Should MK9 be 2D or 3D?
posted03/30/2010 09:24 PM (UTC)by
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I was wondering what the MK fans want Mortal Kombat 9 to be. Do you want it to be 2D, 3D, or a Hybrid?

I want it to be a 2D fighter with characters, and backgrounds rendered in 3D.
This would help get MK back to it's roots, while also adding the new advances of today. This would also fix wall combos, and sidestepping special moves.

So please tell me what you want, and try to give details as to why you want it to be that way.
02/25/2010 02:35 AM (UTC)
Hybrid like in Mk vs DC. They can remove the sidestepping to even make it feel more 2d. 2d MK's are alot better to play than the 3d ones.
02/25/2010 03:03 AM (UTC)
man just look at the sig. im tired of fighting this battle. iv explained myself like 10 billion times. so no need to do it here. but yeah i think it should be 2d with 3d backgrounds. no side step movement.

mk needs to stay mk(2d), and stop trying to be(3d) vf5 and tk6.
02/25/2010 03:13 AM (UTC)
BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
man just look at the sig. im tired of fighting this battle. iv explained myself like 10 billion times. so no need to do it here. but yeah i think it should be 2d with 3d backgrounds. no side step movement.

mk needs to stay mk(2d), and stop trying to be(3d) vf5 and tk6.

Yah I know. Me and you are always fighting for 2D. However, I just want to know what the consensus is.
02/25/2010 03:43 AM (UTC)
yeah.... and the only reason people like 3d is because they are under the illusion you do more and it advanced.3d has been out along time people(90's), not like its just coming out. lol all you do is side step and have diff camera angles. those are really the only diff. 2d is faster.3d is slow and does not feel right because it has never tried to be realistic.
02/25/2010 06:55 PM (UTC)
i really liked the feel of MKA but i have a feeling it will be a hybrid like MK vs DC. personally i like both but that is impossible...or is it?
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02/25/2010 07:12 PM (UTC)
A hybrid or full 3D. They cannot return to a fully 2D format. It'll be interesting to see what they do with it.
02/25/2010 07:45 PM (UTC)
why cant they return to full 2d?? they better a have good reason because i dont see any.
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02/25/2010 07:52 PM (UTC)
Well, 3D graphics definitely. The two best games regarding gameplay were MK3 and MKD. Perhaps a middle ground between those two styles would be best. I really did love the MKD style, but I do want MK to feel like classic Mortal Kombat again.

Didn't really play MKvsDC in any depth. Maybe that's what they did.
02/25/2010 09:31 PM (UTC)
tgrant Wrote:
A hybrid or full 3D. They cannot return to a fully 2D format. It'll be interesting to see what they do with it.

I don't see why they can't return to a full 2D format. The gameplay of MKvsDC was very 2D oriented. Plus they can still render the characters the same way. Just because, it is a 2D fighter doesn't mean they can't animate characters, and backgrounds in 3D.
02/25/2010 09:34 PM (UTC)
Should it return to 2d? Nope.
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02/25/2010 09:35 PM (UTC)
Mokap prettymuch garunteed at least a Hybrid. Im happy with MKDC. 2D would be a dagger in the heart of the series.
02/25/2010 09:50 PM (UTC)
dont knock what you aint tried. lol

and when mk turned 3d that killed the series. vast opinion of most fighting game fans, just go ask them. lol
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02/25/2010 09:56 PM (UTC)
jbthrash Wrote:
tgrant Wrote:
A hybrid or full 3D. They cannot return to a fully 2D format. It'll be interesting to see what they do with it.

I don't see why they can't return to a full 2D format. The gameplay of MKvsDC was very 2D oriented. Plus they can still render the characters the same way. Just because, it is a 2D fighter doesn't mean they can't animate characters, and backgrounds in 3D.

It would be a huge step backwards and a complete devolution. The series needs to evolve and by taking a step back and making it fully 2D, it would not be doing so. It'd just be a return back to basics and I think many would see it as a copout as well as a lack of ideas and rather lazy. Though MK's roots are 2D, it was never a solid foundation like Street Fighter's was. I think that would be the core reason for why MK has changed so much mechanics wise and why we've had 2D, 3D and hybrid games. MK is still trying to find a comfortable foundation for itself. .
MK going 3D may have killed the series in some peoples eyes but that would because the transition has never been handled to the best of its potential. All of the 3D MK games are proof of that when compared to the likes of Tekken, Soul Calibur etc. The 2D MK games themselves were also flawed and as I said, not a solid foundation. By taking MK into 3D, they’ve begun to explore new territory and mechanics to enhance the MK experience. They have thus far failed.
The likes of Street Fighter can afford to keep its tried and tested 2D gameplay solely because it is a utilised and executed to a high standard. The same cannot be said of any of MK’s mechanics. MK has awhile yet to go I think before it finds a solid set of mechanics. Reverting back to 2D would simply be a sign of giving up, imo.
02/25/2010 10:05 PM (UTC)
yeah i get what you are saying. they have not perfected the 3d games yet. they have had 5 times to do it. but 3d does sound sexy, just like multiple fighting styles.

the problem, is mk does not do a good job translating great ideas into 3d games.
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Currently working on: MKD & MKA - The One Ring Theory
02/25/2010 10:13 PM (UTC)
BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
yeah i get what you are saying. they have not perfected the 3d games yet. they have had 5 times to do it. but 3d does sound sexy, just like multiple fighting styles.
the problem, is mk does not do a good job translating great ideas into 3d games.

This is why many of us hope that the new management that the MK Team are under will give them the time they need to produce a better quality game. If they are given the time to make a decent set of mechanics as well as fully test it for glitches, then there's a possibility that we might just receive an MK game to be proud of.
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02/25/2010 10:19 PM (UTC)
Not sure why this is a debate, since MK is never returning to what it looked like back in the 1995 era of MK but...

MK is 3D. It's been 3D for over a decade now. Read that again if you're unsure. A DECADE.

Now, does that mean that MK would never go the 2.5D route? Well, it depends on what you mean by that. Alot of people consider MKvsDC to be 2.5D. Well, if that's the case, then I'd be fine with that.

But no, MK is not going to be flat 2D anymore, it just won't.

Of course, that wasn't the question. The question is SHOULD MK be 2D or 3D?

My answer is 3D. Because I don't want MK to turn in to a relic of gaming's past.
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02/25/2010 10:32 PM (UTC)
BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
dont knock what you aint tried. lol

and when mk turned 3d that killed the series. vast opinion of most fighting game fans, just go ask them. lol

If it killed the series then why are you here? If you don't like the way that MK has been for the last ten years, and I think you'd have to realize that MK will never go back to flat 2D, then what keeps you coming back?

MK still sells well. In fact, MK vs DC was the highest selling MK yet. So no, the series isn't dead. You might not like it as much, but stop acting like MK going 3D was a detriment to the series. It was a detriment to your liking of the series, but not the series itself.

Stop trying to pass off your opinion as fact.

I also didn't realize that you conducted a poll with "most fighting game fans" on whether 3D killed MK. You're not basing this on anything, it's just your opinion and like always, you do nothing but support you opinion with more opinions.

I get that you want MK to be "classic" or outdated or whatever you want to call it, but it simply won't happen. MK is better off as a 3D fighter. They've been doing a good job at refining the gameplay since MK:DA came out and they'll continue to refine the gameplay. They're not going to simply throw all of that progress away in order to make a niche 2D throwback.

THAT would kill the series.
02/25/2010 10:54 PM (UTC)
3d gaming is of the past.(90's) and stop posting back to me because all you have is opinions to. so its my word against yours. so we are never going to get anywhere. lol
02/25/2010 10:54 PM (UTC)
jbthrash Wrote:
tgrant Wrote:
A hybrid or full 3D. They cannot return to a fully 2D format. It'll be interesting to see what they do with it.

I don't see why they can't return to a full 2D format. The gameplay of MKvsDC was very 2D oriented. Plus they can still render the characters the same way. Just because, it is a 2D fighter doesn't mean they can't animate characters, and backgrounds in 3D. it me or are people confused about this? the game is not 2d if the games graphics are rendered in 3d. so therefore it really can not be called 2d...hence 2.5d but that is not even a proper term for it. its 3d lol. i forgot the proper term for it...uhg...i just asked someone the other day that is in school for gaming arts and i suffer from crs. anywho...what your saying specifically is that you dont want large space environments with flashy death traps and stuff like want a scroll screen fighter that goes back and forth. as if it were like a 3d platform/adventure game without any realistic depth.
personally i like how MKSM was executed and i think future fighting games could evolve if they had more adventurous controls and sandbox arenas like it. i am going to mention Dragonball z Budokai 3...the original one not tenkaichi...because the new view for the fighting i don't care for much. i want to see the fighters without needing a split screen also so i mention this DBZ game specifically...i mention it because if it were done without cartoony graphics,had no flying and was in full 3d...that would be pretty amazing i think.
see i think people that want the scroll fighter games are just struggling with learning curves and can't handle the complexities and new advancements for all the alternative options to move around,side stepping and attacks. i can understand that if that is the case because its like you can't do anything if you don't know what your doing. like for instance...i played the demo of AVP not long ago and realized that i really sucked at moving around while being attacked by melee attacks and it does get frustrating and it does start to become not fun because you get discouraged and think your not ever going to win.
the point is...that is a good thing because its a challenge but some people just don't like the challenge all the time though i guess. oh an i am not saying that scroll fighters are not a challenge...i am just stating that having more than just forward and backword movements makes more vulnerabilities and a lot of times people are overwhelmed. at one time i was the same way but my friends kept egging me on to the newer games and i slowly picked things up. like wrestling games...i use to be all for the n64 games like wrestlmania 2000 and no mercy and for a long time i hated the thq games being made but after i started playing them awhile...going back to the old games was just like wow...and it felt like i was playing it for the first time all over again because i became use to the newer games. but my ranting aside...having 3d graphics will impact the rest of the games movements and atmosphere and MK needs that to separate itself from other fighters. well jeez i rambled on enough for now so i will end here.tongue
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02/25/2010 11:14 PM (UTC)
BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
3d gaming is of the past.(90's) and stop posting back to me because all you have is opinions to. so its my word against yours. so we are never going to get anywhere. lol

3D gaming is the past? You do realize that about 90% of games that come out are 3D, right? Same goes for fighting games as well. No, I keep coming at you with facts and logic, you keep coming back at me with the same BS you've been coming back at me with since you started this crusade for the past.
02/25/2010 11:35 PM (UTC)
i have no problem with 3d games. i LOVED tk5, (im playing tk6 not that much diff), i played sc 2 and 3 and i got virtua 5"the most complex 3d game out" according to fighting experts.

so no i actually love 3d. i dont love MK STYLE 3d because it take the fun and speed out of mk. and mk is not a deep fighter, not even like sc. so when you take away the only thing the game has going for it. it turns out bad.

thats why all 2d games that go to 3d is considerd bad by people who know fighting games. and those same people play tk6 and vf5 every day so its not a "I HATE 3d because i dont like it stupid argument". 2d games dont translate well to 3d because they rely on unrealistic gameplay,special moves, faster,super jumps, etc....

now if mk take out the fake stuff and try to have realistic gameplay, then maybe it might come out ok. fans would be mad though.
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02/25/2010 11:49 PM (UTC)
BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
so no i actually love 3d. i dont love MK STYLE 3d because it take the fun and speed out of mk. and mk is not a deep fighter, not even like sc. so when you take away the only thing the game has going for it. it turns out bad.

If by bad you mean better, then I completely agree.
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02/26/2010 12:15 AM (UTC)
MK is most definitely not better in 3D. Maybe you just like 3D fighters more than 2D fighters, but MK was definitely better and more popular in it's 2D days.

Take a look at Street Fighter. They realized sooner that they were better off in 2D instead of 3D.

I don't think that MK will ever be all that great in 3D, but hopefully, they'll prove me wrong.
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02/26/2010 12:34 AM (UTC)
Id like to revise my opinion after a bit of thought.

MK 2D is Better. And if another was released, I would most deffinately buy it.


I dont feel its whats best for the series. Appealing gameplay and detailed 3D graphics is demanded of MOST serious games of this day. I just dont wanT it to be that $10 PSN colledge tech team produced looking game.

Great storytelling thats more than word bubbles and paragraphs in still endings is needed or this game would fail even more.

So instead of being an asshole. I have a question.

For the pro voting 2D fans. How would the story be told? I literally want you to paint a mental picture of what I am going to see on the screen.

Because all I can immagine, is MK mythologies. Please enlighten me. Im curious as to your opinion and visualization.

I like 2D mk, I just dont want it if it cant continue storytelling.

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