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Agreed. I want to see his story with His brother, Scorpion, and Quan Chi finally resolved!
So, Yes to Noob
So, Yes to Noob
I could do without. I've not been too big on Saibot since the mystery was taken out of him.

Icebaby Wrote:

Nitara is in with a 19 to 9 vote. Next up is Noob
I am going to say yes, and I'm going to ignore all the theories on how this Sub-Zero is Bi Han just because I am a huge fan of this guy and would love to see what the Soulnado did to him. I really don't think he's "dead" and I really believe it tossed him in some realm we have yet to explore. Sticking with that theory. So it is a yes with me.

Nitara is in with a 19 to 9 vote. Next up is Noob

I am going to say yes, and I'm going to ignore all the theories on how this Sub-Zero is Bi Han just because I am a huge fan of this guy and would love to see what the Soulnado did to him. I really don't think he's "dead" and I really believe it tossed him in some realm we have yet to explore. Sticking with that theory. So it is a yes with me.
Of course! He's my favorite villian. Noob Saibot 100%

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Like everyone associated with Sub-Zero, he's long played out.
Like everyone associated with Sub-Zero, he's long played out.
It's a YES YES YES for me. Noob was "insane" in MK9. Really liked his specials, fatalities and design.
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Winter is Coming A Lanister always pays his debts You know nothing Jon Snow! We do not sow! Valar Morghulis
A resounding YES for Noob Saibot, he is easily in my top 5.

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-Courtesy of TheCypher-
Noob Saibot as, yes, Noob Saibot. Hope he's still evil and that he's not the Sub-Zero in MKX.
Noob Saibot in MKX? That is a yes for me.
He had some of the most creative special moves, x-rays, and fatalities in Mk9 and his story line has the potential to be great if they add in Scorpion. Quan Chi is the creator of both Noob Saibot and Scorpion and I would really love to see a three way show down between Sub-Zero, Scorpion, and Noob Saibot with Quan Chi pulling the strings pitting those three against each other.
I would like to see Sub-Zero having hope that he can make Noob Saibot remember his former identity as Bi-Han and bring his brother back to the light.
I would like Scorpion to hope to retire his vengeful quest but he cannot until he resolves and destroys Noob Saibot so that his soul can finally rest, having Sub-Zero interfere would hinder his plans and nobody is to get in his way.
I would also love to see Noob Saibot be Quan Chi's right hand man in carrying out his tasks, but in most of Noob Saibot's past appearances we are aware that he has his own agenda. In a Shakespearean sense it would be awesome if Quan Chi met his end from his own freakish creation with Noob Saibot usurping Quan Chi for greater power.
He had some of the most creative special moves, x-rays, and fatalities in Mk9 and his story line has the potential to be great if they add in Scorpion. Quan Chi is the creator of both Noob Saibot and Scorpion and I would really love to see a three way show down between Sub-Zero, Scorpion, and Noob Saibot with Quan Chi pulling the strings pitting those three against each other.
I would like to see Sub-Zero having hope that he can make Noob Saibot remember his former identity as Bi-Han and bring his brother back to the light.
I would like Scorpion to hope to retire his vengeful quest but he cannot until he resolves and destroys Noob Saibot so that his soul can finally rest, having Sub-Zero interfere would hinder his plans and nobody is to get in his way.
I would also love to see Noob Saibot be Quan Chi's right hand man in carrying out his tasks, but in most of Noob Saibot's past appearances we are aware that he has his own agenda. In a Shakespearean sense it would be awesome if Quan Chi met his end from his own freakish creation with Noob Saibot usurping Quan Chi for greater power.

I say no. Considering he was sucked into the soulnado, I don't want him to return as just Noob Saibot, meaning the soulnado didn't do jack shit. Either keep him out of this game or bring him back with serious changes.
Noob Saibot: NO
Noob Saibot: NO

Hell to the yes.

Yes for noob 100% shadow attacks are awesome.

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Noob was great in MK9. His fatalities were my favorite, and it's not necessarily confirmed that he is dead. I'm gonna vote yes.
I vote Yes for Noob Saibot.
I just hope he has that epic voice again..
I Vote Yes for Frost as well if that counts.
I just hope he has that epic voice again..
I Vote Yes for Frost as well if that counts.
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