Yes to Bi-han Either as Noob Saibot, Sub-zero or something else.

I love Noob Saibot so yes.
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... here's your Subzero, now plain zero.

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GT: Dimitri1033
Yes to Noob
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I don't see why not, I'd like to see him return , but many returning faves are looking less likely now. I vote yes anyway.

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-Courtesy of TheCypher-
Don't discount my Naga! My favorite boss of the series and I hope he returns (even if he's not the main boss).
DVorah Wrote:
Really disliked Onaga.
Really disliked Onaga.
But he's an evil freak! It shold be right up your alley. ;P

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Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.
Lovely signature by MINION
Yes I would really like to see him back, but in the role of a regular character and not the size or power of a boss character. That would be really interesting! (Pre-dragon king Onaga)
mkmileena Wrote:
(Pre-dragon king Onaga)
(Pre-dragon king Onaga)
That would be an egg...

About Me
Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.
Lovely signature by MINION
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
That would be an egg...
mkmileena Wrote:
(Pre-dragon king Onaga)
(Pre-dragon king Onaga)
That would be an egg...
Well who knows if he was born into kingship or not, the story never says. But I'm just talking about a not fully grown Onaga. (Yes I know this conflicts with the timeline but oh well)

I guarantee you that Onaga will be in MKX, and yes I'd like him back.

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-Courtesy of TheCypher-
StrykerKombat Wrote:
I guarantee you that Onaga will be in MKX
I guarantee you that Onaga will be in MKX
I'll remember this. lol.

Yes to Onaga!!!
Oh yeah he should return, and without being under the influence of The One Being so we can, you know maybe see a ruler of Outworld who isn't a complete and total douche? Or at least a ruler with good intentions for his people.
No I don't think he should come back in this game.
Let's finish playing catch up first before we bring the Dragon King back.
No I don't think he should come back in this game.
Let's finish playing catch up first before we bring the Dragon King back.
(chanting) CAMEO! CAMEO!
Seriously I would love to see him back. I remember back when I watched the Deception Konquest Mode and I thought he was badass. Just the sound of his voice, the intro, and the glee that he proclaims as he reveals Shujinko's lifetime quest as a sham were classic. Too bad he got pwned by Shao Kahn in Armageddon Konquest
Shao Kahn: Onaga!
Shao Kahn: Not anymore (troll face)
Onaga (pissed off)
Then he does have his revenge on the skulled fucker in the Armageddon intro until Netherrealm Studios thought it was a good FUCKING idea to reboot the series and screw up the entire scenario and made Shao Kahn the winner of Armageddon! -_-
Seriously I would love to see him back. I remember back when I watched the Deception Konquest Mode and I thought he was badass. Just the sound of his voice, the intro, and the glee that he proclaims as he reveals Shujinko's lifetime quest as a sham were classic. Too bad he got pwned by Shao Kahn in Armageddon Konquest
Shao Kahn: Onaga!
Shao Kahn: Not anymore (troll face)
Onaga (pissed off)
Then he does have his revenge on the skulled fucker in the Armageddon intro until Netherrealm Studios thought it was a good FUCKING idea to reboot the series and screw up the entire scenario and made Shao Kahn the winner of Armageddon! -_-
About Me
... here's your Subzero, now plain zero.
One thing that NRS could improve if they confirm him is his appearance. I've heard many complaints about Onaga resembling too much like Ogre from Tekken and I agree. Honestly I think Onaga should be draconian than just a human-faced monster with dragon wings. He's not called the Dragon King for nothing...
I'd have to say no...
Unless NRS has him try to recreate himself through Reptile again, but fail instead and have Reptile inherit some of his power. Ignore this please... Im using my phone and it has problems with repeating messages when I accidently click back.
Unless NRS has him try to recreate himself through Reptile again, but fail instead and have Reptile inherit some of his power. Ignore this please... Im using my phone and it has problems with repeating messages when I accidently click back.
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