonna hit you mid/high.

Remember that the Parry is not very punishable! Oftentimes when I miss a Parry at close range and they try to punish me, I'm already coming down on them with a Dive Kick. Also note that EX Parry is faster. I can usually land it after blocking an opponent's jumping-punch into a combo string (everyone loves to do that). I tend to use EX Parries more often than the normal one for that reason alone. And dat Brutality tho...

The times I land it most easily are when I miss an attack or my opponent blocks my attack, and I know they're gonna try to punish me. You can just feel their combo-starter coming at you as you're standing in front of them having failed yours. EX Parry on dat ass! I tend to leave the normal Parries for guessing against low pokes and uppercuts, and in situations where I'm not nose-to-nose with the opponent and have more room to escape a punish.

Keith Wrote:
I didn't like the drone at first but I'm getting in to it. Special Forces is my number 2. I love Covert Ops though. The Military Stance is everything. The style I haven't got much love for yet is Demolition. I would have preferred a more klassic move centric style with bike kicks, kiss of death and square wave punches and shit. It feels like a big missed opportunity for Sonya. But it's nice that they're still giving us brand new out there stuff with Sonya. I'm sure Demolition will grow on me. Like Special Forces has. It's just hard to pick those two when Covert Ops is so much fun from the get go.

I already got over the drone (even though of course I still would've preferred something with her Kiss or Energy), and I'm trying to get as good with it as I am with Covert Ops and Demolition (finally master MKX Sonya! tongue). This one doesn't click with me as much as the others. I hate that R2+X doesn't register normally into combos. You have to press is on the final frames of whatever string you inputted in order to have it connect as a combo hit for a juggle. So it's like B3,3,2...wait until she's almost done throwing that elbow aaaaaaannnd R2+X!!! It just throws me off and it defaults to her normal strings a lot of times.

I need to get good though, because I love that Drone Brutality!

MK1 Costume...
I'm bummed it's not MK3 or MK4, man -_- I don't really understand their choice to go with MK1. I mean, her MK3 look is like a better version of MK1. It's just so meh compared to the others.

I'm not gonna deny the nostalgia factor, though, and I daresay I'm more excited about having that costume than I am for the actual DLC character that comes with it lol. The feels will be bountiful...
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05/18/2015 02:57 PM (UTC)
Love reading your comments Leo ^_^ Is great to see someone so willing to go into depth for Sonya.

I'll have to give Demolition a try next time I"m at my bf's (I bought the game but he has the PS4), give those combo strings a try.

I'm still not greaaaaaat in terms of getting a high number of hits/damage. Having trouble finding pop-ups besides her military stance cartwheel, but I'm still enjoying the basics to be honest. And her F-3 (the double kick to the face thing?) is just spectacular. I could use that one move every damn time.

What makes me so happy is the love my friend circle now has for Sonya. There's now four people from just my little pod at work that has the game, and more who are into it, and all of them sink Sonya is a highlight. Her story, her gameplay, her look... it's just fantastic to see ^_^

PLUS I had someone on the phone today at work called Sonya and I was just squealing in my head.... AND I had a Milena too ;)
05/19/2015 08:07 PM (UTC)
Always love to read your post Leo. They are great.

I also love the love sonya is getting here.

Me myself always was a fan. Now also maining Sonya and still learning something new every day And i am so greatfull she finally has more then 2 skins in this game. 5 skins i love it and love all of them ( Major is my least favorite ).

I want to thank you all for being such great Sonya fans.
And keeping this thread always awesome to come in to.
05/19/2015 09:41 PM (UTC)
Sonya's gameplay is great. High tier for sure. I just think they should have hooked her up with Jax. I mean, its just a missed opportunity there. I always thought of Liu Kang/Kitana and Sonya/Jax as the MK couples. Weren't Sonya and Jax hooked up in the old games?
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05/20/2015 12:37 AM (UTC)
MK4life123 Wrote:
Sonya's gameplay is great. High tier for sure. I just think they should have hooked her up with Jax. I mean, its just a missed opportunity there. I always thought of Liu Kang/Kitana and Sonya/Jax as the MK couples. Weren't Sonya and Jax hooked up in the old games?

No, never. There was hints with johnny since the movie but never jax.
05/20/2015 01:45 AM (UTC)
samuhai Wrote:
MK4life123 Wrote:
Sonya's gameplay is great. High tier for sure. I just think they should have hooked her up with Jax. I mean, its just a missed opportunity there. I always thought of Liu Kang/Kitana and Sonya/Jax as the MK couples. Weren't Sonya and Jax hooked up in the old games?

No, never. There was hints with johnny since the movie but never jax.

Ya, but I always thought she hated Cage, I know in the movie he flirted with her. In the old animated series they had Sonya and Jax hook up, to me they just make more sense. Like a special forces power couple lol. Also, Jax already beat Johnny so why wouldn't she pick him? Lol.
05/20/2015 05:51 AM (UTC)
Kold War Sonya is one of the better more unique costumes in the game and the best part is Sonya looks completely different and it suits her covert ops face

Can't wait for Mk1 Sonya to be released, I.got the kombat pack just to get early access to that skin, I.didn't get it.for Jason and I wasn't sure about getting it at first but the minute I saw her Mk1 skin I ran to the PlayStation store and bought it!

Sonya's stats in the game so far are ,mixed,

Her usage is some where around 25 million ( not sure just estimating), although I caught her total wins which was at 15 million yesterday, that would make her win % ratio at around 60%, most of her wins come from the special forces variation with Demolition and covert ops almost equal.

This is strange to me because I.exclusively use covert ops.

If you compare this to Mileena who has been used 19 million times, with 17 million wins amounting to a whopping 89% win.ratio!

As for my progress, I haven't picked up any other variation covert ops is my main and it looks to stay that way,
I don't go for Big damage when online because the lag almost always ruins the flow, instead I take as much as I.can safely get and mix up,

Parries have been employed in battle more so than before, in fact I have to parry scorpy's teleport it's an absolute must, if it's a normal parry I always use the 2 or 4 version because it takes 12% and allows for a run oki game, plus it looks so damn cool in motion.
Ex Parries allow for full combo and that's great, I wish her ex leg grab would do the same.

I still feel I need to get better with running cancelling but I've gotten some big victories against opponents in ranked where I've been given a 1% chance at a win, lol.

Very happy to raise the Sonya flag I don't see alot of her online.
I tried, really...but I absolutely despise the "Motherland" costume.
I'm just gonna pretend it doesn't exist. *yoga breathing*

So ugly, so...Russian.
05/22/2015 03:35 AM (UTC)
I'm a huge Sonya fan.
In my all-time favorites, she's probably number 6, behind Hotaru and Li Mei.
But in MKX, main material. Probably my 3rd favorite playable in-game. Motherland Costume especially. Damn bae.
Side chick central.
05/24/2015 07:49 AM (UTC)
Guys if you haven't turned release check off in the controller options, please do so now, I just did it and feel completely liberated, Omg.it's like shackles were removed.
05/24/2015 02:00 PM (UTC)
Any of you been keeping up with Combo Breaker? I think you guys would be pleased lol A lot of really good Sonya players in there
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05/25/2015 05:50 PM (UTC)
Blade4693 Wrote:
Any of you been keeping up with Combo Breaker? I think you guys would be pleased lol A lot of really good Sonya players in there

What...? Any links? I searched the site and YouTube, but nothing's readily accessible...
05/26/2015 01:24 PM (UTC)
Any of you Sonya players on Steam and want to spar? Lol. My username is K_B_FX. I've seen some really good Sonya players and it'd be good to learn more.
05/26/2015 04:19 PM (UTC)
LeoBrZ81 Wrote:
Blade4693 Wrote:
Any of you been keeping up with Combo Breaker? I think you guys would be pleased lol A lot of really good Sonya players in there

What...? Any links? I searched the site and YouTube, but nothing's readily accessible...

Best bet is to youtube Combo Breaker 2015 or something and see if you can watch the whole MK part, and the live auction was good as well, MIT paid to play as Sonya and did really good until had had to use a variation he has never used before (Demolition) and lost.

Lol the auction was cool, the twist was before each match you had to roll a big foam dice to see what variation you played (Left, middle, right)

Anyway yeah just look up all the MK parts of Combo Breaker and you are bound to see some, I saw some Sonya players that were just amazing, really great stuff there.
05/27/2015 12:49 AM (UTC)
giggles Wrote:
I tried, really...but I absolutely despise the "Motherland" costume.
I'm just gonna pretend it doesn't exist. *yoga breathing*

So ugly, so...Russian.

I think Sonya looks really good in that costume. Plus her short hair looks great. I think she should stick with shorter hair.
05/27/2015 07:23 AM (UTC)
Can't wait for her Mk1 outfit.
06/02/2015 07:34 AM (UTC)
Saw her MK1 outfit and it's pretty much accurate and her alternate colour looks rose/pinkish not the deep red that it was, I love everything about it, very nostalgic especially for those of us around since Mk1 arcade days lol!

Only bad thing is her hair from below and behind looks and flows unnaturally, but it looks Ok from.the front.
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06/04/2015 11:53 PM (UTC)
Blade4693 Wrote:
LeoBrZ81 Wrote:
Blade4693 Wrote:
Any of you been keeping up with Combo Breaker? I think you guys would be pleased lol A lot of really good Sonya players in there

What...? Any links? I searched the site and YouTube, but nothing's readily accessible...

Best bet is to youtube Combo Breaker 2015 or something and see if you can watch the whole MK part, and the live auction was good as well, MIT paid to play as Sonya and did really good until had had to use a variation he has never used before (Demolition) and lost.

Lol the auction was cool, the twist was before each match you had to roll a big foam dice to see what variation you played (Left, middle, right)

Anyway yeah just look up all the MK parts of Combo Breaker and you are bound to see some, I saw some Sonya players that were just amazing, really great stuff there.

Haha wtf, that sounds awful... They should just continually let the players play whatever variation they like. It becomes a game of luck otherwise. I just started watching, sad that this is where it's headed lol.

That's a shit-load of Sonya in that tourney lol She and Raiden were picked like crazy! Incredible players as well, you were right! I flipped out at that one guy who Parried Cassie's final hit WHILE BLOCKING HER STRING! WHAAAAA! I KNEW you could do that! I just KNEW it! Gonna see if I can start being that bad-ass lol.

Darkmage41 Wrote:
Saw her MK1 outfit and it's pretty much accurate and her alternate colour looks rose/pinkish not the deep red that it was, I love everything about it, very nostalgic especially for those of us around since Mk1 arcade days lol!

Only bad thing is her hair from below and behind looks and flows unnaturally, but it looks Ok from.the front.

It is nostalgic, and I can't wait to have it, but (just like the other classic costumes) it does look a little too bland. I like seeing it and am happy we got it, just can't help but wish it was MK3's outfit every time I lay eyes on it. MK3 was like a more detailed, cooler-looking version of MK1's, whyyyy did they go with 1 :-/...

Think we'll get her Kiss in one of the Klassic Fatality packs? I'm scared now that since we got 2 extra costumes for her back-to-back, they won't feel the need to give her anything new lol. Fingers crossed!!! We need that Fatality!!! Imagine how awesome it'll look.
06/05/2015 12:01 AM (UTC)
That was only for the auction tournament though lol not the "real" tournament, that was normal rules they just put a twist when it comes to the auction one lol
06/05/2015 12:02 AM (UTC)
LeoBrZ81 Wrote:
Blade4693 Wrote:
LeoBrZ81 Wrote:
Blade4693 Wrote:
Any of you been keeping up with Combo Breaker? I think you guys would be pleased lol A lot of really good Sonya players in there

What...? Any links? I searched the site and YouTube, but nothing's readily accessible...

Best bet is to youtube Combo Breaker 2015 or something and see if you can watch the whole MK part, and the live auction was good as well, MIT paid to play as Sonya and did really good until had had to use a variation he has never used before (Demolition) and lost.

Lol the auction was cool, the twist was before each match you had to roll a big foam dice to see what variation you played (Left, middle, right)

Anyway yeah just look up all the MK parts of Combo Breaker and you are bound to see some, I saw some Sonya players that were just amazing, really great stuff there.

Haha wtf, that sounds awful... They should just continually let the players play whatever variation they like. It becomes a game of luck otherwise. I just started watching, sad that this is where it's headed lol.

That's a shit-load of Sonya in that tourney lol She and Raiden were picked like crazy! Incredible players as well, you were right! I flipped out at that one guy who Parried Cassie's final hit WHILE BLOCKING HER STRING! WHAAAAA! I KNEW you could do that! I just KNEW it! Gonna see if I can start being that bad-ass lol.

Darkmage41 Wrote:
Saw her MK1 outfit and it's pretty much accurate and her alternate colour looks rose/pinkish not the deep red that it was, I love everything about it, very nostalgic especially for those of us around since Mk1 arcade days lol!

Only bad thing is her hair from below and behind looks and flows unnaturally, but it looks Ok from.the front.

It is nostalgic, and I can't wait to have it, but (just like the other classic costumes) it does look a little too bland. I like seeing it and am happy we got it, just can't help but wish it was MK3's outfit every time I lay eyes on it. MK3 was like a more detailed, cooler-looking version of MK1's, whyyyy did they go with 1 :-/...

Think we'll get her Kiss in one of the Klassic Fatality packs? I'm scared now that since we got 2 extra costumes for her back-to-back, they won't feel the need to give her anything new lol. Fingers crossed!!! We need that Fatality!!! Imagine how awesome it'll look.

The classic fatalities will come for the characters with classic costumes, otherwise why give these characters classic costumes and them give the classic fatalities to characters that don't have them, it doesn't make sense.

Do you have any link to combo breaker? Even Netherrealm noticed her presence in the Tournament, they said so in the last stream.
06/05/2015 08:44 AM (UTC)

having been using it for the last couple of days, the MK1 cosutme has easily taken over from the others and has ousted her primary outfit as my most favourite. the costume's brilliance is in its simplicity and green and pink look lovely on her, the way her headband flows when she fights is a great touch, in fact sonya looks a million times better fighting, flipping and jumping in this outfit. its taken the top spot for me, also her sex appeal is not repressed in this outfit.

I also love how every time I take it online my opponent also goes for their klassic outfit if the character does have a classic outfit, big awwww moment. lol before proceeding to murdering each other.

NRS have done a great job and it easily is the best outfit int he Classic pack and arguably Sonya's best outfit as well!

they shouldnt stop with the Sonya love, I need more more.
I do like my Sonya wearing red, but I have no problem with her pink P2.
After years of throwing pink energy rings and pink kisses it's just natural :P
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