Hsu Hao should just be a cosplayer of Raul Julia's portrayal of M Bison.

Just because i see much potential in her. Renew her look, moves and give her some well fitting fatalities and a nice interesting story. She definitly deserves a second Chance!
Just because i see much potential in her. Renew her look, moves and give her some well fitting fatalities and a nice interesting story. She definitly deserves a second Chance!
Yes, i like Nitara, she is soo original.
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MK:DA is the one game I never really got into... What about Hsu Hao did every one hate?

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas Nitara needs to be in.

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Get that ass BANNED
I'm all for her being in the next game.

definately yes for nitara she fits the MKverse well and her story has potential

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-Courtesy of TheCypher-
Yes to Nitara.
I honestly never want to see Nitara again. I've always hated her character.

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I vote yes. Most of the original 3D characters get shit on way too much.

Nitara is in with a 19 to 9 vote. Next up is Noob

I am going to say yes, and I'm going to ignore all the theories on how this Sub-Zero is Bi Han just because I am a huge fan of this guy and would love to see what the Soulnado did to him. I really don't think he's "dead" and I really believe it tossed him in some realm we have yet to explore. Sticking with that theory. So it is a yes with me.
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I will rock you.
Noob is cool so I am saying yes.

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I am saying yes, 100 percent. One of my favorite characters to play with in mk9 in terms of move set. I loved the way they incorporated his shadow into his normal button combos it looked awesome. I believe they can expand on this in mkx and I am really curious as well to see what happened to him in the soulnado. Would be really anti climactic if he just died.
Yes to Nooby

yes, his shadow moves were really unique and give him more personality.

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Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.
Lovely signature by MINION
Yes I don't Like him tho
Yes to Noob. I've actually grown quite fond of his playstyle in MK9 recently 
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