02/28/2010 02:09 PM (UTC)
yeah the street fighter mod is awesome.

and ed boon just wrote on his twitter that he was eager to play heavy rain and god of war 3. so he might like the graphics that those games have and try them with mk. not sure though just a guess.

02/28/2010 06:43 PM (UTC)
Capcom sees bright, purely '2.5D' future for its fighting games
by Randy Nelson { Jan 20th 2010 at 8:00PM }

With the Wii-exclusive Tatsunoko vs. Capcom dropping next week and Super Street Fighter IV on the horizon, Capcom sees fighting games as a focus for the company going forward. "For us, internally, fighting games are where it's at recently," we were told by Tatsunoko vs. Capcom producer Ryota Niitsuma, who added that, "as a company, we'd like to keep making more of them because that's what we do and we do it well, and I think there's a future there for that."

Although the company has produced a variety of 2D and 3D fighters in the past, Niitsuma pointed toward the likes of Street Fighter IV as a blueprint for its future fighting games. "I think we excel at making 2D fighting games. I think we have the knowledge and the know-how and the experience to make successful games in that style," he told us, explaining that, "right now, you see that we're trying to move away from straight-up traditional 2D fighting into what I guess you'd call '2.5D,' where you take the 3D fighter models and marry them to a 2D fighting plane. For now, that's the way we're going to go."

Capcom still intends to test new ideas in that space between 2D and 3D, though. "There are all these things we can do ... you take the camera and move it around," Niitsuma said, gesturing with both hands to illustrate an in-game camera orbiting the fighters. "It's still a 2D fighting field, but the camera moves in a 3D space. That's just one possibility of something we'd like to be able to do."
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I need a new sig, something with Kabal from UMK3 would be sweet. Just imagine that here
02/28/2010 09:50 PM (UTC)
I would really like a purely 2D, old school style with modern visual flair mortal kombat, but I doubt that will happen.

-GTB <3 MK
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

03/16/2010 01:27 AM (UTC)
When I think of 2D all I can think of are the older games. While I love them to pieces, I think it's best for us to stick with 3D. Though MK VS DC was kind of the best of both worlds by being 3D but still including 2D elements. If MK9 does what its predecessor did then I won't mind.
03/16/2010 03:47 AM (UTC)
2d because I miss friendship, babality etc...
03/16/2010 01:37 PM (UTC)
3D => yes

2.5D => ok

2D => no
03/21/2010 03:14 AM (UTC)
Well my favorite days of MK are still 1-3, so I say 2D life SSFIV.
03/21/2010 04:07 AM (UTC)
WB wants to make money with MK. They know Street Fighter is doing well with it's 2.5d gameplay, and they are focused on making $$$$

forget 3d....its over
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03/22/2010 08:08 PM (UTC)
2D, 3D i dont care, i just dont want it the way it was in MK VS DC.
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03/22/2010 08:20 PM (UTC)
_JRF_ Wrote:
WB wants to make money with MK. They know Street Fighter is doing well with it's 2.5d gameplay, and they are focused on making $$$$

forget 3d....its over

While this is true, they are publishing the game, not developing it. I don't think that WB would tell and of their developing teams how to make their game. They may give them suggestions, but I don't think they'd give them orders.

You never know though.
03/22/2010 09:28 PM (UTC)
Grimm, you've clearly never worked in the industry. I used to work for NCSoft, and I can assure you the Publisher has the Dev team by the balls.

WB saved Midway and the MK team from death. Going back to 2d is a good thing imo
03/28/2010 01:57 AM (UTC)
After looking at all of the post I have the number of people who want 2D, and the number for 3D.

2D:8 3D:6

Keep in mind that I didn't count some post, because it was unclear wheather they wanted 2D or 3D. I also had to make my best guess for some people. One person said they wanted it like MKvsDC. I counted that as 3D, because that is a 3D game. On that note I will say I tried to do this as unbiasedly as possible, and if anyone wants to challenge me feel free to. After looking at the score I would say the consensus is 50/50 for 2D and 3D. Thank you for posting.
03/28/2010 11:50 PM (UTC)
3D for sure! The idea is to go forward not backwards!
03/29/2010 02:05 AM (UTC)
immortalkombat Wrote:
3D for sure! The idea is to go forward not backwards!

I'm tired of this don't go backwards crap. If you want a 3D game that's fine with me. However, the argument that it's a step backwards to go 2D is complete bs. If MK goes back to 2D it can still have as much depth, and creativity as a 3D game. There are a lot of 2D games made today that are highly rated on the sole fact that the fighting is fun and deep. If MK9 is on a 2D plain it doesn't even have to play the same as the old games. They can make the combat however they want. So if you want a 3D MK I don't care, but it pisses me off when I hear this step backwards crap as a legitiment argument.
03/29/2010 11:49 AM (UTC)
personally i am getting a bit tired of these 2d versus 3d arguments. each have great attributes and the argument is childish. i don't care how much of a gamer or critic you are...if your a fan than you will buy it. its that easy. if your that touched in the head to think one is better than the other than clearly you better question what era your living in. if the fans grew up a bit...maybe the game would.
03/29/2010 05:48 PM (UTC)
_JRF_ Wrote:
WB wants to make money with MK. They know Street Fighter is doing well with it's 2.5d gameplay, and they are focused on making $$$$

forget 3d....its over
So _JRF_, are you saying that MK9's gameplay is going to be on a 2d plane? I ask you because I remember reading your old posts about how MK8 was to be MKvsDC before the game came out. I trust you as a credible source. Do you have any other details about MK9, other than your mention of Sonya and Jax being in the next game? How do you get your info anyways?

Also someone on here mentioned Virtua Fighter looking more bland/boring than Tekken. I've heard this statement from others on different websites before and just don't buy it personally. What's so different about the two? If we're talking character attire, which is what I imagine most people are referring to between the two games, VF and Tekken can sometimes boast the same style of clothing. I mean yes, some of VF's characters have more generic outfits but if you look at the game from a design standpoint, I think the developers wanted to make each respective characters' attire more or less traditional to what they would use in a style of martial arts.

Ohh... and MK team, stop trying to "reinvent" your "fighting system" for every game that comes out. Because your not really doing anything different with it, other than add some shallow button mashing and quick time event gimmicks like klose kombat, freefall kombat and test your might. You should have been sticking to what works from early on and then tune it from there.
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03/29/2010 09:24 PM (UTC)
3d characters to 2d backgrounds way to go for sure.
03/30/2010 09:24 PM (UTC)
_JRF_ Wrote:
Ohh... and MK team, stop trying to "reinvent" your "fighting system" for every game that comes out. Because your not really doing anything different with it, other than add some shallow button mashing and quick time event gimmicks like klose kombat, freefall kombat and test your might. You should have been sticking to what works from early on and then tune it from there.

yeah i agree 100 percent. it got popular while in 2d gameplay, 3d is not as popular. keep tuning 2d gameplay and making it better. never forget your roots, and what made you popular in the first place, violence/blood,realistic and good fast 2d gameplay.

did you guys see the poll that ed did on twitter? he asked which is better mk2 or umk3 . mk2 won with 54.9% of votes, while umk3 was close behind with 45%. i wonder what the difference would have been if mk2 or umk3 would been compared to mkd or mkvsdc. this is just a just a guess, but im kinda sure that mk2/3 would win win by a comfortable margin. most mk fans like the 2d gameplay better and it not just because of nostalgia. those games were actually better than the 3d ones. but how can we ever know whats really ''better'', its just the majority of people opinions, who go out and buy those games(and enjoy them). which equals money and that is a game companie's main goal in life.
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