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MK Khronology: 58.49% complete...
06/04/2010 10:45 PM (UTC)
Hah. As if there were even a question of a future MK game that didn't incorporate him..

You know, while I'm in accordance with everyone who says that him being the Elder Gods' champ should have stuck, it didn't, they pulled a dick move and resurrected the Shirai Ryu, and he's pissed off again. I'm just going to deal with where I think things should go from here.

With the Shirai Ryu as his army, he could feasably take the path Noob Saibot's apparently failed at and take over the Netherrealm. Like I said earlier, nobody would miss Shinnok. With the entirety of the Netherrealm behind him, he could go after the Elder Gods. What's more, I envision him as being successful. But all this should be a means to an end: While it starts as his latest scheme for vengeance - audaciously on the gods themselves - he begins to realize he can do so much more with their power. Scorpion should awaken to the goal of remaking the realms as he sees fit - he could serve as the boss for one final game in this continuity before he causes the reboot so many folks seem to be clamoring for. That wouldn't have to be the end of the characters as we know them though; who's to say their incarnations in this brave new world wouldn't somehow have knowledge or flashbacks of the life that has gone before?

I'm not advocating Scorpion becoming ruler supreme of the realms because I'm a great big slobbering Scorpion fanboy, or anything. Far from it. He's so limited in his scope I'm convinced nothing short of a reboot can pull him out. So my above scenario is my way of taking a character who's both an undeniable staple for the series, a central focus, yet stale as all hell, using his current plot to what I feel is the best advantage of the series, and opening the path to a future incarnation of the character. Like it or not, he's not going anywhere - Ed loves him, the MK fans and casual fans love him, and I think that, honestly, even when some people say they hate him they can't help but love him. And I have to admit, if he did somehow vanish from the series one day, it wouldn't feel right. Scorpion is not MK, but he is a very big part of it - he's emblematic of the series in the way Ryu is for Street FIghter. All I ask is that he isn't shoehorned into any future action games that aren't his own, like he was in Shaolin Monks.

Just a last note: Icebaby said Scorpion's real name and origins are a mystery. Not so: His human name was in fact Hanzo Hasashi; that's been known for some time now, since MKM if I remember right.

STAY. As if he was going anywhere. How silly.
06/05/2010 02:10 AM (UTC)
Scorpion is an obvious stay in my book. MK would not be MK without him. Despite his story he is a staple to the franchise. I am not going to debate anything just state my vote as stay...he is clearly in the next game anyway.
06/05/2010 02:47 AM (UTC)
The way I feel about the character right now is that he should go. Scorpion's story has more or less hit rock-bottom, and I don't have much interest in seeing him return. It's a shame, because I used to be a fan of him. Either way, he's returning whether people like it or not.
06/07/2010 02:02 PM (UTC)

Sektor is the codename for unit LK-9T9, he was one of the three prototype cybernetic ninjas built by the Lin Kuei. He was once a human assassin trained by the Lin Kuei. He volunteered for automation because of his loyalty for the clan. He survives the Outworld invasion, he has no soul to take.

After eventually terminating Sub-Zero, Sektor is attacked by Kahn’s army. Unfamiliar with the Outworld warriors, Sektor fights back. He targets Kahn and all Outworld beings as threats to the Lin Kuei. Kahn’s minions are no match to him as he fights his way into the fortess. Sektor initiates his self destruct sequence. The resulting explosion is so massive that it closes the portal and returns Earth back to normal.

Even suspicious of the effect of Cyrax’s prolong exile in the desert, the Lin Kuei are forced to send him since their forces are vastly reduced. In the guise of fighting alongside his Lin Kuei comrade, Sektor’s orders are to watch and report on Cyrax. Sektor’s reports will decided whether this is the last mission for Cyrax.

Then he kills Cyrax, Sonya and Jax while they were in the process of making Cyrax human again.

Sektor’s programming had become corrupted during his many violent battles with Outworld forces. His new objective was to eliminate the inferior Grand Master of the Lin Kuei and control the clan himself. He succeed in slaying the former leader, but was prevented from acquiring the Dragon Medallion by Sub-Zero who defeated Sektor in an intense battle. He then fled to Japan to form his new clan of cybernetic ninjas.

Sektor succeed in finding new recruits to become cyborgs and secretly created a home base for his new clan in Japan. Like a virus, his new faction of ninjas grew in the number and their presence in that nation become cause for alarm. Soon all of Japan would be controlled by the Tekunin.

I like Sektor, more than the other cyber ninjas. I always wanted an evil robot character in this game and Sektor is the one who’s basically proved it. Smoke is just a confused robot that needs to be on his own and Cyrax became a human and went on the good side. Sektor has made an army of his own and is a huge threat. I would like to see that army again in the future if Sektor remains as a character... which I’m thinking he will be. Let him be an evil character, but I don’t see him as a boss or sub-boss... No, just no.

I liked his new Armageddon appearance, keep that.

Moves, they’re okay.

I’m keeping this short because I don’t feel good again... Stay.

So, let’s debate. Should Sektor stay or leave?
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Formaly known on MKO as crash-kid.

06/07/2010 02:22 PM (UTC)
Sektor has to stay!

His story in MKA was really good, I love how he's became a complete mad robot with no soul at all. I think MK needs a character like that..completely evil and mad! Holds no prisoners. I actually think he will return for MK9. He was one of the most promising characters from MKA and IMO could go really far. Out of all the robots he's got the most going for him.

Appearance wise, I think his MKA look was cool. So an upgraded version or slightly different would be cool. I thought he would be cool for a boss, but I would actually rather him be a sub-boss for the moment. Maybe later on..

So yes, its a stay for Sektor IMO. So if any robot returns, should be him fo shoo. grin
06/07/2010 03:34 PM (UTC)
I've never been a big fan of the cyborgs, but if I had to keep one around, it'd be Sektor. The guy offers a credible threat to both Subby and the Special Forces. Um.... not much else to say really. He's straight up evil. Not much else going on there. And he's red. Red is my favorite color. So yeah.

Screw it. GONE! I just never cared about the cyborgs. His whole Tekunin clan garbage should've been wrapped up with MKA. I just can't bring myself to get even mildly interested in seeing this guy return. Sure, there's some things he could do, some stuff he could shake up, but I don't care. tongue
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06/07/2010 04:38 PM (UTC)
Sektor is the essence fo the word ambition. Whether its aquired by programming errors or logical choice. He was the Frist of the three cyborgs, he Volunteered for the project as a result of his dedication to the clan. Immagine his state of mind when making a decision. His ambition for fighting on behalf of his clan and clarifying they're dominance is at an all-time peak.

Must have been a deadly f***ing guy when he was human and was probebly very honored from the clan itself to have him around. Il bet hes doen many important missions for the Lin Kuei in the past.

One of the few usable plot devices that dont really spell out an end to many characters. I kind of view them as a new but bugger black dragon in terms of comparison.

I WANT Sektor to die soon. he deserves it, not to be ruined. But i feel he needs to kill somebody first. Id immagine that it would be Cyrax. and I would prefer it to be Subzero who kills him. It would give him a evil image but leave room for him to either be ruthless or repent in his last moments.

would make for a great ending to he character.

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06/07/2010 05:04 PM (UTC)
Honestly? I've never liked the cyborgs in MK. I thought that after MK2, this direction in MK3 was one of the worst choices they could've made. Their moves were silly, their looks, which to me consisted of a catchers chest protector and bicycle pants, were weak, and overall I've simply never been a fan of any of them.

Of the three, Sektor probably has the most potential as a robot, but I really have no interest in the Tekunin or the idea of ninja robot assassins. Just saying those three words together sounds like something that came off the notepad of a 3rd grader that wants to see Scorpion and Sub Zero battling Vampirate Astronauts in the next game.

I know, that's a bit harsh, but I've never really been a fan of the more fantastical elements of MK like giant monsters and, well yeah, robots.

As for his moves, they were decent. I liked being able to do several successive teleport uppercuts and a missile for projectile seemed to make sense, even if the fire would've been a bit cooler (from the begining). But yeah, nothing overly special going on here.

I'm not entirely sure why so many people are in so in love with the idea of cyborg ninjas, but I guess I'll find out as I read more opinions on Sektor.


----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gone: 34, saved: 17

Saved thus far: Baraka, Drahmin, Ermac, Fujin, Hotaru, Kabal, Kai, Kano, Kenshi, Kira, Kung Lao, Liu Kang, Nitara, Noob, Rayden and Scorpion.
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You will die mortal. TOASTY Speed Metal will never die.

06/07/2010 05:15 PM (UTC)
I feel like they didn't even devlop his clan storyline at all. If one of the cyborgs had to return, I would pick Sektor (actually, it depends on what they do with Smoke), but I wouldn't be hurt if he wasn't in. I'll say go.
06/07/2010 08:54 PM (UTC)

Yeah, the design in MK3 was weak, but in MKA he looks great in both "costumes". The moves are fun, though I wish that teleport uppercut special was only his and not shared by Smoke too.

The thing I like the most about Sektor is the cold blooded feel he has about him. It really fits him, at least I think so.

I would love to see him continue building up the Tekunin and then one day storm onto the main scene during a confrontation between the forces of good and evil and actually forcing those two opposing sides to join forces in order to survive the Tekunin attack. I'd love to see him kill some big names, Jax and Sonya for example.

Love him, love him! Stay!

... ... ...

My verdicts so far:

STAY: 27

GONE: 24
06/07/2010 09:34 PM (UTC)
I am gonna have to go with STAY.

Unfortunately, my favorite is Cyrax, but I have to admit that Sektor has the best potential and story out of the three as of now. With his rise of a robot army, and his lust for power and world domination he has what it takes to be a legitimate threat. Since he is a cyborg, it also helps give him that look as if he cares for nobody and nothing but what his mission and personal goals are.

The reason I like cyborg ninjas, or at least the reason I started liking them as a kid, was most likely because they were different. They also had great visual appeal IMO, right up there with the ninjas. Sure they are simply pallette swaps, but it's neat having a Yellow, Red, and a Grey/Purple one. Same with the ninjas, if you were a fan of that color scheme at the time, say you were keen to the colors red and black at the time, by default you are going to like Sektor and Ermac. At least that's how it was for me at the time, being the age of 6 or 7.

Nowadays however, I just like them because any character from MK1-MK3 are classics IMO. I may not love all the characters from those games, but I can't say I hate any either. I'd take any character in those games over most characters from MK4-MK:A. I say most because Quan, Kenshi, and Hotaru are prob. my favorites from those games.

It's more than just a nostalgia trip though, I legitimately think MK1-MK3 characters are the cream of the crop in most cases. At that point they were very diverse, in looks, moves, and in story. It seems since then though that the fighters have just become blander as the games progress, and the less I really attatch to them.
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Cage always wins, and in MK u will be Caged!

06/07/2010 10:23 PM (UTC)
Sektor is def my fav robot and one of my fav characters in the mk universe. He is a independent figure and the fact he started his own clan and almost like a army makes him a big threat. I always loved his quick rocket attacks in MK3 and rockets that followed a person. I think he'll def be in future mortal kombat games prob making himself more powerful as well since he is a robot he'll always try to tweak his abilities making himself more stronger and prob making him the perfect killing machine. I SAY STAY smile
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MK Khronology: 58.49% complete...
06/07/2010 11:37 PM (UTC)
I like Sexor. I thought he got a pretty good showing in MKA; not too clear on where things stand but it looks like the Tekunin have taken a major hit to their operations. If that's the case I'd prefer it were revealed he were destroyed, or was critically damaged for a time, though. As much I enjoy him, I could very easily get sick of him if he were around too much. Would love to have him back someday, but he could use a rest.

Verdict: GONE...for now.
06/08/2010 03:21 AM (UTC)
A simple and easy stay for me.
06/08/2010 01:53 PM (UTC)
he should be destroyed, never to be seen again.

nah I'm just joking... he could stay if:
1. They get rid of his helmet, it reminds me too much of Predator or Darth Vader.
2. They should get rid of his clan. The Tekunin is just excess baggage that will slow him down and fuck up his story. The MK universe need to have less of groups and more of autonomous individuals who work and fight alone.

While I think some of his specials are cool, I'm just not really into Sektor since we already have a cyborg in Jax for example but I wish there was a truly android character in MK, preferably female, I guess
06/08/2010 01:58 PM (UTC)
Iguana666 Wrote:
he should be destroyed, never to be seen again.

nah I'm just joking... he could stay if:
1. They get rid of his helmet, it reminds me too much of Predator or Darth Vader.
2. They should get rid of his clan. The Tekunin is just excess baggage that will slow him down and fuck up his story. The MK universe need to have less of groups and more of autonomous individuals who work and fight alone.

While I think some of his specials are cool, I'm just not really into Sektor since we already have a cyborg in Jax for example but I wish there was a truly android character in MK, preferably female, I guess

Then what is Sektor supposed to do then in your case if you don't want him to be involved with the Tekunin... To be honest, the Tekunin is probably the best direction for him since he doesn't technically work alone. So far, he's been working for the automation program that the Lin Kuei had since he's a devoted member...

Just throwing that out there

And Jax is not a cyborg, if he was, he'd have more robotic features than his arms... But last time I checked, he was still a human not defined as a cyborg.

Also throwing that out there.
06/08/2010 04:33 PM (UTC)
Definition-wise, a cyborg is any hybrid of man and machine. Kano's eye alone is enough to make him technically a cyborg.
What makes Jax not a cyborg though is that the metal arms aren't a permanent part of his body, they're more like giant armored sleeves. He can remove them and his real flesh and blood arms are still there underneath.

Anyway, Sektor. I say stay. But maybe I wouldn't bring him back in the verynext game, I'd wait one or two, because I like Cyrax and Smoke better and it's not smart to have all three cyberninjas at the same time again, people will get sick of them.
06/09/2010 01:03 AM (UTC)
reppy Wrote:
I've never been a big fan of the cyborgs, but if I had to keep one around, it'd be Sektor. The guy offers a credible threat to both Subby and the Special Forces. Um.... not much else to say really. He's straight up evil. Not much else going on there. And he's red. Red is my favorite color. So yeah.

Screw it. GONE! I just never cared about the cyborgs. His whole Tekunin clan garbage should've been wrapped up with MKA. I just can't bring myself to get even mildly interested in seeing this guy return. Sure, there's some things he could do, some stuff he could shake up, but I don't care. tongue

I agree completely.

Sektor - Go!
06/10/2010 02:25 AM (UTC)
Sektor needs to be debated more before I change it to the next character...
06/10/2010 04:49 AM (UTC)
I've got mixed feelings on Sektor.

Of the three cyborgs, he currently has the most going for him. The Tekunin story has just started and I like the idea of him being Sub-Zero's antithesis. I also just like. Bad ass fusion of Agent Smith, the Terminator, and a Predator.

However, I understand the sci-fi elements are only really accepted by-and-large in small doses...and Sektor is pretty much a big red sci-fi flag. When we have a dozen sub-plots and realms in a free-for-all, the sci-fi stuff seems to fit a little more easily...but in streamlined, bare-bones story, it might seem extraneous.

I had more to say about Sektor, but this movie/preview/thing has kind of exhausted me on MK discussion.
I'll say keep him, but maybe not necessarily bring him back right away.
06/10/2010 10:47 PM (UTC)
Hey guys!
I am new to the forum (and kinda late for the discussion)
so I'll just post my "stays" so far...

-Ashrah: I think they can pull sth cool off of her storyline maybe like some of u mentioned a feud with Sareena would be cool. And give her blond hair! It would look better with her being purified and all :P plus Sonya is the only blondie in MK (I think?!) Anywayz Ashrah has potential to develop the plot imo and her look is different for MK so she stays! glasses

-Cyrax: I liked that he got his human form back in DA, or at least some of it. And I also think it was cool to get him involved with the special forces...someone to take over Jax finally! Kill Jax! Major Cyrax FTW! He also has some cool moves...just give him his net back and i am happy.

-Ermac: He is my fav from the guys so obv Ermac STAYS in my book. The reason is that he simply had the best makeover in MKD, his costume just oozed coolness, he looked way tougher than with his old plain ninja look, his moves rocked as did his story! The way things turned out for him in Deception made him stand out so much and I think there is deff some room for him in the next game.

-Frost: This will sound weird but I really want her to come back. If only they revamp her whole look though...let go of the "female subzero" thingy already. With her story so far, there are lots of ways she could develop as a character. Lets say she unfreezes or wakes from the coma Subzero put her in (or whatever it was) and is a different lady all of a sudden. They could strip her of her freezing powers totally and give her new ones...i mean total makeover :P Or on the other hand they could go the other way, make it look like the medallion amplified her powers making her take over the Lin Kuei. I'd prefer they gave her different powers from sub zero's, for example lets say she could use hail as her projectile instead of just freezing the opponent...dunno what exactly just associate her more with snow/hail or whatever than just ice. Give her longer hair, a white-blue costume, better powers, turn her into this snow queen or sth and thats how I'd want Frost back! Maybe I have high expectations lol

-Fujin: He was totally left out in the last few games. I think he has a lot to offer if he was back in the roster. I agree with most of u saying that he could take over leading Earthrealm now that Raiden turned evil...he is a God after all and tbh i am kinda sick of Raiden. I want characters that werent given the chance to stand out and kinda faded in the bg and Fujin is certainly one of them. I dont know why actually, coz his powers and look are super cool imo. All he needs is a better outfit and that's it. He could blend in perfectly with the rest of the characters and why not, become the new leader. Fujin has to stay!

-Jade: Jade is another girl that was always there. Kitana was always in the forefront and she was just her best friend/guardian/whatever sleep boooring! Should they give her a good story and a good reason to come back (except for trying to help Kitana save Edenia that is) I think Jade can stay. Her look and powers are cool as well! I always enjoyed using her.

-Kai: I might be insane here but as I said earlier, I love giving players a chance to stand out and I think Kai hasnt been given one. With his story he could easily become the protagonist of the next game (just plz not another Taven or Shujinko or any random new player that has lame moves and looks...well lame generally!) I only wish they ditch the fire powers, clean him and his costume up a bit and thats all Kai needs wink

-Kabal: I always found him interesting with his story/moveset/overall look and the whole thing with the mask intrigued me even more. Dunno if i dig the Black Dragon story but for me Kabal is way too cool to get rid of. I always loved playing as him so I guess he stays. I could live with him getting killed or vanishing if only Kira takes over!

-Kira: The moment I saw her i loved her look! The moment i played as her i hated her. Kira has sooo much potential! I wish she returns totally revamped coz that girl could kick some serious a**! Give her a tight, black jumpsuit (or whatever its called), make her look like a spy/terrorist/assassin, give her new moves...maybe using knives/bombs/whips instead of making her Sonya - Kano's lovechild and that's all I need to get an awesome character in my "stay" list grin

-Mileena: Mileena is the best female character in MK imo. Her story is so catchy, she is the first evil female character, she has awesome moves and she was always the loser when it came to her sister. So i think its time for her to shine and stop having to answer to Shao Khan or any other douche whatsoever. She would be a great leader in Edenia...that place needs to be effed up a little and Mileena is the perfect one to do it! After all she has been trying to do that for sooo long (along with defeating Kitana) so i think its time for some redemption. Having the good guys win all the time isnt fun after all! All hail princess Mileena lol.

I will do the rest later!
And btw orry for my english guys...its not my first language :)
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MK Khronology: 58.49% complete...
06/12/2010 03:05 AM (UTC)
Going to give this a little kick. Just because the game's a remake/reboot of MK 1-3 doesn't mean we can't discuss characters for a hypothetical future continuation of the series!

On topic:

(Thanks to Pink_Ranger for the screen grab!)

That's quite the badass redesign he's gotten there. Not sure about the eyes, but I think it's a step up from his MKA look - I swear, it looked like he was wearing track pants.
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06/12/2010 03:46 AM (UTC)
Sektor is one of those characters that I don't care about. I really don't care if he stays or goes.
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How the fuck do you all get those giant pictures here? oh well this is good enough

06/12/2010 05:02 AM (UTC)
Um, not trying to be rude or offtopic but Icebaby are you gonna stop your chat since we already have an idea about what the fighters are gonna be in the next game?

Just asking...............
06/12/2010 09:23 AM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
-Ermac: He is my fav from the guys so obv Ermac STAYS in my book. The reason is that he simply had the best makeover in MKD, his costume just oozed coolness, he looked way tougher than with his old plain ninja look, his moves rocked as did his story! The way things turned out for him in Deception made him stand out so much and I think there is deff some room for him in the next game.

Best costume ever in MK. Amen.

projectzero00 Wrote:
-Fujin: He was totally left out in the last few games. I think he has a lot to offer if he was back in the roster. I agree with most of u saying that he could take over leading Earthrealm now that Raiden turned evil...he is a God after all and tbh i am kinda sick of Raiden. I want characters that werent given the chance to stand out and kinda faded in the bg and Fujin is certainly one of them. I dont know why actually, coz his powers and look are super cool imo. All he needs is a better outfit and that's it. He could blend in perfectly with the rest of the characters and why not, become the new leader. Fujin has to stay!

Yes, yes, yes. tongue

projectzero00 Wrote:
-Kai: I might be insane here but as I said earlier, I love giving players a chance to stand out and I think Kai hasnt been given one. With his story he could easily become the protagonist of the next game (just plz not another Taven or Shujinko or any random new player that has lame moves and looks...well lame generally!) I only wish they ditch the fire powers, clean him and his costume up a bit and thats all Kai needs wink

I'd give Kai a chance too. Though, I have to say I like his fire projectiles, but they could remove the fire effects from the rest of his special moves. I also thought he looked great in MK4, simple but effective.

BTW, welcome!
--- --- --- --- --- ---
EDIT: Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!! I just noticed my visits count started to increase! Noooooo!!! I wanted that counter frozen on 1 for eternity! It was so... Magical... While it lasted... sad
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